Variety (June 1921)

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mmf^ m K--■'^ovivaiMiPa Iday, June 17, VARIETY 33 NEW YORK THEATRES ] CAPITOL T,:?k ''Wiihant Benefit oi Clergy** RETURN ENGAGEMENT SASGHA JACOBSEN The Celebrated VlollnUt CAPITOL CIIAND ORCNCSTRA I BRNO BAPEE. Conductor PnnenUUo Diby 8. U KQTHAFEX ' MARK STRAND -A NaUon*! Imtltotlon- ••W*> •* *^^ •*• Oir#H»e«. J«M»k PluHktti ANITA STEWART hi "SOWING THE WIND" STRAND ORCHESTRA CARL EDOUARDR Conduotqr . GAI^TT Matinees Wed. and Sat.. 2.JU. FRANK BACON in UGHIM I iTTI C West 44 Street. Eyes, at 8:30. LI I I Lu Xlatiiicea Wed. and Sat.. 2:30. GEO. r'OlTA'M THEATRE, M. \^ V/ Al il. r^ 9'way at 43d St. Bvea. 1:15. Uata. Wed. and Sat. at i:16 A. L. ERLANGER Present* "TWOUTTLE GIRLS IN BLUE** ^Fl WYN THEATRE. BRYANT 47. OCt^TT 11^ ^,^ ^^ ^^^j ^j Bway. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY of 1921 SNAPSHOTS B WITH NORA n LEW WIDE WOLF AYES riELDS HoPPER AND THE SNAPPIEST C'HORIS IN NEW YORK ATQE. 4M ST The tH FYEAR By FRANK CRAVEN ,pibDng the larger legitimate houses ^' will likely result in better produc- tions coming here and a consequent Stimulation in returns. The vaude- ville situation has been little aflfect- i^ td. E LT I NGE :"'. Eves. 8:45. Mats. Wed. A Sat. at 2:30. "LADIES' NIGHT" A Fares C«Ri«tf> ts Tlirss Acts. Portland's annual Rose Festival last week knocked the stars out of local show bu.siness, except in the case of "Mary" at the Heilig the last half. "Mary" drew big, not only because of ita merit, but hcCauKe of the prominent presence of Eva Olivetti, an Oregon girl and former member of the Alcazar Musi- cal Stock here. PORTLAND, ORE. LYRIC.—Musical stocks. PICTURE HOUSES.—Columbia, :.*Sentimcntal Tommy"; Liberty, Dorothy Dalton in "The Idol of the Korth"; Rivoli, Lew Cody in person and "A Dangerous Pastime"; Ma- jestic, "When Dawn Came"; Peo- ples, Maurice Leblanc's "813." - J. C. Stille, manager of the Rivoli, %&H gone to Yakima, to open the new Capital, heretofore Loew's State, for Jensen & Von Herberg. ROCHESTER, N. Y. By L. B. SKEFFINGTON. LYCEUM.—Manhattan Players in •'Call the Doctor." FAY'S.—Musical Nosaos, Ada Gunther, Alvin and Kenney, Ester Trio, Smart Aleck, Henry Frey, "Known Yotir Men," film. PICTURE S.—Rialto. "Oliver Twist, Jr.;; Loew's Star, ^The Pas- sionate Pilgrim.' J. J. Johnson, Io<!al Pantages man- ^•«er, this week inaugurated the con- tinuous ."?how policy which has been Ordered for the Pan. circuit. J. B. Sparks, owner of a chain of t^stern Oregon theatres, has sold his show at Condon, Ore., to O. McAda, a recent arrival from Ari- xona. PRICES REDUCED The Family closed this week foi the first time in the nine years It has been under the management of the Fennyvessys. It is announced Fay's will remain open all summer, with the same policy. SEATTLE. FILMS—"Merely Mary Ann," Col- onial; "The Wallop," Clemmer; "Sky Pilot," Coliseum; "The Good-Bad Wife," Liberty; "Home Tal*^nt." Blue; "The Wild Goose," Strand; "The Vice of Fools," Rex; "The Mask." Winter Garden; "No- body's Kid, • Class A. "Mary" at the Metropolitan this week (June 1-). ON ALL H & M TRUNKS Writs for New Catalog or See Our Agentr NEW YORK S. NATHAN, 531 Seventh Ave. CHICAGO BARNES T. CO., 75 W. Randolph HERKERT & MEISEL T. CO. §10 WASHINGTON AVE. ST. IX)LIS Al Jolson drew 116.725 to the Met- ropolitan in live performance.