Variety (February 1921)

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(day, February 4, 1921 VAUDEVILLE 3**I r \^ ' ..i. IAGERS DEFENDING ACT FROM EXCESSIVE COMMISSION r . M. P- A. and N. V. A. Co-operating in Protecting "Little Cafe' 9 from 12 Per Cent Weekly Booking Charge—Jack Fox Ejected. 4 ___ CON'S BATTLER . PUTS ONE OVER Slaps Kid Smack With Lame Right—Out 15 Minute* Chicago, Fob. 2. T he Vaudeville Managers* Protec- vt Association and N. V. A. are clally defending Wilbm Cushman the attachment suit of Jack Fox, "outside" agent, who tied up the lalalrly of the "Little Cafe" act at the Hippodrome on a $1,200 com- mission claim. The suit will be bitterly fought, Fox having retained Adolph Marks and the V. M. V. A- tf. V. A. having engaged Ben C. Cahanc. Fox's attachment is based on a claim of 12& per cent, commission. As soon as this came to light Fox was ordered oft* the Pantages local ' floor, and Sunday night was ejected from the Chateau Theatre, where the act Is now playing, when found on the stage there. A route had l< <jp offered the act it 1700. C'nshman wrote the Pan ffflce declining,* stating that he could « ot P ,a 5* at tnat *bm^ while tying 12">i per cent. He was sent r and given contracts direct, to- ther with a letter instructing him ot to pay any agent for the time, nd he was promised the protection f the otflce in such stand. James 'Neill, Pantages' representative, in- truded Fox not to molest the act. ox, however, attached it as soon as t came to town. O'Neill ut once voked his booking privileges and ill he a witness for Cushman. "Tink" Humphrey, as the V. M. . A. representative here, engaged ane and is otherwise acting for he defendant. IN AND OUT. The Fadon Trio this wc^k wore forced to cancel tho Southern Keith tour owing to tho Illness of the mother of Joe Faden, reported as dying at their home in Troy, N. Y. Leon Kelmer, manager of Keith's Greenpoint, Brooklyn, has recovered from an attack of grippe. Harry Sylvester (Jones and Syl- vester) is undergoing treatment in his room at the Somerset Hotel, New York. He will be laid up about ten days. Albert Perry, injured some days ago in an automobile collision in Times Squire, has returned to his role in "Heartbreak Hoflse," at the Harriett. Edgar Kent has been ail- ing the part. Florence Holbrook and Denton Vane tilled in at th«* Rlaltfl (Shu- bert's), Amsterdam, X. Y., the first half of last week, in place of Laura Hope Crews, in a Barrie playlet. Miss Holbrook and Mr. Dane have been with "Look Who's Here." HEAD OF BIG INDUSTRY. (Continued from page 1.) biggest influence in industrial, most captains of industry in the United States, wields by far the financial and social circles in this part of the state and theatre owners in Broome county are elated over the stand he has taken in the Sun- day show question. He is probably the richest man in the state, outside of New York City, and it is the be- lief he will aid theatrical men with his personal pockelbook, if neces- sary, In their fight against the "blue law" advocates. Mr. Johnson's attitude in favor of Sunday shows was publihsed for th first time in last week's Issue of "The Record," Johnson City. In a n l'-gram to E. E. Noonan, editor ef "The Record." from Daytona, MARRIAGES. Rae Atherton (Bates Musical Co.). to John Hardy of Boston, it Portland. Maine. Thomas B. Bryan, musiral di- rector of AI (J. Field Minstrels, and Jeannette M. Haggart, non- professional, Jan. 25 at the home of the brides mother in Poughkeep- sie, N. Y. According to rumors coming^rom Oakland. Cal.. Jacoo Proebstel, rep- resentative of the Elwyn Concert Bureau of Portland, Ore., who is in eharge of the western tour of the San Carlo Opera Co., and Alice Gentle are engaged to many. BIRTHS. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacDonaM, Ian. 22. at Washington, 1). C. sou. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hodgdon, Jan. 27, at their home In New Vork, daughter. The Hodgdons now have three children. Two are boys. Mr. and Mrs. Lew M. Goldberg, Jan. 26, a son. The father is the vaudeville producer and agent for Mr. andeMrs. Menlo Moore. (Moore ft Megley. ) in New York, daughter. NEW ACTS. Cunningham and Bennett in "Subjects of the Bay." Dorothy Edwards, contralto: Miss Qrmsby, soprano, and Mr. Wolf,, pianist, in "A Music Corner." Miss Edwards is a sister of Gus Edwards, who will produce and present the turn. Maud Ryan (Innis and Ryan), single. Gormley Sisters (Mat tie and Helen), revue. Nevins and Gordon in "Doesn't Mean A Thing"; three persons. Fla., where he is passing the winter | Harvey and Sophie Everett in 'Gold in his paltlal residence on the coast. ! and SIlver " ™ ve * * nd T Arnold - All Mr. Johnson said: "I believe It would be a serious mistake to interfere or seek to pre- vent moving pictures in Johnson City or Endicott on Sunday after- noons or evenings. In these times *of stress and trouble the moral ef- fect of too much regulation of peo- ple's private affairs Is very bad, un- wholesome, unsafe and unwiso. v Let well enough alone." "The Record," which hae a large circulation among the employes of the shoe factories In Johnson City and Endicott, "played up" Mr. John- son'g telegram In a two-column box with a three line caption at the top of the front page. The telegram was the talk of the county and the popular manufacturer, who has built his shops and, incidentally, his great wealth, on the "square deal" policy to people in his emplo/oment. was roundly commended for his stand In favor of Sunday shows. On the i«r hand, the "joy