Variety (February 1921)

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IETY'S CHICAGO OFFICE Chicago ;.v...".-. J, L & S. TO ADD EIGHT MORE THEATRES TO LOEW CIRCUIT ave Acquired Three Saxe Bros. Downtown Houses and Will Build Five More—Will Spend $6,000,- 000 in New Buildings. SPORTS STATE-LAKE THEATRE BUILDING a«:cr of tho Cleveland Americans, vv.i.i recently made pilot of the Al- bany Club. 1HM Chicago, Feb. 2. I Jones, Linick & Sehaefer have ac- ulred threo downtown picture ouses and announce five new thea- tres to play Marcus Loew vaudeville Lre. This la one of the most sudden E momentous theatre announce- ments in Chicago historj The throe-firm has purchased from Saxe Brothers of Milwaukee the three Harry Moir exhibition houses which the Saxes acquired a month or less ago. They are the Boston. Rose. Alcaaar, not pretend- tious theatre.-*, but ideally located and always fortune-makers owinp to their continuous day and night •lay. The Saxes found that their jeleaae contracts were not strong tnough in Chicago territory to war- ant operating these theatres. This rives J. I.*. & S. six houses within fte "Loop/' MeVleker's, the Rial to. JfcndoJph, Orpheum, Bijou Dream id Lyric. The five new theatres start with eaking ground this week for a 3.- 0 seat house in Roseland, on the .south side. The other four will tproad over considerable dis- cos, taking in prosperous neigh- rheod centers. All will be built uUaneously, at a cost of some ,000,000. Loew vaudeville has never been presented here in proportion to the size of the town, owing to the dly agreement between Loevv d. Jones to play no Loew policy re except in the J. L. &. S houses, w Chicago will have seven Loew' udeville theatres, McVicker's .and e Rialto now being in the chain, cw is said to be not financially interested in any of the new thea- tres. EQUITY CAUSES SALE Klimt Assumes "Gumps" A. E. A. Claims. and Its Chicago, Feb. 2. George Klimt, of Klimt, Bunnell & Norton, has taken over "The clomps," a local cartoon musical show, releasing his partners from all claims. Among the liabilities were de- mands by the A. K. A. for perform- ances lost in South Bend, Elkhart, Tipton and MIddleton, Ind. In South Bend the-show could not play be- cause of fire in the theatre; at Tip- ton factories had shut down and the house refused to play the pro- duction; at Tipton it was found "Listen tester" had previous con- tract. Klimt stood for arbitration, choosing Robert Sherman as his rep- resentative. Now that -a change has taken place in the ioeal lenity manage- ment an adjustment is looked tor. IN CHICAGO FRIDAY Variety Reaching West Earlier. One Day CHICAGO'S NEW PARK. Coeper Gets 53 Acres for Amuse- ment Venture. Chicago, Feb. 2. Chicago Is to have a new $500 000 open air amusement park next sum- mer. It will be called Woodlands an* will be at Milwaukee avenue and Devon, on the extreme north- west side, Paul W. Cooper, formerly Identi- fied with Rlvervlew, In the same general locality, la president and promoter. Walter Johnson, mana- ger of concessions at RIverview. will perform similar functions here. Ground spanning 03 acres has been leased. Variety is now on sale weekly in Chicago on Friday. It la one day earlier than formerly and now comes out locally on the stands the s.ime day distributed 1q New i'ork. For two weeka noW^Varlety has been making Chicago by Friday, the first time since it has been pub- lished. All the pow-wows of the big gathering of speed ico skaters held at the Lake Placid International Meet last February designed to bring into the control of the ama- teur skaters themselves the run- ning of all amateur meets through- out America have come to naught. Though an organization was formed and by-laws formulated, with promi- nent amateur skaters empowered to act, the professional managers of the International League licked the amateurs and now run things as high-handed as ever. Professionalism is indicated in the constitution of the Amateur League by anyone who makes modey through practice of. the sport, di- rectly or by proxy. *STet the league almost in its entirety Is composed of officers who are themselves rink owners, professional hockey club owners, directors or stockholders or executives of firms dealing In skating supplies. Al. Moeller, a