Variety (August 1920)

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VAltBTT »r. X J. • • »• r. F. PtOCTOK, B. F. Keith's Vaudeville Exchange ( ■lF. (AGKNCY) Duildii^ New York) A.PAULKBni Faumden AHiiU cm book dbict by >tirfcining S. K. Au>r. -.1: r. p. PBOCTOB • I e^i • I larcus Loew's AGENCY .MOSS fiemrii Execvthrt Offices PiitWMBiiilding,nM8S4Mirt YAVDEVtLLE AGENCY m. m. Simmons. \ I..' J. H. LUBIN ADWAY THBAimB MJUlMNt; 1441 BIOADWAT. N. Y. CriT 11 Feiber ^ Shea f Theatrical Enterprises r 14M Broadway ■ (PUTNAM HUILDINO) - New York Gty NBW PBBNCB • to II. •! II ««l k» ai I ^^ J. C MATnnm'8 iB Ctan* _ The Wcslcrn Vaudcvifle 111 ORPHEUM 2SE; Managers' Association CMAR a & oairwAT. r«»-f ••« i«*tNo m iJlSUI^PMt'RnNl MC>i II KAHAMS I ttk rHiCA(M>. lU. w PALACE THEATRE MJILDINC NBW YOMC am Iviy Rfckarfs rivoli Tkeitris HUGH D. MdNTOSH lU/irrtHifs LML • % ••• *rm*9^ m «oiooM» Mm "to QlS A •• lM%* II ^•1 t» 11 Mil wttlMrt • p»»«r Tko TNBATBICAL WARIHUWB TBUNK8 I BERT LEVEY QRCUIT VAUDEVILLE THEAIRFS ALCAIAM TNKATBt MJIUNNC tAM numciaco Mu«T sst vou woa« TO MCa«Nli« OLLY LOGSDON #OtlOtt MMI«M«f*tHPf*«i f I »«. % t Oil !»»• A t IM ft r It !• KtttN^* >ilt W» r« If •• fkivty SMI S^mmm A Vm Nf * T l»r# llMttIr** «Mv<tB wm% Imv* Im«« •M»< * llM •«rtk« loip I Hr t BEN and JOHN FULLER AUOTRAMAN VAt'l)EVIU£ TOl'R ■EN FULLER'S r SYRACUSE. N. Y. rMt^NII • •»» ' lOtli M«» ■!■■■■! •! < ^i^ Ml I4»ll rr*l4 IMM Mtf««*<4 • rM«»«r»« • * •4»» l««.*rfe|aNl llMIMI Hirtwrv fr.. ^m %tm «*• •• Mi •r4«r ■51P 5JsX\\\ V c<w.w\c^ I Tw r^iiioi I fli««*r» tlHe I to A».fe • r TABLETS ROCHESTER. N. Y. ifm l*W>«-r« MH WlitoH !•»• »«lk* I li«rfv^ I %MII.V !#«•• » I Wii |» .««.R »0^«4MMk liMy liMrf -4* ' RiOi FREE ^4U*•: NOWTOMAICI-U^ II I -.f . OUR DROF>S M ^Ai^^ YOUR rise: 1% f«ir f«v%v»«i «• VOU MAVt A GUfAT ACT LfT Li OOtM IT ^OOPtAtV Oa OST Wt TUMM OUT MAt AM AIITltTiC AlCMMtM AND lilOtVlOuALi ? r THAT fTA PAiffTMD UUC. lATUM AMD ^LV$H OtlOt%i $OLD Off M£$iTEO i*-«ti ACIMf * 4 «' BUMPU8 & LEWIS tut -^ 24S w. 4(th :^:) A ArW» r»«ri