Variety (April 1921)

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Friday, April 22, 1*21 VARIETY 27 = Morton A Gl •.» Samuels STrl A Vadle J; w Dockatader Curion Sis KANSAS CIT1 Orphrum Dalmore A *-*• Rom A Clare ?Tor P»tya Sake" Moody A Duncan Hampton A Blako -Trip to Hltland" ••Grey A Old Rose" LINCOLN, NBB. Orphenm Albertlna Ranch Co "Moonlight" Bessie AroWiring Emerson A Baldwin Hoy Conlln Alfred LaTell Co Grant Gardner Dunham A Wlll'mi Rronson A Bdw'rds Daley Nellie Samson A Dellla lACKAMKMO Orphfum - (26-27) (Same bill plays Fresno 28-20) 4 Fords Rev Tom Smith Co Jai C Morton Co Bert Melrose Delmar A Kolb Edith Clifford Murray Girls ST. LOUIS Orphrum The Dooleys I-.or.3i Tack yam Mang A Snyder Margaret Young Mel Klce Co Cc VALENTINE VOX Originator of shiflug In two voices Mniultaneuosly. Psfrr A Green 1X)8 ANGELES Orphrum Williams A Woltus Harriet Remple Holmes A La Vere Margaret A Alverez Moss A Frye Everest's Circus Bobby O'Neil Co Alice Lloyd MILWAUKEE Majestio Wm Scabury Co O'Donnell A Blair "Artistic Treat" Herbert Brook* Harry Hayden Co Lew Cooper P Bremen A Bro Palace Harry Holman Co Belle Montrose Clayton A Lennie Kavanaugh A Ev'tt Teschow's Cats BUI Robinson Challen A Kekt, Laurel Lee MINNEAPOLIS Orphrum "On Fifth Avenue" Norton A Nicholson Foley A Ia Tour Donovan A Lee Mr A Mrs O Wilde Ramsdells A Deyo Slgnor Friscoe NEW ORLEANS Orphrum Lelghtner Sin A A Anna Chandler Joe Towle Jack La Vler Dellaven A Nice Davia A Pelle "Once a Thief" Ruth Howell 2 Anj;er A Parker llynian A Mann Rhilto / Courtney Sis Kenny A Hollls The De Grohs Wm Mandel Co N)ek HufTord JAN Olms ST TAIL Orphrum "Bubbles" Frances Kenn> dy Connelly & Francis Melville A Rule Valentin* A B« 11 To sari J C Nugent SALT LAKE Armnn Kaliz Co Creamy & Payne BAB Wheel, r Afch A: Hyanis Otto A Sheridan Oacar lllraao 3 Paul Nolan Co SAN FRANCISCO Orphrum Blossom Seelry Co Lolya Adler Co 4 Gossips Frdsper A Moret Ned Norworth Co Felblni A Nagel Alan Brooks Co Larry Comer Co SEATTLE Orphrum Buddie Walton "Fall of Eve" The Miparlcs Ducos Bros Frank De Voe Joe Browning BIOTJX CITY Orphrum Wilfrid DuBols Two Edwards Walter Hopk's A C Mathews A Blak'y Brown Gardner A B Roy LaPearl Frank Stafford 2d half Byron A Hals; Wm Sim'o The Slrena (Fouf to fill) Kedaie Adonis A Dog Gertrude Newman Klass A Brllant Byron A Halg Bobby Randall Johnson Baker A J 2d half Breakaway Barlows Story A Clank Mathews A B Sabastian A M Glrla Bert Fitzgibbon Fran Stafford Co Lincoln Godfrey A II Nevins A Mack F Dobson Siren* (Two to All) 2.1 half ' Joe Bfelvln Gertrude Newman Imhoff Conn A C Mullen A Francis Monroe Bros Logan Sq. Jack Roshler A M FergUBon A S Hunting A Frances Three Ankera 2d half Two Edwards Kins* A Brllant Mack A Lane S« a en Bracks DAVENPORT, la. - Columbia Joe Melvin Jas Grady Co Bevan A Flint Dothweil Browne (One to fill) 2d half Cooke & Valdare Byrd A Allen Beatty A Evelyn HunK»r'n Rhapsody 11 Brawns Girls Cosier A Lusby Beavan A Flint Bottomley Troupe OKMULGEE, Ohio, Cook Gllmore A