Variety (March 1921)

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BILLS NEXT WEEK (March 7) open IN VAUDEVILLE THEATRES for the week with Monday matinee, wfce,n not otherwise are grouped tn divisions, according to the booking offlcse tney doea not de-note tne relative turn, or reappearing after (All houses Indicated.) The bille below ero supplied from. The manner in which these bills are printed Importance of acta nor their program positions. •Before name indicates ac» Is now doing nes Absence from vaudeville, or appearing in B. F. KEITH Palace Theatre Building. New York OR] IOCW YORK CITY Kelth'a Palace C halwartf i'R city wbera listed for the first time. 4< _ •vue Josef fson's Iccl'ders Parish ft Peru Brouson A Baldwin Sylvia Clark To to La Biloiantira Kelth'a Riverside l'carl Regay Co Howard's I'onlea Julius Tanmn MiiHon Kceler Co DSiiion ft Parker Milton ft Norton Prank Mullane Kelth'a Royal Ruaaell ft Parker ft La Mar Mil) hxlf , . .Stanley Roxs Sis (Two to Id Mull, i ft F ft M Dale Jaa Leonurd Co d'our to fill) Proctor's 5th Ave. I'd half (3-6) Pi.'lot ft Schofield Mann 3 'Indoor Sports" V A T Ifayden Richard Ke*H Co 1st half (7-9) C\oo Gascoigne (Seo M Kosener llagher ft Rolley Two to fill) 2d half (10-13) I C.a I (T VALENTINE VOX OklliLN'ATOll OF SLNOINO IN TWO VOICES SIM! I.TANEOUSI.Y. Raymond Wilbert N Nazarro Band Kradna Mabel Burke Co Brown & O'Donnell Yvette Rugel Dcm'rest & Collette Keith's Alhumhra Kmma Hnlg C* 1'ressler ft Klaiss Four Ortons Wood & Wyde <t hicktl's Manikins Ryan & Bronson Van ft Corbert (Others tO fill) Kelth'a Colonial Biggs & Witchie I rawlcy ft Louise Pearson ft Lewis .lack Inglls chlc Sales r.'-koma (Others to Mil) Mom* Broadway Kane aV Herman Young ft April Callagher ft Martin Arthur Lloyd (saw afunson Co («Hhers to fill) Nona* Coliseum lnti( Tack 8am Valda Co Bensee & Bulrd (Othcra to fill) I'd half Swift A. Kelly Ten Eyck A Wiley "Day Dreams" Bernard A Oarry (Others to fill) Kelth'a Hamilton Win Rock Girls 1) D H Mowers W&lt'm & c Princess Rajah Ryan & Ryan Brooka A Powera (Others to fill) Keith's Jefferson f.( o Cnrillo Mans; A Snyder It isco B * P Hale A & l Ball Martha Pryor Co Foley * Burns & Frubito Proctor's 23 rd St. I'd half (3-6) Arena Bros DeBell * Waters Hal Davis Co Frank Hurst Co Hughes & Nerrett Diers A Bennett ' lat half (7-9) Bullet Proof Lady "What's the Idea" "Indoor Sports" BAP Valentine Edwin George Reynolds S 2d half (10-13) Edna Luby Frank Farron M A K Hharrock C.ellln Tr (Other* to Mil) BROOKLYN Kelth'a Buahwick Ida Mae Chadwick Whiting A Burt Betty Washington Chas McGood Co Gordan A Ford Ciccollnl Mast's A Kraft Rev Kelth'a Orpheum Franklyn Chas Co Evans A Perea Ethel Levy Kara Wilson Bros Sydney Grant Sylvia Loyal Co Mosa' Flat bush Newholf A Ph'-lps Maroolle Fallen Robt K Keano Nash A O'Donnell (Others to fill) Kelth'a Greenpoint 2d half (3-6) The