Variety (September 1921)

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20 VARIETY Friday, September 30, 1921 BILLS NEXT WEEK (Oct. 3) IN VAUDEVILLE THEATRES for the week wllh Monday matinee. wlien not The bllla below are Rroupcd In divialona, according to are aupplied ?rom. ... The n»,inncr In which theae bllla are printed Importance of acts nor their program poBltlona. •neforo nnme Indlcatea act ia now <Jo»ng new turn or abucnce from vaudeville, or appearing in city where listed for the first time the booklnc offices th^y relative reappearing doea not denote the aftar KEITH CIRCUIT ^ NKW VOUK i»l* KeiUi'N I'alncr Gortrud*' Hoffman Co Ffnton & Fields lierl Errol Edith Taliaferro Co Plftro Lro Carlllo Carl Randall Co (Two to fill) K»ith'H Klveralde Hackctt & Del mar ('o Hcrt Daker Co Mason & Shaw Jean Urancse Co McConnell SIh Daphne Tollard IMII Roblncon Chong A Moey (One to All) Krith'a Royal Sophie Tucker Co Jim McWllllams Ray Raymond Rolls A Royce Romp A Oaut Claudia Coleman Uayiuond Htmd Co Novrlty Clintons (One to nil) Heiih'a i'«lonUl Harry Carroll Co Creole Fashion PI Nathan Bros Jack Hanley Berk Swan Cr«aaey A Dayne (Others to fill) Keltli's AUuunbrm Ben Welch Ford Sis Craig Campbell Gallagher A Shean Buckrldge A Caaey Newell A Moat Miller A Capman Monroe A Orant Moaical Huuntera I J Kaufman Valerie Bergere Co Sidney Ptallllps Tyrcll A Mack (Others to nil) Mmm' <^liwu» 4 Mam Broa Jtnviny Duffy Co Frank Ward (Others to All) M half Tracey A MeBrlde B A F Maj'o 20th Century Rev (Others to nil) Keitk's Vfdham Herman Timbers Fr»ncea Pritchard Co "Cave Man Love" (Othera to flII) td half Oeo Jeaael Rev Harry Breen Conlln A Olaaa Jimmy Duffy Co Alexa idria (One to nil) 2d half (6-9) Allen A Cantor Henry's Pets ((Mhers to All) Proctor's l«5th St 2d half (2'J-2) Hurke A Durkln Tracoy A McUride •E A O Guhl Craig A HoltH worth •Kurty A Partnor Hill Cn-nevelv.' * W 1st half (3-5) Mnud Ryan ••'The Comebacks" (Others to till) 2d half (6-1)) Murray Klsaem Co Adier & Dunbar Caroline (Oothers to flll) Prvctor's 58th St Kaufman A Lillian •"MLsa Cupid" (Others to nil) 2d half Wilson A Kelly John MeCjowan (Others to nil) Proctor'M Stii Ave 2d half (29-2) Eddie Foyer Co V A B Santon Thos J Ryan Co •Van A CantwKll FAB Carmen (Othera to nil) let half (3-S) Murray Klaacn Co Renee Roberts Co Mrs Ocne Hnghea Co Lewis A Norton Henry's Pets (Others to filt 2d half («-9) W A O Dooley Co Wm Mandel Co Dotaon (Othera to nil) PrMtor'a t%d 8t td half (29-2) Stephens A Hollla- ter Happy Jack Gard- ner Josle Rooney MInettI A Sldelll JAP Poole •Jeff Healy Co (Ohera o All) 1st half (3-8) Allen A Cantor Bill Oenevelve A W (Othera to flll) td half («-9) Creedon A Davla Angel A Fuller Joa Norcroaa (Othera to flll) FAR ROCVAWAT. L I •Polly Moran Loul.Mi' A Mitchell Vernon (One to flll) l8t half (3-ir>) Wm Mandel Co Creedon & Davis Kthel McDonouKh (Ohers to 1111) 2A half (G-9) V A K Stanton Craltf A Holt.sworth Lewis A Norton "SawiiiR Woman" (Others to nil) ALBANY Proctor's Ernie A Ernie Thunder A Light- ning Mel