Variety (March 1921)

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today, March 4, 1921 PICTURES AYS RAW STOCK TARIFF WOULD AID U. S. MONOPOLY iporter Cromelin Files Brief in Congress Against Eastman Agent's Appeal for Protection from Foreign Competition. ' 4- >aul H. Cromelin, president of the .-Ocean Film Corp., has sub- iltted to the Honorable Joseph W. ordney, chairman oX the House Committee on Ways and Means in Tashhgton, a statement protest- against the imposition of an ad lorem import duty of 30 per cent. . "raw stock." This is in opposition to the pro- sal of Jules EL Brulatour, who ap- _red before the committee Feb. 10 d made a plea for an import tax 1 raw stock. Brulatour stated that, although ^scheduled to speak on behalf of wtman Kodak Co., he appeared >rsonally. According to Mr. Cromelin's _tement, seven years ago Eastman Kodak Co. controlled 95 per cent, of the raw stock sold in the United States. He adds: "It is only when the distributor of man raw stock comes before a committee of Congress asking to be saved from the terrible onslaught of possible future competition, that we get in- dignant and feel impelled to make a plain statement of the true position. "Such attempts as have been made by any concern to break into the Eautman monopoly in the United States by manufacturing in this country in competition have made .very little progress. There are three other companies organized In this country in-recent years and who are now endeavoring to make a sat- isfactory raw stock, but the sum total of their output is so small as ;to be practically negligible. It is estimated that upward of 650,000 'feet of motion picture film is used in •the United States annually, of irhlch, while figures are not avail- able, it is pretty safe to estimate hat 85 to 90 per cent, is thse prod- ct of the Eastman company. - "Heretofore such raw stock as was made by others was not con- sidered In the class of Eastman film. That which is imported from France t>y Pathe (their own manufacture) Is used almost entirely to print * ' this country such pictures as the American Pathe Company distribute here. "The Gavaert Company of Ant- werp has, however, in recent years developed a film which under very carefully conducted tests seems to be equal if not superior to East- man's. Various producers of mo- tion pictures and laboratories, where motion pictures are printed have been using a portion of Ga- vaert stock as well as Eastman, and it now looks a-3 if this material, Unless it is prevented from coming In because of tariff restrictions, may prove a real source of supply, inde- pendent from Eastman. It was sug- gested that because of cheaper labor In Belgium, the raw stock could be made there and sold here so much more cheaply, that a duty should be placed upon it to protect the Amer- ican producer (Eastman)." Filed with Mr. Cromelin's protest Is a letter from the Gavaert Co. of America, Inc., importers of raw stock, which is in part as follows: "In response to your inquiry con- cerning the material which enters into the manufacture of raw stock made by the Gavaert Company for which we have the sale in this coun- try, I confirm the statement which [ made to you personally that the base material (celluloid), the most Important item entering into the manufacture of motion picture raw ,v.'t.9rA> i* ceUulold whteb the Gavaert Company purchases in the United States and sends to Belgium for the purpose of having if treated chem- ically and thus converted into mo- tion picture film by a sensitizing Process. The cost of this celluloid base is more than two-thirds tho cost of th<> Him. The Gavaert Com- pany thus in soiling its finished Product in tho United States is han- dicapped to the extent that it lias to buy this l»ase celluloid in America Pay the freight to Antwerp and then pay the freight back to the Ignited States in order to sell competition hero." rected by William de Mille, and proved itself delightful for the many ingredients of Barrieism which it disclosed in text and denouement. It follows the stage play closely. It is likely that a younger genera- tion will see "What Every Woman Knows" as a picture, although there will be a sprinkling — plentiful at that—of those who remember the legitimate version of the play. The distinct feature of the picture is that although it is based on a great play it stands up as a picture regardless of its stage fame. Unlike "The Ad- mirable Crichton," Barries "What Every Woman Knows" has no twist- ed continuitv o~ n remake into ro^cttailXB ' modern." Barrie in this ture is undiluted Barrie. U :t M used freely and with <1H- .1 tioQ. . ( n«l in not a single Instance ta it misapplied, it retains, there- fore, a great deal of hs original fla- vor, and that is very satisfactory. "What Every Woman Knows" finds a new starring