Variety (June 1921)

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32 VARIETY Friday, June 17, 1921 THE BEST PLACES TO STOP AT GRANT » *■ V. •« ^. CHICAGO LORRAINE > • ■ >. !•• 1 iJ^^*— ti rim iiinii 'rff'IBI'Mg7>v 500 Housekeeping Apartments (Of the Better Class—Within Reach of Economical Folks) liMar the dIrMt uip«r»Ulon of the •wiien. LMatM la tht kMrt cf titt elty. Iwat •« BrMdwajr. 4m* !• all kaaklaf ailaafl. prlasipal tkaatrM. eaaartaaat itaraa. «ra«liaa Man. "L" raatf eatf •atowair. Wa ara tka larfatl aialatalnara 9t kaiMkaaalas furaliliae aaartaiaati taaalaliilaa ta tkaatriael Mka. Wa ara aa tiia sraaae tfaMy. Tula alaaa laaaraa praaiat aarviaa aatf alaaatlnatt. ALL ■UILOINQS KSVIPPEO WITH tTCAM NEAT AND fLECTSIC LlfiHTt HILDONACOURT Ml ta S47 Waat 45tft tt. Pkoaa: Laataara Km A aalMInt tfa laxa. JuM aaMaMatf: alaiwta* •eartaMat* arraataS la aalta« af aaa, t«»a aatf MHaa raaaia. •ttk tMae eatli aai alM«»a:. :ila« klMMaa. kItalMBattaaw Tkaaa aaartaNati taiboiy arar> laxary k»a»a^ mtttn Mlaaaa. IMJi Ue MaatMy: tit.H U» Waakly. YANDI8 COURT f4i-247 Wast 43e tU Pkaaa. Bryaat ;tl3 Oaa. tkraa aae faar roam apartaaata. itltti maka a a tt at. privala ka«k aaa tal aak aaa* fU ark aay t >a»a aaarlaiaaU ara aatae (ar to aaa af III attfacflaat* ttt.M Up Waafcly. HENRI COURT III. 314 aaa lift WaM 4Mk tt Pkaaa: Laataara USD Aa aa>ta>tlit-aitauta. aa». Araaraaf aalitflaa. arraaeaa ta aaartaaatt at tkraa aaa fa«r raaoia with kitehoaa aaa arival* katk; Fkant ia aach apartaiaat. Sl7.oe Uf WaakiD THE DUPLEX us aoi 125 Weal 434 St. rnnaa: aryaat •tsi'42ts Three aa« faar vaaaia «Hk aata. twrafakaS 4a a dofrec ot moaaraaea* that eieela anytbia* li» IMa lya* el autlfInt. Thcac aaartmcnta arin aeeaai* Riedata four or more adulta. 19.50 Us WaaUy. Addraaa all commun^^atlona to M. Claman Principal Omea—1 andla Court. 241 Wear 43rd 8ir*el, Naw Tork Apartmtrtttv can tHiaeen «veo'inga. t>fncff >n each bolldlng. VhONK CIKCLK 1114 6r»ClAL 8tM.MI£K KATES Lansdale-Canton Apartments on Broadlway—1690-1696—Between 53d-54th Streets rUBNISHED APABTlfKKTS — 1, t, S, 4 lU>OaiS and BATH UNDSIV NKW MANAOEUklENT Hifrh Claaa Ktavatar Apawtaaaata: Kvery Puasible Serrlre; With KHcb^n mm* ILUcbeBattaa} 4-Boaaa Sultaa Xa»cclally Adapted for Two Covpica; Liura Kttvhaaa. ProfesaloBal Batea 4|«ot«d. $6 PER WEEK UP 101 ROOMS ::r«:'iki?.;7„^v?it; iviloflos. Ia tlia Haart af the Thaatrlcal DIatrlct, Two Blocka from Pena. Statloa MARION HOTEL Greeley 6878-4 156 Weat 35th St. MARTIN A. GRAHAM. Manacar. LOW BATE8 TilB HOMK or TOBATBICAI. lt>LK CIKCLE HOTEL »>->"'-< REISENWCBBIR'S COLUMBUS CIRCLE A 58th STREET 'Phone COLUMBUS 134S 8lnicle Booaa and Datli and Saltan of Parlor, Bedroom and Railt; Uaht. Airy RMkana; KxevUcntly Vamlah^d; All laaprovaaaeaaw.; Over- laoklns Central Park; Five Mlnataa from All Tkcatrea; I^aw Batca. PbfiMt Br-aaf 1S44 THE BERTHA Geo. P. •eluielder Prwp. FURNISHED APARTMENTS Complete for Hous:.kesping. -Clean -And Airy. 32» West 43rd Street NEW YORK CITY Prlrate Bath. 8-4 Rooma. Catarlns to Chr oomfort and roaraaleaaa of the profeaaloa. 