Variety (March 1921)

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toy, 1921 n i 1 I ana VARIETY 21 OAKLAND Orpbenns _, ■ leaka Suratt Os Conlin j« Browning fe ne Greene "JJgon ft B'ldwin m A Oreen red Lateii ©• OMAHA Orphenm Bremen A Bre »oroy A Howard I Morgan Co -•by Randall rer's Midgatg eoe ton's Circne . ITLAND, OIK Orpheusn Lloyd A Dayne A Hyema ^er Mlrano f IA B Wheeler kB A Nolan |f.ACBAMJ£NTO Orpheum (21-tS) ame bill play* . Fresno 24-26) Ibertlna Rasch Co |et A Newton annoy Burke Lewis „ey A Old Rose" jury Kahne lying Mayes Howard A Sadler "Artistic Trent" White Bros A 8 Langf'd A r'd'ricks SALT LAKE Orpbeam Btnnrt Barnee Jaaet of Franoe C A F Ueher Vokee A Don RemadeII A Deye F A O Walter Tascano Broe M nlature Rivue •AM FKAMCI8CO Orpbeam •Moonlight" Finn A Sawyer F A J Tell Charles Irwin The Nagyfye Bobby O'Neil Co Alfred Farrell Co Annan Kalis SEATTLE Orpbeam Four Fords Harriet Rempel Co Moil A Frye Everest's Circus Otto A Sheridan Margaret A Alveres Holmes A La Vers SIOUX CITY Orpheum The Barlows Rucker A Winifred E ST. LOUIS, m. Erber'e Adonis Co Fred Hughes "Follow Ms Girts" Hall A Shaplrs Sd half Frear Baggott A F Byrd A Allen 4 Balmlane (Ons to All) EVANSVILLE (Torre Hants split) 1st half Ward A Dooley Lowrle A Prince Hsrt Wagner A B Rilln WUlard Co Hersohol Henlero Golden Troupe GALBSBCRG, ILL. OBISONandPIERCE "NO MOBE SALOONS" ST. LOUIS Orpbeam fera Gordon Co ickrtt A Dclmar r M A Winthrjp _iily Darrell trnei A Freeman tase Fantasies Cleve is Henry's Pets Rialto in.eron Sisters Tv\ Gaxton Co Intel A Johnson inley & Birnes Miree Bobs ■ Il-n A Keke ST. PAUL Orpbeam illy A. Wellman BfcOey A McBrlde illly McDermott Tir.ton Brothers f Kirksmith Sis Geo MacFarlane Bill Robinson Connelly A Francis Lew Dockstader VANCOUVER, B.C. Orpbeam Franklyn Ardell Co James C Morton Tom Smith Bert Melrose Murray Girls Delmar A Kolb Edith Clifford WINNIPEG Orpbeam Blossom Seeley Co Loiya Adier Co Prosper A Maret Four Gossips Larry Comer Selblnl A Nagel Ned Norworth Co WESTEBN VAUDEVILLE State-Lake Theatre Building, Chlcnge ALTON, m. Hippodrome A H Brown ick A O'Donnsll 2d half nis Co II A Shapiro SEVILLE, IU. Washington inel Leona A Z ick Lea )ne to fill) 2d half itty A Evelyn A M Foster 'lllle Bros )X*GTON, 111. Majestic RSSO CO Bbison A Pisrcs fslunteers" 2d hslf A Stillwell »n A Halg to fill) RAPIDS, la. Majestic III van A Mack rbcr A Jackson Rsrrington Co -lie Nichols |tow Dockstader 2d half Bedford A W rls Gypsies liver A Duval Co liver A Olp Wees Kennedy II Pink Toes" CHAMPAIGN. 111. , Orpheum IJ A N Olms l*Tour of Us" Bnlels A Walters rron A Halg fates A Reed •ttomiey Tr . 