SkStelles Donlin A Maxflcld MARCELLA SHIELDS With TEDDY OGLE WRITTEN and PRODUCED by CHANDOS SWEET 11Hg Hrooduuy. Suite 801. Bryant 59»9 A( T Daily A Berlew Boslock's School Burt A Roaedale Watts A Hawlejr (Others to till) Mom' Regent Bernard A Garry Swift ft K.dlv (Othcra to rlii) 2d half r.unK Tack Sam (Others to fill) Keith's Hist Lydell A Macey Van Cleva a Pete I! nlxrnie K Itty Doner Co "Profiteering" 1 A Betty Morgan Kelth'a H. G. II. I'd half (3-f ) Jack Benny Tildeq ft (•inroll Gormlcy Bros A P 3 Itiano* \' !<>r ft Haynea Max Ford Ri v (.(tthera »<> tin) 1st half t7-9) T.ibonati «'ook A Sylvia HURties A Nen. It (Others to All) 24 half (10-13) Rose A Valyda Kdwlg George (Others to (HI) Proctor'a 125th St. .'el half (^-(5) Lew ir A Henderson Furman 4 Nash Oelll Troups (One to (111) 1st half (7-9) Foley * O'Nell H A: E Bharrock (Others to rill) I'd half (10-13) Ch'ter John tone Cq Ed wards Orneby W Hughes A Nerrett K> > noids .1 (Oae to mi) Kelth'n l'rospect I'd half (;;-o Foley £. O'Neil ..•"•M.I, UOd;l ,UU()„ Hilton & Norton H-rlt A Whiteside (One to fill) 1st half i7-f») Hewitt a Quintan Win Kent Co "Bubbles" (Two to fill) 2d half (10-13) Llbonati Belle Mal<er Gallagher ft Rolley itw.i to mi) ATLANTA. GA. Lyric (Minningham split) 1st half Dave Ferguson Musical Hunters i.. Beige 2 Black A White Rev E B Ford DENTIST MrVK KER'S THEATRE BLDG. Dr. M. C. CARY CHICAGO Special Rates to the Profession. Flan'gan A Staplt'n Baby Mine" Jed Dooley « o II E Sharrot k 1st half (7-3) Sawyer A Eddy ' Edna Bennett Burns & Frabito C.eiii Troupe <Onc to till) 2d half (10-L1) Eddy a; Earl •indoor Sports" Furman A Na^h (Two to HID IVoctor's ftkth St. ) i iffy A Sweeney B YiMirnum Co Dave Winnie risn - i,an A: Stgple'n AI GIST A. GA. Grand (M.teun split) 1ft half Patrlcota K.'no Fables A W Nippon 2 Sh'mr'k-Thls'le Rev Milt Collins ALB AN V, N. fi Proctor'a Miss 1.1 le.- n Jean Metealf Co Archer A: Belfni i] Rahbotl a Brooka Reckless Bve Hendricks * *ton* "Begin oi World ' 2d half Walthour A P'n'ton Mack A Mean Ore en A Myra tfklney A Tom v'ey Mushman A Muyne Harry Antrim Pftfa Hack A M AIXENTOWN Orpheum j a r Bogard t'na Clayton Co (Three to nil) 2.1 half Coatea Bros T lloyer Co Resista (Two to nil) ALTOONA, PA. Orpheum Will A Blondy Lady Tsen Mel Nat Jerome Co John T Ray Co (One to till) 2d half Reck A Rector Mack A Lane Orcat Howard Rome A Cullen My Tulip Girl" Al'HI RN, X. Y. Jefferson Ballot 3 Donn A Shepard Diamond & Br'nnan Marie Sparrow Princeton a 2d half Strasselle's Animals Prit;. "•».! Nal L L Murke Walsh A N Merlin 4 Readings BALTIMORE Maryland Bud Snyder 3 Handera & Mellls Clinton & Rooncy Marlette's Manikins Orace Nelson Co Carson A Willard H Shone Co Maslova Co Monroe A Grant BATON ROIGE LA. Columbia (7-8) Henry Catalann DeWitt Burns A T Sherwin Kelly H Von Fossen Hamilton A Mm her B'M'NGHAM, ALA. Lyric (Atlanta splits