Variety (March 1921)

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[day, March IS, 1981 VARIETY *1 ■ E. P. ALBEE, President ■ i , • v J. J. MURDOCK, General Manager F. F. PROCTOR, Vice-President B. F. Keith's Vaudeville Exchange B. F. KEITH (AGENCY) (Palace theatre Building; New York) EDWARD F. ALBEE A. PAUL KEITH Founders Artists can book direct by addressing S. K. HODGDON F. F. PROCTOR Des Moines will not play a pic- longer than a week, so A. H. ik put the film In at his Rialto. price was originally announced I, but this caused so much oppo- >n among film fans it has played cents from the start, tor films, "Sowing the Wind," Moines; "Mama's Affair" at len; "The Greatest Love," at id. DETROIT. By JACOB 3MITH [UBERT-DETROIT. — "Broad- Brevities." Two weeks. Opened Guerrini&Co. Tas taasiaa aaa Lareaaf Accordion Factory la tas Uattstf Stats* Ths ool, factory that asaaa* any sat at Reads- asadc ay Sand. t77-?7l CstOBIBlIf Saa Fraasiica. Cat. Art. big business. Advance big. NEW DETROIT.—"Famous Mrs. ir." Next. 'The Storm." ARRICK.—-"When We Were ung." Next, "Bird of Paradise." At the photoplays:—"Ol' Swim- •Ole," Adams; "Lying Lips," dison; "Gilded Lily," second eek, Broadway; "Godles9 Men/' rashington; "Silver Lining," Co- inial. W. S. Butterfteld announces that YS, SKETCHES, SONGS ACTS WRI TT E N TO ORDER LL, OR WRITE FOR MY TERMS E. L. GAMBLE 'THE CHICAGO WRITER" K SOI LOOP END BLDG., CHICAGO Bert Kenny presented his regular will dispose of his holdings In he theatres operated by Llpp & tross in Battle Creek and will de- ote his attention In that city to ts Bijou, his own theatre. The teak between Butterfleld and Lipp ; Cross is on a friendly but busi- s basis. Mr. Butterfleld has set riday, March SI, as the definite Es for the opening of the New and, Lansing, which will play Ith vaudeville. Fitzpatrlck & McElroy, operating JAMES MADISON says: Wot* ths new Chlnass sc«n* watorh Nora Bayes Juat added to "il£B I AJdILY TREE" at tha hart Thsstrs. To learn what a bis laughing It k, ul ths talented Nora herself. If you ra- anjUiiug for a musical comedy or rsrlew, a complete hook or Individual scenea. pat- Mihi I'm ts be fonud St 14S3 Broadway. fctrcult of Michigan theati have ""Jiged with Walter Green to » 26 features a year to be dis- puted through Federated ex- PNmges. INDIANAPOLIS. By VOLNEY B. FOWLER. h T J° Murat advertised Al Jolson J Slnbad" for his stay here the M* three days of this week at "pre- CHARLE8 H0RWIT2 *"" • to remark that he has written as !"•«* vaudovllle hits aa any living au- ™" Sufficient reason why he ahould •rrue your aketch, aong, monologue or Hnar»i5. t '" rial - w rite or wire CHARLES ^VRWITZ, less Eaat 16th St.. Brooklyn. wa» 0 L E *^' f >l " > ' •'' ,1 *v H,c mo ' ,ak *' 5Ub " •&\ 1 J l,nf, 3 Square (Brighton Beach hart 1° ,, * et off fct KJngs Highway — ™ w*lk (0 rornrr Kast uth Strc pt. J2* Prices;' The scale was $3.30 i*,," 1 competition with the "Fol- laflL J? English's at $4.40. Walter *£™puen will do Shakespeare and liat? a ,. at * 2 to P nnxt week. Eng- ih? i ers competition to Hampden >it,""f half of the week, when 5t? Liebe;- Is booked. R oy Drydon and Christy McDon- DANCER WANTED ^DY^ wishes a partner for Stage trancing. Only a good dancer need F ] y- Call at Hotel Commodore, P* 2171. Raymond, between 11 12 a. m. Phone Vanderbllt C00O. ■ia ■ ■'■ Marcus Loew's BOOKING AGENCY General Executive Offices Putnam Building, Times Square i New York J. H. LUBIN General Manager Mr. Lubin Personally Interviews Artists Daily Between 11 and 1 AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 1441 Broadway, New York PHONE BRYANT SS03 Booking First Class Acts in FIRST CLASS THEATRES ARTISTS MAY BOOK DIRECT The Gas Sun Booking Exchange Co. Booking Vaudeville from Coast to Coast CHICAGO OFFICE Masonic Temple Building J. C. MATTHEWS in Charge Feiber £? Shea Theatrical Enterprises 1493 Broadway (PUTNAM BUILDING) New York City BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES ALCAZAR THEATRE BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO PAUL GOUDRON ■ASTBRN REPRESENTATIVE. WOODS THBA. BLDO, CHICAGO. BEN and JOHN * FULLER AUSTRALIAN CIRCUIT WAYNE CHRI8TY 212 Putnam Bldg. NEW YORK CITY CONEY HOLME8 PAUL QOUDRON Woods Theatre Bldg. CHICAGO, ILL. H. H. NEER, New Regent Theatre Bldg., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO J. W. TODD 726 Brisbane Bldg. BUFFALO, N. Y. HOWARD ROYER 206 Apollo Bldg. PITTSBURGH, PA. Acts Routed from 10 to 40 Weeks Artists Can Book Direct WRITE, WIRE, PHONE NEAREST OFFICE VAUDEVILLE, MELODRAMA AND PANTOMIME American Representative, A. BEN FULLER DELGER BLDG., 1005 MARKET, 8T. SAN FRANCISCO PHONE PARK 4332 aid, carnival promoters, are being sued by several business concerns of Lafayette, Ind., on bills said in press dispatches to aggregate $695.65. The promoters put on a carnival a week ago for the American Legion In La- fayette. It Is said Drydon and Mc- Donald cleaned up about $1,000 and the Legion $180 for the week. The Indiana premiere of Charles Ray's "The Old Swimmin' Hole," based on James TVhltcomb Riley's famous poem, was given at Green- field, the town nearest the original "old swimmin' hole," last week. The mayor issued a proclamation urging the whole town to attend the first showing si the Why Net theatre, and the town responded. KANSAS CITY. By WILL R. HUGHES. Lenore ITlrlc in "Ths Bon-Daugh- ter," Grand. Next Herbert's M li- st rcls. ••Way Down East" picture (3d week) a( iii< Hhubert. The photoplays offer: "The Pas- sionate Pilgrim," Newman; Mid- Channel." New Royal; "The Death Trap," Twelfth Street. "Clarence" at the Grand last week. Jumped to Crawfordsvilie, lnd., where it opened Monday. the 0RPHEUM she MARTIN BECK, MORT H. SINGER, President General Manager, CHARLES k£. BRAY, General Western Representative FRANK VINCENT, S. LAZ LANSBURGH, GEORGE GOTTLIEB, BENJ ' B ' 5^**5 V™. Managers' Booking DepL Law DspL E. H. CONWAY, JOHN POLLOCK, . Publicity and Promotion Press Dept O. R. MeMAHON, Manager Auditing Department GENERAL OFFICES, PALACE THEATRE BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY ■ ■ 1 The Kansas City Court of Ap- peals thin week affirmed the decree of divorce granted in the Circuit Court a year ago to George L. Wade from Mrs. Grace Wade. Wade claimed his wife drank to excess and frequented cabarets. She en- tered a cross bill denying the alle- gations and charging cruel treat- ment and indignities. Her case was dismissed by the Circuit Court and sho appealed. Mr. Wade was for- merly with a minstrel company, and Mrs. Wade Is an actress. Ruth Chatterton and OH* Skinner are among the early bookings at the Grand. Tier* Is i possibility of Ihe le^jiti- mate theatres; here remaining open The Western Vaudeville Managers' Association John J. Nash, Business Manager. Thomas J. Carmody, Booking Manaytsr 5th Floor State-Lake Theatre Bldg. CHICAGO, ILL. a few weeks later than usual this season. A number of big attractions are arranging to go to the coast this summer and some of them will play here on the way out. Fred Eader, the treasurer at the Century, has taken a plunge into the business as a manager. Ho has se- cured the "Uncle Tom a Cabin" film and will feature it. He has engaged Toomey's Jazz Band for a street flash. The "Hi Jinks" Musical Comedy, whieh is now well into its Hcoond year at the Empress, presented "The Mine Bird Girl" this week. This is the bill with which tho company opened its engagement in Kansas City. The Kansas radicals, who have been devoting much time and atten- tion, in an attempt to make tho Stn*' "bone dry" as to cigarette* have fallen down. The proposed bill prohibited any one having any cig- arettes or "making" in his posses- sion In the State, and also prohib- ited tho transportation of them Into the State by a commota carrier The House turned the bill down bf ;t vote of 59 to 4X. Last week vail loot o« i ii.