Variety (March 1921)

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22 VA R1ETY Yiday, March 4, 1921 READBLY RECOGNIZED BAGGAGE LABEL Peoria, 111., January 23, 1921. Mr. K. F, Albcc, New York Citv: Dear Mr. Albcc: As per your request, wc write you concerning the cour- tesy accorded us while playing Gar)-, Ind. The junior office notified us to be sure and check our baggage out in time Saturday—our closing day—so as to be able to check it on .the.8:30 P. M. train for Peoria, as no other trains carry baggage. This wc did to the letter, but on arriving at the station, the Baggage Master informed us that there was no 8:30 train ; that there never had been one, and that no other train carried baggage that night, which left us in an awful predicament. We then appealed to the ticket agent .who was in charge of the station. We stated our case and told him it was really necessary for our baggage to make one of the three trains go- ing into Chicago, lie asked us to come back after the final performance, which we did. He notified the train conductor ©n the 11 P. M. train going from Gary to Chicago to stop, and had his baggage master with our assistance to put trunks on said train. He also wired ahead to Englewood station and had the baggage men there meet train and take off N. V. A. Baggage, thereby practically assuring us of having our bag- gage for Sunday opening at Peoria. The N. V. A. Sticker was immediately recognized by him, and I think by your publishing a notice about this incident in THE VAUDEVILLE NEWS and VARIETY it will really help artists who use X. V. A. stickers. This shows the spirit, and Mr. F, A. Reading, ticket agent at N. Y. C. Station at Gary, Ind., should get a world of credit. Mr. John Kane, night officer at the same station, was an able assistant. This is worthy of mention, as they really recognized the N. V. A. sticker on our trunks at once. Thanking you and hoping this work continues, we remain, • Yours for better conditions in Vaudeville, < DAVIS & CHAD WICK, : . • , Orpheum Theatre, Joliet, 111. Messrs. Davis cc Chadwtck, Care Western Vaudeville Managers' Association, State-Lake Building, Chicago, III. My dear Davis & Chadwick: Yours of January 23d received. I am pleased to know that the railroad people are already giving their attention to the N. V. A. labels. Their co-operation in getting you through was a splendid example of what we may expect from all railroads, as the letters that I have received have assured me that every consideration will be shown the vaudeville artists, and this is a splendid illustration that they propose to carry out what they say. I am having the letter published for the benefit of the other artists, as you desire me to do. Very cordially yours, (Signed) £. F. ALBEE 23D STREET (Continued from page l0.) kidded the house Into agreeing with him that he has a funny act. Miss Heather, who has just re- cently returned from the other side. went over strong through *h^t>r per- sonality ant refinement of method and material. Her younger liflter, who Is on for a few moments with her In a Scotch number, came in for a good hand on her own account. Benson and Belle open with their dancing, followed by Lizzie Wilson in Jewish dialect songs and stories. Neither act received any too warm approval. Al Piantodosl and Bert Walton went over big with their dialog and songs, Walton's singinr; of Al's new blue law song, "They Can't Do It," bringing forth the biggest hand. The audience beat them to it with the applause in many eas^s during the pinging of brief bits from old bits of Piantodosi. Gormlee Bros, and Tyne, in their pretentiously dressed song and dance number, closed the vaudeville portion of the bill and held fairly well. Chares Bay in "Nineteen and Phyllis," a five-reel film, wound up the program. NEWS OF THE DAILIES • Continued from page 16.) Long Island and New Jersey with his car. painting water-color scenes from the Shubert production on the windows of banks and business houses, and delivering lectures in the schools on "The French Naw in the World War." Incidentally, Capt. Lewis had a grand reunion with John Pollock, the Keith forces and Tom Henry of the Columbia, and T. Wilton, with whom he worked 25 years ago. Miss Cohan announced her inten- tion of retiring from the stage. The marriage of Georgette Cohan at West Palm Beach was a Broad- way surprise of the week. The young lady has taken for husband what George M. calls "a 100 per cent. American boy" in J. William Souther. The bridegroom is a war veteran, and besides, a successful business man. He is also a mem- ber of a wealthy New York family. London, have signed Alice Delysia for a tour of American cities next season in "Afgar." She will close her run, at the Central, New York April 2 and sail for Europe to spend her summer at Biarritz. Florence Rfbd will close in "The Mirage," at the Times Square.'' March 12, and will be suceeded by the musical plav, "Maid to Love/* E. F. Albee has contributed a mne-piece set and a garden drop to the new theatre erected within Clinton prison at Dannempra by the inmates. He promises further con- tributions to it. or con trl ra £7i ? iIc ™ er W,H open the Thea- tre Cadet Rouselle in Paris this summer as the Gaby Desly's Thea- tre, in memory of the dancer. Corl ThSlSIVS P '? yrhol °Gy ■« the Lort Theatre John Armstrong Chal- oner, of "Who's looney now?'' fame declared he had been informed by the spirit of P. T. Barnum that StJflSi l t ,V omin e to earth with 600.000 bullet-proof soldiers, lie said a lot of other funny things. Mile. Anne Codee has arrived from the Folies Bergere, Paris, to play the feminine lead in "Whirl of, thp Town. Planning to marry Mrs Austin ssrss Sacke,t at i>a,in *-<£ Mary Garden is loud In her praise of Margery Maxwell, a Chicago girl whom she regards as one of the finds of opera. She has been with the Chicago company since 1917. A. H. Woods announces he has signed Bert Williams to a three-year contract and will present him next season in a musical comedy. "The Pink Slip." Leonard Thomas, millionaire New Yorker, whose former wife now is Survival of the Fittest." with Th a f U e L ° VC a9 the star - WW open Mar h lf reenWich V,,,a '*° th * a tre The trial of the Chicago White Sox players indicted in connection wuh the 1919 World Series scandal has been set for March 14. Buanaai rni2 U nit Ga,, « way ' membc r of "The Gold Diggers" cast at the Lyceum, discovered a negro ransacking her ti e8 " in s- f rOOTn Tuesday night, but by the time the police arrived he had escaped. Charles Gilpin, negro star of "The Emperor Jones," who was selected Now Appearing at B. S. MOSS' COLISEUM, NEW YORK Comstock and Gest, through ar- rangoment with C. B. Cochran of — A LWAYS OPEN '- ►"V.l-.i ...... RESTAURANT Formerly WALLICK'S Bway, Bet 43d & 44th St.. DELICIOUS WELSH RAREBITS AND CAPE COD OYSTERS SPECIAL BLEND OF COFFEE . '" • ' "T ' ' *" * •-..„... ORIGINAL "CLOUD SWINGING" • m I I wish to thank Mr. E. F. Albee for his courteous treatment in personally arranging a most satisfactory route. Due to his per- sonal interest I am booked solid. B. F. KEITH'S, COLUMBUS, March 7 B. F. KEITH'S. DAYTON M»^k \a