Variety (May 1921)

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Friday, May 6, 1921 VA RIET Y gelblnl * Navel Dunhcm A Wlll'ms fear Oosslpa ST. LOUIS Orphenm Moody A Duncai Herbert Brooks Booth A Nina (Others to fill) Blalta Frances Prlchard Jos Laurie Claud A Marlon -Artistic Treat" Harrison D A H Jos Melvln "IT; PAUL Orpheum Imma Carus Pora Hilton Co Hoy Conlin Kitner A Rcancy lllnlature Revue Billy Miller Co Cavanaugh 2 Geo A Moors • SALT LAKE Orpheum Williams A Wolfus Tom Smith Co Ducos Bros Ds Vos A Horford Jos Browning Geo Jcssel's Revue SEATTLE Orphenm Ras Samuels Lew Dockstader David Sapirstein Morton A Glass Sultan ' Curaon Sisters Oygi A Vadis 8101 x CITY Orpheum Byid A Alden Taylor A Francois "For Pity's Sake" Carl McCullough Broslus A Brown Byrdn A Half Asakl A Takl Saxton A Farrell Bouncer's Circus VANCOUVER, B.C. Orpheum Singer's Mulcts Duncan & Carroll Hugh H.rbert Co Sidney Grant BUD WIN ETIIYLE WALSH and AUSTIN in "AT THE BEACH" Jas C Morton Bert Melrose Delmore A Kolb Edith Clifford Co Harriet Remplo Co BAN FRANCISCO Orphenm Howard Hall Co Buddy Walton "Fall of Eve" The Mljarles Foster Hull Co Texas Walker Three Homanos, WINNIPEG Orpheum •On Fifth Ave" Frances Kennedy Frank Drown Donovan & Lee Morton & Nicholson Plelert A Scofk-ld WESTERN VAUDEVILLE State-Lake Theatre Building, Chicago Mullen A Francis (One to till) DES MOINES, IA. BLOOMINGTON, ILL. Majestic Waters H A C Powers A Wallace Snell A Vernon 2d half Worden Bros Angel A Fuller "Rice Pudding" Majestic B A J Grey Moore A Grey Moore A Shy Muscial Revue 2d half Walch A Rand CENTRALLY, KAN. 1 Johnson & Parsons (Two to fill) MADISON, WIS. Orphenm Dswitt A Robinson Klals Whits B Browns Ca (Two to fill) 2d half Neal Abel B Browne Co Jed Dooley Betty Anker Co (One to fill) MASON CITY, IA. Cecil The Volunteers (two to fill) 2d half Moore A Gray B A J Gray (One to nil) OMAHA, NEB. Empress Nalo A Riuo Cal Dean A Girls Wells & Dcvera (Ono to fill) -il half Jimmy Gallon Dcmaria Five Taylor & Francis Drosius & Drown PEORIA. ILL. Orpheum Herman A Shirley Nevina & Mack (Four to fill) Id half Mr & Mrs Q Wilde Blgelow & Clinton Owen McGivcny i.iiiian Walker (Two to fill) QUIKCt. ILL. Orpheum Tesdhow'* Cats Norvclle Dros (One to nil) 2d half "Martells" Stanley & Birnos DeWinter Una A T ROCKFORD, ILL. Pulaee . s tory £ Clark w:n* stanton Neal Abel Johnson Baker A J Betty Anker 3 (One to nil) 2d half 3 BliKhty Gir'.s Dewitt A Robinson EJsie White SI'X FALLS. 