2d half |Jes Melvin ^Jtrstford 4 Brown Gardner B "•van A Flint I Ruffles" [(One to All) CHICAGO, 111. American Chas Kenna 2d half Harry Tsuda Sophie Cashmlr W Stanton Co Tates A Reed (One to nil) Lincoln Mlnettl A Rledl J B Donovan Murphy A White The Mijares (Two to fill) td half "The Champion" Bob Hall Garcinettl Bros (Three to fill) Logan Square Harry Tsuda M Prince Girls •The Champion" Frear Baggott A K Silver A North Sd half Mlnettl A Dledl Holm A Lockwood Murray Bennett Weston's Models "District School" CLINTON, 111. Orpheum Theasy A Powell Nick Hufford Blnns A Burt (One to fill) 2d half Lurlanna Luces (Three to All) DAVENPORT, In. Columbia Redford A W Meredith A S M Gasper Co Oliver A Olp Wm. Mandcll Co (One to fill) 2d half Marino A Maley Donovan A Lee The Mijares (Three to fill) DECATUR, 111. Empress Monroe Bros Jean Boydell Stratford 4 HARRY J. CONLEY With NAOMI RAY "RICE AND OLD SHOES" TMi Wee! (March 14), DAVIS. PITTSBURGH _—»t Week (Meres 21), KEITH'S COLUMBUS •"L^..border Ci Mws Wilson Havana ugh & K I Three to fill) T . 2d half '}** Roahier '/Brlon MAP »<riacoe & Kauh s *or Bros n »rs Bros ((Jt »* to fill) Empress xv ;»ton-8 Models ■ Jeshmlr Co Magic 411.1-v., v • ^altrr Weem »nd.-r Apple Tr . ' "arc v.roa _ M hslf obby Harris r n Salon Blnjjora . V ,s Wllaon n *r m '' ' Apple Tr. • ' "Jiic to fill) I, Krd/it. ! n.-tn Mro« ;>/' •' v,i, n K r ' n '» ' v Mi-Im- T" ■•>■■■ * II t'« "RufQ< s " (One to fill) 2d half Henry's Pets Dan iris A Walters IniliufT CSAII A C Murphy A White Ixhlkawa Bros (One to fill) DES IHMMEft Majestic Ar*> Iina Sin Jack Russell (To Msdls DcLonK .1 Levy A Oiris 2d half <'.-.\r iora A Cast \>- Warwick Leigh ;: Hurru i'ii i ».ikin II («>n to All) in ill <)i p.. U, MaJestlS «'!•«•« I'M- Tiluivv II *j> < U i mhb* lisi rbj * '•> i ..: Itubln Sultan Fred Berrens (One to fill) 2d half Arco Bros Orren A Drew Girls Bs Olrls" GRANITE CITVJU. Washington Freddie Allen OHara A Neeley td half Clay Crouch Ralph Sea bury Challon A Keke JOIJET, III. Orpheum Monti A Parti Helm A Lockwood « Belfords • td half OHara A Neeley Robison A Pierce Bottomley Tr KANSAS CITY Globe Paula Stuart Olrls Haynca Mont A H Lloyd A W'house 5 Chaplns td half •1 Hartmnsy Maids Rawson A Claire* Oreen A Dean 3 Melvin Bros (One to fill) KENOSHA, Wis. Virginian Pearls Gypsies Loom Bros Jack Lavier - td half Tzotta H B Toonier Co Jenks A Allen Hayataka Bros LINCOLN, ~Neb. Liberty 2 Harmony Maids Rawson A Claire Green A Dean 3 Melvin Bros (One to fill) 2d half Vagges Allman A NeWon* "Tale of 8 Cities'* Jack Polk 3 Alexs MADISON, HI*. Orpheum Hayataka Bros Hayes A Fields O'Brien MAP Sidney Phillips (Two to fill) 2d hslf Sterling A M Gilbert A Saul Thos Potter Dunne Hunting A Frances (Two to fill) MASON CITV, In. Cecil Davis A Chsdwlck Warwick Leigh t Smith A Inrasn Aurora Co 2d half Areelma Sis Eddie Csrr Co Nick Hufford 3 Romanos OKMULGEE Cook Roof Garden t Wordon A Naldy "Hy Dream Girl" Neal Abel (One to fill) 2d half W Halo A Bro Forrest A Church Barr Twins McCormick A Irwin 3 Ankers OMAHA, Keb. Empress Allman A Nevins Jack Polk 3 Alexs 2d half Ncwkirk & P Sis Walah & Austin Bernard A Ferris "Old Black J'land ' PEORIA. 