Variety (June 1921)

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90 V A R I E T V' ' 1 ■ J Friday, June 17, 1921 3-= Bloiiaiiin Sisterv Uruwn Ram Ltaaterrcix Julio Cameron Vera Campbell I^evr% CarUo & Noll Carlton Saiu ; Carleton Roaeniary Carter Jo© Caaey Stuart Conway Pat Cooncs Shirley Curmioan Ros^ Cunningham Ag'cy Cumniins & White Crawford K A Daniels Charlotte I)ariiey Ted Davidson Frank Pavies Urace Darrell Emily Demarest Francla Deubar E F Prabic John Puffy Jiinmia Pumitreaseau M Eldred Frank Eva Nellie Farlandeau Dollf Faye Kitty Ferguson Roy -Fields FlorenQ* Fields Nelllo Fisher Tod Fitzpatrlck Andrew Fltcfferald Jere FitzK'Tald Myrtle Fonlaine Azaleu Four Folds Goldsmith Bros Corber Betsy Gilette Lucy Gray Dolly Goodale Orac« Gore Sammy Gossips Four Grant Ruth Green Earl Creenbeard Tommy Ouyer Ilarry Hoffman r>av« Huylor Frank Hynes Agnes Hall Bob Hamilton H Hanley Jack Hanson BUio Hart Peggy Hart Chic Hawkins R Hazard Hap Heather Josio Hennessy Francis Horson Frank '"Herreare Emtio Herman Al freson Frank [verson Fritsio Jennings Doris Johnson Paul Johnson Otto Kahn Carl Kennedy Molly Kimbcrly Lcop T^ke Isabelle Lang Billy Lamb Violet La Beige Alex Ija Rose & Lane Ii«mpman E T Lampinis ' Lavery Mr Layden J L Lee Bobby Leeg H J La Tendre Vlvvla Lenox Harry Levy Bert T,ewls Ham T> Limlsey Karl Llvinsston Jack Llviagstoa Robert Mack Billy >iahy Fleuretto Major WAG MeNeal Eatele McNally Ales MendelMuhrt E<1 Morrinsey Will Mito)i»'ll Alico Morgan L^n Montrose Nell* V^it>ii L Mu^ll'T EldriJse Murruy Eloise Nathans 'Bros Nester Frankle Ordway T.auri-i Ormonde Harry Paguio Jose Payne Raymond Pearson Virginia Powell Ora I*owers Mary Price Beatrice Pritchard Francos Prince Meryl Prosper & Moret Quinlan Harry Quigley Jack Rath & r.arren Reavea Ruth Rouch M a Rice Lew Rice Ram Richards Mrs Robinson Ohita Roberts Donald Ross Jerry Rosar Ellen Rose A Moon • Rosenbaum Sam Ruliff Alexis Rowc Shirley S<-nna Clarenco Seymore Franlt Si'ymore O Shapiro Abe Shaw Winn Slater Peggy Silberman Kdward Simmonds Bobbie Sims Alva Hokalka Lucia Solly Harry Songhan Eddie Sunshine Marion Squires Harry St Clair W J St Clair Ida Stanley Chas Sterling Katherlne Stephens Murray Sterling Bob Sully Estelle Svena Lillian Taylor Madge Tanton Ij Tenley Elmer Thursby Davo Thornton Evelyn Trlpps Ceo Turner Flo UhlendorC Otto Van Nostrand Karl Verobell Mme Vernon Fay Veucnlan Ireno Vernon Irene Vernon lA>ui«e Vlneent Jewell Viel Margie Vldo Frank Mr» Walker Dorothy Walsh OeraWine Walsh Mario Walsh & Edwards Walters Franclne Weaver & Weaver Whltft Harold Willard Joe Williams Foster Willianjs Andy WilUiim^ H ' Wolford Harry CHICAGO OFFICE Audrey Janet Anderson I^urclUe Allen Edna Armento Angelo Braase Stella Brats Selma Barto James O Briscoe KmniGt J. Brown Bob ' It.'linonl I^^lla Hr-rnard tk M'>yd BrowninK Art BlaUe Ifolen Berk ^- Stone Barnes Stuart Bertiar<l