8. D. Orphenm Jimmy Gallon DeMaria Five (Two to fill) r d half Moore A Shy Bayard A Allen Falrman A Patrick "For Pity's Sake" SO. BEND, IND. Orpheum Freer Baggett A F Clifford A Johnson Qoaler A Johnson Black A White Rev (Ono to All) 2d half itasso Co Orrin A Drew Jack Russell Co Olson A Johnson Clifford Wayne 3 (One to nil) SPR'GFIELD, ILL. Majestic 27 — Hawthorne A Cook Bergman MAN Williams A West Fox A Barton Elisabeth Saltl Cs 2d half Herman A Young Yen Wah Fortune Queen I Calla Weston Ca Apadals Troupe ATLANTA, CA. Oraad Cssson Bros C Lindsay A Haze? Cosy Revue Moher A Eldrldge MAY ««<* HILL — CHASTE COMEDY COUPLE — HOBWIT2 — KHAIS Orphenm De Pierre TriO Lynn Cantor Miner A Evans Adrian Dancers Supreme (One to nil) 2d half D'ws'n Lsnlgan A S Catland 2d half DsAlbert A Morton Jack A Eva Arnold Link A Phillips Chas Olbbs Rubetown Follies BALTIMORE Norton A Wilson Mabel Harper Co Voice A Money Rand A Gould La Follette Ca 1>I I.I Til Loew Mason A Morris Gordon A Gordon Bell A Belgrave Julia Curtis Dancers De Luxe Sd half Santry A Norton Dixie Hamilton Co "Breakfast for I" Weston A Eline Leach Wallin I FALL RIVER Loew Florette Leonard A Porray Al H White Co CAT Harvey Fsshlon Revue 1921 A NEW COMBINATION- -WITH NEW IDEAS HARRY CHARLES ARTHUR E and HAVEL * ■ Writers and Producers of Exclusive Material ROMAX BUILD1NO ^^-— 245 West 47th Street, New York City ROOM 310 S*^ PHONE (Penciled In) Ramsdells A Dcyo W A G Ahoirn Nick Hufford Bert Baker Co Itobbo & Nelson 6 Klrknmith Girls 2d half JAN Olms Edw Marshall Aurora Co Tracey & M c Pri i i ii Powers & Wallace Herbert's Canines T'RE HAI'TE, IND. Hippodrome (Evansville split) 1st half Frailer A Peck Al Beatty & Evelyn DANNY DAVENPORT OFFICES MICKEY CURRAN, Manager Artists' Representatives. 145 WEST 47th STREET (Romax Hldg.) Our Acts Always Working. Suite 815. Phone: BRYANT Grand Hayatake Bros Howard A Atkins Monroe Bros 2d half Fitter A Daye Dancing Kennedys Schepps Circus CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Orpheum Herbert's Canines Edward Marshall Aurora Co • Claude Golden Blgelow A Clinton Clifford Wayne S 2d half Jupiter Trio WAG Ahearn "District School" Alice Hamilton Chabot A Tortinl Ramsdells A Deyo CHICAGO American Arselma 81s "District School" Alice Hamilton (Two to fill) ELGIN. ILL Rlalto Dare Bros "Four of Us" "Ruffles" 2d half Forest A Church Billy MacDermott Elly EYANSVILLE.IND. Grand (Terre Haute split) 1st half W Hale A Bro Green A Dean "Janey of France" Chas Wilson "30 Pink Toes" FLORENCE, KAN. Mayflower Marlon Drew Cleveland A Faye Kingsbury A M Jessie A Hubert Golden Troupe Harry Cooper Dare Bros (One to All) ST. LOUS Grand Blnns A Bert O'Hara A Neeley Dunlay A Merrill Rago Co Gordon A Delmar Jack Tralnor Co Stlne Trio Roy La Pearl Kay Hamlin A Kay SIOUX CITY, IA. Orphenm Broslus A Brown Bayard A Alden Taylor A Francis "For Pity Sake" . Carl McCullough (One to All) 2d half Osakl A Taki Saxton A Farrell Byron A Haig The Volunteers Q.ikes A DeLour Bloom A Scher Geo McFarlane Gordon's Circus TOPEKA, KAN. Novelty Australian Baltus Dan Ahearn "Mixtures" Walman A Berry Weston's Models 2d half Jewell A Raymond Dan Holt A Co Hayden G'dwin A R Marie Corelli Co (One to fill) WICHITA, KAN. Princess Marlon Drew Cleveland A Faye Kingsb'y A Munson Jessie A Hubert Golden Troupe 2d