Castle Wilfred Clark Co Cobbe A Helson Four MUos (One to fill) 2d half Aurora Co Nelson A Bailey Maldle Del<ong "Old Blk Joeland" Greene A Deane Eddie Carr Co Dancing Kennedys SlOt X CITY, Orpheum Wilfred Dubois Burke A Betty LA. Gordon A Delmar Will Stanton Bigelow A Clinton Mullen A Francis Black A White Rev 2d half B A J Grey Meredith A Snoozer Owen IIoGlveny Hunting A Francis Bobby Randall Armatrong A James Fred Weber Co Artie Mehllnger* Kramer A Pattera'n (One to fill) Delancey St. Lew Huff Leonard A Porray Adams A Oerhue Phillips A Ebby Tilyou A Rogers NEW HEADQUARTERS GEO. CHOOS 110 WEST 47th STREET, NEW YORK CITY Phone BRYANT 7995 Arselma Sisters Jul: BnsooU 0*> CAM Cleveland (Two to fill) OMAHA, \*H{ Empress' Kingsbury A M Cleveland A Faye Jessie A Hubert Golden Troupe 2d half Miztures Dan Ahearn Walman A Berry Weston's Models PEORIA. III. Orpheum W A B Brown Langford A F Jed Dooley Sebastian A M Sis (Two to fill) 2d half Follette's Monks FergUBon A s Hart Wagner A E Leo Beers Johnson Bak'-r A J Ql'INCY. III. Orpheum Connell I. una A Z Murray Voe Ik "Ruffles" 2d half Wynne A Gasmen Briscoe A Rauh Emma Carus F A 0 WaJUi rg Fearless CeDora (One to nil) 2d half Rectors H'ydcn G'dwin A R "Summertime" Marmeln Sis A S (Two to fill) SIOl X F*LLS, S.D. t Aleza TRE H.VTC, 1ND. Hippodrome (Evansville aplit) lat half Tuseano Bros Daman 1 A Vail Powers A Wallace Anatol Frledl'nd Co (One to nil) KENNEDY BURY AND Married Engaged — Keith's, Indianapolis, Week Keith'**, < in* hiiintl, Week of - Divorced of April in. April 25. "RAYMOND BOND" Demonstrates the fact that It is possible to give real entertainment without using cuss words or euggeative Jokes. 'Story- Book Stuff' Is one of the hits of the bill and there Isn't one BLUE word in It." Youngstown. Ohio "Telegram" Orpheum Charles Lloyd Co Dan Ahearn Walman A Berry Wanton's Models I'd half Jewel A Raymond Dan Holt Go Miniature Rev F A O Walters SO. BEND, 1ND. Orpheuni TOPKKA, KAN. Novelty King Saul Howard A Atkins W D Pat ton Co Dunlay A Merrill Jupiter Trio 2d half Harry Tsuda Bayle A Patey Jack Trainer Co Black A O'Donnell "Around the Clock" 2d half Sieg.-l A living Crane Sister. Freeman A Lewis Mr A Mrs S Payne Wilson A McAvoy Elwln 3 National Work A Mack Barlow Banks A 0 Warden A Donc'urt Armstrong A James (One to nil) 2d half 1 Lew Huff Roberts A Frlcl Phillips A Ebby l.;nirif Ordway Co 'Around the Clock" Orphrum Richard Wally Co L'raxton A Hawkins Daisy Dean Co Robinson McG 3 Lola l'rava Co 2d half The Ovandos Albert Rickard Fortune Queen Fisher A Lloyd Margot Francois Boulevard Fed rick A De Vere Albert Rickard Fortune Queen Yorko A Maybelle Hanlon A Clifton OAKLAND Orpheum Franklyn Ard> 1! Co McConnell Sia Billy Beard Ben Harney Sylvester Family Williams A Pierce Cummins A White OMAHA, NEB. Orpheum Flying Mayos Lachmann Sia Flo Lewis Rice A Newton Elizabeth Brlce Co Carl McCuliough "Miniature Revue" Harry Kahno Co PORTLAND, ORE. Orpheum Geo Jessei's'Revue B A D Conrad Burke A Betty Co Dora F A O