111. Orpheum Monahan Co Beck A Stillwell Eddie Carr Co Frances Kennedy .Trnks A Allen 3 Rogals 2d half linsM) Co "Volunteers" 9r*V*« <# |Mr>4f Marie Gasper <Jo Walter Weenia (One to fill) QI 1NCY, III. Orpheum. Arco Bros Orren a Dr^w "Girls Be Girls 2d half Sultan Fred Borr- tis (One to til!) RACINE, Win ■silts Miliar Sis Two Ladellan Hern n A Hhirl' j S w i • r I: i. > • • 1 \i I. \ n «; A B j.i ii iir l!i ,1m i'a A Be»-*oi i i ii iiH a.- Ni-Viii" ■ .i im en A ): (Two' is mi» KOriilORD. HI Plllucr "Rubetown Follies" Thos Potter Dunne Hunting A Franoes (Tws to All) 24 half Dsncing Esnnedys Meredith A Snooser H Harrington Os Sidney Phillips Wm Msndsl Os (Ons ts 111) 8T. JOS, Hsu CrysUU Vagges Theda Bernard Dewey A Rogers Romas Troupe (One to fill) 2d hslf Ronda Duo B A Z Fields "Playmates" Nellie V Nichols Johnson Bsker A J ST. LOUIS Columbia Jass Marimba t ■ AM Foster Jss Grady Cs Willie Bros 2d half W A H Brown Fsnnie Frsnkel "Follow Ms Girls" Jsck Les Grand Kennedy A Nelson James Llchter Samaroff A Sonla Ssrgent Bros Matthews A B "Waiters Wanted" Will Fox Co Presdner A Allen "Aeroplane Girls" SIOUX CITY. 1A. Orpheum The Barlows Rucker A Winifred « Kirksmith 81s Geo McFarlane (Two to fill) 2d half Worden Bros BH1 Robinson Gygl A Vadis Lew Dockstader (Two to fill) SIOUX FALLS.S.D. Orphenm Worden Bros Pntnnm MAECUSLOEW Building. Mew York City MKW YOKK CITY ■ddle Montrose O'Neil Sisters Fisher's Circus Torks A Maybeils "Sunshlno" Boyle A Bennett Leigh DeLacey Co Mulcahy A B Baggott A Sheldon 2d half Helen Jackley Ardell A Tracy V*a Dyke A D Callahan A Bliss Dawning A B Sis BROOKLYN Metropolitan Esther I McConnell A West Dolly's Dresm Ward A Wilson Great Fells td half Bollinger A B Cedrlo A Lindsay Leigh DeLacey Co Sails A Bobles Melody Festival AMERICA'S MOST PKOGKJB88IVB sLANAGl MERCEDES WILL BOOK TOU AND HELP YOU MAKE OOOD. SUITS 316—BOMAX BUILDING, NEW XOBK CITY Robinson McCabe t Fortune Queen Hickey A Hart Mae A Hill Joe Whitehead McDonald I Victoria Helen Jackley Mills A Smith VAC Avery Bobby Henshaw Co Dancers Supreme 2d half Esther t Mulcahy A B "Sunshine" Lane A Smith Great Felix Lincoln Sq. Albert Donnelly Co Moore A Fields Artie Mehllnger McDonald 2 2d half Mudge Morton 2 Boyls A Bennett Conway A Fields Artie Mehllnger Casting Lloyds Fulton Mudge Morton 2 Bart Doyle Callahan A Bliss Bollinger A R (One to fill) 2d half Albert Donnelly Co Murray A Lane Moore A Fields Dancers Supreme (One to fill) Palace Franklyn Bros Flo Ring Fagg A White Jarrow Maxins Dancers 2d half Little Pipplfax Co Alf Ripon W A M Rogers Frank 8ablni t Krasy Kids Warwick Nord A Belmont Gibson A Long Lane A Smith Little Pipplfax Co (One to fll) Mskarenks Due l.aCoste A Bonawe Fields A Burt Danes FcMtlvsl DALLAS, Tex. Jefferson Lockhsrd A Laddie Rose Garden Bldrldge BAB Texas Comedy 4 Ling A Long 2d half Leon A Mltsl Clay A Robinson Delsrldge A G Mshoney A Holmes "Nlns O'clock'• DETROIT Carnival Gorgalls Trio Barlow Banks A O Howard it Lewis ■ Martin A Courtney Berry A Nlckerson Sellna's Circus DULUTH