Variety (February 1921)

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VAUDEVILLE Friday, February 4, lj 3x; SHUBERTS' NEW VAUDEVILLE EXCITES COMMENT GENERALLY Ascher Brothers, Chicago, Reported Possibility— Fox Still Non-Committal—Shubert Vaudeville Stock May Be Underwritten—Other Reports. Chicago, Feb. 2. - Ascher Brothers, the powerful and growing vaudeville and film theatre owners, associated with Goldwyn and the du Pont a, are said to have allied themselves with the new Shu- bert opposition vaudeville circuit. The mutual connection of du Pont money gives plausibility to the story. K. J. Bowes, a director in the Shubert-Advanced vaudeville project, has been here twice recent- ly in consultation with Nate Ascher, and will be here again next week. The Asehers now have their pala- tial Chateau, their brand new West Englewood and their new house in Peoria in vaudeville, booked through Pantagcs on an arrrange- uient known to be temporary only. The Chateau is a large theatre in a fine residence neighborhood, regard- ed as ideal for the best style of vaudeville. Peoria is also thought big enough to stand a two-a-day high-priced policy. The West Knglcwood is not regarded as figur- ing in the new deal, and the new Itoosevelt on State street is being rnmpleted without a stage. But six new houses, oae la Rockford and the others in Chicago at strategic neighborhood points, are in contem- plation. One house, already ground- leased will be on Washington street, in the heart of town. The capital which has so rapidly lifted the Asehers into power and prominence is known to be solidly behind these building ventures, and there is a fund of millions lying in local banks awaiting suitable build- ing conditions for breaking ground. The Ascher houses, especially the Peoria theatre, are already young storm centers of keenly competitive bookings hereabouts. Boston, Feb. 2. The general dope about town is that the Shuberts will pick out the ?.IaJestic for vaudeville, if nothing happens to Sheir plans to launch BUCh a venture. This bouse, ideally t'mated, has not been a big money i taker for peroral saa.ohi with h ritimate shows. The Boston op- « x ouse is considered to be a bii too far out for big time. The same is true of the Arlington, another uptown bouse the shuberts have under lease and which now is hous- ing a stock company. Philadelphia. Feb. 4. it has boon announced that the Siiuberts will devote the historic- old Chestnut street opera house to vaudeville. Syracuse, N. Y.. Feb. 2. The Shuberts, in connection with their entry into the vaudeville field, have no intention of erecting a vaudeville house in Syracuse, the home of the Shuberts. Dec Shubert made this plain in a talk over the long-distance telephone this week. Jyoe advertised that Shubert vaude- ville was possible for Syracuse provided the firm could secure a suitable house here. lie denied the Shuberts wre seeking the Empire, on which the K. and E. lease expires March 20, after which Erlanger will send his output to the Bast able here. % - . ... Baltimore, Feb. 2. If the Shuberts intend to play vaudeville at the Academy of Music. ...t will result in a legal tangle ■ t d ^.^ ,^ t u . r( , k |0 throughly <1 Sehanucrgcr. holder of j WJ . ji( . lh< ^huhvn vaudeville the Keith franchise with big time at the Maryland, alleging the Shuberts can not play attractions anywhere here under his booking agreement with them, excepting at the Audi- torium and Lyceum. Both of these houses are controlled by Schan- berger. The booking contract held by Schaubergcr With the Shuberts is for five years and expires in 19^5 The Shuberts are reported to have paid $500,000 for the Academy when purchasing it some time ago. The Shuberts do not take possession un- til 1923. Meanwhile it plays the K. & E. shows. The "Advanced Vaudeville" plunge by the Shuberts and their associates In the recently capital- taed $20,000,000 vaudeville corpora- tion is especially designed to carry with it new vaudeville features and acts to be built and put on by the Shuberts themselves. In the last 10 years of Winter Garden shows the Shuberts have a mine of material for such usage. For use in the produced acts for Shubert time it is claimed that most of the settings originally em- ployed can b« made available with but few changes. The production end is therefore regarded as one not calling for an exceptionally large additional expenditure. Another important angle from the Shubert end is that such alts will carry players under contract to the managers. With the produced turn having a set salary, a profit is ex- pected to attain for the production department, whether the act may be playing in a Shubert owned or con- trolled house or in other theatres to use Shubert booked bills. Jimmie Jacobs Approached. The Shuberts are reported to have approached Jennie Jacobs, for the purpose of arranging with Miss Jacobs to leave New York in the spring for the other side, to locate desirable foreign acts for the Shub- ert vaudeville. It is not known what answer Miss Jacobs returned. It is improbable, however, she could accept the assignment, owing to the extensive development by her since assuming charge, of the book- ing department of the Edward Small agency. A story ie around that Frank J. Godsol will be the active business head of the Shubert vaudeville or- ganization. Gbdsol Just now is operating the business end of Gold- wyn. in which he, Dee Shubert and others made an investment prior to the departure of Samuel Go'dwyn from that corporation. With Gold- wyn's return, Godsol started in as the executive operator. Godson Is reported to have been o*ne of the first money men to an- ticipate large returns In the vaude- ville field, through the Shuberts, and was claimed at the time the first stories of Shubert vaudeviP* com- menced to