Variety (August 1920)

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« ABIBTT ENTIRE ROAD SHOW REIMBURSED BY LOEW OFHCES Mr F F Alltf^. Metr YofH. N Y. J«ly JOt i«ai at tlie Larw TlMtrv ia MiMMf^lis m May JOrii Wt to Ivsw vMPiifa Ml May ^^li. OS wIhcIi wt^f W tmm m tt^Ua Tlw f««iNrii« 4if a ff«l« •! fliaSO wriH MHO efert Oa ffHiHig to Sm Fraaciaca I taw Mr. Smm llama, tW hmi <4 tW Wrftrm I^orw CimMl. aiij loU Imb tW iWv« fart% mti W m iw li rtty rrtftiKiir«H Hie w trtm U ^ m F^apit oa Um rfMw wftli Moal of the ^iHrmire Wtwf^o tlir rate wt pai4 umi wint Hk tickets ««B«I«I hmrt coat «a tlie folltnvoif 4af. W« wiak la mN yo«r aftf^KMi to tlna actlaa oo Mr Harrid" paft It m tWar kmi of tliinfi tl far tl» artor. ami dot fMrrm tr on Mr Harfk' fmt m Anfh arvcifliiro ojr nir ovosm of llos IVt OrO«M Uhf lO liaw )FOO IrHl lo llM r t tot actM oo Mr llarrM* |mH. Vrrjrmilf. • JOS, a. MHXJ, No J?l. c^ma Mr Mi Ofjl^ TiMt tl» artiiU iftnn4HMikf of *rmnt#4 ao^tlia m k^tcrt la wtt. fraicf al for tlw of ktlvra RHt I rfwvrr iraM ■§ as ^cat a noosrr at toaw fliat i fvcwoa liaaof iliex icrvf § 1^ b« llir Cor<ttillT ti £.F.AUSC£ t fciaia (;«r««r i I 4 lM«v Kl i Am- *J^ MwriT « r«iOir Wi n a«aiK« n r»«i at mat t. •I, ft C1*F««F ft It «i«r*«y «r4 Tmi 1. it AvwMir IIM llAjBll W>lil«> ft ff ft Ci WiOMrr* .1 Clftr**f a-1 i*wa f< t • u«««y fugi^ n H«r«ia a • \mm r «a tt <t»aiiMM »# a riMMj ft Bum it i««r tir—ai r o \mm' U A*'^** lt»4r«li it «A«ir««f I'M T*«i^«r» tS ll«y •ttt itoMia rm« !€««•• ill •••f^r ft ft n«M4 Tvrr* ft It C*«4 Tvwa »«i«0aaa UaiNs it fOar 4 •Mk r#«i««*» M««a«~ Ji Lrr TvtMlil» T awi" ti t W»^r f;«r««f i*i«>o- -%'iii— I i»Oi»" ii «ter««f it U«)r4|r Kfi— t*Or inyi iMwr ft r i • ucrruts •• • iao» OH^ aSi «««a oaif O A ii Uat««f Mhi w m i%oi MM «•• I. 4 »«•.* «« a« N*M«r« IM« r • ^ • ai A -* '1 A Product of Real Umom h k • -• ^^ ••N ttss: JI nVHfeAMBVi Park &' Tllfor 4IOW tt^tl