l^oew Cliff Bailey 2 Hodge A Lowell Burton A Shea Winehlll A M Stepping Stone Rev 2d half Marvelous DeOnzos E J Moore Co Yorke A Maybelle B Hart A Girls Willing A Jordsn FALL BIVEB Lsew Lawrence Bros A T Jerome A Albright Pealson A Wallace Tappan A A 6 Musical Buds 2d half The Parshleys Moher A Bldrldge R H Hodge Co Zelaya (One to All) FRESNO, Cal. Hippodrome Chrystle A Ryan Norton A Wilson "Into the Light" Wells A Do Verra « Royal Hussars Norman A Jeanette Kane A Chidlow "Voice or Money" Dave Manley Leon's Ponies Palermo's Canines G<ne «e Minettt May Stanley Cs (One to fill) LOS ANGELES Hippodrome Juggling Ferrler Lehman That'r Gypsy Songsters Folette Pearl A W Clemenoeau Bros 2d half King Bros Chas Martin Maurice Samuels Co Do Lea A Orma Dancing Ssrenaders LONDON, Can. DANNY DAVENPORT OFFICES MICKEY CURRAN, Manager Artists* Representatives. Our Acta Always Working. t45 WEST 47tb STREET (Romax Bldg.) Salts 213. Phone; BRYANT \V,.lyh A Austin Bernard A Ferris "Old Black J'land' 2d half Smith A Inmsn Kelly A Macey Madie DrLong J Levy A Girls SO. BEND. Ind. Oror\euni Coombes A Nevins Will Stanton Rriscoe A Rauh Murray Bennett (Two to 1111) 2d half Herman A Shirley M Prince Girls "Magic Glasses" Roy LaPearl (Two to fill) MK <•! '1,1), III. Majestic Jack Roshier "Man Hunt" Butler A Parker Olsen A Johnson Ishlkawa Bros (One to fill) 2d half Monroe Bros "Four of Us" Damarel A Vail Jean Boydell Olsen A Johnson Kavanaugh B Co TERRE HAUTE Ind. Hippodrome (Evansvllle split) 1st half Sncll A Vernon Jewell A Raymond Greeley Kg. 2 Cliffords Emmett A McLane Alf Ripon Murray A Lane " Conway A Fields Melody Festival 2d half Hanlon A Clifton O'Neil Sisters Yorke A Maybelle VAC Avery, Worsley A Rogers 6 Muslcsl Nooses Delaneey St. Work A Mack Cedric A Llndscy W A M Rogers 2d half Stanley Bros Connors A Boyne Jack Reddv Hank Brown Co Maxine Dancers ATLANTA, Ga. Grand Mykoff A Vanity Gates A Finlcy Fallen Stars Wm Dick Apollo S td half Ajax A Emily Margaret Merle llenard A West X. JOE MICHAELS BOOKING EAST and WEST Qnirk Action — — Belinble Service WIRE. WRITE OR CALL 8UITE 201 Vfc Putnam Bldg.. 14tl Broadway. N. T. City Ben Meroff A Co "Money Is Money" (One to fill) 2d half 2 Cliffords Bmmett A McLane Mills A Smith Dolly's Dream Ward A Wilson 8katlng Macks National Skating Macks Rolls & Royce Fisher A Hurst Luckey A Harris Hanlon A Clifton 2d half / Russell A Hayes Lows Evans-A 8 Johnson Bros A J Browsr Trio BALTIMORE Hippodrome Eugene Bros Parmo Plnney Jarrett Co Anthony A Arnold J A I Marlln BIRMINGHAM Bijou Montamto A Nap Jack Goldle Kibel A Kane Lewis A Thornton Rose Revue 2d half L'G BEACH, Cal. Stats Fred's Pigs Gualane» A M Brooks Clinton Co Gordon A Delmar Chas Harte Co 2d half Juggling Ferrler Lehman A Thatcher Gypsy Songsters Foiette Pearl A W Clemenoeau B/os HAMILTON. Can. Kin* St. "Girl in Basket" Downing A Lunds Harry Mason Co Steve Freda The Scrantons 2d half Wrays Manikins Murphy A Klein I<ce