Variety (February 1921)

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VARIETY'S CHICAGO OFFICE Cfricago MAJESTIC, CHICAGO. Chicago, Feb. 2. On«* uf tnt host vaudeville bills at tins house In a long time. If there* tvas a fault it was With the theatre orchestra not seeming able to pick up (he tempo of several of the acts, but it waa Monday*! matinee. The show started extra early. The first three a<ns were of the novelty sort, and would usually be termed "aiienl acts." The tirst was Ama- ranth Bister*, two good-lookim? girls with French manneristm, who tried very hard to introduce themselves *ith a song, but fell by the wayside, an dancing is their forte. The ■mailer one does some acrobatic twists and turns that pulled strong and for a tinish they com- bined the French grace with Ameri- can pep to bring them back to many bows. Dotson did more than hold the number two spot—he enter- tained. Also a dancer, but does some gab that found healthy laughs. His "fit" dance as a closer could have tied the show up, but he took his two bows, held his hand up for silence, then left. Koyal Gascoignes In "two." with into the avenues where the Ameri- can public will kneel at her feet— mark the prophecy. Fox follows the Barr Twins, dancing sisters. This should not be entirely new to him. In the Barrs, however, there is scarcely any other parallel with thu trans-Atlantic Dollys. They are a sprightly pair, have charm and grace and neat frocks and Kube Ueekwith, a like- able boy, at the piano, but they reg- ister no vivid reactions; Just a nice sister team. The Dancing Kennedys started off this bill (one of the best playing combinations of months) with speed and variety of ballroom and trick work, very heartily accepted. Reed and Tucker followed with their fid- dles and mild "nut" stuff, going for several bows and all-around satis- faction. Miss Lolya Adler (New Acts) held up splendidly in third position. (Jlcnn and Jenkins, with much new material and many new laughs, assassinated the mob, wrung it dry and left It yowling for more. Roy La Fearl, with his camouflage ing-act opening, went slowly for a minute, then his two wonderful a spocial blue velvet drop, did some 'plants in the box stirred up a com- motion and afTer that there were convulsions of laughter. The pianist sang a song and La Pearl sang one. They could easily have done a third. I.a Pearl really was cheating with the pipes, because he is a ballad seller of stellar type and should bal- lad sell. This is no reflection on the comedy, which never lagged^. He should keep it all in and top it all with a solo. He could scarcely "go" much stronger, however, if he did. Claude and Marion ripped off a comedy howl next, the big lady and the meek man gagging and clown- ing. At times the material seemed ragged, but Miss Marion could al- ways yank a laugh with facial and physical aids. Her song numbers, in an extraordinarily powerful voice and spectacular delivery, hit re- soundingly. Osaki and Taki closed. Loir. novelty Juggling with Knglish talk that found ready response. Gas- coigne is a showman of first water and deserves a spot on a bill. His double somersaulting dog only does two tricks now; his feminine assist- ant is good to look at and well dressed. L. Wolfe Gilbert, assisted by his singing maid, a piano player, per- sonality and a dozen or more well- remembered popular numbers, more than held his own in making it an enjoyable afternoon. His new num- ber, one of those singable whistling ballads, and his singing of his old tunes helped to stop his own act, necessitating several encores. Im- hof. Conn and Coreeno sure were among friends, and on entrance were freely cheered. Though this sketch, "The Pest House," has been aeen here quite a few times, it never went better. At times the laughter was so hilarious that the artists Just couldn't talk and had to wait for the folks out front. Imhof has won a niche in the hearts of Taudeville- goers, and any time he wants to cash in on his reputation he can step out as a character single and still be welcome. He is one of the insti- tutions of vaudeville, and from the remarks heard in the audience