killers" here- abouts fell back in their chairs and gasped when they read Mr. John- son's announcement for, as stated previously, they did not believe the millionaire would come out in favor °f Sunday entertainments. The "hollor than thou" element safely , was ft truck a hard blow. A report was current In Endicott this week that It Is not at all un- likely that th* voters of the newly three acts written by Johnny Hy man. Guilfoyle and Gayle In "Upside Down." Talking and singing. Harry Puck with five girls. Sand Lake, Feb. S. Dear Chick: Everything is high attic and no- body has been punched In the nose for the past 20 minutes so I can squawk about nothing except my fighter Is beglnnln to get a fat head now that he has got the wrinkles out of the front of his vest fram eatln Ave times a day. But he certainly can battle and I expect that sooner or later you will hear all them New York boxln fans singing his praises. The only fight he lost since I grabbed him was those that I wrote you about beln gypped out of. Any time they stage anything on the up and up, you can bet your lay out against a can of 11 yung that he'll come down In front and cop. He knocked another one of them home town champs klckin here Monday night and they was bettln three to one he wouldnt finish ace deuce. I had a gut who used to work with "Tomato" boxln and rubbln him, run out on me when we was playing Troy. This bird had hoppe^l up here and tipped of a local socker named "Kid" Smack that "Tomato" could only punch with one hand, the right, and steamed Smack up to challenge him when our act hit this tank. The night before the fight "To- mato" runs into this bird In one of them "speak easier" and goes through all the motions of gettln tanked up. He was just stallln however, and he tips this egg that be would like to call off the fight as his right hand was so sore ho could hardlv *- * g'ove on. This is sweet musle to my former mas- soger and he right away tells "To- mato" not t«> be a sucker and re- minds him that he will lose his ap- pearance forfeit If he dont answer the bell. 'Tomato" cracks to me about what happened, and I sent a couple of actors around Smack's camp, whero the word had been passed, and they was wlllln' to bet-the town pump* on the strength of the Inside tip they got on "Tomato's" lame duke. / Monday night when we got in the ring I stalled and asked the referee If we couldn't have a seven-ounce right glove, as my battler's hand was inflamed and swollen. The guesser was homer, and told us we would wear flve-ounce gloves or for- feit the fight. Over In Smack's corner they ate It up and hollored for us to put on the gloves and stop beefln'. for Smack would take all the pain out of "Tomato's" hand by rockln' him to sleep right quick. While I'm puttin* on the gloves "Tomato" goes through all the mo- tions of a guy havln' a tooth pulled. Pretty soon the bell rang, and out went my battler, ustn" his left hand most of the time, jabbln' this sap away and blockln' with his right and groanln' eve-y time he had tc use it. Things went along like this for three rounds, and "Tomato*' didn't (Continued on Page 29.) INSIDE STUFF ON VAUDEVILLE. Just how the producers aligned with the Shuberts are viewing their vaudeville prospects doesn't conclusively appear. They seem to be waiting further developments of the "Bhubert plan, particularly the an- nouncement of what theatres in New York and outside the Shuberts intend to devote to vaudeville. While Lee and J. J., whenever they have traveled during this season, have announced in each city that they in- tended to play vaudeville in it, neither has been definite in mentioning the house selected. With the theatre shortage of the past two seasons, another shortage would come about next season If the show business again picks up and attractions go out. The bad business so far this season has loft many out of town houses open for any policy, but the big city congestion where runs may be had has not changed. • The Shuberts are reported to have attempted interesting their legit producers in the vaudeville plan, but without any substantia' bucccss. A. II. Woods was said to have been approached by the Shuberts several times, but so far as known he did little else than listen. The now Woods house in Chicago, yet unopen, was undergrounded as the Shuberts' vautevllle home there, but it's unlikely through the capacity. That house will not seat over 1,300, if that, it is said. The Shuberts might go after the Auditorium, Chicago, as K. & E. did with their "Advanced Vaudeville." The Auditorium, with George W. Ledcrer with his "Steam Roller'' at the head of the K. & E. vaudeville, did regular business and was the direct means of frightening the Orpheuni Circuit people in the West into insisting that they, with the Keith interests in New York, come to an understanding with K. & E., which they did, paying K. & E. $250,000 and assuming their contracts. K. & E. at that very time were av ay "overboard" with those self same contracts, having more acts to place than houses to place them in. Had the Keith people held off for another two weeks, K. & E. probably would have paid them instead to take the contracts off their hands. IT the Shuberts play their vaudeville as road shows (revues) without the regular vaudeville bill, the question of how many performances weekly may come up. It's questionable if a troupe in a revue held to- gether by a story which will cause the appearance of artists more than once in the performance will agree to two shows daily, the customary vaudeville number. If playing