Beggs Co Frank Terry "Rhyme A R mi" HOBOKEN. N. J. Laser Connors A Boyne Justice Hank Brown A Co "Around Clock" (One to fill) 2d half Williams A Taylor Danny Murray Livingston (Two to fill) HOLTOKE, Mass. Lsew Martin A Elliott Laing A Green Turner A Joselya Frank Sabinl Ousting Lloyds £krV Cantor offices Managers and Producers 140S BROADWA1, N. Y. C—Suits 211 /W//V6 VATiS. MANAGER The Office of Quick Result* Phone Bryaat MM I WalmMoy A K J R Johnson Angtr & Packer (Ons to fill) TOPEKA, Kan. Novelty 3 BliKhty Girls Billy Barlow Frances Owen Co Murray Voelk Hall. Ermine A B 2d half Paula Stuart Girls Haynfg Mont A H Lloyd A Whouse iT CttayttM WATERLOO, la. Majestic : Romaaas Harvey * Bl • • ' Hill Robinson •30 Pink Topi" (l)ti': to fill) 2d half Davis ^ Chsdwtcl. .i Rnsssll Co Oo MrFarlHTv The Belfords • r,<; t<> till 1 WICHITA, Kan Princes T. rchow'n ( •• • ..•i.i .'. IV. l< >' ' to i • • ..i i... . • ' i.l)> Ii IM I . I ,'t\\ V „i • •. \ ••• . I • : r. Bobby Henshaw "Monoy is Money" (One to fill) Orpheum Noel L*»Hter Lowe Evans A 8 "Telephone Tangle" Joe Whitehead] (One to All) 2d half Work & Mack McConnell A We«t Williams A Payton Fisher's Circus (Two to fill) Boulevard AM. M * Tracy V, :;-tiims A MvyiT Robinson Mc(;ii). i Salh- & Roblcs Odiva A S.-ais 2d half Bddls Montrose Fishrr & Hur«t Ben Meroff Co «»'liva A Hoals (One to fill) Avenue It fttsnlsy Br..s I iimin * Old . 0 Kr»/,y Kid B (, n Linn 1 a Tern pis Co ::<i h;» if I • • nklj n Bros 'i.i>" n a i.«pi l' I'sgg A.- White KV( ii.. I SiH Mykoff A Vanity Oatcs A Fin ley Fallen Stars Wm Dick Apollo 3 BOSTON Orpheum The Parshleys Hall A O'Brien Moher & Kldndge R II Hodge Co Zelaya (One to fill) 2d half Lawr<-nce Bros A T Jerome A Albright Pealson & Wallace Tsi)t>»*» K- X 5 .Musical Buds (One to fill) CHICAGO MeVlckem Ralph Seabury F A O DeMont C'oscla A Vrrdi Jussl A Ossi DAYTON Dayton Kramer & Peterson Hm.thly A ■ C Deiaad c:o Alf Grant Nearly a Prlnc< CLEVELAND Liberty Johnny t'lark t Co HOLMES and WELLS Blth Cea. J<sstl*s "Tmnbien of i».o cnriictiM, winnifco, wrtK (march <*>> 2d half Aerial Macks McDermott A V Jeff HeaJy Co Lu. key A Harris "Around Clock" HOUSTON Prince Rollo & Mulroy Helen Vincent "Swetties" Al Gamble Co Diaz Troupe 2d half Santry A Norton Dixie Hamilton Oo Breakfast for 1 W^j'«<n A EUa* Loach Wallin I INDIANAfOLIs Ispw The Ftrrsros AI Lester Co Overseas BsvtH KANSAS CITV Garden F'rank Hartley Play A Castlet< i Wm Morris Co Van A Vernon Sherman Van & II 2d half 1 he Brnmlnos McKee A I»ay i'. ntor's M »i j •>--* - ' - Msrston <<• Msi <t llsrl 1 Nan -mi f' KNOX VILLI l4>ew v i \ ■•. Kri l ^.i r • ' Ml !'.