and the ovation given him on his ap- pearance could easily stand headline honors. Claudius and Scarlet were almost ruined by the orchestra, but when they started strumming their banjos end the old, songs appeared on the drop it was easy sailing. Franklyn Ardell, in his latest sketch, "King Solomon. Jr.," and his wonderful supporting cast, were a howl. Two of the cast could easily stand a little billing, as they do much to put the story over. First is Marjorie Clem- ents, as wife number three, and the wise-cracking chorus girl, possessed of a clear-voice, an expressive face and an individual mannerism that Fhould carry her far. Wife number six. Helen Goodhue, a suffragette type with a militant voice and man- ner, set a fast pace'for the other girls to follow. Ardell, in his light and ad lib fresh style, went over with a vengeance. Miller and Mack, though not finding as easy going as at the Palace, put their bing comedy over in fast, snapfry style, their ac- robatic finishing dance, as always, a sure-fire hit and applause winner. Joseph De Kos Co. must have for- gotten that they were closing the show, ana started introducing them- selves in pantomime, but on seeing the rush to get out they settled to their work of standing on each other's heads-and throwing flip flops to a satisfied bunch of matinee- goers. STATE-LAKE, CHICAGO. Chicago, Feb. 2. Monohan and Co., a roller skating act, with a dummy being utilized at the finish for some fast whirlwind skating. BaJ>cock and Dolly, a man and woman (Impending on two ab- breviated gowns worn by the woman and a couple of neck spins and falls by the male member. Not State- Lake quality. Newell and Most are well known in the west, having headed some of the more pretentious tabloids when they were in vogue. They have all the grace and class of a xnusiral comedy couple and were the first hit of the bill. Jack Rose, with Jimmie Stelger at the piano, clowned, sang number*, blew his whistle to everybody's sat- isfaction and a smashing applause hit. Jaek can stay around here for six months and still bo new. He may be nutty, but he knows what he's doing and never oversteps him- self once. Patton and Marks in "Bits and Pieces" is a gem of a piglet and for this sterling young couple proves a perfect vehicle. They look and act the real artists that they are, and musical comedy is paging them fast. ftae Samuels with her catalog of sure-fire songs went for another hit. She made a shorf speech and bogged off. Herman and Shirley in their almost-a-sketch, with the man's super-contortion dancing, made an excellent closer to an all around good bill. Bob Hall cleaned up at the after- noon show, the State-Lake being one of his high spots. Pearson, New- port and Pearson not seen. PALACE, CHICAGO. Chicago, Feb. 2. Harry Fox, with his banter, his wicked wisdom and his poignant personality, headlining, assisted by the irresistibly beautiful Beatrice Curtis, who stands forth in this inti- mate house more incredibly alluring even than at the more conventional theatres; the girl has an adorable dramatic power withal and her dic- tion is. like her person, superb. She will bo a star in romantic plays as certainly as she continues to follow the stage. Praise be to the gods that she cannot aing—this will lead her some returns on her singing. Francis, Clark and Brown, two men and a girl, offered a sketch called "Walters Wanted," formerly done by Cole, Russell and Davis. The curtain rises to the girl hanging up a menu sign in front of a restau- rant. There Is a crash of dishes, and she immediately turns the sign around. It reads: "Waiters Wanted." On come the two men, who are ex- convicts, and are offered the Job. followed by a lot of bright lines as to where they were employed last, how long, etc. They are informed by the girl that they will be known by numbers, the men replying that they are familiar with the routine. For a finish the trio start to har- monize a song that sounded good as far as they went; but one of the boys took the girl's watch off her wrist; she blew a police whistle; an officer appeared and walked the two men off the stage. In taking their bows the