combination in Conrad Xagel and Lois Wilson They are capital in their roles, and it is difficult to assign the major ptjrt of the credit to either one. It seems that both are in the fore- ground with equal number of oppor- tunities, and both take advantage of skillful direction. It is all character work, and the Maggie of Miss Wil- son stands out boldly for its repres- sion and modesty to the pomposity of John Shand, played by Nagel Thfre is, in fact, so much that is delightful in their performance that when an element of shallowness in the work of the supporting cast as- serts itself the duo (Nagel-Wilson) immediately lift the tempo. A singular fact about this picture from the standpoint of continuity asserts itself in the instance that there are no big climaxes to be reg- istered. Olga Printzlau is the continuity writer on this occasion. The open- ing scenes depicting John Shand prior to his surreptitious entrance into the Wiley household could easily have been enacted with greater emphasis. A note of sus- pense, it seems, could have been registered. In casting Mr. De Mille (assuming that he did cast) does not select his character for their true import and relationship to English society. In the case of Miss Tucker as Sybil better judgment might have been exercised. A type more distinct than hers was essential, it seems, to convey the reason for Shand's folly The three Wylies, played respective- ly by Messrs. Ogle, Huntly and Oli- ver, were in substantial hands. The art direction of Wilferd Buckland shows the latter's skill in maintaining unity of purpose in staging the piece and giving it the appropriate atmosphere. The pho- tography is of a high order and the lighting effects are on an equal plane. The production is not ex- pensive. It is a striking instance of absence of lavishness where it is unessential. The story in this case speaks volumes, the background is secondary, and the total absence of pretentiousness Is one of the most welcome things in it. What does every woman know? As Barrie proves it, every woman knows her husband's true capacity That is her little joke—or "our." as she declares—but she is artful about not letting him (her husband) know that she knows so much. The Bivoli audience applauded the picture at its conclusion, in proof of its excellent qualities to please. Step. FILM THEATRE "MOTHER." Policewoman to Handio Vernon. vies in Mt. Mt. Vernon, N. Y.. March 2. As a result of a suggestion mado by Police Commissioner Wynne to Mayor Kincaid. a matroi. is to be employed by all local theatres to serve at the houses jn non-school days. The: r will be designated, jpon employment, as special policewomen by. the..commissioner and will he clothed with full power to eject any youthful disturbers. The matrons will be in attendance on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays in vinter and every day during the summer. This is one of the features that developed at a conference held in the office of the mayor at which were present, besides the police commissioner and mayor, Fire Cora* missioner Havey, Manager Mc- Cormack of Proctor's, Manager Hughes of the Westchester, Mana- ger Weinberg of the Playhouse, and Manager Bloom of the Lyric. Sev-" eral aldermen were also in atten- dance. King and Florence Vedor are en route from Los Angeles to New York. in WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS 'Continued from Page 40) having b«eo one of the truly great V* w productions which Maudo A «*ms made famous. « is one of the best pictures dl- // One of the Finest Pictures of the Season tt Ti HOSE who were familiar with the charm of Barrie and the skill of William DeMille knew in advance that "What Every Woman Knows" would be a winner. Because the stage play was one of the most delightful ever written— Because William DeMille of all directors is admirably fitted to realize Barrie on the screen— « Because the cast, headed by Conrad Nagel and Lois Wil- son was one of the most perfect ever selected. And its reception in New York has justified all that was expected. The critics say: "It surpasses anything done before by Mr. DeMille. It is one of the sea- son's best pictures. It breathes of human nature and life as we see it." New York World. "Well worth seeing. There is not a weak spot in the cast." Evening Mail. "The picturization is just as con- vincing as the stage play." New York Sun. Ut One of the finest pictures of the season, just as the play was one of the finest of the stage." Evening Telegram. JESSE L. LASKY Fresenta William Demille's Production of •• - ._ Sir James M. Barrie's play ■. ■. ... ...... ■.. _ . .-..-. ._. "What Every Woman Knows" With Conrad Nagel and Lois Wilson Scenario by Olga Printzlau - Q, (paramount Qicture " FAMOUS PLAYERS-LASKY CORPORATION $» AOOt»M luKO. »m JttM LUmrv m a mm fttH » 01 Mini MW il