Variety (September 1921)

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mwmmmtm r 19PHHBH VARI 777 BILLS NEXT Vv KEK (Sept. 5) (All houiiea open for llio wci-U wilU *n4)l< ;i(*«l ) 'I'lii- IiIIIh txlow are gruui) '<t In dlvislo MO NUpplu-tl 'rout Tlu- iiianncr In which tJu'Bc bills nr liii|MM taiu'c of acta nor tlioir program pu *l'.(r<iio .luiMP inillrateB act is now (i'.).ti i.<u lioin vaudeville, or appcarlns -n c K TIIEATRBS Monday matinee, wlien not otherwise DP. nccordlng to the booking otllcca they o printcil docs not denote the relative Itlunii. doinK new turn, or reuppeKrIns after Ity where listed for the Ilrst time. KEITH S CIRCUIT NF.W \<>KK Crt\ txfiili'H I'ltlure T'^ '... ..-.►"i-r.- .\I v lii-oM A Eve 1 (;li I i< t KtMnpIo It. i\ \V» Irh ll.i!iy I'.rroll Co i\r 'ii.lh Tv.., t ) flin Kellir^ llirrside ! ' I •u/. I'll »'0 I'l It.-. . A I'ritchard ■n .■( C< (Others to nil) l«t half (&-7) Sancton Gold & Kdwards Torn Kelly (Others to nil) 2d half (8 11) PIdnry Phillips Kny Nellnn !> 117. MonkovB KtilierB to n'l> Proctor'H Ijr.tli Rt 2d half (1-4) Snwinp Thur M'oninn nurnn * Freda l».iv' Roth BOB BAKER f^.nkiirj Arts of Merit My Specially COAGT TO COAST . I.O ws Ann. \ I'.ulic. Ii5» W. 46th St.. Now Vorli I 'iMialiUc* s \-,: l.iiyal . til's Uoynl '. ;.:u^S'.' Co ■j" ' \v ;.• r. 1 1 Si 1 Co \ 1:. V LandPteld ; .' t !;:!\rr Co ' n-i:: I 'handler r \ !.• .^: r. nnetl . IM a n n •< r • !i"h Alhontibrn 1 s •? ,1 \'"-re U F>,Th- ,«:• ''.;i'it ' ' IsliU" I ",■.<• :i ,•;. N'lce ' ■ I 'MiTid Co '•■ .-.i.-y Co " ! « • " oo/iivny '' ■ >ui'y •Mir M •; TMittcm w .s' ■■pton I ■ -. ta ',in -s' Coliv-nm V I.I •'"''••>• Co II Uakor A- 1 H r n ^ .Iff (lirle .1 r. ■-.\:iB» t . Ii!l » 2 1 iiair I Inches \- I > II r 1\ n ; ' 1 1 ciiv rios • r.-^ to till ) • ' h's Fo'dham I ■ I ton & t.«'in Uu^'hoa :':<-,-it » ■•' 's n I t.. rui) Jd hrilf ( ' n it Class . ' y; ! a II11■ ■ \ • I ),-i'rc Co :il lluntf-rs .MoKs' rriinkPn .1.; n Tiainor Co Cwik-- AL- DjrUIn I M \ f Harris Ci _.', '.y \.\i --ka Co \V( li.i Virginia & \V 2d half 1 ft J Kaufman ncAV'>iff c.i-^iw »o»'Ts to nil) T<''<th'N Hamilton I' • n (I Urns T>'i" Cloud * W T ♦' Hud CM qhor & Shean V \- K Stanton \'i' f >•• Moore Co Conrpe M If Karl and Ifarkrtt A' Oelmat Ijo Monde Unrvaril AL: Orucfa (One to nil) Ut half (5-7) Ned Norworth Co KlftSB & Termini Hob Forna Co Flo Lewis Co rienee Hoberts Co (One to (ill) rroctor's A8th St Younj? & Wheeler Xlarkel & Kay A & C. Falls Greenloo A Drayton (One to till) 2d half Rurns * Freda Middlrton A Spellmeyer Cunnin^Miam & I'enn* tt J it E .M tc>ioll (Othrrs to nil) rioctor'n .%tli Ave 2d half Xl-4) Saia Alii Co Rert Fltzfflbbon R Rounrer.s Circus Mtiriel Dae Co Kla5s ft Rrlll ant (Others to fill) l!