officer also comes on for no reason whatsoever, as he is not programed, and does not appear until the finish, he probably being a stage hand. The turn took three solid bows. Then came Gil Brown's "Juvenili- ties," seven girls and a boy. A quartet of girls open with a bare- foot dance, followed by Melba Goodman ainging "La Veeda," that went for a positive hit. A too dance by Miss Payne, and then her spe- cialty with her brother In "one." These kids never appeared at a better advantage before; they were< given the opportunity, and-their talents were brought out by their director. Miss Payne's yodeling of "Mammy," and the way she deliv- ered "Lena" in character form, sent her off big. Master Payne's dance and violin playing also registered. Every member of the act is local talent, and, in all, the act is worthy the price of admission. Murray Bennett held the next to closing position. He sang songs and told stories, end held his auditors in high spirits. Al Espe (formerly Espe and Dut- ton), assisted by Flgarda Saisha and Alan Francis, closed. Here is an act worthy of big time—class. comedy and merit. The act opens in "one" with some comedy talk between Espe and Francis, the kind of talk that man: acrobats strive for, but fail to attain. Francis then goes into a violin bit with Espe continuing the comedy, followed with a double comedy song and acrobatic dance. Then they go into full stage with Elgarda Saisha doing a French maid, not. only sweet to look at, but a real help in the act. Espe does some cannon ball and torpedo Juggling, and when he started catching -the torpedoes on the nape of his neck he brought the audience to its feet. This is a sensational act that's a big feature for the small time and deserving of a position on the big time, for it holds everything. HICKS' CAMPAIGN ON Hotel Paper Proposes Manager as Boxing Head. Friday, February 4, 1921 STATE-LAKE THEATRE BUILDING Chicago, Feb. 2. The Daily National Hotel Re- porter, in a front-page outburst last week, nominated Leonard Hicks, president of the "Greeters," head of the Grant and Lorraine hotels here and several restaurants, to top the new boxing commission of Illinois, now that it appears a boxing bill is about to be passed. Hicks has toured the stato with pro-boxing propaganda. He has an immense acquaintance in the thea- trical and sporting world and lias been a factor for clean and manly sports for many years. He is only 34 years old, but has been a man- ager of downtown hotels for a dozen years. He Is the husband of one of the Millership sisters. AT AMERICAN HOSPITAL. Chicago, Fib. 2. Dr. Max Chorek has reported on tire fallowing patients at the Amer- ican Theatrical Hospital: Fred Kennedy, tabloid comedian, dis- charged; Charles Phillips, of Jones, Linick & Schaefer staff, fractured knee-cap, discharged; Jimmie O'Brien (O'Brien and Shelley Twins), intestinal trouble, discharged; Mar- garet Keefe ("On Fifth Avenue"), appendicitis operation, discharged; Maide De Long, appendicitis opera- tion, convalescing; Paul Biese, lead- er, intestinal operation, discharged; Mrs. Sadie Lurton, Biese's mother, hernia operation, doing well; Alice Pinard of "Bringing Up Father." ab- dominal tumor operation, dis- charged; Mrs. Geirman. sister of Freda Leonard, stomach ulcer opera- tion, . discharged; Helen Graham, Lottio Mayer Company, foot injury, recovering. "TIX-TOK EEVUE" CLOSES Chicago. Feb. 2. "The "Tik-Tok Heviic,"' produced by Victor Hyde, aft^r playing the Interstate Circuit and' the State- Lake, here, eSoaed and returned to New York, failing of further rout- ings. RIALTO, CHICAGO. THEATRICAL and STREET FOOTWEAR PKSIGNERS MAKERS »«• RETAILSOS AISTONS &Ot) AMERICAN, CHICAGO Chicago, Feb. 2. One of the best miniature musical revues ever offered here in some time is that of Gil Brown's "Juve- nilities," with an abundance of scenery, songs, dances, music and talent, featuring Melba Goodman and the Payne Children. This re- vue followed Brown's "Spic and Span," that went for a hit at this house Just two weeks ago. As the act stands now, it is worthy of the better houses. The bill was opened by Torellis* Circus, with a man