Water* Emma Carus Co Marmeln Sia A S VANCOUVER. B.C. Orpheum Irene Franklin The Langdona Wlnton Bros Geo Yeoman Newell A Mont Hibbitt A Malle El Rey Sis WINNIPEG Orpheum Singer's Midgets Duncan A Carroll Hugh Herbert Co Foster Ball Co Three Rumanoa Texas Walker WESTERN VAUDEVILLE State-Lake Theatre* Building, Chicago ALTON, III. Hippodrome Harry Ellis Ray Snow Co 2d half Bernard A Ferris ■Illy BABT'YlLlJS.Okln. Taylor A Francis Jas Grady Co The Volunteers Emma Carus Roy A Arthur CENTRA IJA, Grand Worden Bros 111 HARRY J. CONLEY With NAOMI RAY "RICE AND OLD SHOES" This Week (April 18). Lincoln. Chleago Neat Week (April 2ft), Statc-lJike, Chi. Odeon Arselma Ulsters Jack Russell Co CAM Cleveland 2d half Gllmore a Castle Four MUos — . {Onn- to fill) - BELLEVILLE, 111. Washington BUy Alice Hamilton lahlkawa Bros 2d half Borden Bros Ray Snow Co •0 rink Toes BLOOMI'OTON, III. Majestic Fole^eB Monks Bobby Harris Jazz A Naval 8 2.1 half Tracey a McBriAa Welch Mealy A. M (One to flii) CD-R BATUMI, i a . MuJeMIc Cook & Valdnre Rtorey A Clark Tracey a McBrl Chaa Nelson Hungar'n Rhapsody 2d half Bro«lue A Brown Ide Davia A Chadwick Jack Levy Glrla 2d half Rene A Florence Hamilton Walton Toyama Japs CHAMPAIGN, 111. Orpheum Breakaway Barlows Meredith A S Mack A Lane Ow« n McGlveny Wm Brack (One to fill) 2d half Snell A Vtrnon Gordon A De'.nar Will fitant.,n Klmbcrly A P Co Roof Garden 3 .One to fill) CHICAGO American Graham A Benson Imhofl Conn A C Bert Fltxgibbot.fc Monroe Hroa (Two to fill) 2d half Qarcenitt: Bros Langforcl A F Hall Ermine A B Lillian Walker JAB Walker (One ta All) DES MOINES Majestic Hayden GAR "Mixtures" Taylor & Francis Broslus A Brown 2d half Nslo A RIzzo (Three to fill) E. ST. Louis, 111. Erher's SO Pink Toea Tale of a Cities Yatea A Reed Toyama Japs 2d half Btnna A Burt Blgelowa A Clinton "Magic Glasses' Jaa Dooley Co ELGIN, HI. Blalto Steed Septette (Two to All) 2d half Murray Bennett Pearla Oypsys (One to fill) EVANSVILLE, Ind. New Grand (Terre Haute split> 1st half Frear Daggett A F Princes Nal Tal Tai Frank Wilcox Co Montgomery A A The Brlants (One to flli> GALKSRI RG, 111. Orpheum Wynne & Carmen Briscoe A Rauh Kay Hamlin & K 2d half Connell Leona A Z Murray Voelk "Ruffles" GRANITE CITY.111. Washington Barnard A Ferris MS. rlman Sisters 2d half* Powers A Wallace (One to All) JO I JET, 111. Orpheum Beatty A Evelyn Norvelle Broa (One to All) 2d half W A H Brown Jazzland Naval t (One to fill) KANSAS CITY Globe Harry Tsuda Bayle A Patay Jack Trainer Co Black A ODonnell Scbepp'a Circua 2d half Beck A Stllwell Hayatake Hroa (Three to fill) KENOSHA, WIS. Virginian W Hopkins A C Blo«m A Rher Roshier A Muff 2d half LucJanr.a Llucca "Walters Wanted" Brown Gardner A B LINCOLN. Neb. Liberty Wank A Lew and I ritser A Da\e Novelty Tru Deck A Stillwe'l Hayatake Bros 2d half Marlon, Dr. w .Mevoiand A Pays Klngb'iry A Munf-.