«t half (6-7) "Tanpo Shoes" Maonrt AC- Rradfnr I Donovan ft I^ee (O'her.s to (ill) 2<l half <<:-n) Frank .Tohnson I'.oh»>y O'Neil Co Creedon ft Travis R'-nee Roberts Co X T. O .1 P'-ortor'« 2.141 St 2d half n-4) •Tronteorlnj;" .T ft U A It ken Rrvant ft Stewart R'-ownl(>e C«> (Others to nil) lat half (5-7) Oroen ft Rurnett Sharkey Roth ft W NIobo Kay Nellan D ax Monkeys (Others to nil) 2.1 half (M-in Ned Norworth Co Flo Lewis Harry Truax Oo "Bohliid Sccne^' Oeorpe \VII«on R Rouncers Circus (Two to flU) FAK IW>CKAWAT L I Colambi* Alexandr a P ft N Olma Ernest Itall (Others to fill) 2d half .TImmy Huxsey Of. Yvetto Rusel Caites Pros Splma Hraatz DENTIST MrVK'KKK'S THEATItR DLDO. Dr. M. G. GARY CHICAC.O f^preinl Rates tiy the Profeaslon. .'s Jefferson Rernlvicl Rros Pearson Newport ft P (Others to nil) Prlncet<m ft Watson Art.stlc Treat lAtng ft Cotton SaTMiny Duncan liob Nelson Fernrl ft Dlnus Doree's Opera (One to nil) KIoMs' Keren* Valerie RerKere Co Maude Allen Ram my Duncan Musical Hunters (Two to Ail) 2d half Johnson Baker Jk J (Two to nil) KIIOOKLYN Keith's UuNhwick Whipple Huston Co Clara Howard Ellnorc & Williams Jim JilcWilllama Rolls ft Royce Worden Dros Ivan RankoCt Co 7 Bracks (One to nil) Keith's Orpbeum Harry Kahnu Joe Darvcy "Dummies" Claudia CoKfnan Bill RoblnMn Daphne Pollard Reynolds A Doneiran EDITH W. RICHARDS. D. C. Chiropractor 5 Columbus Circle, New York. Tel. Col. 1281. Room 316 (Others to (llli Keith's tut SireH H Watson Jr Co Maude Earl Co Powers A Wallace Lews & Norton Frank Ward Dancinv Horans Kelth*s Hon 2d half (1-4) Kmlly Darrell "Frarments" Jennie Moscowlti Co VillnDl A Vlllanl Coradinl'a Animals Kelth'a Boro Park I A J Kaufman Tarxan Holllday A Wlllette 8elma Bra#ta Dorce'a Opera (One to nil) Sd half Jack Tralnor Co Wm Bba Paaraon Newport A P DaT« Harrla Co MATTY WHITE Tht SlHlM P«ptlMltt With JACOBS A JKBMON, Ittl-Bl *'8TBOf,mwi ri4AYinfc8.*' Hurray Girls J ft N Olms Munh' fr^iitbnah '•illy (ilasun Jiatidir* "ft' Alili»a KdilU' Toy Co C'oopan ft Casey Adolphus ('o Keilli's (irecnpolnt 2(1 half (1-4) Pnlrit'ola llnyat.aka Bros CItitori Cappelle tl« iiry "^lorton Co /others to nilT 1st half (5-7) Moore ft Folds Lon-: ft Cotton nov^nnn Timberir Henry s Animals (Two to nil) 21 half (8-11) Ro't Forna F .C- T Rabin I Co r^rvTiovan ft Lee CI,I ft RdAvards CTrvn to nil) K^lth'N Prospect ''d half (1-4) .Too Cook Alex Rros A Eve Chas Lloyd Co Kay Nellan Dlar. Monkeys ^Ono to nil) half (6-7) Rert F'^itzglbbon X I. O 3 2<l half («-lt) Herinan TImbore *Tan>ro Sho«!