Variety (March 1921)

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ly, March 11, lttl VARIETY THE BEST PLACES TTMC GRANT AND CHICAGO rating Hotel LORRAINE 500 Housekeeping Apartments (Of the Better Clsst-Withln Reach off Economic. Folkt) (later tbe Olreet aa»er«l»lea ef tb* ewaera. Leeateg f. tk, k ..rt ai aai ~«*. . . ^ (J** tf $•*•.. tfNM. pri.M m&.\EXmlt&T*^"Z;£«-V. ^Va Wo are the le/geet aalatalaert ff heenekeealao fere lea ad aaart...*. •-* ■---■■-■ ... . . . ALL BUILDINSS EQUIPPED WITH STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS HILDONA COURT »| to 147 Weat 45ta SL. Pheae LHturi 55*0 A ialHUo da lax*. JMt teaseled: elevator *"*—* "T?*?* to *•*•• •» •••. «•• aad Same enema, wit* tried totk eae ihewer. tiled Ubjeeaa. tlteheeettee. Theee aaartaieata ernbe** «r«ry l«mr> baewa to) leodera »« fence. 100.00 Up Monthly; »16.00 U. Weakly. VANDI3 COURT ~|H*tT Wtf 43d •*. *aae*r «,*,«♦ „„ Oae. three art leer ream ap.rim.nt*. «itb ■Rebeaettea. private bath aaa tetephoae. (ha aSvaay tbaaa apartment* art eot«* far h eae ef m attraattoaa. tIS.N Up Wee*l>. m HENRI COURT 112. 114 aaa lit Watt «tb tt Pheae: Laafaara MM ^L-J?*f*' ,,,# *" Ulrt ^ —' •'••reef aalldlao, ■IM I'.J * Martaiaata at three aad faar room* with kitcbeai aaa private bath. Pheae la aacb aaartaeaL H7.oa Up Wee*l> THE bUPLEX 130 aaa 325 Waat 43d tt L~; Pheae: Bryant OiSt-4203 Three ana fear raaaa with hath, fwratikaa to a aaaraa af aedergaoaa that axeala aeylbie. la this type af build in a. Thaa« apartaaau will aeeeej* ■•data faur ar mora adaltv $•.50 Up Weekly. Principal Office—Yaudie Court, 241 Waat 43rd Street. New York Apartment, can be aeen evening. Office In each buildina MARION HOTEL 156 Weat 35th Street, N. Y. City (2 blocks from Perm. Stat.on) ITadar law aiaaacfmrnt. 101 newly renovated rooma— oil modern eoavenlencee— IwLt Greeley S27S-5374. MA1CTIN A GRAHAM Manager DOUGLAS HOTEL Lnder Now Management. Rooma Newly Renovated. —All Con- venience*. — Vacanciea Now Open. 207 W. 40th St.—Off B'way Phone: Bryant 1471-8. Phaaa LONSACBS 3333 Furnished Apartments AND ROOMS Larwe Rooma, S6.00 and Up. 1, t. S Room Apartment*. $10 to f 18. COMPLETE HOUSEKEEPING S10 WEST 48th ST.. N. Y. CITY to carefully consider the measure before signing it. Benny Benjamin, musical director with Charles Robinson's "Parisian Flirts" at the Century last week, was ill. His work was looked after by J. F. Zimmerschied, house leader. Although Lenore Ulrich does not open at the Grand theatre here until March 14 the advance sale is al- ready very heavy, and Manager Gray Is authority that the mail orders for this attraction are the heaviest for any attraction for sev- eral seasons at the house. NOTICE SEYMORE HOTEL ROCHESTER, N. Y. Up-to-date European — $1.00 UP. Tel. Bryant M4 MV74J3 One Block to Tlaaee Samara The Edmonds Furnished Apartments MRS. GKORGB DANIEL. Preprletreae SaMerfai Exalaafreh to the PrefeMtoo. Seeeial Saaaar Batee frai ■ Jaaa S) Septenbw. 17S-78-89 RIGHTU AVENUE. Between 47t» and 4»th Siroota Prlrate Rath and 'Phone NEW TORS OfBeei In Bach Apartment 77S EIGHTH 1SI4 Geo, P. Sehnoloar, Prop. FURNISHED APARTMENTS THE BERTHA Complete for Housekeeping. Clean and Airy. 323 West 43rd Street NEW YORK CITY Private Batik. S-4 Rooma. Catering to the comfort and eoavealoaee of tlbo profeeaion Steam Heat and Eieetrlc tight .... up IRVINGTON HALL 355 to 359 West 51st Street. Phont Circle 6640 An elevator, fireproof building of the newest type, having every device and eon- valence. Apartmente are beantlfolly arranged, and eonelat of t, 9 and 4 rooma with kiteheae aad kltehenettoa. i '«« oath and 'phone. $17.00 Up Weekly Addroae all eommonleatlona to Chaxlea Teacabnnm, Irving ton Hall. No or leetlon with «nv »»«r»»r »"-n»e. THE ADELAIDE 754-756 EIGHTH AVENUE Betv.eea 4S11 •»- ' ■_.,«. Onr Bloek *"«at af Broadway Throe, aToar and Plve-Room Uigh-Claaa Furnlahed Apartmente—910 Cf> Strictly Profeaaional. MRS. GEORGE H1EGEU klgr Pboaeat Bryant SS40-1 PHONES: CIRCLE 1114-1119-1119-1117-4049 HOTEL SANDERS CA88 AND COLUMBIA DETROIT, MICH. rive Minute Walk to Theatre*. A New Home and Headquarters •"OH THEATRICALS.