Variety (June 1921)

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ly, June 3, 1^21 PICTURES 43 COAST FILM NOTES By FEED SCHADEB. Los Angeles, June t, k week of cloudiness mixed with ikmous California brand of min- HilaA. baa made It possible for a JJ^wgp of the companies to begin I ISt OP location after having: been Sad UP 'or * Period of ten days JJrtng an almost continuous rain- fltorm which smashed records that luA been In existence for more than lorty years. The weather cost the ^blned studios here thousands upon thousands of dollars. FHscilla Dean Is ba<'k on the Uni- versal lot after spending :4 days in Hm vicinity of Portland in an effort 10 jet exterior scenes for her forth- eomlng production of "Conflict." Out of the 14 days it rained 12 and ai there seemed to be no indication «| Hk break in the weather the com- pany was ordered to return and the aceneiB will be reproduced at the ■tudios from still photos taken in tte north. W, J. Connors, of the Master Pictures, Inc., and B. J. Pyle, loifiaerly vice-president of the Pasa- dMUi National Bank, were placed on trial In the Federal District Court on oharges of violating' the national bi^iklng laws. It Is alleged that a vMfktion representing $60,000 was B#petrated by Connors and Pyle aUie promotion of th* Master PIc- Corporatlon. ! Ltnn T, Osborne, father of Baby iKftrie Osborne, was haled Into court ^iMt week to show cause why he ttflM to pay alimony, to the extent ef |60«. .-: company worklnj on the Brunton lot at present. The first production Is H. H. Van Loan's story Tight in' Mad," which Is being directed by J. J. Franz. Virginia Brown FaIre Is the leading woman. Marshall Neilan has been burn- ing up the wires from the East for more than two weeks now, an- nouncing to Pete Smith his plans for the near future. Almost daily Pete has received a wire announc- ing the signing of some famous author. Thus for the list contains George Ade, who is to title "The Lo- tus Eaters," Don Byrne, whose story, "The Stranger's Banquet" is to be filmed by Njeilan and last, but far from least, Hugh Wiley, tne Saturday Evening Post writer, whose Chinese tales, inoluding "Jade," "Junk" and "Hop" have won him recognition. He is at work on a story for Neilan. John D. Howard has been placed In charge of Western exploitation for Meehan and Vogel who are the coast representatives of the W. W. Hodkinson productions. Howard was forntierly with Famous Players- Lasky. Harold Lloyd has lost another leading woman. Mildrckl Davis has left him to go in for serious work ^n pictures. J-,V- Frank Lloyd la to direct. Richard Dlx is working double at the Goldwyn plant He 1% ap- pearing under the direction of both Reginald Barker and E. Mason Hopper at the same time In two different pictures. "Retribution" Is the title that has been finally selected by the Louis B. Mayer studios for the John Stahl production which was made under the till© of "The Child Thou Gavcst Me." directors have been practically signed til direct productions for them. John Jasper, manager of the Fairfax unit was for years with Charles Chaplin, has associated with him ill the ownersililp of the Hollywood studios and in the Eagle Corp. C. E. Tobv'rman, Charles W. Brantford, F. A. Hartwrll and J. E. Ransford. Supporting Anita Stewart In "A Question of Honor" which will be her final picture here before going east for the summer, will be Edward Hearn, Arthur Stuart Hull, Ed. Brady, Frank Beal. Walt Whitman, Josephine Quirk has pre- pared the script and Edwin Carewe will direct. Harry Carey has Joined the floor walkers. He became the daddy of a 10-pound son last week at the Carey Ranch in San Francisquito Canyon. Now that the expected event has come to pass Carey is ready to start work on his first Jewel production at U. It Is a story entitled "Bransford of Rain- bow Ridge" and. will be directed by Robert Thornby. James Coirlgan who has been ill since appearing as Pa Peck in "Peck's Bad Boy" is announced to be recovering. Karold P. Keeler, who was be fore Judge Wood on a charge of failure to pay his wife alimony, tes- tilled that all he had in the world was |1. The wife claimed |520. while Philip Cohen stated that the ■mount actually due was $330 and his client would pay as soon lie obtained employment. He is (Ippenario writer. Idie Flanagan has been .sr!» v^ted a role in the George D. liaker production "The Hunch," •ing Gareth Hughes. le next George Beban picture Is be a screen version of "The Sign •I the Rose." Helen Jerome Eddy ii to play the role opposite the star House Peters and Allan Forrest are the only two thus far engaged for the Goldwyn production "The Man From Lost River," which The completed cast for the Gladys Walton U. production "Christine of the Young Heart" which Lee Kohlmar is direct In- cludes Frederick Vogeding, William Worthington, Freeman Wood, Kirke Lucas, Milton Markwell, Markwell, Dwight Crittenden, Robert Dunbar, Ola Norman, Leigh Wyant, Jean DeBrlac, Hugh Saxon and the DeBrlac twins. Ted«ly Sampson and Henry Mur- dock are being featured in the new Gayety comedy "Standing Pat" being made at the Cinistie by Frederick Sullivan. William IJau- dlne is directing "Oh Buddy" in which Neal Burns Is featured with Vera Steadman, Ogden Crane, Victor Rottman and others. Al. Christie has just completed "Noth- ing Like It" the first of the series of 24 comedies that he Is making for release through the Educational. Richard Bennett Is out at the Lasky lot where he has been study- ing the technique of directing and he will in all probability start a pic- ture of his own the later part of this month. After one or