eight performances weekly under a revue blanket, that sort of performance will hardly be looked upon as big time opposition unless the admission price Is cut to meet tho vaudeville top scale, or below it. The matter of extra performances In that case would also be taken up by the actors no doubt, and would be of con- sul* iable importance. If playing a straight vaudeville program, the Shu- l)eiis will have to engage many of the smaller turns that heretofore they have not used. That would also have to be done If the Shuberts take on outside bookings, such as Fox. In any event if the Shuberts go after vaudeville acts they will create competition for them, something the big time not had, other than in its own offices, since William Morris' days. At least that will create a demand for a certain grade of turn, though the Shuberts' vaudeville value to tho artist in general will be much lessened if it does not take in the entire field. T."«. Bhtibort said the other day, speaking of the vaudeville: "We are. goiiiK about this slowly but surely. There's no hurry and we intend to be properly set when starling. We were with the K. & E. vaudeville, as you know, ami we learrtVd a lot from it that we are guiding ourselves by now. There will be no K. & E. about this one." Lee some months ago when stating the Shuberts were serious in their vaudeville plan, said at that time they would not open a circuit without having 20 houses, and at tb:it particular time, he staled, they had but 12 in sight. If has boon about eoncedod of past years that vaudeville seldom \tnds ■ box olllce card, Whether it's a new turn or an established one. Ea« !i net may be said to draw- something and a headline perhaps enough to attract passing notice. By a real draw is meant someone who can in- jcroase the gross over the average and leaves no doubt there is „. strong 'box o til re demand. But two positive instances have come up so far this season. One. w..- Ethei l.evev at the Palace, New York, last "week. While in vaudevil! • for one week dTily, Miss.Levey was a furore around the Palace. People went there who had never be for j been in the house in all probability, and thai Miss Levey's draw was extensive could be gleaned through the varied assortment of patrons who expressly called at the theatre to see her. The other instance is the Gus Edwards' new act in which he personally' appears. Though a big act, Edwards' pronounced draught at the I.ex Office made it imperative the big time assign his turn a route, even in tt midst of an unheard-of congestion in bookings. There has not been the power displayed In years by any production turn in vaudeville thai Edwards has shown since appearing with the new act around the New York houses. . ■ The vaudeville managers from the central west visited New York la I week seeking a new booking connection. The men said they represent; <l six houses and spoke for the other managers, all of whom are now •tfp- plied through the same office. The managers stated they wore dissatisfied because of shows costing too much, but admitted that industrial conditions were to blame tor tb failure of their houses to show a profit. They also admitted that before the factories started going on part time or closed altogether that there was no complaint. An independent booker was appealed to. He explained It was impos- sible to supply them with shows for less money. He also discussed bis own euso, saying he had spent $10,000 trying to put over an Independent agency but had not succeeded. It Is not known whether the managers made new booking arrange - nients. but left the city with the Information that they could more easily cut down the cost of their shows than secure new independent booking. At Frank Fay's concert at the Cort Sunday night a nine-year-old ntooa of Harrison Fisher, the artist, was coaxed upon the stage and Melted "Neros Last Hour." Applauded 1'or a encore, her uncle, seated In a box, eras appealed to for a suggestion, and the kiddie then offered ■pmethtrti) in Italian. Following that Frisco, the jazz-hound, called out from the back ol the bouse: "Say, Frank, now let's have something in Yiddish so we cur all understand it." After the show he, insisted on meeting th" Child's imi'!", Htuttering that he always wanted to meet "Bud" Fisher. RAY and EMMA DEAN "THE LAUGHING STOCK OF VAUDEVILLE" i amalgamated village may find be-j Finally landed in NVw York to meet big success. Making them laugh *>. fere I hem, when they enter the poll- J l«>ud and ruart;. as we did In the West, inp plane* , lrT t Mareh, a proposition to do.lnre for and against Sunday films. Please lay off our new title or I'll gh. e you tbo dirtiest pinch? See MAX HAYKS f<>r further detail* stout the pinch. Begat oS to BREULRR and JACOBH. Eighteen months ago Harry Dewhurst was a judge of the superior court, silting in Los Angeles. He was dignified, prosperous, smooth Shaven* In a few weeks he will be back in I/Os Angeles, with wMskcra to 1 its waist, blowing a clarinet in tho House of David Band, working f<>i- bis -keep." Clifford and Bothwell ate the originators, as far as anyone knows, of lie Idea of the man painting on a woman's bare back. The lady has .. vety pretty back and the man saints a very pretty rose on it. For pari the team was identified with this "business." I-ast week it played :he Hippodrome, Chicago, and to Its amasement was Informed that an- other net on the earlier "shift" had used the bit. Clifford interviewed i be man and there was a lively row. The infringer was ordered to cut It OU1 and walked off the bill. »