clean amateur who attempted to give the professional heads of the amateur body battle last season, was given an uncere- monious canning after several meet- ings held ostensibly to try him on charges, but obviously held to give him the gate and get him out of tne way of the freedom that the professional directors of the ama- teur ranks desired. The way Moeller was canned, after years of faithful amateur service, without a chance for a come-back, must stand as one of the reasons why the best lovers of clean amateur sport ran not con- sistently consider ice speed skating as coming legitimately within the interpretaton of an amateur pas- time. of Watesford. and Assemblyman John T. Merrigan of Albany, intro- duced in the No . York State Legis- lature at Albany Tuesday nUht a bill fixing a penalty for bribery of baseball players. The bill wns drafted to prevent a repetition of the unpleasantness that cropped up prior to the recent World's series, when it was alleged that certain members of the Chicago Cubs were bribed to "throw" the 1919 world's series to the Cincinnati Reds. The sponsors of the bill are con- sidering a suggestion that the meas- ure be amended to Include all branches of sport, particularly wrestling. The penalty for a person guilty of bribing a baseball player to "throw" a game or a player con- victed of "throwing" a contest, calls for a fine of $10,000 and Imprison- ment in the penitentiary for not less than one year and not more than five years. Johnny Kvers. of Troy, manager of tho Chicago Nationals, is behind th^ bill, and ip statements to the newspapers appealed to the fans to support the measure and to art » legislators in their district to vote for its passage. BATTLES FOR BABY Bernlce Roloff Faints in Suit Al legmfl Cruelty. Chicago, Feb. 2. Mrs. Bernlce Roloff, professional dancer, fainted in court after telling her woes against Alex. Roloff, New York dancer, her husband. She said Roloff beat her and deserted her in Little Rock two years ago, breaking up their vaudeville act and causing her removal to the hos- pital, and that he'took their baby from her. Roloff, she said, gave the child to a Mrs. McCoy. The court action was to recover the child, Mrs. McCoy contesting the claim. Decision was reserved. PETE SCHAEFER, PRES. Chicago, Feb. 2. Peter J. Sehaefer, of Jones, Linick LA Sehaefer, was elected president Jf the Allied Amusement Associa- tion, to succeed Maurice Choynski. This is the local league of picture exhibitors. TELL TAYLOR DIVORCE Chicago. Feb. 2. Xell Taylor, snng writer and pub« Usher, is suing his latest wife. Mrs. Blanche Ming Taylor,sjor a divorce I charging her with cruelty and naming six alleged admirers. FIGHTING MONARCH HOTEL Chicago. Feb. 2. The local A. E. A. representative has sent communications to all on Ids mailing list that the Monarch Hotel is "unfair" to members. Pat- rick Flynn recently took over the hotel and Immediately dispossessed numerous artists who had birds, dogs and other pets and stage ani- n.als. Recently he put out Frank llropor for an old account, first I birring all of Hooper's personal ef- fect, even to his toilet articles. errace Garden Caj&ASSI MOST SfttrTfrut nESlAUHAMr-THLATftl. Booking High Class Refined Attractions OOUBLCt - TRIOS - QUARTETTES LANDS CANUCK SH0W8 Chicago, Feb. 2. Hthel Robinson, head of Robinson 'air Attractions, landed the West- ern Cnnadlan Fairs, both the A and B class—the A consists of five weeks, said to be the lurgest fair In the world, while the B Is six weeks. The Wortham chows will be the Carnival company, while M1ss.Kot>- nson furnishes the free attractions and outdoor events. This Is the • :-,,m 11 vat all. falrmen and outdoor uowflnea g»» after. Mari<» <i. 1 »i Pirro, Assemblyman from the 20ih District, Manhattan, has introduced a bill to legalize Sunday football games. Mr. I)i , Pirro draws a vivid word picture of the inspiration afforded youth .by watching men like Jim Thorpe, McMillan, IJoynton, and in com- menting upon *ts effect upon college athletes, he says, "The number Ol college football stars who in recent years have become recruits to the professional football ranks would indicate that the fear of pollution exists only in the twisted souls and brains of certain objectors to every thing that is