8t«>aa» H»a» aaail ^Urtrtr 'Uchf .... fSJW Up IRVINGTON HALL 355 to 359 West SUt Stroet. , . Phona Cirelo 6640 An aloTator. arrpmaf iaalldbic of the neweet typr, havlac every darlec and e«n- •->aleaiee. Apartmrata arf kaaNHlfally arraoccd^ and eoaaiat af 8, t and 4 roama with kitrhraa and kltrleeneHea. t No baUh and 'pliona. SIT-SS I'p Weekly. Addraaa all eaanaauaksatlona to Charlaa Tcnrabaom, li^iastoa HaU. THE ADELAIDE 754-756 EKiHTH AVENUE ftetaaea 4ftl. .^~ ' ' tKi* Block —-*f af Uraadway Sirlctly Three. Poor and Five-Room Hlgh-Claaa Parnlahed AyartaMBta—910 Op MRS. r.EORfiE IIIKCBU Ma> «.Phanaa: Bryant HOTEL SANDERS CASS AND COLUMBIA DETROIT, MICH. nm Utnuta Walk to Tbeatrca. A New Home and Headquarteri »OB THEATRICALS.—Mo4era aa« Ui-toOata. GOOD RESTAURANT IN CONNBCTIOM WHITE FOB nSSEUVATIONS THEATRICAL DOUGLAS HOm dldly through a period of weather alternately hot and rainy. Theatri- cal interests are at a loss to com- pletely account for the condition, particularly 1^ view of the fact that the stock conii»an4«s charge 11 and 11.50 top prices, whereas the highest picture admlssioti in town is 40 cents. A way to beat the Indiana blue law has been found and Is t>eing used by J. C. Robertson, nuinaK«r of the A.-Muse-U picture theatre at Hope, Ind. When Robertson first tried to open up on Sunday evening the three churches were succcKfiful In blocking him. The following Sunday evening Robertson put a sign acrcss the front of his place reading, "Please donate, as we are selling no ticketa." The large crowd which attended gave the venture splendid support, a number of per- sons donating far moro than the regular admission price. The re- formers could not interfere because, according to the general interpreta- tion of the Indiana Sunday closing law It Is the operation of amuse- ments where admission is charged which Is prohibited. ^ Preliminary certificate of dissolu- tion has been filed with the Secre- tary of State by the Grand Theatre Co. of Bicknell. versary, and Electric Park, where the "Follies of '21" is proving the greatest drawing card ever ofCered by the park management. At the Kmpress the "Midnight Whirl" company Is about breaking even, {{ut is making a host of friends, and will soon commence to see some profits with any kind of a weather break. The chorus has been trimmed to 12, but the dozen are making the numbers snappy and the other four are not missed. The Brown Brothers Saxophone Six and the Lachmann Sisters arc t>ooked to open at Electric Park July 2. An ordinance barring picture theatres from residential blocks in ICansas City was passed by the City Commisaioners. The ordinance makes it a misdemeanor to estab- lish or operate such a theatre In any block unless at least one-third of the property Is occupied for busi- ness purposes. BKN DWORBTT. Ifaaater Rooms Newly Ranovated.—All Con- venlcncea — Vacancies Now Opan. 207 W. 40th St.