^. Thi.s is the largest business in that length of time ever done at the thoatre. Frankie Klolet, winner in the Star-Unlvernal picture contest, re- ceived some practical lessons in the art of lovemaking from Lew Cody, the famous lovemaking hero of pic- tures, in a general talk this wvek about iMiss Kiolet's future as a screen actress. Seattle cabarets will be as inno- cent as the annual convention of the Epworth League if the city council adopts the latest recommondation of the license committee. Prohibi- libcrty Loan Bonds Accepted as Cash at Full Face Value on Any and All Purchases. HOKHTASSEK 1417-1423 THIRD AVENUE IHHV^NfiAR eO*«'^TPCir FURNITURE £!a8h or Credit Write for onr 132 Page Catalog lllnMrated Ulth Engravingfi. Mailed Fre« of Charge. CHARLEYVILSON THE LOOSE NUT D4U>k East After m Saccea«ful Orpheum Tour. DIrectloB, CI^Al^DE W. BQSTOCK MILTON WALLACE While TimvellBs Through The Went Met JACK MIDDLETON . Hit OJ<? Pal \n«1. OM Partner, RESULT—New comedy. Three act in one with Pretty MISS CLOVER. Entitled **i WANT TO GET MARRIED** RUTH HOWELL DUO "AMKKICA'S PRE>UKKE AERIAMST9" NOTE—The only lady doing the toe-to- tue catch. Playing KEITH and ORPHEUM Circuits. Direction, JOE SULLIVAN. HART. WAGNER and ETIS ■•f In "<iOINC TO THE OPERA" "The trio sucrf^-d in xhowing soinothinR original, deviating from tlic ronv«nt ioiial. An Ideal comedy torn whiih could stand any test."'—VARIETY. BOOKED SOLID Beeliler A Jacobs Pr*t«ot PAULINi SAXON ••« "SIS'* TNE HONEY KtOS. TOM HANDERS and DAVE THUR6BV Annoupccv . ►. Room and Bath $18 to $25 Week Room and Shower, $14 to $17.50 Wk. Suites $18 to $40 Week HOTEL JOYCE 31 West 71st Street CENTRAL PARK WEST DUEL and WGODY l.N ''A Box Office Attraction" By PAUL GERARD SMITH "Am Wilcome as a Mint Jullp" — Variety. W^ok May 27 Direction Lew Cantor. Chas. Yates, Personal Representative. .A.t Home Rawson Clare Oswald Atsburndale, L^. I. ELSIE GALLOWAY and "A BLACK AND TAN CLASSIC" BOOKED SOLID OVER MARCUS LOEW CIRCUIT OF THEATRES BY LEW CANTOR OFFICE CHAS. YATES, Personal Representative FOLLETTE LOU PEARL JACK • AND WICKS LOEW CIRCUIT, 1920-21 Direction LEW CANTOR LAURIE ORDWAY IRENE FISHER, At Piano tain raiaer. It was a faJr f'ffort by local talent. Next week, "Oommon Clay." Direction. MORRIS A FEIL ticn of e.nployea from mingling with patrons and requiring managers of resorts to be of good moral charac- ter are iwo things that the city dads want. R. A. Clark, 24, of Eighth avenue upset a canoe according to instrtic- tions while acting a role in a com- edy being filmed on tlreen JmU on Monday afternoon and was drowned despite the heroic efforts of his pic- ture company comrades. Mr.x. K. A. Moore, known by srrcfn name as Isahelle Carpenter, is und*'r a phy- sician's care as a result of her ef- forts to save Clark. MEN AND WOMEN OF THE STAGE ' U whom (he nrtlHtIc In fumlturi' presents ever Its Mronge^t appeal. mHooM follow Ih* eiample of the hundreds of leading members of the profettnlon who lime fur- ■tahed (heir iiomes (lirouch u*. and (hrrehy not only sate from 25 to ^Ci on the pHce, r>tit uxail themselves of the prfvHejie of out e«*nTeft3ent d»'ffPre<l pajini^ot •jrfttem, the mont liht-ral in New York for over • quarter of a century. When *Lcw Codj", at the Winter Garden in personal appearances all the week, came upon the stage on Wednesday afternoon and during his usual talk informed the audience it was his Intention in the future to play parts with more life and to get away from the satire, from a Mrs. Mcintosh in the audience came the reply in