Variety (August 1920)

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ROYAL UYENO1K0UPE BOOKED SOUP THREE CONSECUTIVE YEARS PKANK Wirni WntTB, BLUMBNITILT a CO. itlcii •( ik^ r< anCINNATL fi IIUMB f •# nSV* '• t« rltk DCS II0IHC3. rr riVI *W«r ft«*) Mit««i4 '^•r» rtttti ••tl ir» rtt CM Nl bis (O^ tftlo^/ock 4mw^. irtriAM. kmm •!«» 4|««t. t« Ml M tH* La-fliar 4l Iftt tf*rr« ««r. «f Ml « • Ik* #1 f«M WPt «tv* MlftMMt •• EVERY MAKE if««rf ri > } TO )OFF WUMMI TWMS fraa |24il Dp SAMUEL NATHANS ni WVEItTN AVC ••t »ih A Mil StB. r «i MCW TiiiAt CM Ftr A RipMrad ttorfcy !• fl iM r*'*^ .•»«• CLCVCLAND. f «Mk tiM •la^ ••; IMM fliMr* «■ mmtti r%mm« IIW MnM r^pw^lf ^"•■5 ^•r«« IMftM, ■»«'ii« lli» tur iM«a r A«0*r«liua i«Mf Ml *l firt. It {Eotun llPalk DWAIDSIUUr- JACOIS l« tiM «4 ttM ••■»r. 'ttH la's MICAL ( MMBATIC Ufc« new FACES Aim KJISOMLfTKt MlttMitf ARTttTIC KRFECTIM l4ltlrMiMy Hiw Ywli CNy II