half Australian Baltus Dan Ahearn "Mixtures'' H West A Chums Lester Bernard Co Mills A Smith Erford s Whirl Boulevard 3 Cliffords Steve Freda Fred Weber Co Amoros A Jeanette Sig Franz Co 2d half Nada Norine Harold Selman Co Adrian Michon Bros (One to fill) Avenue It Lew Hoffman V & c Avery Kinkaid Kilties (Two to fill) 2d half 2 Carlos Renard A West 1'aul Earle Doree's Celebrities (One to ill) BROOKLYN Metropolitan D'ws'n Lanlgan A C Ten Wah 4 Jacks A Queen Hippodrome FranUie Wilson Co Allen A Moore Gordon A Healy Jo-Jo Harrison Casting Lloyds BIRMINGHAM Bijou Jean A Valjean Robinson A Pierce Walter Fcnner Co Anger A Adelon Bravo MAT 2d half Casson Bros Cedrlc Lindsay A H Cory Revue Moher A Eldridge Catland BOSTON Orpheum Sinclair A Gray Rose Allen Co Curtis A Fltxgerald Yorke A Maybelle Fisher A Lloyd Polly's Pearls 2d half Esther Trio Chas Calvert "A Modern Diana" Dixie Four (One to fill) 2d half Bollinger A R'nolds Garfield A Smith Rose Allen Co Jimmy Rosen Co Jarrow "Holiday In Dixie" FRESNO, CAL Hippodrome R" , «i'»« eY Arifv Exposition 4 Taylor A Arnold Tom Mahoney "Syncopated Feet" 2d half Slegrlst A Darro Grace De Winters Marietta Craig Co Royal 4 M L. GREENWALD and LEW HERMAN r«« d "r er " «' Olrl Acts and Revues. 100 West 46th St.. N. Y. Room 606. 63 Grand Opera House, Chicago. Present "SNAP SHOTS" with JULIAN HALL in a flashlight of frills and frolics. Now on the Keith Circuit. Josephine Harmon Alox Sparks Co 2d half Herss A Preston Williams A Taylor Arthur Fields Co Elizabeth Saltl Co (One to fill) Fulton < Virginia Steppers (One to fill) CHICAGO McVlcker's Mykoff A Vanity Fallen Stars Wm Dick , Apollo Trio Ma.'k A Heal 4 Hansards L'G BEACH, CAL. Staia The Larconlans P.oher A Gold Marriage vs Divorce Anne Kent Co Beattie A Blome M half Burrell Bros O Stsnley A Sis Powers Marsh A D Frank Ward » Musical Queens LOS ANGELES Hippodrome Bamll Eroo O Stanley A Sis Frank Ward 6 Musical Queens 2d half Williams A Daisy Bob Whits Pearl Abbott Co Carlton A Belmont "Fickle Frolics" LONDON, CAN. Loew Wanda A Seals Ethel Levy Trio Dance Originalities 2d half Juggling Ferrier Wells V A West Towns'd Wilbur Co MODESTO, CAL. Mode- lo (8-D) Slegrlst A Darro Grace De Winters Marietta Craig Co Royal 4 Everest's Monkeys (13-14) Wilbur A Girlie Rose A Thorn Dae A Neville Brady A Mahoney Fred La Reine Co MEMPHIS Loew Les Perrettos Long A Perry Danny Will J Evans Jones Family Sd half Peters A Le Huff Gordon Duo Straight Evans Mero A E Downing A B Sis MINNEAPOLIS Loew Montambo A Nap Al Lester Oa Oversees Revue HOBOKEN, N. J. I/oew Morrwll Shaw Co McConnell A West Valda A Co Lauder A Smith Aerial Macks 2d half Harry White Lowe Feeley A 8 Tllyou A Rogers Grace Ay res A Bro (One to fill) FITTSBl'RGH Loew Brown's Degf DeVoy A Dayton Harvey DeVora 3 McCoy A Walton Tlng-a-LInf ST. LOUIS Loew Ajax A Emily Margaret Merle "Women" Johnso'n Bros A J t Kenaa