—Off B'way Phone: Bryant 1477-8. Jazz Revue" opened a six-day en- gagement at the Century last week, with the prices fixed at 12.20 for the best seats. The show wae brought here under, it is understood, a $6,000 guarantee, which with the rent of the house and the advertising, would run the expense up to around $8,500. The manager of the sheet music department of one of the leading music stores of the city pro- moted the engragement and will mif- fer a heavy loss, as the prices kept most of the colored population away and the others did not fall for the show. After Monday the prices were cut to $1.10, but business failed to materialize. In addition to Mamie Smith and her six jazz players, the show consisted of four other acts, all colored. The pro- gi*am stated that the tour was un- der the direction of the Standard Amusement Co. of New York. It Is claimed that the show got $1,900 the Saturday night before the open- ing here. Pkana LOJftUeiE 9333 Furnishetl Apartments AND BOOMS LamrBaaaaa^ <«.«» and Vp. 1. t. 3 Rooiai Apartnaenta. f 1« ta fflt. COMFLETC HOUSCKCIPtitQ 310 WEST 4Sth ST.. N. Y. CITY NOTICE SEYMORE HOTEL ROCHESTER, N. Y. Up-to-date Europe an — %^J0O U P. 152 West 49th Street Furnisbed i^arlments Two and Three Rooms, Kitchenette. Furnished Unusually Attractivo KANSAS CITY. ^ By WILL R. HUGHES. The big business last week was done byHhc Newman, with its classy revue in honor of its second anni- THEY MADE ME — THEN QUIT AL FOX For the first time In many years there ia an ovcrsupply of musicians in Kansas City. In previous years I the band at Electric Park gave work to some 30 or 40 who played in the theatres during the regular season. This year, however, with the "Fol- lies" taking the place of the t>and, there is nothing steady for the boys, and some of the old-timers have gone to Dallas and other cities. It is anticipated that things will pick up when the- season opens again, as the new Pnntages will use a full complement of men, and the Or- pheum's new "MnlnHtreet" will use a double set of musicians. The Palace, one of the oldest pic- ture houses in the downtown dis- trict, has gone back to the old origi- nal scale of prices and ia featuring its 6 and 10-cent admission. The big revue put on last week by the Newman theatre in honor of its second anniversary will be held over for the second week. This was done last season and business held up almost as well as the first week; hence the duplication of the affair this season. been following the picture policy during the warm weather for four seasons. The Carnegie Tech Drama stu- dents gave a commendable pix)duc- tion of "As You Like It" in the In- stitute's outdoor theatre, several critics declaring the presentation the best ever shown here. This school has contributed a goodly number of artists to the professional stage, and the current roster will more than likely do its share. Bushman and Bayne are headlin- ing at the Davis and getting a healthy pstronage. The stars are well liked here, having made a fa- vorable impression in their appear- ance last year at the Pitt. John T. Hoffman, theatrical man in Morgantown. W. Va., has left that field to go into another business. Mr. Hoffman was treasurer of the Grand theatre in 1906, and except for three years when he was treas- urer at the Swisher, has been con- nected with the Grand. Mamie Smith