lag half Willie Holar Perrone A Oliver Chas Lloyd Co Fate A Temptation 3 Falcons • BOSTON B. F. Kelth'a W A G Dooley Rev Ruby Norton Margaret Tavlor Euuiili Bros Coogan A Casey Sully A Houghton Bert Levy Russell & Devitt BIFFALO Shea's Santos-Hayes Rev- Helen Jackley Anderson A Yvel Alex Bros & Eve Joe Cook Rolls A Royee Claudia Coleman CHARLESTON, ft. c. Victory (Columbia split ) 1st half Bert Stoddard Jess A Dill Dlaa Monks Fa den 3 .Manuel Domain Co CHARLOTTE. N. C. A citde my (Greensboro split) 1st half "Honeymoon" 5 Avollons Ryan A Moore Harry Br eon Ardeiie Cleaves CHATTANOOGA Riulto (Knoxville st»lit) 1st half Spencer A Williams Clark * Beban Big City 4 R"ed & Clifton (One to nil) CINCINNATI B. F. Keith's Eddie Leonard Co Ed .Morton Libby A Sparrow Osborne 3 Walters & Walters Mr & Mrs j Barry Harry Holman Co I'red Llndsey Co Keith's Palace "Niuht in Hawaii" Herherta Bceaori Ruyolites Nelson-Barrv Boys Kennedy a Prancls Young a Wheeler Fulton & Burt f'LEY E LA Ml Hippodrome ''r. >ie Paah'a Plat. Flying Henrya Weber Oirta Cathedral Singers Weleh M«aly A M •'Eyes of Buddha" John B llymet , v Xnlin a> Dries ^ A F Stedrnan ( OLI MM A, ft, ('. ColumhlM (( ha i lestOli spill I 1st half Nlng Toy MiMiiillian Co Jeaale Franks , ,,-. >• a, Wajre.n Mull-m & Corel11 (OI.IMHI S. O. B. E. Kelth'a M Montgomery Trlxie Friganza Ethel Clifton Co PalO * Palet UlaHo'a Look Bernard A Townee Saiuoya DAYTON, O. li. F. Kelth'a Fay Wlrth Co V A E Stanton Cross A Santora McRae A ciegg Eric Zardo G Campbell A Co (on.- to All) DETROIT Temple Bthel McDonough The Hrightons J K Lee Hoil'k-Sarampa Sis Homer Romalne I'earson Newport P Hal ft Francis II y mack JERSEY CITY B. F. Keith's 2d half (3-6) <; \ li DeBecra •Fixing Furnace" l.ihonat I W.ber A Rldnor (Two to nil) lat half (7-9) Ch'ter Johnstone Co Edwards Ornsby W Jaa Leonard Co Martha Pryor Co (Two to nil) 2d half (10-13) Hewitt A Qulnian Oeo Randall Co JOHNSTOWN, PA Majeetic (Pittsburgh spill) 1st half' Cushing A West Le«v Rosa Co Sandy Shaw (Two to mi) KNOXVILLE Bijou (Chattanooga split) 1st half Cirl 1.000 eyes Barry A Layton Arnold A Florenze Dave Thurfcby Ann Suter LOUISVILLE, KY. Mary Anderson Van Hoven Frank Wilson Elinore A Williams Whipple Huston Co 4 Lamy Bros Beth Beri Co Norton & Melnotte Keith's National (Nashville split) 1st half Dorothy Wahl Van Cellos Fabcr & Bennett I.ehr & Bell Belle Baker (Othcra to nil) Xd half (10-13) W M Ker.t Co "Bubblea" (Others to nil) NASHVILLE Princess (Louisville split) 1st half Frank Browne Sebastlna-Myra Sia Rio A Helmar Sampaon A Douglas Russ Leddy NEWARK. N. J. Proctor'a Jed Dooley Eva Shirley Co ciTjton A ft*wards (Others to nil) NEW ORLEANS Pa luce (Mobile split) 1st half Annie Abbott Pettlt Troupe Royal Syndeya Bob Van Horn Holliday A Willette NEWPORT NEWS Olympic Bud Lorraine Chung Wha 4 (Othera to nil) 2d half "Bungalow Love" Brooks A Philson (Others to fill) NORFOLK, Va. Acudemy (Richmond split) 1st half Travers & Douglas Marie Lo Co Just 3 Cirls Brierre A King (One to nil) Ann Gray Alexandria Black A Earl Elsie LaBergere Co Caplan A Wella READ1NO, PA. Majestic Nestor A Vincent Duncan A Carroll Harry L Mason Eddie Eoy Co (One to fill) 2d half Felix A Flaher Cheater A Allen Eddie Foy Co (Two to nil) RICHMOND, VA. Lyric (Norfolk Split) 1st half Sean"n Denno B A S Marie Hart Co Bennett A Lee Koban Japs (Two to fill) ROANOKE, VA. Roanoke "Bungalow Love" Brooks & Phileon (Others to fill) 2d half Hughes 2 Green A parker Mile Twinnette (Two to nil) ROCHESTER Temple Margaret Ford Unusual 2 Eary & Eary "Little Cottage" Hamilton A Barnes Herbert A Dare Boyce Coombe Dotson SAVANNAH, GA. Bijou (Jacksonville split) ED DAVIDOWano RUFUS LeMAIREI NOW BOOKING [STANDARD ACTS FOR NEXT SEASON IWE SECURE YOU THE OPPORTUNITY WITH LEAD- ' ING MANAGERS FOR PRODUCTIONS ALSO SHUBERT ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Consult Us Before Signing for Next Season WRITE, WIRE, CALL IMMEDIATELY 1493 Broadway. Bryant 841, 842, 5320 EASTON, PA. Able O. H. Caltes Broa Thos Hoyer Oo I'ietro K.-sista (One to fill) 2d half J A V Bogard 1'na Clayton Co I'ietro (Two to fill) ERIE, PA. Colonial Sealo Chas r. Semon M< Waters A Tyson (Others to till) GRAND RAPIDS MICH. Empress Are Sisters "Pedestrianism" Lambert ^- Ball \In7.vl Moran Mary Hnynes A C Astor ■rnmy'a Pets OSKBNSBOBO N. C. (•mini (Charlotte .split) 1st half Kuter :i Joale k iv Co Loney Haskell J O'Malley Co Rosa & Foss HAMILTON, CAN. Lyric Robbie Qordone ■ a\ b Conrad Davis ^ Pelle Home A tlaut l>nve Koth Dui.irm ^ O'llallcy ii xh iti sin iu; Majestir Reck A Iteetor Mark A Lane (•r.iit Howard Roma a Cullen ' Aly Tulip drl" 2d half NV"! A Blondy Lady Tsen Mei Nat Jerome i'o John T Rav Co (One to till) INDIANAPOLIS H. F. Kelth'a "Te PkMtC Hhop-' Bender a Herr La<ly Alice Pets ■I Clave Mrs Q Hughes Co Vinie Daley <'o Dntfy K- Mann Vintent O'Dpnm 11 JACKSONVILLE. ri^%. Arrade < s.i \ .i niifih • •>: :) 1st hair RltS Could N Ifred Pow< II Drew A W 111 a < - • Unhn A" Bohti i. i a cuiii Muccart St Bradf'd LOWELL. B. F. Keith's Juliet Stanley A Lee The Bials Morris A Campbell Hilly Olasson W & M LaVar MACON, GA. Grand (Augusta split) 1st half Middleton & S Lorimer Hudson J A B Mclntyre Kubellck A Vardo Cleveland & Dowry Mo nil l ALA. Lyric (New Orleans split) 1st half OTTAWA, CAN. Dominion Geo Moore Co Bill Genevieve St W Lucas A ln-x Eddie Foyer Elklns Fay A S Howard A White Frank Conroy Co Majestic Kennison Sis A R Kennedy & Rooney (Others to till) 2d half Farrel-Tayh>r Co Joe Armstrong Holld-Dockrell Co PITTSHI KGH Davis Bergere Co Kuth Roye DcIIaven A Nice Devaro A Seinater / booked Poster's Pirouettes on the Pant ages Circuit, opening March 26, 1921, ERNIE YOUNG 1312 Masonic Temple CHICAGO VacMing" I.eVolos Max Hidden