Klee Dolly Dumplln Chuf-k Relsner Weber A Rldnor CHATTANOOGA KIhUo (Kv.oxvIlN* «plit) litt half n««bert A Robert r><>ra Hilton Co Overholt A Young Murray A Bennett Melody Cardcn CHKSTKH, PA Adgrmcnt Chan Haldl A A L Bell '•^ango Shoes" Bon Smith Amaranth Sis 2d half McCormick A Irv- ing Lovenberg Sis A N Hobby Heath Co (Two to nil) CINCINNATI n. F. Relth'B Ambassador Theatre DOROTHY WHITMORE In ''BLOSSOM TIME" Exclvtlvt Maaai«m«it 14M Biaaiwj. TaL BryMt Ml-Ml Annabelle B A F Mayo Cunnlnrbam A Bennett (Others to flll) 2d half BOB NELSON "SMILES" la Vaaitvilla Moaa' KranklLa Primrose Semon Co Roy A Arthur Harry L Maaon Burke A Durkln "Sawing Woman" Craig A Holta- worth td half Mra Gene Hughes Co Cunningham A Bennett "Rubevllle" Vernon ri'wo to nil) R.elth's HaanUlon Harry Dcif "Love Race" Dave Roth "Parlor Bedroom A B" Drown Gardner A T Van Cleve (Two to nil) Kelth'a •leffcrson Wilson A Kelly Jack McAullffe Royal Gascoyncs (Others to nil) 2d half Arthur West J A A Kelly , (Others to nil) Mona' Regent Ix)U Hyman (La Pilarlca 3 Mme lUssoni Co (Others to flll) 2d half Owen Mctilvney Ruth Warren Laura Dcvlne Kaufman A Lillian Roy A Arthur Frederick Roland Reith'H nist Ht Armand Kallz Co Lynn A Smythe Dale A Hurch Sheffield Dancers Tonng A Wheeler L A J Archer KHth'a H O ri 2d half (29-2) James Thornton ••Thn Frill Shop" •"I^ve I^lnka" Walsh Reed A W Ricardo A Aah- forth Neapolitan 2 (Others to nil) Dave Schooler Co Valeska Suratt Co (Others to nil) BROOKLYN Keith's BiMhwlek Eddie Ii«onard Co J.C Nuffent Langford A Fred- ericks Patrlcola Lloyd A Christie Jesale Husley Co Sharkey Ruth A W Reynolds A Done- Kan (Ono to nil) Keith's Orphenm Henry Santrey Co Franklyn Ardell Co "Dress Rehearaal" Ernest Ball Vincent O'Donnell Davis A Pelle Adele Rowland H A A Seymour (One to nil) KelUi's Boro Park Dave Schooler Co Ruth Warren Owen McOlvnry Alexandria 2d half Francea Pritchard Co Burke A Durkln Royal Oascoynen Prirmose Semon Co (One to nil) Moas' Flatbnah Van Hoven Solly Ward Co Ellnore A Williams Howard A Sadler •lilnne A Grill Pearson Newport A P Keith's Gre^npolnt 2d half (29-2) Edith Taliaferro Co Plantadosl A Ab- bott I^ang A Vernon \Illler A Rnne Ruby A Mitchell (On.i to nil) 2d half (C-9) MInettI A Sldelll Ruth Roye (Othera to nil) Kelth'a Proapeet 2d half (29-ll> Howard A Lewla •Charlotte Walker Co (Two to flll) 2d half Bcaale ClIfToid Tuck A CUira MIddleton A Spell- meyer Wheeler A Potter Doyle A Cavanaagh Cahlll A Romalne Fred Elliott. (One to nil AIXENTOWN, FA Orpbcam Oarcenettt Broa Murray Girla Harry Bulger Co Hamilton A B (One To nil) 2d half F A M Dale Dalton A Crals Bape A Dutton (Twt> to flll) ALTOONA. PA OiphawM Story A Clark Evelyn Phillips Co The Leigbtons The McBanna (One to flll) 2d half Hoen A Dupreeca Faden 3 Valentine Vox Marie Gaapar "Century Girl" ATLANTA Lyrk (Birmingham ■Plit) 1st half The Belmonta Bobby Folaom Wells Virginia A W Morgan A Binder Biaon City 4 BALTIMORE Maryland Cornell I^ona A Z I<ehr A Bell Richard Keana Wilton Sia H Wataon Co Yvette Rugel LJghtner Sla