«" ALBANY Prortor'a RIckard Keane Co Harry .lolson Blvey Rls Co (Others to nil) 2d half Great Johnson J C Lewis Co I^eipzlfT 20th Century Rev (Two to nil) AI.LFNTOWN, PA Orpheum P^h^orU A Pollv 2d half K£lka ft oianley MorsMn ft Hinder Duffy Jf Keller Hhr c,f , 4 Ir. • L '.,?r. * ^• ^'CLKVKLAND Hippodrome Wllsun Aubrey 3 Funnan ft Nash Sully A HouKhton Lloyd ft Ruben Jay VeJIe Co H A A Seymour Henry Hantry Co COLUMniJH B P Kelth'a Jennler Rros WhIhJi a- Kdwnrdn Valda A Co liOWBLI^ B r Kelth'a 4 Aero Plane Ulrls IjOWS Fceley A 8 T P Jackson Co McCoy A Walton Robert Rellly Co D D H GarcinettI Bros lw\NCAHTKK <k»lor|il McDermott A Vin- cent Chas Wilson Jack Levey Co (One to fill) id half FieldInK ft Boomer Melodl«)Us Ma;ds (One to nil) MONTKRAL PrlBCMB (Sunday opening) Paul Levan A M PeiTRy (?arhari Emerson A Baldwin Wllliani Kent Co Franklin Chaa Co Healy ft Crons "In Arrenflnft " PORTLAND B V Kelth'a Spoor A Parsona Jean LaCrosa McCormIck A Wallace Marshall A Williams Mr A Mrs T Martin Presaler A Klaiss PKOVIDRNCB n P Kellh'« Pierce A Qoff Klutlnv's Annuals Helen Moiatl C A F Usher Jack Hanley BAB Wheeler tWihrs»^a«Mta»M ttelly Ward Co Dare Rrnii READING Hippodrome Cllbson A Price Chas Tobin ' l40venl>erir Sla A N Royal Venetian 5 (One to nil> 2d half Flylnu Henrys IMntn ft Boyle Toney A Qeo Co TORONTO HlppodroMo BaranoS A Son a Carney A Rose J R Johnson ESdward Esmond Co Shea'a Black A White McFarlane A Palace Frank Wilcox Fred Elliott Step Lively Fold ft Rice Joe lAurle Co Daly Mack A Co , . Praetor's . . Great John-son J C Lewis Co I^lpslir 20tli Centui-y Rev (Two to nil) 2d half Richard Keane Co Harry Jolson Elvey Sis (Others t.) rill) JUST A MINUTE In Variety next ino the formation 417 Komax Itldr.. 245 WcNt 47tk St., Now York. week an important announcement will be made regard- of a new partnership. MIKE LEVY CHARLES J. FREEMAN. Lane ft Harper Wilbur A Mansneld Jack Benny Dooley A Bales Beeman ft Orace DETROIT Temple La Bcrnecia Co Vernon Stiles Taylor Howard A T H A O Ellsworth Paul Decker Co Roy A Arthur Doris Duncan Co Silbor A North BARTON. PA Opera House Stanley ft Caffily 1«<>anore Kern Annabello KInir A Irwin Let Us Represent You For Broadivay Productions and Shubert Vaudeville 1403 Broadway. Tel. Bryant 841-S42 Crvule Cocktail (Two to nil) 3 Belmonts 2d half Stanley A Caffery Leanore Kern Annabelle King A Irwin Elsie ft Paulson j^I^TOONA. PA Clovn Seal Fraaar A Bunco Da I ton A Crjalff Hampton A Blake Amaranth Sla 2d half Donald Sia Hart Warner A Vi "Dreas Rehearsal" Primrose 3 Brcen Famlv ATIJINTA Lyrle (Blrm'nxham Split) 1st half A A L Barlow Bert Howard Pauline Saxon A Sis Elm City 4 Tonnerv'lle Tootor^ ATf^ANTIC fWTY Garden Pier Juffirtincr McBanns Ann Gray Wylle ft Hartman Cral» Campbell Geo Jessel's Co Kane ft Herman Lorner Olrls BAf.T1W/>RB Marylfad KAA\p Rons Psv'n A Darnell Chiek Sale Victor Co Van Hoven T.uclll«> Chalfonta Bender A Armstronff F * K Cikrmpn BIRItfTNGHAM Lyrlo (Atlanta Rpllt) 1st half . Ela'tie Sis A H .TeanI MIddleton Pearls Gypsy Rev Mnllen A Francis "Current of Fpn" BORTON B P Kelth'a Dancinir McDonalda Haiir A Levera Newell A Moat Jaa J Morton Bert Brroll ■ Taliferro Co Challen A Reko BUPPAIO Elsie ft Paulson 2d half • Babcock & Dolly Creole Cockail 3 Belmonts (Two to till) ERIK Colonial Raymond Wilbert Hazel Crosby Co Cook A Oatman H .HoUnan Co Jennings A Howland Doris Hnmphrlea Co GRAND RAPIDS Empreaa Unusual 2 Willie Solar Bobby Bernard Co Casey ft Warren Flashes Kranz ft White 2 Sternards HAMILTON. CAN lorle Camilla's Birds MT VERNON, N Y Proctor'a 2d half (1-4) F A M Britton -Jazz Baby "pencer A Williams* Ed Taliaferro Co Rome ft Oaut Renee Robert Rev 1st half (6-7) Creedon A Davis John Conkey Mme Hermann B Bouncers Circus (Others to nil) 2d hnit (8-11) B^rt Fltzslbl>on NIobe Dowson Sis Co Tom KcUy (Others to nil) NEWARK N J Proctor's Id half (1-4) Tom Kelly NIobe DaliRR Walker Hazel M.inn Co 7 Bracks (Others to nil) 1st half (5-7) Murray Girls F ft T Sahlnl Co (Others to nil) 2d half (^-11) Moore and Fields Macart A Bradford (Others to nil) NORFOLK AendeniT fRlchmond .*?plit) 1st half Musloal Geralds Howard ft Norwood Denno fl ft Thibniilt ft r Devoe ft Statzer PHILADRLPITIA n F Keith's Herberts Docs Jed Dooley Vaughn Comfort Co Baraban A Grohs W A Joe Mandell MMIer ft Cnpman Keane A Whitney Saed A Austin Olranl. Joe De Ller McBrlde Gazette A M Dave FerKuaon Co 7 Military Glrla (One to nil) td half Dave A Lillian Joe Martini Mark Hart Co BiK 3 Jack T^evey Co Keystone T.orImer ft Hudson W ft. M Roeers Columbia ft Victor Claude Golden Kavanaush A Everett RICHMOND Lyric (Norfolk Split) Ist half Overholt A Tounc Cecil Gray F Stafford Co Wilson Bros A A B Frabelle ROANOKE VA Roanoke Juirffllng DeLale 4 Brown Girls Max Bloom Co Vic Plant Co Lloyd Nevada Co 2d half Bedford ft Winchester Merritt ft Rrhlwoll Hayes ft Lynch Co Alexander A Fields Wyoming 3 ROrilEKTER Temple BAP Vanentine Ray Raymond Co 3 Kitaros Theresa A Wiley Fisher ft Gilmore Joe Rolley Co Ed H II Mabel Fonda Co SAVANNAH Bijcti (Jacksonville split) 1st half Robert ft Robert Dora Hilton Co Wtyno Marshall A C Murray Bennett Meldoy Garden SCHKNRCTAOY Proctor's Musical Johnsons Kelly A Pollock Alcott ft Ann 4 Entertainers (One to nil) 2d half Perez ft Marguerite Pollard Sis Reval ft Mack Bert Walton 7 Hon#«y Boya SHENANDOAH. PA Strand RIcardo A Ash- forth Kramer A Patter- son Marie Casper Musical HlRhland- ero 2d- half The Rheltons Kmlly Darrell ITarry ^Joulson Co /One to nm POUS BRIDGEPORT PoUa Melnotte 2 Ruby Kids Anderson A Burt Warren A O'Brleu "Rubeville" 2d half Dell A Giles Lexey A O'Connor Doyle A Hamilton Mine Kee 4 "Cave Man Love" Plaaa O'Connor A McCormIck Briennc ft Klnr