Burhe a Dark In Urlndell & E»the r MONTREAL Princess (Sunday opening) Mel Klee Bros The Duttons Rraeat Evans Co Dugsn A Raymond Sybil \ an" Walsh A Edwards MONTREAL St. Denis Mabel Fonda 3 '.' Hosellas (Othera to nil) MT. VERNON, N. J Proctor'a 2d half <:•'■» Van ( leve A Pet« Rome a Wager l hvnnla Sis Mallei- A/ Stanley » Marx Broa I'll- to till) it half (T • • • i urman A Nash Muldoon Fr"nklln R Will J Ward Cirls Hall A Sliapiro Bob A Tlp k Sheridan Nquaie (Johnstown split) 1st half .Ti-wsi" Mnrrin "Cheer I'll" 4 Harmony Kinps (Two to till) POKTLWB, ME. B. F. Kelth'a Jack Osterman Wilton Sisters Clown Seal Aloab A Cirlie Anderson A Graves Werner Ameroa 1 PROVIDENCE K. F. Albee Miller A Mark Pink's Mules Nathan Bios D«.ll> Kay Jack Joyce Mm Ds mn » •> Vernon St Ik a \oi ion «^ Nieh iion <H FBKt . CAN. A estM velum 1st half Betty Bond Valenti Broa Lytell Revue Demarest A Doll Jane Dillon SCHENECTADY I'roctor's PHina C. ti A T. Garden "Polly's Pearls'* Vaughn Comfort Co 4 Readings 2d half Australian Chop'rs Simpson A Dean Ollfoyle A Lang Will Oakiand "For Pity's Sake" SVRACISE H. F. Keith's Master Cabriel Co POLI'S BR1IR.I roilT Poll's Jean & Hlise N'( laon Maring Jimmy Hodge Co (One to till) 2d half John Blondy A Sis Craig A Holtsworth Jimmy Hodge Co (One to nil) Plain Rmilletta sis Hagerty A Cordon Jones A Johnson Hobby Mclean Co M half De i:..■..i .Turkey I. itner A Reaney Klnaald Kdties HARTFORD Ciipitol The Herberts Judsnh Cole Dalton A Craig Brennan A Rule "Kiss Me" 2d half . T Tifi « ftrtw •' • CSriff 7 Rosebuds Jai kson Taylor .1 M A II Amaith Co Palace Do Rand c. o c.unthic r Co Jackey "Echo Valley" Goldle A Thorn Kincald Kilties 2d half Bellla 2 W & M Moore Cartelll A Rargera Raymond Bond Co Jim McWIIiiams "Sunshintr" NEW HAVEN Palace John Blondy A Rli < 'ra lg A IToltan <n i h 7 Roaebada .i.ii i son Taj lot '■'■ Ld half Pmliletta s.s .I'id. on < 'o|e .m A H Amnr'lh Co Roberts A Boyne Uyeda Japa Three Belmonta Clara Morton W«aver A Weaver 4 Mortons Ijirry Harklns Co Fallon A Shirley TORONTO Shea's Mabel Tallafero Co Samstead ft Marlon T ft K O'Mcara Senator F Murphy Clara Howard Toney ft Norman Ella Shielda Mr & Mra Norcroaa Hippodrome J ft B A it kens' Lydell ft Gibson Buckridge Casey Co Clark ft Verdi TROT. N, T. Proctor's Page Hack ft M Simpson ft Dean Bushman ft Bayne Lynn ft Howland Gllfoyle ft Lane Id half Miss Ioleen Hendricks ft Stone Sabbott ft Brooks Vaughn Comfort Co "Polly's Pearls" TOLEDO, O. H. F. Keith's O'Donnell ft B'.air June Mills Law ton Thos E Shea Co Wright A Dietrich The Leightons Wayne. Marshall C • tract*, n. y. Colonial Elaine Sis ft H A ft L Bell Merlin Homer Miles Co Kaufman Bros Kervilles Jl 2d half Lorraine & Crawf'd I'M Janla Review (Four to fill) WASHINGTON II. F. Keith's Yvette Gertrude Hoffman L ft P Murdock Jack Kennedy Co Brown ft O'Donnell Stephens ft Holl'ter Watson Sisters