-n .lessio A 1 lull, rt Golden Troupe MADISON. Wis. Orphrum Rose Kress Duo S A It ROSS Daniels A Walt-"-a Vera, Gordon Co Murray Bennett Gordon's Circua 2d half Jack Roshler "Four of IV Orren A Drew Palace Eddie Montrose llawley A Saxton B'ldwin Aualin A G Vnl.ta A Co (One to fill) 2d half Cordlnl Lour Evans A S Delmore A Moore So be 1 A Weber Doree'a Opera Warwick Michon Bros Paul Earle Ted McLean Co Sob.'! A Weber Dancers Supreme 2d half Cooper A Rodello Evelyn Phillips B'ldwin Austin A G Lola Liuv.i co (One to AH) ATLANTA. GA. Grand O'Neill Slaters Walsh A Bentley "Week F'm Today" Walter Kauffman Skating Atari's 2d half Les Perrettos Long A Terry Danny Will J Evans Jones Family BALTIMORE Hippodrome Rummer* 2 Charles Gibbs Geo Randall Co Tappan A Armstr'g Clark's Hawaiiana BIRMINGHAM Itljon Brown A Elaine Mae A Hill Jack Reddy "Melody Festival" 2d half O'Neil Sisters Walsh A Bentley "Week F'm Today" Walter Kauffman Skating Macks BOSTON Orpheuni Rose A Dell Ryan A Weber Jackson A Howard Florence Henry Co Halley A Noble Kaiaha Co 2d half Wright A Wilson McConnell A West Tripoli 3 Arthur De Voy Co Gelia Weston Co La Temple Co CHICAGO McVlrker's Santry A Norton Dixie Hamilton Co "Breakfast for I" Weston A Eline Loach Wallin I CLEVELAND Liberty Wanda A Seals Ethel Levy 3 Towns'd Wilbur Wells Virginia A Weber Tsylor A ■ (•ne to All) 2d half Lallocn A D'preece Jean A Valjean (Three to till) HOUSTON Frinrea* M« Mahon Slaters Con. 14 A Albert Arthur Sullivan Co Ralph Whitehead Kana/nwa Boys 2d half Willie Karbe Dell A liny I. .1.1 11 A Laurel) Co BabS La Tour Grazer A Lawlor IIOI.YOKE, MASS. Loew Th* (ivaaxfoa Llndsuy A Hazel JAB Arnold Bernlce La Bar Co MONTREAL Lfsjnp Johnnv .'lark CS> Sol Bern* La C anto & Bonaws Newport A Stlrk Dance Festival , NASir\ILLE Yrudunie 2 Daveys Beulah !'• arl Harry Muhod Co Freddy silvers A F Skelly A 11. it Rav 2.1 half Brown A Elaine Mae .V Hill Jack Reddy 1'csiival NEW ORLEANS JOE MICHAELS HOOKING EAST and WEST quick Action — — Reliable Servleo WIRE, WRITE OR CaLL SUITE lOlfc Putnam llldg.. 1493 Broadway. N. Y. City Cardo A Noll 1 Jo-Jo A Harrison "Golden Whirl" 2d half Esther 3 Curry A Graham "A Modern Diana" Dixie 4 6 Virginia Steppers INDIANAPOLIS > loew FWi Plga Manners A Loweree Kddio Heron Co Charles Heilly Mystic Hanson 3 KANSAS CITY Garden J A J Gibson Patrice A Sullivan Rives A Arnold Criterion 4 "Patchea" 2d half Montambo A Nap Jack Goldfa Klbcl A Kane Lewi* A Thornton Rose Revue KNOXVII.LK Loew Lee Perrettos Long A Perry Danny Will J Evans 2d half Peters A I.e. Buff Gordon 2 Evans Mero A B Downing A B Sis LONDON, CAN. Loew La Rose A Lane Berry A Nlckeraon M Samuels Co 2d half Crescent Willie Karbe Dell A Ray L'dal) A, Laurell On Babe La Tour Grazer A iiiwlor 2d hslf McConnell A Austin Harry Sykes 3 K- 'im Sisters Callahan A Bliss JAI Marlin OKLAHOMA CITY Liberty Mykoff A Vanity Bobby A Earls "Fallen Stars" Wm Dick Apollo 3 2d half AJax A Emily Margaret Merlo Renard A West Johnson Bros A J Brower 3 OTTAWA, CAB. Loew Paul A Pauline Eugene Emmett CAT Harvey Bryant A Stem-art Royal Harmony t OAKLAND, CAL. State Burrcll Bros G Stanley A Sis Powera Marsh