Dolly Dimplin Murray K'asen Co 2d half Dave Johnson VTICA. N T I Gaiety Carl A Ines Dance Fantasies (Others to nil) 2d half The Waltons Alcott A Ann (Others to nil) YORK, PA Opera Hoase Flying Henrys Pinto A BoylA Columbia A Victor Claude Golden Breen Fam ly 2J half Olbaon A Price T>ovenbe>-|{ Ki« ft "i' Hampton A BlaV Royal Venetian 5 WASHINGTON B P Kelth'a • 3 I^rdens Clinton ft Rooney "Pronteerlna" HowanI A Sadller Horaee Gold In Cu 2 Little Pals John Burke Davis ft Pelle YOIJNCSTO^VN Hippodrome Reynolds 3 Bernard ft Garry Toto Newhoff A Phelps Chas Howard Co Nat Nazarro Jr Co Olsen A Johnson Ben Beyer CIRCUIT sWeency A Stanley Carson A Kano Nestor A Haynes Money Is Money 8CRANTON Poll* (Wilkes-Barre aplit) lat half Zasa A Adele Bergen A Bloom Fox A Curtia Marguerite Padula Morton A Jewell Co SPRINGFIELD. MASS Palace Hannlford Sw^ATiey A Stan- ley If *you want Time in the West communicate with the Largest Independent Vaudeville Agency in the World. ERNIE YOUNG AGENCY 1312-13 Masonic Temple CHICAGO Nevins A Gordon Grace Leonard Co "Knick Knack" HARTFORD Capitol Dell A Ullss Tuck A Clnir Doylo A Hamilton Biglow ft Clinton "Money is Money" 2d half Melnotte 2 Prank Jerome Walter Flshter Co F A M Dale Leightner A Alex Rev Palace Dave Johnson Plaza 3 Elizabeth Brice Co Nestor ft Haynes "Knck Knack" 2d half a Dixie Boys CIUCAGO BOSTON NEW YORK DANNY DAVENPORT OFFICES Artlata Representatives. Our Acta Always Working. £46 W1SST 47th STREET (Romax BIdg.) Hulto 216. Phone: BRYANT 467e MICKEY CURRAN, Manager. Klly Will Mahoney Dillon A Parker Fraacea Kennedy Bevan A PHnt Coartney 81a Kallam A O'Dara Allca Aahna la CHEsrm. PA A4««M«it Nathaaa Broa JAB Paca HartUy A Patiar- •OB Adier. A Daabar Boekrldffa A Caaay Black A O'Donnell Edwin George Gladys Delmar Co M A A Clark HARRISBURO Majeillo Donald Sia Hart Wagner A H "Dresa Rehearaal" Prlmroae 8 Kavanaugh A Bverette 2d half Clowa Seal Fraaer A Bunco Dal ton A Cra'ig Amaranth Sla (One to nil) HAZLBTON. Pa Pedcy'a The Sheltona Bmlly Darrell Harry Ooulson (One to nil) Id half RIcardo A Aabforth Kramer A Patter- aon Maria Oasper Moaical Higbland- ara INDIANAPOLIS B F Kolth'a LAP Murdock Howard A White Swor A Weat brook Traeey A McBrlde BIngera Midgeta JAGK80NY1LJJK Areada (BaTaanah Split lat half Tha Norrallaa. Carroll A Gordon Odda A Vnda Bob Mllllken Warner Amoroa t JOHNVroWN MijMlla B A JOray D RIafetnond Oi Kntar t AtaafMaa A Shialda Ruby Kids Anderson A Burt Bobby Folsom "Rubeville" NEW HAVEN Bijoa Lynch A Zeller I^lghton ft Rrady Walter Wt«:<er Grace I^onard Co Roland Travers Co 2d half O'Connor ft Mc- CormIck Tuck A Clare Dolly Dumplln Murray Kissen Co (One to nil) Palace Percival Olria Lexey A O'Coni^or Abraham Lincoln Mbig Kee 4 "Cave Man Love" 