Variety (March 1921)

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■ch 20. 1821 I A. RATKOWSKY, he I FURS Say Yonr.. Fifr.f. N*w et 1-3 LESS than wholesale prices. All the latest Coatees, Scarfs and Throw- overs for the late Spring and early Summer, developed in the most wanted pelts. Remember when you make your fur purchases here you are dealing directly with the manu- facturer. Special Discount to the Profession 34 West 34th Street NEW YORK CITY OFFICES IN THE LOEW BLDG. TIMES SQUARE 45th St. & Broadway Only Executive Offices for Desirable Tenants Renting Office in Building POSSESSION MAY 1st Representatives Will Call Upon Request. Wanted for Musical Act GIRL TROMBONE AND CORNET PLAYERS ALSO Men Trombone Players THOSE WHO DOUBLE STRING I'HEFKKRKD. C. B. MADDOCK 1482 Broadway, N. Y. City PRICES REDUCED ON ALL H & M TRUNKS Write for New Catalog or See Our Agent* NEW YORK 6. NATHAN, 531 Seventh Ave. CHICAGO BARNES T. CO., 75 W. Randolph HERKERT & MEISEL T. CO. 910 WASHINGTON AVE. ST. LOUIS / sTAGt *•* LLER#S^i s The world's largest manufacturers of the- atrical footwear We Fit Entire Companies Also Individual Orders «M4 ■'»•> tt 48U» «. ChlaSgS ««» v «rfc ftttt an* Maura* ttt M- ATX AaV ERS AKE-UP Est. Henry C. Miner, Inc. VARIETY Unsolicited Publicity f AfSJD (Ballad 9ox Oroi Cuban Amrriran JHitatr (fa. gOaaaMa • <alfc»> ■ a* * .-va Kubam ICutlo PublWhor*,; ProtaoUta AaaociaUon, 66 He.t 46th Straat, Kew Yortc, City.' • N» Dear Mr* Kill* :- Fatruary 7lhI920, AlUntion Mr. kill* i ■: Would you kindly find out tha publisher* of f •Nov And Th«B*t and hara than sand ua 600 copita right away w -by parcel poat. Wa raaaln, ** si* 5>* very trulj CUBAN AMERICAN MUSIC CO. TEJADILLO 0 HAVANA . Ufa. £M***u*^ **• o* s* & V* & >**•• <p & *ks ^ .«■> «*»■ x .<° ARTISTS COPIES V *^< AND ORCH. <(*• x>s .vt> # *>> <*• ^ & <£ l*£o i^rv* rf *V .c* <*r** ^ C->4 Great Dance Tune Brings Results Such As This $ «*£ *> • \* * <«* a* •«• ■ a • ' I • 11 l ■ > ■ *■ ^ MAURICE RICHMOND, at the Helm JACK ROBBINS, Gen. Mgr. STEPHEN LEVITZ, A sat. Mgr. ft WflORlCE NmMttlPs a . 0 Music ftiHishenr^ ® HOWARD BURT, Sales Mgr. HARRY ENGLE, Weatern Mgr. BILLY WALSH Road Rep. 1658 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Lat U» errata flr^** Sana tor Prier List tn# Color Care. • UWFRT STREET MEW YORK CIT> A well-known Concert Pianist wishes to get In touch with two young ladies for the purpose of forming ft High-Class Vaudeville Act Must have beautiful voices, charming personality, and stage expenenco. Call personally, or write EDWATID SHAPIRO, 3974 Ponnsgrovi» St., PHILA- DELPHIA. PA. Pho ne Pol. Paring &659-J. TRUNKS ACTS — PLAY8 — 8KETCHE8 WRITTEN CALL, or TERMS FOR A STAMP E. L. GAMBLE "THE f HICAfiO WRITFK" ?,gi loop f.xd;, nucAiio PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Remove* Dandruff-rStopaflairFaiUns Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair «o<\ and lino at I'runripta. I«q«.tC>ichi. Wka. PaU-hoyu<>. It. Y aftt oAngelus Accusing Lream tor <Hcauty\ sake, use u <i4nselus ALL SIZES PROFESSION. AT BIG DISCOUNTS ALL MAKES run THE KIALTO Lt'OGAGE SHOP 259 West 42d St.. Near 8th Avenue. | OPEN EVRMMiS / COVERS FOR ORCHESTRATIONS ART BOOKBINDING CO. 119 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK CITY JAMES MADISON says: I wrrte the new ChlnfM iretM Valcrti N'orn ntTe*. I,.is juM ailM Vt " FAMILY TREK" nt th. Briuhert Theatre. T<> knni what a big laughing I,it It Is. J^k the talented Nora h«r«p|f. If you re- quire an> tiling fat a mates] rmne'l; or review tiilur a eomplets texik ur IndlvMusI ae«ne«, pat let, <-?(.. I'm to i* Naad at I4M Broadway. >N ^SPECIAL SONGS, TALK, ETCT— WRITTEN RWllT CASPER NATHAN 81 WEST RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO, 2d Floor. "Let's Talk It Over." Beautify Your Face rss ami isea gaaa ia aiaia ••«■ Man> st til* "Prafaailaa' ka«a •»- taira* ard <-«taHa« saKar aarta k> hSviSf mt 'orrtai -tast» '*•»«»/■*; |aa. •arfactlssa ts« rsmevt slaaliaa* Casisltatlsa free, fat* raatoaaala P B. SMITH at. D. It? Fifth Ave. H I. O. (Opp, Waldorf) h timl £. Galizi A Bro. areaUat •toaal alana/artarara Rapalrafs. •o f oi»H>ar»bl«» rial *Mka We* Idea , Rhirt ■eta rel rrartklra MM Maw Vert City III Caaal •treat When You Play LOS ANGELES LET a!E GIVE YOU "INSIDE STUFF" On Real Estate Investments. HARVEY G. WOLF Los Angeles and Venice, California 701 Delta Bldg., L. A. WARDROBE PROP. TRUNKS, $10.00 Big Haraaina Hare been ased. Aleu a few Second Hand Innovation and Fibre Wardrobe Trunks lit and til A few e*tre large Property Trunka Also old Taylor and Dal Trunka Parlor Floor, 21 Waal list RtreeL New York City. ^. ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? 4ree>m«litp accomodations arranged an ail Lines, at Main Office Prices. Boats arn going very full: arraavge ca\ 1» Foreign Honey bought and said. Liberty Bondat boaffht and eald. «... fAlL TAI'BIQ A 8041. att« 111 Utb St., Net* Bark. Phone: Stuyvesaat 01M-C1J7. .M.-'txJ?. . tf+'+r.lU