two screen productions he plans to go east \o make a stage production. He has two plays up his sleeve that he expects to do. One of these is Louis K. Anspaoher's "Our Chil- dren*' which is being rewritten so as to transfer the locale from Ger- many to Scotland. The second play Is entitled "The Hero' author of which is not stated. tlon "Passersby" which Tc4 Momam is directing. Isabelle Johnson i« now with the Morosco scenario forces. Her lapt work was the script of the Charles Ray production •'Peaceful Valley." Glkdys Brockwell Is engaged to William Scott a juvenile of con- siderable picture fame. Her former husband was Harry Edwards a Fox director. When Coleen Moore arrivev from Now York this week she will Join the all star cast which Is to be seen in the screen version of the Morosoo piece "Slippy McGee" which Wesley Ruggles la to direct. Edward S. Curtis won a suit against the Catherine Curtis Cor- poration for $803.05 for curios which he loaned them for a pic- ture production and which were not returned to him. He is the author and Indian expert. The Eagle Producing and Fin- ancing Corp. which is sponsoring the Marlon Fairfax Production Is about to extend Its activities In the produoing field. At least three. Harold Ormston, house manager at Grauman's Million Dollar thea- tre was presented with a daughter by his wife last week. Bess Meredyth has been signfd by Louis B. Mayer to do the con- tinuity on the next Stahl produc- tion. Rubye De Remer has been signed (or the Frothingham A. P. produc- The Screen Writers Guild have moved into their new quarters on Sunset Boulevard deserting the ofllces formerly held in the Mark- ham Building. "Under The Sour Apple Tree'' by Frank R Adams Is to ba the next Bayard Velller direct feature to be made at Metro. Vlolda Dana will be starred and work will begin im- mediately on her flnlshinff her cur- rent picture "The Matdi Maker." STREET SHOOTINO LDOTEB. Los Ang«I«8. Juna 1. No picture companies, except those situated within the city limits of JjOb Angeles, can shoot any atreet scenes In the city without paying a special license fee. That Is In accordance with a new city ordinance whlc(h was passed last week. "A Comic Undertaker" might be a good sign over one of the local burial establishments. Snub Pol- burd, the comedian, has bought a partnership In the concern. William Courtleigh Is returning to the screen under the manage- ment of the Rockett Brothers aa a member of the cast of their all star production, "Handle With Care." Jimmy Morrison, Harry Myers, Grace Darmond. Landers Stevens. IWilliam Austin and Ruth Miller tomplete the cast. Ted Le Berthon has been en- wred as editor for "The Photo- Dramatist," a new publication whiefe is being sponsored by the Palmer Photoplay Corporation. Mary Anderson has been signed jy the Spencer Productions, Inc., •or a series of comedy drama pro- ductions to be released through the Associated Producers. Scott Dun- lap is to direot: "Adams Comedies" Is the trade mark of the new brand being made *t the Astra Studios, Glendale, in which Jimmie Adams is starred. Heretofore Adams has been under the Mermaid banner, but E. W. Hammonds, of Educational, has de- «ided to name his comedies after Wm, "Chuck" Rlesner Is directing *nd Albert Austin writing the stories. Virginia Warwick Is play- tog opposite Adams, the others In the company being Frankle Lee, yinky" Dean Relsner, "Big Tom" Woods. Mark "Slim" Hamilton. Cliff Bowes. Max Asher and Otto Fricse. King Young has succeeded Jay Chapman as per.sonal representativf^ f«r a. 13. Hampton. Harry Ham- mon<l Beal is doing the publioity locally. Waltrr Hlers, the fat comic at 2**lart, is to make a tour of the South, making per.sonal appear- ances. Jack O'Brien, leading man for Carmel Myers, at I^niver.sal, and Helen Smith, who appeared with Wm in "Love's Penalty," aro to marry. Their enpag*»mpnt was an- nounced to mutual friends late last Week. — , , - — Paulin<> Hall, picture a<Mres8. has LJto,rte( l suit horo for lin.nno dnm- '•ses acTaTnsI Gorfrnrrr'— SH'''1 . a Jeauty (loftor. Miss Hall went to •JT. st«fl to have an optration to ftako hrr I'ps ir.o.r ki.-^sable in ap- Pcaraiif. The operation was a flop Jn^l t)K lips didn't attract any more «i68fcs tiian beforo. Important Notice Reply to " i ■; ■■■ X " •', ♦ ■,v -^.. .. , 1 «. >iiM^,4,4.. *,..^*M....«^ Lies, Rumors and Propaganda now being circulated to the effect that The AMOciated First National Pictures of N. Y., The iVen> Yorl( Exchange, or Associated First National Pictures of Northern California The Turner & Dahnken Exchange are being, or are to be sold out are absolutely untrue. First National is NOT Selling Out Any of Its Exchanges Positively no Associated First National Franchise or Exchange can be sold by its present owners without the consent of the following named Voting Trustees:— Robert Lieber of Indianapolis M. L. FinkeUtein of Minncapolii Nathan Gordon of Boston Fred Dahnken of San Francisco G, J. Von Herberg of Seattle iThere are no traitors in this organization and if any Franchise Holder wants to sell out, he would have to first satisfy die above named gentlemen that such a sale would not hann or endanger their own and other Franchise Holders' Investment and business safety. / ), ,■ Associated First National is Strcmger and more united than ever before so DON'T WORRY •-•^ «^ . I » «• ; ' ^'- ■•.T?.-***: ***» •illi. ni PfpnionO hn** his own ..« Associated First Nation%l Pictures, Inc., will safeguard its Franchise Holders' interests ''^Till Hell Freezes Over"' Associated First National Pictures, Inc. 6 West 4Sth Street, New York, N. Y.