Sisters Csllahan A Blisa J A I Msrlin 2d halt 2 Da\e><i Bsalab Pear! Hurry Mason Ca Fnddy Silvers A 1 Bkelly A Hsit Rar WASHINGTON Straad Work A Mack F» in A Tennyson r>»n nor a A Boy no Bart Doyle & Musical Bods WINDSOR, CAR. Loew Juggling Ferrier Wells V A Wsst Towns'd Wilbur Ca 2d half Wanda A Seals Ethel Levy I Dance Originalities] SACRAMENTO Stats CHIC YORK and KING BOSS Present "The Old Family Tin Typo" Next Week (May 6-11) Keith's Collseam (Mny 13-15) Proctor's 68th St.. New York 5? Brower Trio 2d half Palermo's Canines Gene A Mcnotte Alf Rlpon May Stanley Co Pep-o-Mint Revue ST. PAUL Loew Santry & Norton Dixie Hamilton Co "Breakfast for *" Weston A Kline Leach Wallin I 2d half Montambo A Nap Jack Goldie Klbel A Kane Lewis A Thornton Roma Ravum SAN ANTONIO Loew S Dsveys Beulah Pearl Harry Mason Co Freddy Silvers A F Skelly Helt Revue 2d half Weston A Marion Brennan A Cnrlsy "Lets Go" Craig A Catto Gray A Graham 2d half Ralph Seabury * F A G Do Mont "Love Lawyer" Coscia A Verdi Jussl A Ossl SALT L\KH State Edward Hill Plunkett A R R Rogers A L 4 Smith A Cook Beaggy A Clausa 2d half Lee Mason Ca Senna A Steven* "°- Robert Giles J Flynn Minstrels SAN FRANCISCO Casino (Sunday opening) NEW HEADQUARTER3 GEO. CHOOS 116 WEST 47th STREET, NEW YORK CITY Phone BRYANT 7I»S Everest's Monkeys HAMILTON, CAN. King Street Spoor A Parsons Chas Martin Trlx A H Speck Winter Garden 4 3 Minstrel Misses 2d half Oorgalis Trio Berry A Nickerson M Samuels Co Howard A Lewis Chapelle A S Co HOLYOKE, MASS. Loew Rose A Dell Ryan A Weber Harold Selman Co Halley A Noble Kaisha Co 2d half Lew Hoffman Barlow Banks A G Phillips A Ebby Robinson McCabe 3 Timely Revue Jack Goldie Klbel A Kane Lewis A Thornton Rose Revue 2d half J A J Gibson Patrice A Sullivan Marlon Munson Co Criterion Four "Patches" MONTREAL l-oew King Bros Helenc Davis H Ilrouks Co Swartz A Clifford 6 Musical Nosses NASHVILLE Vendome Peters A LcBuff Gordon Duo Evans Mero A E Downing A B Sis 2d half Jean A Valjean Robinson A Pierce Walter Fenner Co Anger A Adelon Rolland Bros Brown A Blaine Mae A Hill Jack Rcddy Melody Festival SPOKANE Loew Lockharl A Laddie Nell O'Conncll Eldr'ge Barlow A E Texas Comedy 4 Ling A Long 2d half Toto Hammer Co Helen Vincent "Sweeties" Al Gamble Dlas Troupe SrR'GF'LD, MASS. Bollinger A R'nolds Garfield A Smith Jimmy Rosen Co Jarrow "Holiday In Dixie" 2d half Florette Leonard A Porray Mr A Mrs Wiley Calvert A Shayns Ronalr A Ward Arthur Deagoa Wheeler Trio Hippodrome (Sunday opening) Busses's Dogs Melville A 8 Sis R B O'Connor Co Morey Senna A D Sherlock Sis A O Wigwam Marvelous Ds OnsM E J Moore Mack A Maybelle Hodge A Howell 2d half Cliff Halley S Burton A Shea Willing A Jordan Stepping Stono Rer SAN JOSE, CAL, Hippodrome Cliff Bailey 2 Burton A Shea Willing A Jordan Stepping Stone Rer Roy A Arthur <Two to fill) 2d half Johnson Baker A J Leo Beers Kenny A Holls Muldoon FAR (Two to fill) . Lincoln Orren A Drew O McGlveney Co Kenny A Hollls Muldoon FAR (Two to fill) 2d half Claude Golden Black A White Rev Jack Clifford Tuscan© Bros <Two lo 4tr> GALESBURG. ILL. Orphenm Martolle Stanley A Blrnes DeWitt Burns A C 2d half Teschow's Cats Novelle Bros (Ons to nil) JOIJET, ILL. Orphenm Connell Zippy A L Chabot A Tortinl "Japan*** R«vu«" 2d half Hernam A Shirley Bobbe A Nelson Will Stanton Co KAK&5.8.UTY "Trip to Hitland" Billy Bouncer BOB BAKER Booking Acts of Merit My Specialty COA8T TO COAST 405 Lotw'i Annex Bids.. 160 W. 46th St.. N. Y. COUNCIL BLUFFS. I A. Majestic Welch A Rand Johnson A Parsons 2d half Sue Stead A Sis (One to nil) DAVENPORT Columbia Tuscano Bros Gertrude Newman Hunting A Francis Harry Cooprr Toyama Japs (One to nil) 2d half Snell A Vernon Jeanette < •loe Jenny 8 Bert Baker Co Globe Jewel I A Riiymond Dan Hoit «'o Hayden O'dwln a n Marls coreiii Ca (I >ne lo nil) Id half m k HIM Arthur Terry < Vsndall's Clr< *js (Two to nii» LINCOLN, NEB Liber.> Collins & Hill Arthur Terry Crandall's Circus (Two to nil) 2d half Nalo A Rizxo Cal Dean A Girls Wells A Dcverra IWalmsn A Berry Weston's Models MARCUS LOEW rutnam Building, New York City NEW YORK CITY . Erfords Whirl American Wells A M'tgomery Heras A Preston Adams A Gerhus Steed's Seven Nada Norine Rudinoff LeVan A DaVton Havana Duo (One to nil) 2d half 3 Clifford!* Free.-). A- «, ! re«P Fred Weber « o Lang A lice W M.-inili. v Co I.vim Cantor G S Gordon Co Fox A Barton (One to till) Victoria Herman & Young IC'Cannell A West Cslla Weston Co Walter Mamaey Co (One to fill) 24 half Margot k- Francois *;i»ert Richard Ovsrholi a;- Toting Josephine Harmon st- i <] i Si vi n Lincoln Ha;, S' . mour a .!• ;inet te i; rlow i!u nks 1 (J I'D.Mips A Kbfcy Anhur Fields 2d half 81g Frans Co Ryan A Weber J Gordon Players Halley A Noble Dancers Supreme Greeley Hq. Wond«*r fJirl Sonla M« rofr Co Herman Lleb Co Hawthorne A- Cook Bergman MAN (Out to fill/ 2<i RAH Chas Reedsr Seymour A Jean'tts Adams A (D Drue 4 Jacks & Queen LaVan A DsVlBS DePitrre Trio Delancey St. 3 Murt<-lls Fried a linen Albert Richard L Barnard «'o Lang «• !>•• Muhon Drns Id half Kawana Duo Sonla MerofY «"o Car do A Noll Howard x Ci'ddock Kaishs Co (One lo did National Msrgot .< Froncola J 11 West a Chums NEW HEADQUARTERS AFTER MAY FIRST JOE MICHAELS Saite 402 I LOEW ANNEX BUILDING 160 tte*t 4tth Street. New York Ulty. Chas Reeder Williams A Taylor Geo Randall Ca Cardo A Noll Kramer A Pattera'n Id half Wonder Girl Steve Freda Rudinoff Amoros A Jeanette Crescent Comedy 4 Palace Two Carlos Hall A O'Hrlcn Paul Karle CLEVELAND Liberty Fred's Pigs Manners A Loweroe Eddls Heron Chas Rellly Mystic Hanson t DALLAS, TEX. Jefferson Willie Karbe Dell A Ray Lyndall Laurell Co Babe LaTour Co Grazer A Lawlor FOR RENT Furnished- Bungalow, Lake IFopatcong, N. J. * $300 for Summer Eddie Miller, Friars' Club, N. Y. Pol I one Que*n i One lo fill) Id half Ed Olngras Alexsmi. r Kporkl Tripoli Trio Klnkald Kilties fOni U, lill) W nn\ ii k I.owe Evans A 8 Renard A Went Al II White G Ayres A Pro (One to fill) 2d half Adams A Gerhue Mc< drin..