break, to have subscribed $1,000,000 to the Shuberts' vaude- ville capitalization. William Fox is understood to be still non-committal on .the Shubert proposition—supposed to be holding out to take complete charge and place Edgar Allen in as booker. Fox's Riviera chances lts policy of combinations after this season, with every likelihood it will be pictures' and vaudeville. This is borne out by the report Bimbcrg's Standard will revert to combinations next season. Combinstion Policy Reported. The "Evening Mail" is said to have carried a story indicating the Shubert vaudeville venture would be a combination .of pictures and small time. It was supposed to have been written by Burns Mantle. Paul Block is a director in the Shubert $20,000,000 vaudeville announce- ment and Block is interested in the Mail. Private information says the venture calls for 10 men to put up $200,000 apiece, subject to further assessments. Stanley Co. has not yet been called upon to %o into the deal, it is reported from the same source, so that the Jules Mastbaum interest is, up to now, a personal affair. Miller & Co., bankers, were rc- under- stock. and the Shuberts are offering it for underwriting, it is reported. As Loft Candy stock was underwritten at eight and put on the market at 12, using this as a basis of figur- ing, the Shubert vaudeville venture, a.i untried proposition, ' should be underwritten fit about half- offered the public at 15. The Orpheum Junior Circuit has been using "Advanced Vaudeville" as its billing slogan. Last Week the Shuberts announced that "Advanced Vaudeville" was not to he the title of the new Shubert vaudeville but "Select Vaudeville." The Orpheum will conflict with the Shubert string at Kansas' City, Chicago, New Orleans and St. IakjIs. 'Continued on rage 29) BEE PALMER CANCELS 4 TIMES ON 4 SHOWS In Picture House, Chicago, this Week. Bee Palmer, compelled to remain here to meet the Max Hart attach- ■lent suit for $6,000, accepted an engagement at the Pantheon, a boulevard picture palace, opening Sunday. By Monday night she had dqpe four shows and quit four times—once after each show. Morris Silver of the W. V. M. A. who handled the booking, stationed himself at the Pantheon, and up to Tuesday had met each resignation with a new promise. II was even money Wednesday against Bee wiggling out the week. STATION INCOME TAX EXPERT AT VARIETY TO AID PLAYERS Revenue Agent Woodville Will Advise on New E*, eruptions for Stage People Covering Excess Ex, penses on Road, New Treasury Ruling. BONUS ELIGIBILITY FIXED IN ALBANY BILL Time Limit Set on Applications for Share of $45,000,000. Albany. N. T. f Feb. 2. The bill providing for the distri- bution of the state bonus of $45,- 000.000 has been introduced in the Assembly by Miss Marguerite L. Smith, of New York. A commis- sion of three is to be appointed by the Governor, one of whom must be the Adjutant General. $150,000 is appropriated for the necessary force to administer the fund. The bonus will be payable oji ap- plication to the commission and the time limit for applications will be fixed by the Legislature. The legis- lative committee of the American Legion, which drew up the bill, has gone on record in favor of July 1, 1922, as the latest date on which application can be made. Qualifications necessary to entitle a person to the bonus are at> fol- lows: It is payable to both men and women. The applicant must have been enlisted, inducted, war- ranted or commissioned In the mili- tary or naval service of the United States and must have honorably served some time between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918, for a period of more than two months. The applicant must have been hon- orably separated or discharged from the service, or be still in it (active, reserve or retired). He must have been a resident of the State of New York when ho entered the service, and must have been a resident of the state on Nover ber 2, 1920. Offleerr above the grade of cap- tain in the Army or Marine Corps and officers above the grade of lieu- tenant, senior grade, in the Navy, are not entitled to the bonus, nor are men whoso only service was in the Student Army Training Corps. No bonus will be paid to a person who has received a bonus from an- other state. The amount of the bonus payable to each person entitled is $10 for each month, but $250 is the maxi- mum amount allowed. The Secretary of State has been deluged with inquiries concerning the bonus. Letters have been re- ceived from all over the United States and its insular possessions and from foreign countries. Some assume that *he money is already being distributed and send their ad- dress and copy of discharge papers with the request to forward "check- without further delay." Of course. even after the law is passed, some time will necessarily elapse before the adequate machinery can be or- ganized to hand out the $45 000,000. Federal income tax returns for year 1920 will become available at Variety's New York office from Feb. 16, on, and are due to be filed by March 15, at which time taxes are payable. The total tax may be paid *t that time, although the tax-payer has the privilege of making quar- terly payments—March 15, June 15. Sept. 15 and Dec. 15. The rates re- main the same as last year, net in- comes up to $4,000 being four per cent; eight per cent above $4,000. with surtaxes applying over $5,000. Excess profits also attain as last year. Cadwalader Woodville, U. S. In- ternal Revenue Agent will again be stationed at Variety's office, by di- rection of Collector Edwards, in charge of the second and third New York districts which take in the tirely, provision having been made for them in this section. Example Showing Meaning of Regulation John Adams recei. .s salary at the rate of $15,000 per year from Smith & Jones. lie is away from home three months in the year. All expenses (including board and lodging) incurred are to be paid by Mr. Adams, without reimburse- ment. Taxpayer is one of family of Ave. It costs him, to maintain his household, $400 per month. This amount includes rent, grocery bills, light, servant hire, etc. His pro rata board and lodging while away from home 1b $10 a day or $300 per month. It, therefore, costs him $220 in excess of his average expenses at home, which amount is attributed to business. GUIDE FOR PREPARATION OF FEDERAL INCOME TAX RETURNS. Total number of weeks employe.d professionally from January 1, 1920 to December 31, 1920... 