WILMINGTON, DEL. Garrtck Adams & Chase Minettl ft Sidelli Hugh Herbert Co Margot A Francois A Loyal'a Doga (Two to fill) VONKKKS, N. Y. Proctor's "Once Upon Time" F ft M Dale 1 ft B Hart Muller ft Stanley (Two to fill) 2d half Denno Sisters Duffy & Sweeney J)ave Winnie (Three to fill) YOl NG8TOWN, O. Hippodrome F ft M Brit ton McFarlar.d Sisters Choy Ling Bee Tr Clark ft Bergman Adams A Oritmh Dainty Mario YORK, PA. Opera House Felix A Fisher Chester ft Allen Berrens Ryan S ft P (Two to till) 2d half Nestor A Vincent Duncan A Carroll Harry L Mason (Two lo fill) BOSTON B. F. KEITH Vaudeville Exchange, Boston <IRClIT Da lion ft Brennan Tempest Craig K Duvia ft. Sun'ine PA. SCR ANTON, Poll's (W ilkes-Harre split) 1st half The Adroils cieo A Thomas Hilda Carting Co Barrel I At Van Hanky ft p an ky Sl'RrtiFD, MASS Palace Trick ft Adair Joe Martini Li oni ft Oilespie Kit ne r Al- Reaney Extra Dry" 2d half Mi/.pnh Al- Sel'nl Co Billy Rogers L A W u.-ri,..rr Vic Plant Co Kiss Mo" . YVATERKI RY ^ Polia 'I lie l|i yns Billy Hogera S'-igler Bros Crecdon A Davis Girlie A 4 Nubians 2d half Frick ft Adair Nelson A Waring Holmes ft Hollis Goldle A Thorn Bobby McLean Co IVILKEft-HARRK Poll's (Scrantea split) Itl half Burnet Sis Fielding i- Boomer Marmejn Sis S«-h'er Al Raymond Galletti'a Monkeys WOR'sTKR. MASS. Poll's Mlapah a. Sel'nl Cr Cliff Tempesl a RnnshV \ le Plant Co i. a:- V ii. 11 ..n • BOSTON Boston Howard ft Scott Marls Rusaell Miller ft Bradford Basil ft Allen Louise ft Mitchell Bowdoln Sq. The Plckforda Princeas W ah L K Grenlea ft Drayton Howard Froaini Bender ft Meehan National Frank ft Leary Lee A Howard En mi Briscoe Co Dewitt Young & Sis 2d half Allc* De Garmo Kaufman ft Lillian Alexander Rob'son Brown Gardner ft B Gordon's Olympla Scolley Square Welton ft Marshall Betty Donn Co Bobby Folaom Halg A Leve re Morgan ft Binder T Honey Boy a 2d half Camlle Trio Sharkey Roth ft W Wanda Ludlow Co Burns ft Wilson Rathbourne 4 LAHR'NCK, MA8a\ Empire Hurlo Tabor ft Green R ft E Dean 4 Jacka ft a Queen (One t6 fill) 2d half Thamcr Broa Nelly ft Pollock Santley ft Morton Keene ft Willlamg Nana Co LKWIHTON, NV, Music Hall Dallaa "Walker Arthur Kigby HARRY J. CONLEY With NAOMI RAV "RICK AND OLD SHOES" Thli Wetk (Fsbruary 28). HIPP.. Y0UN6ST0WH Next Weak (March 7). COLONIAL. AKP.ON. James Cullen The Seeback8 Gordon's Olympla Washington St Charlie Bradley Ferro & Coutler 5 Musical Beautiea Cun'ham ft Bennett Stanley ft Elva BXNt.OK. ME. Bijou Melva Sis Reed ft Lucy Kaufman ft Lillian Elsa Ryan Co Rappi Frennell 3 (One to Mil) 2d half Dallas Walker Arthur Rigby Lee ft Howard LAS Archer Lambert ft Phillips Zarrell Bros (One to till) BROCKTON, MASS Strand Gold ft Edwards Matty W Llppard Harry Cooper "Making Movies" 2d half De Voe ft Stat.:, r Kmma O'Neil Hail.