•,,! ■ I A Wi •■! s • J ■ - •. I» I'i - / -I I Summers Duo Callan A Kenyon Alt Rajah Co 2d half W A I Telaak Hawthorne A Cook Kalaha Co MODBSTE. Oal. Hippodrome (20-21) Norman A Jeanette Kane A Chidlow "Voles or Money" Dave Manley — Leon's Ponies (25-26) DAL Hurley FAB Burke Orest La Follette Rand A Gould The Cromwella MEMPHIS Lsew Maxon A Morris Gordon A Gordon Bell A Belgrave Julia Curtis Dancers DeLnxe Id half J A J Gibson Patrice A Sullivan Rives A Arnold Criterion 4 Patches MINNEAPOLIS Loew Busse's Dogs MHville A Stetson Bob O'Connor Co Morey Senna A D Sherlock 81s A C 2d half «-*• Mr A Mrs Wlley^ Calvert A Shayne Ronalr A Ward Arthur Deagon Wheeler 2 MONTREAL I-oew Harry LaToy Darby A Brown Cardo A Noll Til you A Rogers Virginia Steppers NASHVILLE Verdome J A J Gibson Patrice A Sullivan Rives A Arnold Criterion 4 •Patches" 2d half Montarabo A Nap Jack Goldle Kibel A Kene Lewis A Thornton Rose Revue NEW ORLEANS Crescent Santry A Norton Dixie Hamilton Co "Breakfast for I" Weston A Bllns Leach Wallin I 2d half Maxon A Morris Gordon A Gordon Bell A Belgrave Julia Curtis Dancers Ds Luxe OKLAHOMA CITT Liberty Jack A Foris Baines A Avey J K Bmmett Co Monte A Lyone Russo Ties A R 2d half Herman A Ergottl Charlotte Worth O A B Parks Cy A Cy Robinson's Baboons OAKLAND Stats D A L Hurley FAR Burke Great La Follette Rand A Gould The Cromwells 2d half Billy Klnkald Billy A Moran "Bur.zin Around" OTTAWA, CAN. I^iew Herss A Preston Farrall A Hatch Florence Henry Co Will J Evans Topics A Tunes PITTSBURGH Ly renin Paul A Pauline Eugene Bmmett CAT Harvey Bryant A 8tewart Koyal Harmony s PROVIDENCE, R.I. Emery Peters A LeBuff Grace I>>onard Co WnMer Fenner Co \iw i .v Adeioiv Kuloff Ruiowa Co (One to Oil) 2d half Psmiuale A Powers Hall A O'Brien Cooper A i.MhM Danny Laurie Ordway Co Al Golem Tr SACRAMENTO Hippodrome Les Arados Rainbow A Mohawk Malcta A Bonconl Bartlett Smith A S rs< k Murtln I H !nrl of \.\ \ i« I j ' 2d half ard Hill It A R it Rogers A L 4 • i ii A- Cook »:• .4^'k'y A i'Uo i SALT LAKF t * Dogs Msnners A Loweree Kddie Heron Cs Chao Rellly "Love Tangle" 2d half nisselt A Scott Nora Allen Co Little I.ord Roberts Ward A Raymond Rice & Blmer SAN FRANCISCO Casino (Sunday opening) Jack Gregory Co Mctor A Dema George W Moors Harry Hines Oypsy Trio Hippodrome (Sundsy opening) Clifton A Spartan Sherman A Pierce Fred Rogers Martha Russell Co Raoe A Bdge Bmy Quintet Wigwam Victoria A Dupres Hsrvsy A Stifter Nancy Boyer Co Copes A Hutton Petits Musicals 2d half Reece A Edwards Otis Mitchell "Welcome Horns" Murphy A Lockman Black A Whits STOCKTON Wilbur and Girlls Ross A Thorn Dae A Neville Brady A Mahoney Fred LaRelne Co SPR'flF*LD, MASS. Pasquale A Powers Cooper A Lane Danny Laurie Ordway Os Al Golem Tr 2d hslf Peters A LeBuff Ora'-e Leonard W Fenner Co Anger A Adelon Kuloff Ruiowa Cs M PKBIOB, WIS. Canaria A Cleo Howard A Hoffman Regs I A Mack Trovato Glees'na A Houllh'n 2d half Cliff Bailey Hodge A Lowell Burton A Shea W'hill A M'C'rnack Stepping Stone Rev TAFT, sUto (20-21) King Bros Chas Martin M Samuels Co De Lea A Orma Dancing Ssrenaders RAYMOND BOND "AMBRTCAN HUMORT8T" -" STO,lT - BOOK 8TUFF" Good for many laughs: Raymond Bond at his best."