7. A Oc* isiry r^cr i\ cci j)€* >v *c*k 4 • • • t • •••••••• •••••••••••«* » • You may deduct the following: Business telephones, telegrams and taxis ,, Commissions to agents Dresses used exclusively on the stage and lasting less than one year Express on trunks Fees to stage hands Grease paint, make up, wigs Hats and gloves Laundry, pressing and cleaner's bills Lingerie * Maid or valet for theatre only Scenery depreciation (when you own the act) 1 Shoes and stockings ' Sleepers when not paid by employers ,, Transportation when not paid by employers Wardrobe for men when used exclusively In the play Advertising Photographs VS TOUGH ON PQLICE CARNIVAL County Attorney at Leavenworth Pute Crimp In It. Kansas City. F< )■. ". It's a pretty tough old world when the games and amusements fur- nished at a "Police Carnival" get so strong that the local county attor- ney has to step in and put on the lid. This is what happened at Leavenworth. Kansas. The "Police Carnival" had bean extensively advertised and was to run until Feb. 3, in a local rink When things were in full blast, with paddlc-v heels spinning and many other games running for prizes, the county attorney gave notice all gambling must he stopped. Tin- order pal a crimp In the af- fair as afaotlt all that was left was ilaneing, and Leavenworth neve: '-*d the repi tatlon of being much cl a soft drink town. theatrical zone. Mr. Woodville will be at Variety's office from 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m., daily excepting Sundays, starting Feb. 15, to assist profes- sionals in making out income tax forms. There are some important changes in the ruling on deductions over those of last year. Included in the allotments for deductions is that of living expense on the road. The total item of such expenses, however, is not allowable. Only that percent- age which is in excess of what the living expenses would be at home or in an apartment are allowed. The government doubtless will re- quire proof of expenditures. This ruling may involve difficulties and later mean the signing of affadavits where proof of the outlays cannot he shown by receipted bills and the like. The collector has framed a guide to aid for the especial use of pro- fessionals as shown on this page. Slips will be furnished at Variety's office along with the" returns and are to be attached to the form when filed. . Expenses on Road. An ex tract from the treasury regulations regarding deductions of living expenses while on the road is: Treasury Decision No. 3.101, ap- proved Dec. If, 1920 recognizes that u certain amount expended on a trip may he attributed solely to business, and that such amount is deductible as a business expense, but does not disregard the fact that N^lvt'V'.'r r person nruy be, at. home or abroad, he* must have personal and living expenses, which in any event are not'deduct- able. Section No. 216 of the Revenue Act of 191S has made provision for credits against net income tt mar- ried and unmarried persons and the heads of farniles. by permitting credits of $1,000 in the case of unmarried f^reofia, $2,000 In the ease of married persons ai... heads of families and additional credit of $200 for each person dependent upon and receiving his chief sup- port. If such perso » is under eigh- teen years of age or is incapable of self support because mentally or physically defective. The fact that expenses may continue «tt home must be disregarded en- The entire $16,000 should be re- ported as income . nd the excess expense of $220 per month for three months, namely J660, is an allowable deduction in computing net income. How to Report. A taxpayer claiming the bene* fit of the deductions referred to in the foregoing must attach to his return a statement showing (1) the nature of the business la which engaged; (2) number of days away from home during the calender year on account of busi- ness; (S) number of members it taxpayer's family dependent upoi him for support; (4) average monthly expense incident to meali and lodging for entire .family, la* eluding taxpayer himself when ft home; (5) average monthly ex* pense incident to meals anc lodg* Ing when at home if taxpayer hai no family; (6) total amount of expenses incident to meals an! lodging while absent from homo on business during taxable year; (7) total amount of excess expen* dltures incident to meals and lodg* ing while traveling on business and claimed as a deduction; (I) total amount of other expense! Incident to travel and claimed I a deduction. Claim for the deductions re- ferred to in the foregoing must he substantiated, when required by the Commissioner, by record* showing in detail the amount and nature of the expenses incurred- SAMMY LEE OUT OF ACT. Sammy withdrew from jjj Colonial bill Monday, due to ku<| trouble, and will remain out J vaudeville for at least three montn* according to his physician. ^**^ while Lee will associate hinisw with Lawrence Schwab. dovotiW attention to the production of P a< ts. Donald K« rr substituted at jjj Colonial and will continue with l,e« turn until the principal fully recuperated. The name of the act hail temporarily changed to Donaler* and/lady friends. • ,