tones loud enough to be heard all over the house, "Well, I certainly hope so." This started an impromptli conversation t)el\veen the two, which resulted in Mr. Cody jumping over the footlights, running up the aisle to the little white- haired woman and asking h»>r for- giveness "for his past." and with a motherly kiss Mrs. Mcintosh In- form«^d Lew that she knew he was not the deceiver his picture's had made him out to be. and that .she was the mother of live <laught<'rs, and after meetin,? him in person, shf had decided lu- would be <ligible for a son-in-law. Mr. Cody lat«r vis- ited his new found friend and «ipon his return remarkrd that th*- inci- dent was on<' of th«> most pl«asant of his entire trii). and that h*- wr)u!-l alwa\s remembrr tin (Par liMlc- moth«r in Sf-rjitle. Thom.ifl H. Wagn* r uill .»rganl2'> ^ A NEW FAC'K— —A NKW ACT THC MYSTERIOUS BLACK FACE COMEDIAN BLACK BILLY SUNDAY S.iw x««r »«t— you miiM hnv* Ih**-!! worse, you t-ould hsvu workrd longer -^3AVK LAIT. In rrganl to tiiii«> ini^t me at Um< cuUcrtl witli a buiKh of whi<<krr8 aixJ m troiuUtnp — KUMK YOrNC. If rou want any time, try liookl^ggln'. — ALKX TA.NTAOES The house detective ■will now sinj (whore he loads me I Will follnw). VAHIETY. OPRNHOLID. A ir. I ;f IT SKUMON OK HOKIM a 200-piece band, the largest ever gathered to play oratorio music, for •The Wayfarer." Plans are now be- ing drawn for the stage, which will be the largest ever built In the world, and bids will be called for this week. Twenty trucks will be needed to remove the scenery, val- ued at $265,000. frOm 76 Univj'rslty street to the crew house adjacent to the University of Washington Stadium, where "The Wayfarer" is to be presented. The marriage of Stimuel Ros<'n- berg. treasurer of the BaMtnl»U« ihei atre, and Betty Goldberg of tWrt city, will take place next Sunday at the home of the bride's parents. Marporie Dunmore Tooke, dra- matic critic and editor of the I'ost Standard, was married in New York Saturday to Morris J. Oiimth of Philadelphia, son of a Bangor, Pa., clergyman. Miss Tooke is a graduate of Wolfe Hall, Denver, and during the war was a Y. M. C A. secretary. Her husband, a graduate of U. of P., was in the service. MrH. Griffith will return to her Host Standard desk after her honeymoon. Anne Bronaugh joined the Somer- erville I'layers, at the Stone. Bing- hamton, this week as leading woman, a post she filled last year. In full view of 6,000 wpertators at t)ie coast motorcycle <'hainpioii!<>hi]>s on the Rose City S|>oedway. an air- l)l«'\ne carrying two picture photog- raph<'rs crashed to «'arth from a height of 200 feet. Joseph Peters, pilot of the cameraman's machine, is expected to die (Jeorge ("Sandy") Sanderson, photographer, and Jo- seph Reev»'S. his assistant, are in a loc.ll h^.spital and are expected to, recover. Orchestra at Colonial let out: or- ganists f|ult; operators stick. Poor business responsible for <ut in ex- penses. Prior and Hayes, formerly in vaudeville, .ire running tiie Orjiheum Costume frhop in Seattle. Tsis theatre- "closed for r<p.iirs." Same sign on Little theatre, Lyric and OrplU'um. SYRACUSE, N. Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN. KMPIRK—Knielierboeker Players in "Daddies." One of the be.-st things that the Knicks liave given this season, and offers an unusual opv)0)t unity for Marl< Kent Ut score as James Crocket. Tliis jn K« nt's last week with the Knirl<s. l>ot Willens was brouKht h**re tlij« wo<k to do I.