assisting for the comedy, who was probably one of the hostlers, judging from the way he handles himself. In some parts the act dragged, as it appears that a new dog was being broken in and would not take the cues, or was too timid to do so. For a finish they brought on the never^/ailing laugh- INC. 44 W. WAS MIMGTON STRUT CHICAGO fcAVLEY-OUKRAINSKY BAUiT SUPPERS getting bucking tloiiTH"^"" "Next it) follow were Wing and White, two girls, one at the piano and the other singing songs, a piano solo by Miss Wing getting most out of their offering, with Miss White getting 43 loo STAT£-».Ai<C ftLD'O. Chicago 190 N. STATE ST. Phone Randolph 3393 LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED POSING ROOMS IN THE COUNTRY GRAND PIANO FURNISHED FOR ALL MUSICAL ACTS ALL KINDS OF SCENERY AND SPOT LIGHT. OPEN SUNDAYS ACADEMY, CHICAGO. Chicago, Feb. 2. Perhaps the most interesting act on the bill for the last half was that of Tom and Ada Leo. The act was formerly known as Tom Foolery and Co., man, woman and dog, the latter not used in the new act. They carry a beautiful cyelorama drop with a center opening, and the stage Is dressed a la production style, showing off several pieces of expen- sive furniture. Their efforts are centered on making their offering presentable for the better houses. This team go through fast juggling, balancing of cue sticks and billiard balis, and the smashing of crockery. The woman is of a type very pleas- ing and makes a splendid foil to the man's comedy, as a drunk. The act went over for a smash hit. and was worthy of all It got. Next was J. Aldrlch Libbey, a graduate of the old school, who never changes. Waak and Leonard Sisters, a musical act, open In front of a drop showing an ocean liner at night. A pantomime bit by the man and one of the girls at the opening of the act would lead the audience to be- lieve that a blood-curdling drama is about to be staged, but their minds are soon enlightened when the girl ••emoves the cover from a harp and plays a ballad on it. She is then Joined by the other two with a vio- lin and saxophone for several se- lections in trios, duets and singles. The combination of "Swanee" and "Home Sweet Home" by the trio, and a ballad by the man on a large tuba, went for a solid round of ap- plause. The- two Lees, a man and a wom- an, with comedy cross firo thattor, the man doing the neighborhood cop Jffith Irish dialect, opens with a number, and she then exits. The tad copper then appears, and directs traffic, with a few wise cracks. The woman come on again in a change, and they counter a lot of old and new gags. A little more attention should be paid by the woman to her makeup. The next-to-closing spot was al- lotted tc "Thelma," a blonde, who pleased with her violin and songs. "Thelma" played a medley of songs, and then put over three nifty char- acter numbers In Irish, Hebrew and Italian. Another violin solo, for a closer sent her off to two bows. The Four Novelty Pierots, with gro- tesque makeup and some fast hand- to-hand and pyramid-building, closed, the women doing most of the understanding. hio:igo. Feb. 2. Frenr, Raggott and Freaf show Bpeed in warming up with a fast routine of juggling baseball bats and the throwing of hats. Solid applause. Callen and Kmyon, two entertain* is of the rathskeller type, sang several songs of the pop order, and went over nicely. Ed and Emma Lee open in a garden set singing a double num- ber. Miss Lee, wljo is of the chubby type, nice appearance, puts her toe dance over in style. Another num- ber by the man and a double jazz number by the pair sent them off to good returns, Ardell and Tracy, man and woman, with the man using Swede dialect. He plays three selections on a cello, one a classic. "Tosti's Good-Bye" by the girl and a couple of pop songs complete their offering. Up to this point there was nothing but singing, and no signs of comedy, until Yorke and Maybelle made their appearance and knocked them. Miss Maybelle is of the sweet colleen type, while Yorke does the extreme nut. Had to beg off. "Pinched," a four-people skit, three men and a woman. The scene takes place in the Judge's private