2d half Cuba Crutchneld Story ft Clark Health A Sperling WAG Dooley Co 2d half Percival Girls Mason ft Dixon Elizabeth Brice Co Pietro Evelyn Phillips Co WATERBURY PoUv Cuba Crutchneld NAB Gilbert Lelghtner A Alex Rev Pietro Gene ft White 2d half Hannlford Plaza 3 Stevens A King Eddie Foyer Co Shamrock A This- tle Rev WILKEH-BARRE, PA Folia (Scranton split) 1st hair )'Donnell Co Al H Wilaon Kennedy A Bcrle HAP Oakes Royal 4 WORCESTER Polls Joaaphine Harrity Maaon A Dixon Evelyn Phillips Co Eddie Foyer Co Pender Troupe 2d half Gene A White Story A Clark Abraham Lincoln Heath A Sperling Poland Travers Co PUua 3 Dixie Boya Frank Jerome Nevins A Gordon F A M Dale Shamrock A Thto- tlo Rev 2d hair NAB Gilbert Lelghton A Brady Brlerre A King Biglow A Clinton Arthur Miller Co BOSTON—KEITH '8 BOSTON Boaton Teachow's Animala Neat Johnaon Loncy Haakell Welch Mealy A M GardoB*a Olympla Scolhiy Sq Leonard A Whit- ney Glldea A Jafola La Dora A Beck- man (One to nil) Oardoa'a Olympla Waahlagton 84 Jack McAvlifra Will!ama A Taylor Gypsy Songatera BROCKTON Straad Cornell Leona A Z Reed A Tucker Claude A Mario* I Haley Sia Sd half Marcello Fallctt Bddie Carr Co Anthony A Arnold Chong A Moey CAMBRIDGE Ciaffdon'a Cent 8q Gertrude Morgan Anthony A Arnold (Two to nil) td half Chaa L Fletcher Tha De Lyopa (Two to nil) HALIFAX Strand Roma I Alva Lloyd Sydney A Caldwell Joe Armatrong J 8 Blondy A Sia LBWI8TON Maale Hall Margaret Taytor Baxley A Porter Ziaka Marie A Marlowe BILLY GLASON "JUST SONGS AND SAYINGS" Potteil A Hartwtell 2d half Gertrude Morgan Mary A Al Royce Joe Armstrong J S Blondy A Sis LYNN, MASH Gordon's Olympla ColTmnn A Carroh Chas L Fletcher Al Ritrhle Co 2d half Bckhoff A Gordon Perrone ft Ol'ver k NT 14 SKI Palace The Dc I^yoiis Mapnn A Gwvnn Eddie Carr Co Perrono A Oliver Chony A Moey 2d half ^ill Morris Reed A Tucker Three Haley »is ft Murlun PrinifHH Rajah NKU'POKT, H I Cohmlal Eckhofr ^■ <! r.v,^ Shapiro 4t Jordan Eva Fay 2d half Alva Lh)yd Coffmat ft CarraQ Operu liu*ino Musical Alvlnoa Mar'on Kny Weaton ft Younf Cooper ft Lane Wise ft WVier CHICAGO—KEITH CrPfuix CINCINNATI Pnluce Grace Wallace Ethel Keller Mr A Mrs Cook ft Vernon Lee ft Granston Zelaya Joe Fanton Co 2d half I Palace, New York, thla week (Ajig. tS) EDYTHE MAYE Pentnrrd In "Two Little Pals" ns Juliet Maryland, Bnltl., this week (Aug. 29) Scigfried Joe Jenny 8 Juvenility Welch ft Ifazelton DANVILLE. ILL Terrace Llnd Bros Mack A Salle M Hamilton Co Fulton A Burt Vampire A Victme Bobby Vanhorn 2d half Fisher A I^loyd "Blosaomn" Marston A Manly Lee Barth "Smiles" (One to nil) DAYTON Kelth'a Vracey Palmer A T Al Jerome Clifford A Leslie (Two to nil) (2d half Knowlcs ft Hurst Mullen A Rene Tonnesseo Ten Dewey ft RoKer^ Beagy ft C la u.