^rraine, and she hi'mh up as one of the best < hild .'Ktr»ss«'s n<<u here in a long t.m*' Tic- Hrama League Iwld .'i !>• to lit for the LifH<- tluatii Mond.'ty riiKht, in < ' < iitirig "Mr.s. Pat and thf l..;iw ' as a rur- A 3-Room Apartment j-wj v.\li;e ConnKtlns of all P*rlo<l Furniture.... $440 A 4-Iloom Apartment $875 VAIAK Period Furniture ^XIQC fit Rare Iteauly ^O^JO .E«MI) rf.i.hrrt from We<l Si.1^ h> •~*-" t" ."'!ilh StrfM t r<).«fctowri « MnKK.\l. TKKMS Value Week Month $100 S'^.OO SI.-iO 9'> ^MK) S2.50 S:UKJ «:I.UU SKK) $1.00 $->()0 S.'i.OU I>arKer .\n»ount Ip to ».'.,000 SI'KCI.tL «' A S H l»iSC;Ol'NT SH.OO $1>.00 $IU.(M) Sli.OO $l«i.()0 Siu.oo 20% A 5-Room Apartment SI,000 V.Al.tK ln«-onipiirahl>' Kieh I'erlod Furniture.. $875 The Vaudeville Organ THE ROBERT-MORTON Plans for the enlargement and im- provement of the Little Cotmtry Theatre, which since Its Introduction a few years ago has become one of the most important departments at the New York State Fair. w< re an- nounced by Secretary .1. Dan Ack^^r- man, Jr., of the State Fair Comms- sion. While the Little Country Theatre win continue to bo houstd in the structure It has occupied in the pant, this year the entire building wMl be devoted to the department. Vuii\ this year half of the building has been used by the Boys and <iirls Department for barracks. Interest In the Little Country Theatre has Increased by leai»s and boundH. There Is a continuous flood of inquiries for Information received at the State Fair Commission s of- fices here. The seating capacity of the theatre last year was exhaiisted at every performance, and thou- sands were turned away during the wrek. WASHINGTON. By HARDIE MEAKIN. The hot weather has arrived. Sun- flay and Monday being amorij: the hottest days Washington h.'is li;id m many a summer, with thr i»«Mlt K'<ith's Monday night had (tnly a medium house. The National has Mary Ryan In • Tbe Turn in the Road." .^am For- rest is fast whlpi)irig the j>lay into shape, this b<ing but its ff* ornl week.'s Is still dark while thr b'-rt - |{«'!.iMco alsrj d;irk. Hbii- I A 6-Room Apartment $1,503 VAM K Klahorate l>CKlfrn'> d»| O'Ttt In lVri»Kl Furniturt-M'*!*''*^ Wo Deliver by Auto Tru- k NEW YORK CITY ■■.1000 Broadway THE AMERICAN fMiOrO P.EAYEK CO •RkCITY a\\(^\CtJ ' .SAN ^R- rxadway 64 E. Jaciyoo BUJ. I0'> Gol.Jen .SAN ^R^^clsro IO'>GolfJen Catr A»e I»ir«'f;t to Ytiur I)c>ur BUMPUS & LEWIS SCENIC STUDIOS 245 W. 46th St., N. Y. Bryant 2695 DROP CURTAINS FOR SALE AND RENT Some of the Acts we have equipped with scenery: Skelly &. Heit Revue, Fortune Queen ' • CANTOR & YATES PRODUCTIONS IN VELVET, SILK, SATEENS AND OTHER MATERIALS .lack Kdwards. formerly manager at the tiarrick has gotten toy'tiur what apiK-ars to be a splr-ndid ag- Ki«'UHll«»u of players for a ji»ri of summer stock at this drawing i oorn thrjitre. Robert Urister h«.i(ls the <ast. while Florence Martin will ap- pear in the hading ffmininr lob's. Othrrs are Douglas Inir)»».rn !!• in, I^dna May. Oliver Le;ih Winslow, Leon tI«'ndron, Constnnr»» Hopi J. Aithiir Voiitig. Jaj Str<.iig aod «;«i- ♦nwl" K' ith. Tin- oi>» hill i.luju' L'0> will bf 'Ad-iin and I'xa." \ :, - STKAN'D.-'lIot iii /'.tr- vilb." Irancis and Wil'wn. I»«n L\nii. L>!«' and 10m« rs«>n. I\«< 'r»»w I'f'ur. I'iltn.s. «,MHJ .M 111 A.— The- "V\onia»i •.«<o (•h,in-*'d." P.M.At'r:— -Sham." IM.M/ro. If I Wen Knin " MirntOl'OLlTA.V. - Tlit SUy l'iic»t." <:A1:I>KX. The rarnir.' \ '.XX