A Alexander Rev BIRMINGHAM Lyrl« (Atlanta split) 1st half Will Morria Jewell A Raymond Frank Stafford Co Wilson Broa The Frabelles Mr A Mra G Wilda McFarlana A Pal- ace Clayton Wblta Co D D H Horace Goldin Francea Kennedy David A Darnell Doria Homphrey Co CLEVRLAKD Hlppadraaaa Lidell A Gibaon Frank Gaby Keaae A Whitney Amca A WInthrop Bllbcr A North OOLCJMBIA B. F. Kaltk'a (Charlaaton apllt) lat half Oolde A Ward BIselew A Clinton Jean Shirley Co Powell A Adatr The Aikena OOLUMBrS B. F. Keith's Blaie LaBergera Seed A Avatln Doree'a Opera Bdwin Qeorse Pioflteerlnff Martha Pryor Lorlmer Hudaon Co DRTROIT TeiBpla Eddie Roaa Wilaon A Abrey t Raymond Wilbert Mr A Mrs A Rogera Bert Fitaclbbon Elaa Ryan Co Wilbur A Mana- fleld Walsh A Edwards EA8TON, PA Able O H F A M Dale Dalton A Cralir Bspe A Dutton (Two to nil) 2d half GarclnettI Broa Murray Girla Harry Bulger Co Hamilton A Barnes (Unc to nil) ERIE. PA Colonial Martin A Moore Camillas Birds Toto Black A O'Donnell I^aDernica Co The Iy4ightons The McDanns (One to nil) INDIANAPOLIh B. F. Kelth'a Tony A George SiN-ncer K Wll Hams Frankllng Chas Co Jed Dooley Co Sylvia Clark Van & Corbett LAB Dryer JACKSONVILLE Arcade (Savannah ppllt) Is half Gladys Green Co Gray Carpentler A G Ryan Weber A R Billy Beard Techown Animals JOHNSTOWN Majestic (Pittsburgh split) Int half Beck A Stone Monroe A Grottom Lanagan A Haney (Two to nil) KNOXVILLE I^yrlc (Chattanooga apllt)) 1st half The Harlowa Pauline Saxon f. Sia Elm City 4 Toonervllle Toot- ers LOVIRTTLLE Marjr Anderaon Maxine Broa A Bob Weeka A Barron Frank Wilcox Co Demareat A Col- lette Unusual 2 Rae Samnela B A Rolfe's Rev KHfh'a Nattonal ClVaahTllle 9- lat half Radford A Wln- chaatar Merritt A Bridwall Hayaa A Lynch Co Alaxander A Flelda Wyoming S LOWELL B F Kalth's Locille A Cockla Black A White Dancing MacOoa- alda Kenny A Hollia Maaon A Gwynne Fred Snninier Co 3urt Roaedale MOBILB Lyrtfl (New Orleans >Pllt) 1st half Naah A Thompaon Marah A WiUUma Hard Boiled Sidney Philllpa (Others to nil) lat half (3-6) Dotson Tracey A MeBrlde (Othera to flll) 2d half (6-9) Herman Timber* Bill Geneveive A W Ethel McDonough (Others to lill) NEW ORLEANS Lyrle (Mobile split) Int half Musical Geralds Howard A Nor- wood Max Bloom Co Donnu Sis Thibault A C Devoe 4C Statzer NORFOLK Aca«Aemy (Richmond split) Ist h<vif Markey A K.ty Princess Wah-I^t- Ka Clifford A O'Con- nor Gibson A Price (One to flll) PHILADELPHIA B F Kelth'a Dare Broa Chandon 3 Eddie Foy Co Ann Gray Mra. Turnbull Ivan Bankhoff Co Imhoff A Coreene Co Billy Glaaon Sully A Thomas tiirard Potter A Doyle Hert>ert'a Animals (Othera to flll) 2d half A A L Bell Ada Jaffe Co Fraser A Bnnce Amanda Qllbart Co (One to flll) Wm Peim Dave A LUlUn MeConnIck A Irv- ing Lovenberv Sla A N Bobby Heath Co Amanda Gilbert Co 2d half Cniaa Bald I Potter A Doyla "Tango Shoes" Ban Smith Amaranth Sla PITTSBURGH Davis Scotch Lada A Las Alexander Bros John Steele Friaco Co Igor'a Ballet Wm Brack Co Powera A Wallace Joe Cook RICHMOND Lyrle (Norfolk apllt) lat half Jean MIddleton