A B Frank Ward t Musical Queens 2d half Williams A Daisy Bob White Pearl Abbott Co Carlton A Belmont "Fickle Frolics" PITTKRIJBGH Loew SHAKE HANDS WITH BURT CORTELYOU Who has opened offices at 1G07-1608 Masonic Templo, Chicago, and will be mighty glad to get you a route of 40 weeks or more over the most desirable Umo in the middle west, booking exclusively with the W. V, M. A., B. F. Krith (Western) and affiliated circuits. Kay Hamlin A K BACINE. Wis. Rialto Redford A W Walters Wanted Klmberly Page Co Olson A Johnson Rlcs Pudding 2d half Three Ankers Weber A Elliott Steed's Septet Nsvans A Mack Novelle Bros BOCK FORD, ILL. Palace Frazler A Beck "Four of t's" Orren A Dr/ Hosier A l/usby Hart Wagner A 1 Roy A Arthur 2d half Adonis C/o Gilbert A Saul "Rice Pudding" D!o->!7? a- Bner ois< n A Johnson Gordon's ST. LOUS Columbia Samaroff A Son's J A E Mitchell Hayes A Fields Lillian Walker "Difi;rlct School" Leo Beers Oar., nit 11 Bros 2d half Bobby Harris Co Vera Gordon Co Charles Wilson Redford A Winch (Two to nil) SPB'GFIELD, ILL. Majeetlo Blnns A Bert Schcpp's Circua WICHITA, KAN. Princess Bedell O A M Brown Hill A Qulnnell Harrison D'kln A H Six Bulfords 2d half Howard A Atkins W B Pat ton Co Dunlay A Merrill Jupiter .1 ((mo to All) MARCUS LOEW Putnam Building, New York City NEW YORK CITY American Stanley A Wlnthrop Evelyn A Phillips 3 Kartells Howard A Cradd'k Klnkaid Kilties Freeman A Lewis Mr £ Mm s Payne Wfrsoil to McAvoy Kramer A Pattern 2d half Onnfcy Bros Ti * s A Ann <\»rter 2d half Three Martels I^onard A l'orray Hob Ferns Co Tilyou & Rogers Horace Golden To Lincoln Square Elwln 3 - Ma!.- shy .1 B»< 5^ y Connors A Hi'iri* Dixie 4 MarK"t A Frun« on 2.1 half De Pierre 1 C 2d half Blnns A Exmonds Lindsay A Hazel "Nobody Home" Jo-Jo A Harrison Aerial Macks Avenue B Cordini Ix)we Evans A 8 "Nobody Home" I'.en Linn Cooper A Rodello (One to fill) 2.1 half Eddie Montrose Harlow Banks A Hawley & Saxton Frank Terry V*t!.la <o BROOKLYN Metropolitan Oabby Bros Rose Vnlyda Hob Ferns Co Hawthorne A Cook Horace Golden Co 2.1 half "Oolden Whirl" Yoriie a Mnpnelhr Al H White CO Howard A Cmdd'ck Hsbbert's itevuo Fulton DANNY DAVENPORT OFFICES 241 Art U I at S r>T 4'ith MICKEY CURRAN, Manager risi h'.ll I A ! w STRI .Mi' FT 1 Romnx B!dg.> f>ur *5ulte A' 'a tin. i>* Working. Phono: IIKN \NT Shatv Warn Kahu (One A ,1 k i to 2.1 Campbell A 1.' !fh .1 Boons fill) half TorU'a Dogs Ke! y A Msckey "Tal#. of 2 Cities Joe Jenny Trio lahlkawa nroa l.ran.i Three Melvlr.l D« m 1 k ' ■ n • re* A I'ro 1'.r r. ton t Hawklna Fsrdo K Noll 4 1 vl.. rs I r. ■ 1 n Co |^l^^ ' li ■ A. COl (One '«» II ' Victoria. A *■ r. a I M a I I • Bonis Meroff *'o lr- •] W. l.< r f*o pisher A i.ioyd Herbert - Hevue ■onfa Meroff I 0 V A C A v. ry Josephins ilarni'>n I i .1 /. I ' »r <■«• 'i < '<> <,re«-l»-y Smmre AI be 11 1 lonnelly Collins a Dunosr Laurie «>r.i v* :.y Co Al H W tilre .o Art.e Mehllnger OraoS A > r< a A. H 1 2d half !