chamber, and is of the underworld. The curtain rises to a dark stage with several lines spoken by the Jurist before the lights thrown In. the stage crew probably being re- sponsible for that. It carries a punch for this kind of an audience, and received half a dozen curtain calls. Keating and Ross, long and short, are really two good singles that can't miss In making a good double with their songs and sure- fire grotesquo dance that is placed to close. They proved another hit. The International Revue, seven men representing the seven warring na- tions, with Hebrew and Negro used for comedy purposes; the entire Idea is done as a minstrel act with an American officer as the interlocutor and the other men dressed in their no five costumes. The idea, though goo ^, is produced in a small-time way. It found a ready welcome at this house. TWO LEADING WOMEN Lizzie H. Collier and Katharine Grey Alternate in "The Bat." v Chicago, Feb. 2. Lizzie Hudson Collier is back in the leading role with "The Bat.* Miss Collier, who opened here, gave one performance when she v» taken seriously ill and sent to th« hospital, and replaced by Katherin% Grey. On the return of Miss Collier, It was decided to allow the players to alternate. As this show will play eleven per- formances a week hereafter, they will each draw a lull week's salary. ALICE GENTLE IN STOCK. Baa Francisco, Feb. 2. Hugh Knox has been engaged by Manager Jim MacArthur, of the Ye Liberty theatre, Oakland, to se- lect the company which will play dramatic stock at that house fol- lowing the conclusion of the winter season of road attractions. Knox's first official act was to sign up Alice Gentle for ten weeks at: $1,000 weekly to play the lead. Mis* Gentle has considerable following ia the East Bay city. March 1 will see the opening of the company. Knox is now in Los Angeles looking over the field for artb H0LT-R0SEDALE HIT • # Chicago, Feb. 2. Vivian Holt and Lillian Rosedale have left the Mclntyre and Heath show to accept engagements in con- cert work at the superior picture* production houses. They opened at the Riviera for Balaban & Katz and were signed for six weeks with a return later. They have some eontr..< ia for fur- ther Victor records which interfere with* consecutive bookings. CLAIM BILLING Chicago, Feb. 2. LeRoy and Cooper filed a com* plaint with the Billy Jackson Agency and the \V. V. M. A. against Smith and Benson, for using the billing "Two Boys and a Piano"— claiming to have originated th.ii/ billing six years ago. and want pro- tection on their originality. NEW COLORED SHOWS Izzy Chicago. Feb. 2. Weinaarden and Billy Kinf have taken over tho Grand theatre* Thirty-first and State streets, in- stalling colored stock. This com-- pany will play for four Weeks, then to New York, Washington and Bal timore. CHICAGO NOTES. Chicago, Feb. 2. Harriette Eldridge, of Eldridgt, Barlowe and Eldridge, was taken suddenly ill while playing a local engagement and rushed home. Pneumonia set in which had made it necessdry for the act to cancel their Loew bookings. Rose Cohen, private secretary tr Claude "Tink" Humphreys, wai taken seriously ill and when takei to the hospital an immediate opera- tion was ordered. Miss Cohen il convalescing though she will b« away for six weeks. Gordon Walton, who has had charge of the cabaret department o( the Unity Vaudeville Exchange, re* signed Jan. 26 and will present set*! eral acts under his personal direo tion. Tailoring for Women of the staflt Fiione Central 4741 ROOM 1«00 Stovfiifl Bid*., i blcag-o. ■ ART EIER & HENRY ULLIVAN MERCHANT TAILORS TO TIIF I'KOH-.SNlON 613 SHU*-Lake Bltig. ' QWt&ttgc, J"-. A Three-a-Day Show Played by All Headliner* "THE 13th CHAIR" "PETE" Soterd Next Door to Colonial Theatre, 30 W. Randolph St., CHICAGO THE FOLLOWING HEADLINERS ATE HERE LAST WEEK:— NAT WESTON — ALMENA MAHl'lf — VERNA WESTON — HOI'E WALL* BOB TARRY — FIM IF ZOLO — HKRNARD nml TOWNS — RITII ORKS»» MORRIS ft I'AMl'BELI/—DANIEL8 ft WALTERS—RAF SAMIKLS—Mi K 1 i HAZEL RENE HATS - GOWNS - COSTUMES K« IM MtmU-lMk* Bvildla*. Cblr»(« IRF.N K Dl Rl Ql F / HAZEL BANOUS 1 T«l. C«ni. I Formerly with Edith Strickland