J C Mack Co Lanrel Lee Welch Mealy A lil (One to flll) ROANOKE. VA Bary A Bary Peel A Corvin Anderson A Young Co M A A Clark Vicrraa Hawliana 2d half Levere A Collins Mack A I^ne (iaiden Bird Hank Brown .Co Vlerras Hawailana ROCHESTER TaMpla Marcelle Fallet W C Kelly Dillon A Parker The Creiffhtons Sully A Hotiffhton Reddln#ton A Grant Glenn A Jenkina Althea Lucas SAVANNAH BIJoa TORONTO Shea's JAB MIrchall BAP Valentine Adolphaa Co Norwood A Hall Paul Decker Co Olcoti A Ann "For Pity'a Sake" Buma Broa HUppadroHa McRae A Clegs Dalay Nellla Tanneaaea 10 Hobaon A Beattie Wlllile Solar Rex Circus TROT, N T Proctor'a Caaaie CilfTord Luck A Claire MIddleton Afipell- Hifyer Wheeler A Potter Doyle A Cavan-1 augh Cahlll A Romalne Fred Blllotl (One to flll) 2d half Ernie A Brnle Thunder A Light- ning Mel Klea Dolly Dumplln Chuck Reianer (Jacksonville apllt) Webed A Rldnor lat half (Two to flll) If you want Time in the West communicate with the Largest Independent VaudeviUe Agency in the World. ERNIE YOUNG AGENCY 1312-13 Masonic Temple CHICAGO Hartley A Jea Bart Howard DaBca Original Barka Walah A BenitTlel Broa N CHA^ Raoda A Prancia OraTss A Demonde Haaal Croaby Co "RaheTUIa** (Oaa to flU) Sd half P W Lavar Floraaca Brady Sabln A Tappaa (T«b to flll) INDEPENDENT ■^ ^ T T T C B r Bvraa A Freda Artkar Astill Co ArtlaUc Treat "Four of Us" Mlllarshlp A Oer- vnoA HAP Oakaa Arthor Hlllar Ca (Othara to SU) M ^alf Moora A Palds Haaal Croaky (Othera to gll) WASHINOTON B r Kdlk Rath Bvdd Dale A Bareh Iraaa Bordoal Oao McFarlaM Fllvartana Elsie A Paalaen WILMINGTON DHL Sampaon A Delilah' Florence Brady Moore A Flelda "New Producer" Sh'laa A Tappaa P W Lrrar (Oaa to flll) Sd half Roods A Franc ia Qravas A Demonde Arthar Miller (Two to flll) VOLRDO B P Kalth'a Arthur Bar^t Mlllicent Mower Jack Benny Handera A Melisa Courtney Sia Mazlne Bros A Bob Naah A O'Donnell Murray Girla Lang A Vernon Honey Boy Mlas 4 Barda Hsney Lawia 4k O YORK. PA Opera Haaaa A A C Falls Boyle A Banaatt Anderaon A Bart Barrett A Coaean Morton A Jewell Co 2d half Spoor A Paraona Barron A Bart Francla Bell Co Polly A Oa (One to flll) YOLTUGSTOWN Corradlnl's Anlmala Lane A Harper Dummlea Prcaaler A Klaiss Rnaaell A Devitt Johnny Barka Claude Golden poLi s cntcurr MATTY WHITE in a Singing Hnmoresqne BOSTON B. F. Keith's Blly Clinton A Rooney Jack LaVicr Hope Edpn Co Hershcl llrnlcre BUFFALO ^ Shea's " Therese A Wiley Catcs Bros Mclennan A Car- M0n Joe Towie JAB Morgan Bally Fisher Co Wataon Sis « l^liio DpvIIb CHARLESTON Victory (Columbia split) 1st half Jennler Hros Hart Wagner A E I<nmer Girla Jk Co Dunham A Wil- liams Billy Itnuncers CIr Kane A Herman GRAND RAPIDS Em press W A II Brown Gr*en A Myra I>ady Alice Pets Chic Sale Howard A Clark Farrell Taylor Co Chan Howard Co HABflLTON. CAN I^ric Taylor Howard & T Pierce A Ooff Henry B Toomer Co "Ladles of Jury" Wm Hallen Ruth Howell 2 HARRISRrRO Mojeatte Hoen A Dupreece Faden 8 Valentine Vox Marie Gaspar "Century Girl" 2d half Story A Clark Kvelyn Phillips Co Hampton Joe Jenny S Bdwarda 