Mike Byron Bert Benny Jack Burk" HtM^n B"ll Jessie Italdwin Guy Ban ton Everoft Blessing Chas Collins Earl K Conlee Ethel Cla.oper Kdith Cochrane John O Clinton * M'N'mra Cummlnps Rny Coleman Claudia Clhrisfy Kenneth Coverly Florence L Cox l'i<»rpno6 f'hoy Stanley Tj Creiwhton A Cr'ton Carr James J Ca8»ell Sydney De Vine D.iltle Drew liowel Bayton Sylvia Duipfy Janv'S Dnmerol Ooorge Davis A Mct'cy Dickinson A Dong'n l>avennort Orrin Dale Billy Fsplnosas The Edmunds Ctl<>n Ethclla Viva Prance A Hanip Foster May Gilbert Bobby Hftllett Ferris Haig A IlaiK Hilton Fayles Harvey A Grace Hans Cfo M Hum P Ti Hend<'r<<on Norman lfn"ans Dancing 1Tiht>on Nors N lf.,rr"« s *• r. Ifr.vvurd Billy Hale Suo Haskell Jack Joni's Helen Jas4>n id Haig Joyce Jack K.-nnedys The Kniso N.Mtie O Kelly & l>avls Lloyd Wilkes T,i»vi-tt George Le Mnire Francli Lee Barbara Muschik Gertrude Mannnrd Virginia McTntyres Th* McKay Sc Ardine Martyn Maude McClreevy A Doyle Mansfield & Riddle McQuibor Dorothy Maybcrry Shirley McOtiire Anthony Moore Elsie Mac and Machev* McKay's Scotch Rev Melroy Sisters Mitchell A P Marlon Marcelle Vssh Hobhy N»wni«n Iv M Narder Vlkl Prince Al Pickard H ff Raye Sylvester Renard ,<- Jordan Ro»rors Wilson Richards L Sylvane Rhoda S>'yin(iurt' OoUy StafTonl Kdwin Stanley Frank Sfrntford Ponif^dy 4 Smith Oliver Co Valvila Rosa Van A B.ll.' •V.ilvila llosa Vyvyan R- Kaotn-^r Vox Valentine Wilson Blllv M Wpstlnke Jessie Wo]18 Fern WiLoon Mtirlel Wilbur Elsie Wnnisl. V V Mrs Wilson John Mrs Wallace Vf'sta Touner P H Znra Vidlot Zlnk Sonnie A POSITiVE NO\ELTy_ i i OLD TIME TUNE I 3nd mpmm % ^ .lh now Dciyino ar Square Theatri , NEW YORK oa \o\ \\\ Sttr«o<'* too* '-% Law. w •** „»,•»"—"*^"* J •• '. •"rof Copi« - Orckstralions -II Youes A -RIOT )r QUARTETS ail leys - Patfer5-Double5-etc \ * \ .^ M. WITMARK & SONS TH08. J. QUIGLEY Garrick Thtatr* Bldf.. CliUsM. III. DOC HOWARD 21 Estt 6tli StrMt, Ciseinnati. Ohio. AL HOWARD 150 We^t Larned Strcst. Oatroit. Mich. ALBERT J. LINDSEV 1213 H: Taoesia St.. ladiasapoli*. Isd. SYDNEY KLEIta 430 Kuitsr Terraee, Salt Lake City. Utah ED EOWARDb 3S 8. 9th St. Philadslphia, Pa. JOS. L. MANN 424 earth Block. Denver. Cols. !1. ROSS McCLURE Cwperlum MertaatlU Co.. St. Paul. Mina. CHAS. WARREN 7-A Soho Square. Londos, W MaM. Md. JACK LAHEY 218 Tremont Stroot. Boitos FRANK FOSS 327 HasiiltoN T«.-rac«. Baltimors JACK CROWLEY 18 Belknas Street. Providtneo, R. I. BARNEY HAGEN Pantaiet Bld|., San Frasciaso, Cal. AL COOK 1562 Broadway PAi./!c"irH;°T«, New Yi ROBERT EDGAR 500 Monteliui BIdfl.. Sea tU. Walk. J. J. GERLACH 312 Savey Thoa. Buildint. PMttiburih. Pa. MORT NAT 'AN 207 Superba Thoa. Bldf.. tii Angolet. Cal. ARTHUR WHITE 40« Lisdiey Buildint. Minaeapolh. Mina. I.. EnaJasd -*—"•-■ BUFFALO. By SIDNEY BURTON. MAJESTIC. — Bonstclle company in "A IMicc There Was." riCTUUK HOl'SKS. — Hfppo- dromo, "The City of Silent