—Maeara and Up-ta-Data. GOOD RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION WRITE FOR RESERVATIONS Ashford-Ardsley Apartments on Broadway—1690-1696—Between 53d-54th Streets FURNISHED APARTMENTS — 1. t. 9, 4 ROOMS aad BATH UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT High Claaa Elevator Apartmente; Every Poealble Service; With Rltchea aad Kltcheneitea; 4-Room Sultea Eapeclally Adapted^ for Two Couple*; Large Kitchen. Profeaaional Rate* Quoted. $30. «■*«" SUITES ""SSXSa FOR 2 PERSONS Light, Airy Rooma Furnished All Improvemeato « Overlooking Central Park Weat) 9 Minutea from All Theatreo. Alao Bedroom and Buth. Exceedingly Low Ratea. g~*TDr*I 1? Ua^T'171 COLUMBUS CIRCLE AT RSth ST. Ferwarl* dKv^JLiTi tlXJlCjl^ Pkaaa: COLUMBUS I34S ftEISENWEBER'S ber the high school orchestra will play In contest at the musical fes- tival at Pittsburgh, and by special arrangement Leo Forbstein, leader, of the Newman orchestra, placed it in his program. $6 Pe lu w P E - EK 101 ROOMS NEWLY RENOVATED With KITCHEN PRIVILEGES In the Heart of the Theatrical Dlatriet; X Block* from Penn. Citation. Completely Furnnhed; Every Convenience aad Camfart. Phonee: Greeley 5373-74. MARION HOTEL •**"&£""" 156 WEST 35th ST. Hector Fuller, the newspaper man and war correspondent, has taken the position of press representative for the "Way Down East" picture now showing here. He relieves Pat Campbell, who goes to the same picture now playing Chicago. Seldom does a theatre offer as varied a schedule of education and amusement as the Shubcrl for this week. In the morning the house has religious services; in the after- noon Rudolph Ganz, in concert, and In the evening "Way Down East." The members of the Fort Scott. Kansas, High School Orchestra, made a special 100-mile trip to this city yesterday to hear the Newman theatre orchestra play the selection *'Lustspeil." The piece is the nura- LOUISVILLE. By JOHN M. FRANCIS. MACAULEY'S.—Otis Skinner In "At the Villa Rose' Hrst half; dark last half. Charlotte Greenwood in three-day return engagement and Henry B. Walthall in "Taken In" next. PICTURES. — Bryant Washburn In "An Amateur Devil," Majestic; Charlie Chaplin in "The Kid," Strand; Alice Brady in "Out of the Chorus," Alamo; Priscilla Dean in "Outside the Law," Walnut. Marie Gale, leading woman at the Shubert, retired from the stage last week. Her final appearance was in "Jane Clegg." Florence Ritten- house is her successor, opening this week in "The Ruined Lady." An- other new member of the Shubert company is J. Hammond Dailey. "Buzz" Bainbridge is managing di- rector of the house. . Theatregoers at the Mary Ander- son received an unprogrammed thrill .Monday night when a support of the apparatus used by the Four Lamy Brothers, aerialists, snapped, causing the entire outfit to crash to the floor and throwing Carl Lamy twenty-flve feet to the stage. As the stay broke a stage hand shouted a warning and two of the brothers, who were on trapezes, jumped to the floor. Lamy was hanging head downward with his feet locked and was unable to jump. The appar- atus fell against the drop, which probably saved Lamy serious in- Jury. The act was called off. ♦»* sTAGt *** LLERtfSQK s XMTC The world'* largest manufacturer* of the- atrical footwear We Fit Entire Companies Also Individual Orders «*I4 a «a> at 48u »t. Chiaaea Ma* verb atatr aa4 Maaraa St* MINNEAPOLIS. By DEAN JENSEN