Variety (August 1920)

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Hte Greatest Happiness Is tiw N. V. A. Dear Ur AIImc I i»i#li tkat I k^cfl t^ iu« «•! tfrrtli tn r«prr«< to %uu, a. I t«rl m mv ht^Tt. Hem vrrjr mik^ I apfmi«u wlut %u« Mid tKe S. \ A ki^e 4aMr •fv 4uMif for Hw^. 1 bcvaii my cmrrtr on tlir vt^^ at tlir ^(r o« ciflit a< I iMi iinw m my MXt% ^if^tli >rar I Have brrn nrrvitif tbr poltlM* as a r««ir«liaii aad iaw fr r ifw •t«tv year*. 1 lia\r al«ia%« brtn Mftriatr«f vittli %ar^«) aiHi vaiMtr^illr aiMl tHrrrfiirv I am. prrKafM. tlir 4ran oTthat bram li ol &r axuM^'mrfit prolraa«<iti FcM' iW past lew }rar« 1 lia%c brm lotArH iipi«i a« a «<«fi c4 "Ha^-Btia,** 4.t ;.t hrmn I M i«M m yMnf •• e%<Y m4 «i«li that I Mi|rHt lia%e llie fin%i}rfr« ol krinf •rtive. Hot thry joat MMiHy •^•'t fca%e mr Hir frratrst U f p iMiii Ml My 4rrlfiiiii|t >««ra ta my in< iiilirr«lifp •• tlir N* V A aiNl tlir prmlrgr^ tkat go witli it Mr lliratrrt»rM mitl l«r able to tHI %*m tliat I mm akoot tlie lir«t prraoii t«v frt to tlir rlnl* t^rT^ mttfnw^ amf ahiiot tlir bM to lra%r cvrry ngltt. It va« tlir mrntt at iKr «ii plvr «*%er at Br«iail«a> §m4 4fkli Street. I iMitrr tlir itiiinnJwri ol tHr fh€^. I •m aoNMif my own Ited ol p rnylr mm4 tf lirrfM aie }o«tnc ami I am %mrt i»*n prt4<«fig my life kryoti^ iIm mmiI allotted tiine. I rant lirsr ^rty mrit bot I can taM[ a W Mi4 tlie oAkrr« and iiirml»rr« treat mr vitll r^ery n o n tdf ra tioo. I etiit tlir thratre orra«>Mifiatl% ami ««i|o^ il evro if I cmi't iMr r%reytlM|f. I waa m llw dre«aiiif r o o m ol o«r of )o«r tlieatres tme tLiy rrerntly mmi wlien I taw all the comfnrtt tllat too Im%c gnm Io IIk performer I co«U mm lM4p Wl thtok ol tlir 4aja »W« we Im4 to drraa m eaM ai 4mmf Imira m the reHar ami break irt is tkf pftcbrr to wa#li «p I am flad for tlw privilege of iHtriiig hiftm f a red to see all tiM^ir c cmidftioo« and I Inmw tliry are aMtreiatrd. I Impr tlie gtmd l.<ofd will nare yoo %m hffMk and bappiarii lor wmmy, wkBmy )rar« ami tKat >u« aad all tbr o^bef mMafVfa cw^frratiwg witli yw« may trnmimm tlw w<marrf«i work §094 MrM roo aod vbe K V \. for tlir maii% kiwdiM^M^ lo mr Ver% gratefully yom»» Mr E. ¥ %iim. :■;■■;•;;,;;■■■;;;■;;. :,-V:V 19^4 iNwaflw^^ ,.; Kew York City. ..■■••: •^r;?■:'■-^^''^::■■:•• jot) Jr> |<W I barr ;.« rr« of julv 1^1* ami it m a great 9ali«farti(4l to bmnr ilmt tbrrr i« an iTi%titHtt<in like tbe N. V. A to give |*lra««re to tboar wbo bave termed tbrtr ii%«ftiliir«« m Yamlr\«lte OicaniaatHmt like tbe N. V. A. and tbr V. M r \ vh«>«ild have betffi m rmiilefr %tar4 ag # bwt **bctlrr late it '%% tkt bnpe al tbr manager*, mitb tbe a»ut|aMrt of tbe artiat\ ta oHtmatrly create a food lari^e eiw m g b f<ir an i«atitMli«>o tbat will br a aM a bnme Um il««»«e wbo viali la tabr ad\a«tage of it. It will all obo hMxr met witb fluMantme or wba bavr grotto aid m tbe •trr t«> live am i mg tbttr omn, wberr. aa witboot b r in g ttoddled witb tbr wor tbat mt idlmr«« tbroogb on fanit of tbrir ow«l Great itfid ti bate been madr m tbr paM few y fotorr boldi a rraliaati*m ol a«r Mrak bi farr|ing aat ai brtitbrrfy iwtrrert gpd brl^ Soma 4ay I iBay ba nidi far mi grratrr plr«r«rr tlHm la Mt •mmm^ tboar tint I witb. I«i«b mamigrrt aod artt«t«. doriog my tbratriral riraar arrrpt my ttnterr Mae«a aiMl liappmr«« amr< mo<l»d b^ % Mr. Bmmt) K«< 219 Weal dttb Street. Nm York 1 ly. V«A V« >a r a 9^ ATLAimccmr. fcr la moo ii io a br rmspo m CHAS. ALTHOFF Aaa. t. %il» ai tar Irrai ■•Ma ■ •»«« ■OSTON Ir kao k< IKIlM ^a ^■gnm» LA? OLf MPtA- ItiT M MbaCOti. COOMAW lARK anuMtn rtufitiuii ranv. mMwnm amavT ijiie a«a r AUK Wtt^f Qr AR A«r t Al t 9fh It 11 » Mti vT .V*«« lllv • ■ m4 •>•*! ! '* •< »«»*«« t lut aUPFALO. MAJKflTH* - PNtTAO-Va^Arvm •I. ittMrr niaOvWM>«t . l^t lM»f Ik Mr mA' At'AimiiV - Ml»^te»»f M«*«^- OMk r n4 ilMti «|M ao«» t^f«*r Attf »ialk« OKU »»!• cwt W>«tte»t aa •• ihe a»t aaii* ar tf ta» ••• cit.vMf'ac ^ rMM -T%e ret*. triiaa i^ww* ao4 vMiar%a-« aTNAUD—tiOo Tmw II « IU«I> » am aoi Ai m *- am ii>^*«r»<am 5E ^ ) IK fAlflED-THEAm lANAi Severml eompHent iheftfre maiuigers who are hmiiliar with ike cotnbinaliMi attraction of vaudeville mnd pictures. Opportunity for advancement. Apply by letter only to Bo« 907. Varietv. 154 W 46tfi St . New York Citv •^9 «l«>ety mm CXMCY ISLAND. *9 I >•»« •*• am" t 14 PROF. J. a L SMALL'S Military Ravua Camio Tbaatra, San FrandMo PUfimt AM rai Wmkt In tka LOeW^CKEMtAH^IAimiS T "A PICTURE OF THE GIRL I LOVE^ LfhM Wf Mm L aw OMto by Lm 4 CMMAT UftSATtOfl im CMKAOO • M««0« • >* a'**** M va* ••r««Mi •# aa* «m« i !••• » ■•! ^»«. tarn M #«*• J o.i X>HN J. WALL Ol w Tba Jay cur DirMtiM NORMAN JEFFMES