and her "All-Star PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS Ma«lo by IIKRKBBT A MKI.SBI. of 8t. Loala Can Now Be Bought in New York City Prices Reduced, $55 Up Mail Orders Filled F. O. B. N. Y. City. Send for Catalogue. Hard imnka and sliopTrom Aamplc* of all aiaatlard nMOLea Blv^Ta •« kand. Hartman, lBd<«iructo, B«lbrr, Oahkoali, Taj lor. Murphy, N«vcv«raak. lUi, Etc. NatHans ftSt 8«Tmth Ave.. N. T. C. Phone Onseley 0«20 BOI.K AC.ENT FOB H » M TBINK8 IN TIIK EAST Bri. SStk A Sdth 8U. PITTSBURGH By COLEMAN HARRISON The Urger film houses, which in the last few seasons have been en- joying successful summer months, report a falUng-off this year. Labor shortage and general hard times ap- pear to be the causes. Marjorie Lyons, local girl who ap- peared List wlih "Maytinifc," wiU shortly enter picture work. The Nixon will open next week Tor "Dream Street," The house has "The Four Horsemen" closed at the Shubert Pitt after seven weeks. The Kenyon, on the north side, and the Park, In Lawrenceville, are presenting tab shpws and pop vaudeville acts recruited from the local agencies. An unusually promising summer along the camp front in Oakmont will Ukely mean several high class entertainments in which local pro- fessionals will be prominent figures. Nat Rodgers. Elmer Setzlor, Gene Laughlin, Joe Gerlach, Charley Dia- mond, Blaine Snyder, Elnor Savage and the rest will all likely take part! The threatened destruction of the Duquesne, one of the oldest legiti- mate playhou.^es in the ciij-, will Ukely not tnke place for many years to come. The house directly^ adjoins Uosenbaum's, which has been giving promise of expansion in recent H. HICKS & SON 675 Fifth Avenue, at 53d Street Have a little fruit delivered to your home or yout friends—take it to your week-end outing Hotels Catering to Profession ' WARNER hotel" AMSTERDAM, N. T $1.15 Slnfle. without twth: $1.75 DouM. .ifK.... baU»; M.28 Slosia. with LaUi; $3.00 DoublT SJ FREDONIA (EUROPEAN PLAN) Tho Hotel That Maa AdvtSlJJ^ ATLANTIC CITY for 29 Y«*S: HOTEL LINCOLN INDIANAPOI.I8 ^^•r? Room with Bath from |2 60 Dk 8p«Hal Batra to the ProfawilMi ^ WM. R. BECKER. Oen. Mff^ HOTEL STRATHISOST" UTALMUr a4 Itth ST.. PHII^DELPHia NKAR ALL THEATRFJ^^^"** Slnglfl r»om» with runntng water. t2.AA •« --. double. $2.50. SIncle. wlUi private tauTuaft <Uf. double. $3.00. B. F. CAHILL. Mar * SaoM Maaacamcnt for tba PMt TeoVMrik HOTELS RECOMMENDED BY OnrHWl^l CIRCL'IT ACTS coioinAirHOTEir SoTcntli Ave. Kaat Gmifrf, Atto. Ca% t2.te DouM»-«l.2J Slntla—Hat ana eaMMiae J . Privata Pliaaa to tyry w—. ^ ^^j CHICAGO. ILC ■ HOTEL WASHINGTON $«.00 a Dajr and rp With or Without Bath Waahlastaa SC. Bet. La Salle aa* WaOal ^»ripK lo Orpheum Acu ^^¥i L ASTOR 176 N. Clark St.. Near llandolpir St. VUICAOO, ILL. Ratea it.