•< .' ck 4 I" x ' T ' I •< 1 • errs 3 • r;. ne 81st. v \\ .ir.t A Wtjson '» A C Avery Prank T^rry "." • < i. r: y a 1': 2d half r.lchard Wai.y Cc itose Vnlyda < inn ors A Hnj ne Men Linn Kinkaid Kilties Co W Dance Originalities DALLA8, TEX. JefTerson Palermo's Canines Gene A Menctte Alf Ripon May Stanley Co Pep-o-Mlnt 2d half Mnnkln Reeder A Armstr'g Morris A; Towns Mom ford A Stanley Virginia Belles* DAYTON Hay (on Brown's l>og* Do Voy A Dayton Harvey De Voro 3 MeCoy A Walton "Ting-a-KIng" DETROIT Colonial Rice A Elm* r Bernard A Meyers l.oiil Roberts Ward A Raymond White Black A U DIILITII I/oew Ergottl A Herman Charlotte Worth E A G Parks Trovato Robinson's Baboons 2d half Jack A Ports Raines A Avsy J K Emmett Co Monte A Lyons Russo Ties A R FALL BIVEB I/oew Wright A Wilson McConnell A West Arthur De Voy Co Ce.lla Weston Co L,a Temple Co 2d half Rose A Doll Ryan A Weber Florence Henry Co Hall'-y A Noble Kaisha Co FRESNO, CAT. Hippodrome "Just Friends" pwd Bnjrers T,ee Mason t'o Robert c.ii.-s J Flynn Minstrels 2.1 half The T,.i r< onians I'.olx r A Gold "Marr'gs rs Dlv'cs M Anne Kent < o BeattlS A Hlome HAMILTON, ^ \s. King Street Rondaa 2 Alf Oral ' •'I 'id-Bits" rs Cy ^ «'v 2.1 half Sterling Ross 3 ai l*est»r Co Overseas Reros (Two to fill) HOBO KEN, N. .1. liOew Roltlnger A H notds Murphy A Murphy ID 1 11 .■ 1. 1 '■< I; ' o DORIS DUNCAN y "TUB IOVE HANDIT" * Offering a Musical Prescription. NONALCOHOLIC BUT INTOX rCATfrffJ OpeningJIRPHBIM C'lRCl'lT. AprU tflL Oorgalls 3 Howard A Lewis Martin A Courtney I/O BEACH, CAI^ State .lark OreRory Co Armstr'g A Downey Bond- Berry Co Hairy HltMS Oyi>ay Trio 2.1 half LeS Arados Rainbow A M'hawk Mnletn Boneonl Part let! Smith a I Jnch Martin 3 LOS ANt.KLES Hippodrome Les A nidus Rainbow *JH'hawl< Maleta Bunconl Bartletl ■mtln A 8 Jack Martin 3 2d half F^dl- Hill Plunkett A R'ni'lnx R Rogers Laurell 4 Smith A Cook Beaggy A Clause MODESTO, CAL Hippodrome ( The Larconlans Roher A (Jold "Marr'gs vs D'v'cs" Alvin A Kenny L A <1 Harvey Mr A Mrs W Hill Jimmy Lyons Chap.llo A S Co PRO\IDENCB Emery Helen Jacklty Tripoli 3 Con*man & Carroll Lee Began Co Salle A Robles Society Symphony 2d half 3 Cliffords Jackson A Ho warn" Steve Freda "Toy Shop" Amoros A JeanettO II. ras A Preston 8T. LOt IS I-OfW Maxon A Morris Oordon A Cordon B-:i a Bslgravo Julia Curtjs Dnncera DeLuxe 2d. half J A J Cibson Patrice a Sullivan Riven A Arnold Criterion * ••I'stches'' ST. PACL Loew ' Jack A For is DENTIST M. \ U KLR'8 THEATRE III DO. Dr. M. G. CARY CHICAGO ■peelal Bates to the Frofesstas. Anne Kent A Co Beattie A Blome (29-30) Burrcll Hros Oeo Stanley A sis Powers Marsh A D Frank Ward 6 Muni'a I cjueena MEMPHIS borw ^■**" M'Comi. II A Austin Harry Sykes .1 Ksnns sisters Callahan A Hiiss J A 1 Martin 2d half 2 Da v. ys Beulan I'.arl Harry Mason Fr.-ddy Silvers Skeil) a H. it min m:\volis 14>e w To*o Hammer Helen Vincent 1 8a t;. s" Al Gamble Co Dia/. Troupe 2d half Wilbur A Lyks Meirny S ' Hart A Helens Raines A Avey J K Fllllilett Co Monte A Lyons Huesu 'lies A R •o A lit r„ '<\;i,iin>j« d en pnr' 21)