Lenore VW\r in "The Son- Daughter" closes the season at the Metropolitan. An unconfirmed rumor has it that L. N. Scott, man- ager of tho house, is planning a new theatre more centrally located to p'ay legit attractions. Since the elimination of St. Joseph, Dubuque, Waterloo and Marshall town from American bur- lesque artists arrive in Minneapolis Monday from Kansas City and rest until the following Sunday opening here. It has been persistently rumored that Finkelstein & Ruben are in negotiations with the Shuberts and that tho former will next season offer Shubert vaudeville at the new State, which house is located near the new Orpheum Junior, under construction. Another rumor is that Loew vaudeville will be trans- ferred to another Finkelstein- Ruben house nearer the new Or- pheum 4han the Palace, where Loew vaudeville is now being pre- sented, and that the New Palace will be given over to burlesque to compete with the Gayety. TRUNKS ALL MAKES ALL SIZES FOR THE PROFESSION. AT BIG DISCOUNTS t RIALTO IXGGAGE SIKH' t59 Weat 42rl St., Near Stb Avenue. OrBH BVBNINOa NEW ORLEANS By O. M. SAMUEL. TULANK.-Robert B. Mantell. ST. CHARLES—Sherman Slock in "Way Down East." TEMPLE.—"The Smarter Set." LYRIC—Clarence Bennett's Col- ored Carnival. - Owing to the summary closing by George Kelly of his sketch, "The Flattering Word," due to the death of his sister, Doris Dagmar, Kelly's leading woman has returned to her home to spend the remainder of the theatrical term with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pulliam. Pulliam is the advertising man of the Orpheum. The Kelly sketch had 12 weeks of bookings when it closed at the Ma jest ic, Chicago. The Orpheum is to remain closed during the summer. Ben Piazza, manager of the theatre, will spend the heated term at Albany, N. Y., visiting the parents of his wife. Piazza married but recently. There had been some gossip about the Orphoum running throughout the year but Martin Beck stated when here last week he did not deem it advisable to try to operate during the hot spell. Hyams and Mclntyre celebrated the 17th anniversary of their mar- riage while playing in this city last week with dinner at Antoine's. Their daughter, Leila Hyams, is now appearing in their sketch, "Maybloom." She is a very beauti- ful girl in the full flush of youth. Jack Edwards is doing publicity work ahead of "Way Down East," which comes into the Tulane for a fortnight, beginning April 3. Bob Sherman is presenting the drama with his stock company this week, beating them to the break, as it were. Loew's was doing business the first part of the week with every other house in town off. The differ- ence in price must have been the reason, for the Loew show did not rise above the average. Lock hart and Laddie, acrobats who talk, began it. The talk was so much stalling. These boys are clever gymnasts, with that part of their work rewarded. The patter could go out. Rose Garden was animated and stressful enough to sell her mer- chandise to the best result. El- dridge,'Barlow and Eldrldge Were In favor at the beginning, but lost something toward the end, where the act lets down. It is tho eccen- tric comedienne who gives this turn its value. Texas Comedy Four were going along neatly until they burlesqued an infirmity. After that all their effort was negligible. Ling and Long were too slow in getting start- ed to do much in the closing posi- tion. ehe Most Important Feature of Your Act Is a Good Curtain in y a good act is spoiled by a poor curtain. Don't handicap your act. Get a good start. Theatrical curtains in a variety of designs and colors, in velvets and painted satins. For sale and rent. BUMPUS & LEWIS, 245 West 46th Street bryant 2695 Hotels Catering to Profession ~ WARNERnHOliiL