£0 Per Day and Op One Block fr«un Palaca T haatra NEW TREMONT H6flC fl-M 8o. Doarbora St.' CHICAGO| Kvonrtlilas New aa4 Madero A. SINGER, Managar HOTEL CLARENDON No. Clark and Ontario Streeta. Chkafa*] FIVB MINUTES FRO.M LOOP KATK8 yi.Oe AM> CP REVERE HOUSE 417 No. Clark Pt.. corner A\Uitln Ara. ciiirAtiio All modorn convoiiiencea. Remodeladl anri Ref urni»hod Throughout. JiHfa Minutes' Walk from Hea rt of tba Clty « j J. A. l>elii.sler, Alanairer^ Telephone Superior C310. KUROPKAN PLAN REX HOTEL TlfKATRICAL HOTEi;, MS Norm Clark 8t. Chi SAVOY HOTEL f«.00 and rp wit hoot Bath $3.00 and Tp with Bath J. O. NICHOLS. Mcr. and Praa. 17th and Broad<r«y l>KNVEB. COL Oj HOTEL HAMMOND ami CAFI HAMMOND. IND. Verr Modem, Ritnnlna Water In All RooBa, Shower Batha; Rates: $1.25 Kinele: $2.0« n>a Ona Minute Walk from Onhetun Tbeatia, Opposite New Parttirrum Theatra. THEO. G U SCOFF . Proa. MAJESTIC HOTEL ETTROPEAN PLAN. HAMNOIID. fNO.| Running Wxtrr In Every Room: Ah»o Room* lUtb. Kate: $1.25 and up. Located In Centir CltT. Cloaa to All Theatren. • N. SC0FE8. Mr. ^ HOTEL BALTIMORE $S.Ot FKB DAT WITH BATII $2.00 PKB DAY WITHOUT BAfH SOO ROOMS ^^ ^ Saltlaiafa Aac A t2tli »t.. Kaataa CWy^Jlfc, HOTEL EMPIRE tli W. 12th St., KANSAS CITT, MO. THEATRICAL RATES. fl.OO PEN »AY A W ALL MODERN CONVEXIKNCES. ANNA SCOTT. M«nuir> OMAHA. NBB. FONTENELLE HOTEL $S.OO a Day aod Op. Btary Rooai With Bath. ISth and DOPOLA8 STS.^ METROPOLE HOTEL OF ST. LOUIS ,,^- Juat N. ot Waahlngton Ave. on ixw Saaclal Theatrical Bataa |7.9« Par Weak Up—Strictly Modafa Homelika ' BEAUMONT VELVET, SILK, SATEEN SCENERY PRODUCTIONS, REVUES and ACTS THEATRE A STAGE DFCORATIONS STUDIOS THE STUDIO OF UNUSUAL STAGE SETTINGS NOVELTY CREATIONS IN FIGURED BROCADES, PERSIAN SILKS, FANCY VOILES, SATINS, AND SILK PLUSHES, PLAIN OR DECO- RATED IN NUO ART, DY-TONE, OR RINEART METHODS. AT- TRACTIVE SETS TO RENT—RENTALS APPLYING ON PURCHASE PRICE. GET OUR IDEAS AND FIGURES ON YOUR NEXT SEA- SON'S STAGE SETTINGS—SOME AS LOW AS $100.00. 230 W. 46th ST^ N. Y. CITY Bryant 9448 Opp. N. ▼. A. CLunnoiiaR. BEAUMONT COLLEGES, CLUBS, EXHIBITIONS A WINDOW DISPLAYS, TO ORDER OR SUPPLIED ON RENTAL BASIS STUDIOS years. Kaufmanu's. the la^gjst the department stores, has eviaenuj been fearful of the smaller r»^»'l growth, and after conslderableavcM erlng managed to purchase tl» »'^ and buHdlng representing tnf^"i queane. The ia In *"^^% of big buslneas interests, ana ^ consideration, though not a's^'° ^V must necessarily have *^*".^'^^'Jl The managing director ^^ ^J"^ mann's acts aa lessor in renting house. The general depre.s.sion in buslW of late, and particularly in theatf cals toward the fag end of the season, casta a glo<jmier spell o^ the local situation than has noted since war days. The con parativoly slight rc-tinns rpnorcled the Pitt, taken over by the ^f^^Jl a little ovtr a year ago. ^*^J/Tt» local critics to expre.ns helici there JR r<»om for no "»o'"*'.^ ^fuc legitimate houses here, the ^^ and the Alvln. which were for in»j years the rival Shubert and K- "^ .stamping grounds. Besides me and the Alvin, the Shuberts coi thp .Sam .S. Shubert. wboic tney v^^ to stage their vaudeville, bu^ ^ past reputation of that "^^^^ causing some fear a a t<» i***-,?*: tJ with any kind of venlure. J"* V quesne and S<benTey. both nn^ equipped houses which *'*7*/^ur practically Idle for the cou^ of seasons, will likely <<>ni'""^:.| same way next. The comp*^^'