vigorous and virile and not in the normal brains and souls of the participants and fol- lowers of the sport." Commenting upon the superior article of sport produced by profes- sionals In contrast with the under- graduate variety and touching upon the immense turnouts at the pro- fessional football game staged at the Polo Ground" recently and the popularity of professional basket ball recenfly introduced, he makes a point that it stimulates participa- tion and attendance, Di Pirro also contends that the modern open formation game can be followed by any normal intelli- gence that a local football team would foster civic pride. Concluding, he says, "The only serious objection to the holding of Sunday football contests will be a squeal of the small fry promoter, and the squawk, of the sanctimon- ious, 4)1 uc-law advocate. The Tendler-Jaekson go, at Mil- waukee, was as lively a fracas as the sports have lamped in many a sea- son. Jackson was fast but weak. Tondler was steady but not so fast. Put both the 135-pounders were act- ive all thpough and It was a test for the observer to follow the work, so steadily did they swap wallops. On l!ie showing. Jackson hasn't a chance with Tendler, and neither has a chance with Leonard. A young kid named lOanny Kramer, Tendler's un- derstudy, showed more class In the prelim than his tutor in the star bout. He weighed 122, but they say he can make bantam. If he can^he'll clean up tffltt section. They say he finished with eight knockouts in his last eight times out. This time he -hi id low one Rerger In thre rounds with a sock in the liver. Johnnio Daly, who showed Fred Stone how to manage the Ice blades aft»*r several other crack profes- sional tutors had failed to bring tin elastic Stone through, is now; po< U eted near Cooperatown, N. if., training a lot of raw material in the art of vining. head spinning, and general lee convolutions. Dal> proposes next year to head a com- pany of fast professionals through the Canadas and t.te ice sectiens of tho States, with programs of contests of long and short distances open to all comera. Mart Woods, record holder for fast and distance contests, will be among Daly's headliners. Republican leaders of the State Legislature are conaldering a plan to levy a tax on professional base- ball, football and other sports for purposes of revenue. According to official figures obtained by Vari- ety's Albany correspondent at the state treasurer's office, the receipts to date from the state boxing com- mission have reached* the total of $101,738.7. The total expense of the boxing commission from the time the com- missioners took office last fall has been $21,385.99, according to the of- ficial figures, leaving a clean profit for the state of $80,379.77 for four months. The Albany club withdrew from tho New l'ork State Basketball league at*a meeting of the organi- sation in the Mohawk Hotel, Sche- nectady, Sunday. The \willulrawal was the culmination of a contro- versy that existed since a recent near riot in Amsterdam when a mob of Amsterdam fans attacked Ref- eree James Devey of Ti'oy and members of the Albany club on their way to the railroad station after a game between the Albany and Amsterdam clubs. Glens Falls, which has been seek- ing a berth in the State League for months, replaces Albany, Ray Fair- man, a Glen Falls newspaperman, taking over the franchise. Amster- dam retained its franchise. The recent six-day bike race run In Chicago was the first of its kind to ever make a dollar in that town, and it went over with a vengeance. The promoters, George Young and Gene Sennett, are said to have cleared numerous "grand," and are sitting pretty for the next one, be- cause the game caught on heavily especially the late-at-night play. The show people went to it strong and helped to popularize it. Madden and Magin, wise vets, held back and let a couple of locals get the pub licity as long as there was any pub licity in sight, then they stepped out and took the event away from the field. Etc Act mug! t» refined ind (nraeurt up '0 « •ttndato which «UI b» ai>i>r* i.uoJ b» Uu Ultti»i «Ia« of oatron«t«. ' rot» art meet* w'tti the frqutrtmrnte i^t*. ■Wmmunl.ate and itnte Full particular* u FRN MURUV ttatt Olea:t#e Mrs. Cornell Home. San Francisco. Feb. 