—LoaSvllle, KyT-SesC? State Billy Klnkald Billy A Moran "Bussin* Around'' 2d half Les Arados Rainbow A Mohawk Maleta A Bonconl Bartlett Smith A 8 Jack Martin t "Whirl of Variety" ST. LOTJIS Loew Weston A Msrion Brennan A Murlsy "Let's Go" Cameron A Meeker Gray A Graham 2d half Frank Hartley Play A Castlston Wm Morris Cs Van A Vernon Sherman Van A H ST. PAUL (21-26) Chrystle A Ryan Norton A Wilson "Into ths Light" Wells A DsVsrra « Royal Hussars TOBONTO Gralei Phif l Marvelous DeOnsos B J Moore Co Yorke A Mnybelte Willing * Jordan Billy Hart A Girls 2d hslf Busse's Dogs Melville A Stetson Bob O'Connor Co Morey Senna A D Sherlock Sis A C SAN ANTONIO Wilbur A Lyks Melroy Sisters Hart A Helens Bernard A Meyera B LsBarr A Boaux 2d half Rollo A Mulroy Helen Vincent "Sweeties" Al Gambls Co Diss Troupe SPOKANE Lsew Slegrist A Darrsll Grace DeWlnters Marietta Craig Co Royal Four Everett's Monkeys 2d half a Ayrca Co Davis DeWItt A Robinson Fads A Fancies Koier A Irwin Mystic Hssson I Iptswn Wrays Manikins Murphy A Klein Lvans A Sidney Les Beggs Cs Frsnk Terry 'athyme A R 1I21* , » 2d half "Giri in Basket'* Downing A Lunds Orsy A Muriel Harry Massa Cs Steve Freda The Hcrantone WACO. TEX. Leon A Mitsl Clay A Robinson D'b'dge A Orsmmer Mahoney A Holmes "Nine O'Clock*' __ 2d half Wilbur A Lyks Melroy Sisters Hart A Helena Bernard A Meyers B LsBarr A Beaux WASHINGTON Strand 2 Kanaxawa Boys Rose A Lee Bell A Sullivsn Co Ralph Whitehead Grazer A Lawlor WINDSOR. CAN. Lsew Will A Irene Telaak Hawthorns A Cook Kaisha Co 2d half Summers 2 Callan A Kenyon All Rajah Co PANTAGES CIECUIT New York and Chicago Offices BITTE, MONT. Pantages (l»-2i) 4 Paldrons Ernest HIatt LAM Hart Templs 4 Shaw's Circus R Cummlngs Co CALGARY, CAN. Pantages Claire A Atwood Coleman Goets Co "Jed'o Vacation" Dlanna Bonnalr Payton A Ward "Liberty Girls" DENVEB Pantages "Olrls of Altitude'* Cllff'rd Bothwell Co Eagls A Marshall Hickman Bros Hamlin A Mack Vardon A Perry Os Lottie Mayer Co L'G BEACH, CAL. Pantages The M« Intyres Countess Vernon Claire Vincent Cs Beck A Stone Norveiio Bros Broslni Troups LOS ANGELES Psutagrs Bedlnl's Dogs Peerless 2 Rshn A Beck Browning A Davis BOB BAKER Booking Acts of Merit My Specialty COAST TO COA8T SUITE 330 — MM BROADWAY. N. V. CITY Dorothy T ^ewls hase A LaTour a i Q-jirtat; . Rowland A Mtchan Memee's Japs DBS MOINES, I A. Paatagss (Ssturday opening) I Ambler Bros Oreen A LaPell Chas Gill Co Barton A Sparling Thornton Flynn Co Darling's Circus EDMONTON, CAN. Pantages Alanson Grey A Askln i : u Bigetow A K Jon' l A Jon<-» • t"% My I." .'i ' LI FALLS, Movt l'iir»tii*e* CZ 2 .) bill i> Helena 24) Geo Hamld Tr MINNEAPOLIS Pantages (Sundav opening) CAM Butters Hugo Lutgens Tracey Palmer A T (HinUla's Birds Burton A Dwyer Xechltl OAKLXND Pantages (Sunday ' opening) Rosa King 3 Austin A Al|/»n 6 Vioiin Mlft*4 .< Primrose Minstrela Zelda Stanley 5 Peti owe I'm OLDEN, I T\ff Pantages i ■: 4 • • ". ^'f.n* of .1 ation Ai- V Maud PCsi Th<- I',..'.. •' '• iii itiu' «J "ii I .<t«- -.:;