-II A West V A C Avery 2d half McConnell A Aur.tln Harry Sykrs 3 Kenna Bisters Callahan <t BIISJ J A 1 Alarlln DAYTON I>aj ton nic#» A Klmcr Jordan A Tyler Little Lord ItorVrts Ward a Raymond While Black A U DETROIT Colonial The Huileys HOUSTON Prtnesas Rolland Bros Brown A Elaine Mas A Hill Jsck Rcddy Melody Festival 2d half O'Nell Bisters Walsh A Bentley "Week Fin Today" Walter KaufTman 8katlng Macks INDIANAPOLIS l4>ew Cieiv.tnzo Bros DeLea A Orma "Into the Light" F'ollette Pearl A W Gypsy Songsters NAXftAS CITY Garden Palermo's Canines Gene A Menette Alf Ripon May Stanley Co "Pep-o-Mint" 2d half Xlankln Bossier & Armstr*g Morris a Towns Mumford a Stanley VlrRlnla Itelles KNOXVILLF 1/orvr DeAlh-rt A Morton Ja< l< Xr Eva Arno «1 Link A- Phillips Chas Olbbs 2d half Kinj? A Cody Baldwin Austin & <i Bravo MAT NEW ORLEANS Crescent O'Nell Slaters Walsh A Bentley -Week F'm Today" Walter Kauffman Skating Ma. ke 2d half Les Perrettos Long A Perry Danny Will J Evans Jones Family OKLAHOMA CITY' Liberty Paramo Vlnc-nt A Franklyn "Rounder of fj'w'y" Anthony A Arnold Stanh y llros 2d naif MiMahon Sisters f'onne A Alhert Arthur Sullivan Ralph Whitehead K ft l..i ■/..-( \: .1 fir..* OlM.XMi Mm Wilbur A GlrMe Hose A Thorn 1>«^ A Neville Ilrndy A Mnhoiwy F La Reins Co M lui'f fiinar.* A Cleg l:«-«;i! A Mack Mills A Moulton Uleesons A 11 OTTAWA. CAN. Larw Sterling Lose 3 Al II White Ca CAT Harvey Fashion Revue 1121 SUPERIOR, WIS. Loew Wilbur A Lyke Melroy Sisters Hart A Helena B Lal'.arr A Beaux Russell A Russell 2d half Maxon A Morris Gordon A Gordon Bell A BelRravs ' Julia Curtis j Dancers Do Luxe TORONTO Loew Alvln A Kenny 2d half Marv. lous De Onzoo E J Moors Mack A Maybelle Ifodfre A Howell STOCKTON MUte Canarls A Cleo Howard A Hoffman Regal A Mack Mills A Moultea Gleesons A H 2d half Wcrton A Marion Brenna A Curlny "I^ts Go" Craig A CaJto Gray A Graham TAFT, CAL. RAYMOND BOND AMERICAN III MOKIST "Running a close second to the head- liner— is Raymond Bond —In his delight- ful comedy, 'Story Book Stuff.' "—Syra- «une (N. Y.) Journal. It A O Harvey St rut ford Comedy 4 Mr A Mrs W Hill Jimmy Lyons F A M Hughefe WACO, TEX. Orpheum McConnell k Austin Harry Sykf-s j Tom Mahoney i "Syncopated Feet" Ilipnodrc Wlllinms A Daisy Bob White Pearl Abbott Co Carllo-: a Heln.ont "Flckie Frolles" U3-14) Reckless A Arley ■gpasltlon 4 Taylor A Arnold DENTIST M. Yl( KLKft THEATRE BLDG. Dr. M. C. CARY CHICAGO Sp««lal Rates tu the Profefslwa. Ot'S HI N BOOKING F.XCII VM.R CO, 1403 Broudwuy, New York City III FFAM) Olympic Th'i McynofTs Monti A Parti ' Tld Uits" Olive A Hill Fred's Cireue CLRYELAND PriNelfbt Dansy A Wilson - (Continued on Page 2S)