2. Mrs. Harry E. Cornell, wife of the manager of the Oakland Orpheum, returned home last week on the steamer Columbia after a six%| months' tour of the Far Kast, ■ NEW YORK COSTUME CO. COSTUMES LARGEST COSTUME GOWNS MANUFACTURERS IN WE3T CHICAGO Central 1801 I rvi *\ rM u r 137 N. WABASH AVE. An expert overnight shift of opin- ion picks,.Charles Jewtraw of Lake Placid, N. X- * or first place in the International Amateur Ice Speed skating races to be held at the Adirondack sport resort Feb. 11-12. The Hhlft of Judgment follows Jewtraw's showing at the-races of the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, held Jan. 27-28. Prior to the Montreal meet, the first ama- teur contests of the klad held in Eastern Canada In years, the fans were all for Joe Moore of Now York to win the Placid honors this year. Last year at Placid, and at other pnin-t«* of tho amateur circuit, where the International contests were held, it was nip and tuck between Moore and Everett MacGowan of St. Paul for first place, with MacGowan Anally running off with the honors. MacGowan has since turned pro. and this year's contest was looked upon as a walkover for Moore, who has been showing his old-time form in tho rink and outdoor contests held since the beginning of the new ice skating season, including the annual events held at Newburgh, X. Y., Jan. 1. Moore failed to pull down a single Hi st final at the Mon- treal meet. Senator Frederick w. Kavaitaugh, Martin J. B. McDonagh, for many years sporting editor of the Troy Record, this week assumed his new duties as assistant manager to H. Russell Ende, manager of the Proc- tor and Gr Is wold theatres of Troy. McDonagh has not severed all re- lations with the Record, but will act In an advisory capacity In the sporting department of the local paper. He has been president of the New York State Basketball League since it was organized a year ago and his now position will not inter- fere with hie duties in the basket- ball circuit. McDonagh has been succeeded as sporting editor of the Record by Jack McOrath, h!s as- sistant for the last year. All kinds of reports have been circulated concerning what QpVei - nor Miller (New York) Intends to do about boxing. There Is goofl reuson to believe he will not advo- cate abolishing the official recogni- tion of tho sport. Whfjt the Gover- nor will try to do will be to con- solidate boxing supervision work with a H|»ort8 commission to be or- ganized having supervision over boxing, baseball and racing. The Governor has held up his plan for the present. Tho present boxlntr commissioners, are scheduled to walk tho plank, it Is reported. Jess Wlllard, former world's £hampion, has been invited to train at Fort Edward and also at Tom Luther's camp at White Sulphur Springs on Saratoga Lake for his bout with Jack Dempsey, his con- queror ,at Madison Square Garden March 17. When it became know.t Wlllard was considering training In the Adlrondacks, the Fort Edward Merchants' Cooperative Association notified Its secretary, C.G.Beverley, to get In touch with Ray Archer. (Continued on page 17.) Johnny Evers, manager of the Chicago Cubs and Troy's chief claim to fame, has purchased a one- third Interest In tho Albany (X. Y.) Club in the Eastern League. He paid $5,000 for his share and turned the stock over to his elcven-ycar-old son, John, Jr. Tho peppery Trojan tried to secure a franchise for his homo town, but when he found this Impossible decided to Invent in the Albany Club. It is expected that ho will use the Albany team as a farm for Chicago recruits. Walter John- son. Ty Cobb and John Collins also arc InterestecT-in teams in the East- ern League. Joe Birmingham, an Albany boy. and at one time man- "Ell," The Jeweler to the rnoriasioN Sptl lal Dlarount to Performer* WnCM IN CHICAGO Stain Lakf TrtMlrt Bid*. Ground Flo*. DESIGNERS FASHION for th« PRQFE88ION of Orifflnnl Coatum** GOWNS--HAT8 ROBES—LINGERIE We run t«k« c*re of th* ?r>a)t;:mlng of urortijrtion* as rrell as th* Individual Phone Central 4264 MAYBELLE SMART SHOP LENORE BERNSTEIN MOI>IHTK Idiom .".OS 145 M. Clurk Strr.t * FKtiP MANN'S "RAINBO GARDENS" OHIpAOO I THE ORIGINAL*—RA1NBO OKCHESl RA >M J 'iNimjJ.s HANOI NO A NO VAUDr;Vll t fc ! A M O US CHICK V: N *D ! N N r K b* ANL)' ALACAHTfc. S t W V I ( k