-n A tiorr Henry ft Moore "Making Movica" CAMBRIDGE Gordon'a Central s«, Alice De Gormo Barker ft Dunn "Ladies of Jury" Jean Hrnneae M Whitman Co 2d half Irene Paul Decker Co Mellon ft Renn Mcintosh ft Maids (One to fill) FIT'BIRG. MASS. Colonial Mcintosh ft Maids Carl ft Inez Paul Decker Co Joale Heather Co Brown Gardn'r A B Lambert ft Phillips Zarrell Bros 2d half Grand ft Wallace McCorm'k ft Regay Elsa Ryan Co Fred l^ewla Toy Ling Foo LYNN. MASS. Gordon's Olympla McCorm'k ft Regay Mrs. Wcll'ton S'p'se Jim M- Williams L ft G Archer 2d half Devitt Young ft Sis Carl ft In.". Jean G ra neae M Whitman Co MANCHESTER Palace Thames Broa Mack Redding Pop Ans'n A D'tera Kelly ft Pollock Nana ft Co 2d half Hurio Tabor ft Green 4 Jacks ft a Queen R ft E Dean (One to fill) NEW BEDFORD Gordon'a Olysnpla De Voe ft Statzer Hallen ft Goss Ona Munson Co Henry & Moors (One to Mil) 2d half Barker ft Dunn Cartwcll ft Harris Lyons ft Yosco "Ladies of Jury" (One to fill) NEWPORT. R I. Opera House 1st half Emma Oneil Cartwell St Harris Lyons ft Yosco Pederson Bros (One to (ill) 8ALKM, MASS. Empire RAYMOND BOND Presenting HI* Own Comedy Claactc of Stage "STORV.B00K STUFF" This Week (F«.. 28) E. F. Alsse, Provident,. R. Went Week (alar. 7). Polli Wrcetter ft Harrf«« 4 Husbands' 2d half Matty lee Lippard Kmmett Briscoe Co Harry Cooper Ona Munson Co (One to till) HAVKR'LL, MASS. Colonial Jeanier Hros Camlle Trio Sharkey Both ft W Ward Ludlow Co Keene ft William* Rathbourne 4 2d half Jennlcr Bros Bobby Folaom Haig A Lover* M.->r K an A Binder 7 Honey Boys * CHICAGO, B. F. KEITH Vaudeville Exchange. Chicago BATTLE CRKKK ILJou Donahue ,M- Flet'er Raymond w>ie Co Dreains Come True (Three to till) 2d half SnHi At \;«-rnon "Love Game" Cameron A Rogera Belle «V Cjiron (One to fill) CLINTON, ILL. Gulf port A Brown Cttrson Sisters Waters Hopk's ft C Harmon Harri'n Dakin & ii FA'NSVILLE. IND. Palace Waters Popk'a ft c "Revue Delnrke" Dr -sdncr ft Allnn Jenka ft Alien Cameo Girta Time ft Tile McKowan ^ BradF J U'KSON Orpheum Snell ft Vernon Lachman Hiv-t.-rg Kddie Car* Co Cameron ft Bog.r* Klass A Termini (t)ne to All) 2d half Donahue A Klet'e* Can*** Klrke c* Chabol ft/Tortonl win Btanton Co Ta\ior ft Franehi Brosius ft Hrown KALAMA/OO Regent Broisius A Brown Marcel Marion HOLMES and WELLS With Geo. .lesscl's "Troubles of Iff*?* Orpheum. Minmapolh. Wee* (Mar.h l<). "Magic Glasses" FT. WAYNE. IND. I'alnee W ft H Brown BrasllMen H« iresa Adler ft Dunbar Al Williams Co Nellie KlrheiM (Two to n;i> OaUenTM HAY, Uls. Orjdii tirh Ang.-lo '.rineiito ii:i\den <; id'n ft II Ornvi .. i >( in. .I.;. Peoria « iyprV s (Oiie io n; > lit NTINi.'N INI), llRittlngten .1.:. ii I I. : , oh L Mortimt r Cb Taylor A I'rarc.s Kirh. c ( > Tan«ro Htaoes 2d ball <aUi< ima Mine :t M Itamilton c<» Ban ley .•; \;„ \, , Klaaa ft Termini Werton's Models f.\NS|N<i, Mleh. Bijou Thelmn < )rr ft Hag. r M ii.imiiton • '* it.ty La Pearl \\ > ston's' Mod' is t< ir i nil it ,f