<f DETROIT La Halle Mcllyar A Hamil- ton Mack A Stanton Merlan's Dogs (Two to nil) 2d half Nippon Duo Jo Jo Harrison "District School" (Two to nil) FLINT. BllCir Pnluce Noel Lester John Galger Byron Rros Band Jo Jo Hnrrinon Five Avclun.n 2d half Jo Madden Lynn ft Lorey Dancing Dorans Tilyou A Rogers Coales ft Co FT. WAYNE IND Palnre Nippon Duo Dewey ft Rogers J ft J Gibson Bert Earl ft Oris (One to nil) 2d half Fenwlck GIrH Ooeti A Duffy Zelaya WlUle Hale Co •Touch In Time" HAMMOND. IND Parthenon Monroe Bros Howard Jack Georfre I (One to niP 2d half Aloha A Girlie Bobby Vanhorn Martha Hamilton B WnriA ft Girls nUNTTNGTON, IND Hhn^lnrton Winter Garden 4 Valentine ft Rell L.\FAYKTTB IND New Mars Willie Hale Co Hollins Sis Tennessee Ten Lee Barth RufHes 2d half Mack A Salle .. King A Wise "Faclnatlon" Helen Staples O Lovett A Uoyi LANHIl^G. MI<5a . Htnuid The Latours GoetB A Duffy Milo Dance I<ynnfe A Lorey (Toates Co td half Marcellc Hardy Cook A Vernon Ifee A Cranston Helen Collne Co Joe Fanton Co LEXINGTON, * IND Ben AH Nagfya Doyle A Elalna Great Howard Mullen ft Renn "Faclnatlon" Rose Bills A R 8d half Spirit Mardi Orae Theater Raymond Clifford ft Leslie Tracer Palmer A Tracoy Newport Co (One to fill) MARION, O Orphenm Fonwlck Gtrls Knowle!^ ft Hurst Beagy ft Claus 2d half Great l^oward Hull A Dexler Dnnlay A Merrill MT. CLEMENS Macomb DUtrl'-t School Joft Madden ••(One to nil) Sd half , Three L^ee^ Byron Co 0WAS5>0 St rami Sd half MIrann Dogs Miryn A "'Vrnoif J A S 0»M«r!» RICHMOND Morray BplHt Mardl Gra« DunUy A Merrill (Two to nil) Sd half Nagfys Mack A Stanton liune Ellis A Roa# Harrison Horue <3o RA<;iNAW .rrffer«-Sfr«n<l Valentine A Relle FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN —ami— ^ BEVERLY BAYNE IB "THE POOR RICH MAN" ORPHEUM, SEATTLE Next Week (Sept. 5) Reo ft Helmar King A AVise 2d half Rollins Sisters J A J Gibson • KALAMAZOO, MICH Regent Marcelle Hardy Watsika Rosa Valayda Mllo Dance Baldwin Austih A O Dancing Dorana Tilyou A Rogers H Colinc Co 2d half La Tours John Ceiger Capper I'limily KnapD A « ..inelia pive Avelons OEPHEUM OntCUIT « CHICAGO I Palaco I Clark A Bergman i Dolly Kay ' Mary Haynes Norton A Melnotte Bq^Ei' Combe Les Keillors CHICK— .^ROSI YORK and KING Preaeat "THE OLD FAMILY TIN TYPlV Orphaam Clrcalt—Opened Aug 14 Faraonal Direction LUE STEWART Bradley A Ardfne Stone A Ilayea McGrath A Deeda Cliff Nasarro Co Frank A Milt Brlt- tno Roae Bllla A R Majeatle Bantoa A Hayea Rev Morrla A Campbell Mocre A Jane The Roa Bute Lafc« Friaco Co Harry Langdon W Carl McCulloufh Farrell A Taylor Co Connolly A Fr*«* A Miniature »•▼ Gfecn A Myra Ruth Howell J (Continued on patfc 18) 1erd"p7¥oss six MttsMal Notaae tf W. ft«th Btreatt^Kav York OH^ ■<,,<!