AMSTERDAM. N. ¥. II. 15 Simla, without bath; $1 75 Double, a all, i a bath. $3.1* 81ncla. wUa bath; S3 M Double. VMS FREDON IA (EUROPEAN PLAN) TENNESSEE AVE.. Juat Off Boardwalk. Tke Hotel That Haa Advertlaed ATLANTjC CITY lor IS Team. NfeVV R1CHWOOD HOTElT *M Treanont 8L BOSTON, I Rooma $1.56 te S.Voo Per Da* Weekly Ratea SS.00 and L'p Special Attention Theatrical Trade PROFESSIONAL*. WLLOOMS HOTEL CHARLEVOIX DETROIT, MICH. a T. KSENAN. Mgr. HOTEL HAMMOND and CAFE NAMMONO. INO. Vmj Modern. Running Watrr in All Roaaaf. Shower Batha; Ratea: fl.SS Slncla; $> «0 Double, una Minute Walk from Orphrum Thcatna* Oppoalta Naw Parthenon Ttieatre. TMiO. 0U8COFF. Free. MAJESTIC HOTEL KUROI'EAN PLAN. HAMMOND. INS. Running Water tn Kvary Room; Alao Rooma with Rath. Rate: $1.16 and up. Located la Canter af City. Ctoaa Mi AM Theatree. M. SCO FES. Mr. HOTEL LINCOLN " INDIANAPOLIS Every Room with Bath from It.IS O* Special Ratea tn the Proreeelea WM. R. BECKER. Pe n. Mar. HOTEL STRATHMORF" WALNUT at 12th ST.. PHILADELPHIA Single moma with running water. $3.00 a day. double. $2.50. 81ngle. with private hath. $3.50 a day. double. $3.00. Special weekly ratea Santa Man agement for the Paat Ten Teara. ISth * Cheatnot fit*.. PHILADELPHIA. Beat located hotel tn city. Ratea: Single, without bath. $11.00 per weak. Double. $10.00 par week. Rooma with prime bath $15.C0 aingla: $31.00 double. Telepbnnee In all rooma DAVID KRAUSE. Mr. PARK HOTEL W,L ¥&$X?* T - Every room with either private bath at running hot and cold water—$2.00 per day and «p, or with private bath, $3.0$ per day and up. Cafe and Orlll open day and all night. Popular price "Club Meala.* HOTELS RECOMMENDED BY ORPHEUM CIRCUIT ACTS COLONIAL HOTEL Seventh Ave. Eaat Calgary. Alta. Caua. $2.00 Deuble— $1.35 Steele— Met a.a* eel* water. Private Pbaee la tvery Sagas, CHICAGO. IIX. " HOTEL WASHINGTON $2.00 a Bay aad Vp With or Without Both Waahlnrton St.. Bet. la Salle and Walls Catering to Orphe um Acta HOTEL ASTOR 17S N. Clark St., Near Randolph St. CHICAGO, ILL, Ratea $1.(0 Per Day and Up \ One Block from Pal ace T h eatre NEW TREMONT HOTET tl'19 So. Dearborn St. ' CHICAGO Every thine; New and Modern A. 8INQER, Managar HOTEL CLARENDON No. Clark and Ontario Street*. Chicago* FIVE MINUTE8 FROM LOOP HATES $1.00 AND U P ONE HUNDRKD OUTSIDE ROOMS HOTEL RICE Everything Vew. Modern and Homelike. KLINGBEIL BROS., PropriHore 755 No. Dearborn 8L I Minutea' Walk fro CHICAGO. ILL. SAVOY HOTEL •2.00 and Up without Bath » _ $3.00 and Up with Bath J. G. NICHOLS, Mar. and Prop. 17th nnd Broadway DENY EH, COLA, HOTEL BALTIMORE S3.D0 PER DAT WITH BATH $$.*• PER OAT WITHOUT BATH S09 ROOMS Salt!ware A>e. 4 lltb St., Kama* City. Ma. OMAHA, NEB. FONTENELLE HOTEL $$.00 a Day and Up. Bvary Room With Bath. ISth and DOUGLAS RTS. METROPOLE HOTEL OF ST. LOUIS Jaat N. of Waahlngton Ave. on 12tb Special Theatrical Ratea $7.00 Par Week Up— Strictly Modern Homelike SEATTLE, WASH. WALDORF HOTEL Ultraconventlona! program at Pantages this week with th« pt» trona yawning and palpably bored at the Sunday afternoon perform- ance. The film feature was "Pagan I^ove," which also failed to arouse Interest. "Tho Girl in the Air," first shown here at the American Musical hall by William Morris, opened. Many of similar pattern have born around Rince. This act as now propelled has the basket holding the girl spreading so much light the erano and its working are visible all over the house. The turn ban ly slipped across.' Charles A. Reader ni<ant very little with Ilia xylophone nn m»nt that was ten years bark. Thty w.adied Charles pass away. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Payne had an idea in their playlet, "Who Gets) I.. t " but couched it in su<-h manner as to lessen its appeai. The playiajf .;.