Men"; Criterion. "The Woman c;oJ Changed"; Strand, "Trust Your Wife"; Olympic. "It Isn't Ueing Done This Season." by him under oath on the trial. A plea of not KUilty entered and hail lixed at $10,000. Drucker re- .sides in Cleveland. John J. Lanipan, of LaniKan & I'elly. owners of the Hi-Art theatre at Lo«lxpoil, announces that' land has h*'vn purchased adjoining the pr»*j<<>nt .site ou which a theatre seating 3,500 will be erected. The John Robinson Shown, which played here last week, left a bad ImpreHsion in the town. A large number of "circus hangers-on and hawkers were arrested for peddling without licenses, and over half a <lo7-en cases were disposed of by the city court. A number of cases of a|>j)arent deliberate short-changing were complained of. and it was ru- mored that several of the smaller shows attached to the attraction were conducting gambling devices. tlon's new collective buying scheme. Poor business in ^utlying picture houses has caused a number of owners to come to the decision of unloading their holdings. Over half a dozen neighborhood houses are on the market. riiatles Drueker, alleged lyicker of "P.roiidwMy lirovlties. ' re- cent trial here for a fake wire-tap- ping swindle resulted in R dlsagree- nu'Jit, has been reindicted for per- jury arisiiut; from HlatenienU made Denial was made this week tliat the exhibitors' <ombin;»tion recent- ly formed here had evt-i entertained r\ny i<lea of dictating tlie policy of tiiin distributors or of boycotting or lighting I..oew in any way. It was .stated that the combination had in mind only the regulation of the price of film rentals. Over a dozen pictures have been purchased, it Wiku announced, under the cun\biaa- "The Wedding Gown" (Yi.ldish). which showed at the Teck Friday, failed to get money owing to the general dissatisfaction prevailing lov.all> over the recent affpcarancc here of Maurice Schwartz, support- ed by the Detroit stock company Despite poor patronage the "Clown" show was declared a sensation. Bessie Thomashevsky is booked for the Majestic June 19 in "ilow Men Love.'* DUCHESS—"Potash and mutter" (Lemngvvell Players)- Vaudeville at KKITH& CILLA. LOEWS LIBERTY MILES. ,._« (iHAND—"Broadway Rastiis. FILMS—State. 'Carniyai; did and AlhAmbra. "Worlds APJJ Park and Mall. "The I-i**t V.*i Standard, "The Man Tanu-r. J1 tropolitan and Strand, "f ^^ '^i j the Taxi;" Allen. ' Tl.e Hcvi London;" Stillman, "The >•' C,.)d Changed." , ...M LT'.N'X * Pa^K— VandcvdK* outdoor amusements. * ' Next week — Ohio. "i^^^^. Opera, "Mile. M^" Duchess. "The Old Honicstena. CLEVELAND. By J. WILSON ROY - rmiO—"Peg o' My Heart" (Mc- Laughlin Stock). - • OPERA HorSE—"The Fiicny" (New liostonians). CONEY ISLAND. By D. KALKER ,. It has been sevAr.Jl >''l'*!"^^,!..! Luna Purk has u.sed the old i)ai«J^ m«nhod to get patrons iti irotn avenue. Last week .\I.iii;»tf«''* *^ got his whole free circus out on