2 MONTREAL Prlaceait (Sunday Opening) Dallas Walker HAG Ellsworth Lemair Hayes Co Doris Duncan Co Lelp^lc Two Little Paia Lloyd A r.uhin Aeroplane Gtrin MT VERNON, N Y Proctor's 2d half Creole Fashion PI B * B Wheeler BuckrUffc ."t Casey Co Yf)ung ft Wheeler Emily Darrpll (Olh^^rs n nil) 1st half (3 6) V ft K Stant«»n WAG Dooley Co Vernon (Others to flll) 2(1 half (6-9) Donovan A Lee Jimmy Dunn Co (Othrrs tn nil) NASHVILLE Prlneeaa (Louisville split) 1st half The Norvelles Carroll ft Gorman Odda ari'l Ends Hob Milllken W««ner Amoifs 3 NEWAKli. N J Proctttr'a 2d half (20-2) Billy Shaw l^ev "Sawlnff ^Von;an • I>alc ft Burch Stuart Harris Marlon Harria Sheridan Sq (Johnstown split) 1st half JAG O'Meera Thos Jackaon Co May A Hill Dixon Lynch A D (One to flll) PORTLAND B F Kelth'a Joe Darcy Fisher A Gllmore Samaroff A Sonia C ft F Usher Reed A Tucker Herman ft Shirley PROVIDENCE E F Albce The .loannyn Brent Ifuyr.s Paul Swan ft M ClHru Howard Jasephinc Victor Co Walter Flshter Co Wylie ft Ilarrnjin Joe Rolley (^o dUEBF^. CAN Auditorium Josle O'Meers Shapiro ft Jordan Lemalne 3 Kelly ft Pollock 3 KItaroR READING. PA Miijestie Spoor ft Parsons Barron ft Hurt Francis Bell Co Polly ft' Oz (One to flll) 2d half A A O Falls Boyle ft Bennett Anileraon ft Burt BHiiftt ft Cuniift-n Mftrlon & Jcwfll Co BRIDGEPORT Poli'a Brana A Maaaart Keller A Waters Wm Seabury Co Jonea A CaTanaugn Johnaon Baker A J 2d half Harvard A Bruco Bdward Hill Quinn A Cavcrly Frank Dobson Marvel A Wllktna Carroll A Stergla t^ronson A Rene Camyarle Berto* Girla Palace Harvard A Bruce Manning A Ruby McDevItt Kelly A 2 D Ferguson Co Bobby O'Neil Co Mallaaa Max TEN EYCK and WEILY Ha Route "Up In the Clundit" Co. Par. Addreaa: Frlara Clab. New York WILKES BARKK, PA Poli'a (Scranton apllt) lat half I Dixie Boya Chadwlck A Tay- lor "Oh What a Day" M Romalne Co Erford's Oddities WORCBSTBR, Poli'a MASS Kramer A Zarrall Edward Hill Holmes A Lavere Brennan ft Rule Philllpa A Travis "Earth to Moon" (One to flll) 2d half Piper BroH Co L Gonno Co McDevItt Kelly 4 Al Wilson B A Rolfe Co (Two to flll) Plasa Tamomoto Lixiette ft Rooney "Innocent Eve" Coffman ft Carroll (One to flll) 2d half Hayataka Bros Manning ft Ruby Will Stanton Co Carlton ft Tate (One to flll) •^^ .^d BOSTON—B. F. KEITH BOSTON Boatoa Foley A La Tare Diamond A Bren- nan James J Morton Little Jim Oordaa'a Olympla (SroUay 8«) Roger Gray Co% Ben TarplB La Cardo Broa (One to flll) Oordoa's Oiyapla Washlnfftaa St B A L WaltoB Thos J Ryan Co Bowman Bro^ Roblnaon'a Bab- boona Bawdala Sa Will A M Rogars Ckaa L liatehar (Ona to mi) Will Mahonay Claaa Manning * G (Oaa to flll) BANOOB. MX Halaa Mlltor Oao P WIlaoB McManos A Me- Nolty BAB Raddlac Bowman Broa Hits A Raflow Co Id half Pardo A Arcbar Coonteaa Varana Banaatt A Shopard Tom Kelly BaU A Bva (Two to flll) 4 BBOCXTON, Worden Broa Millar Olrls Wilkens A Wllkaaa Monarch Comady 4 Id half Bckhoir A Gordon Parrona A OlWar Flelda A Pink Hita A Radow Co CAMBBIDOB Oordoafa Cant 8q Bob A "Tip" Batty Waahlagton MrCormack A Wallace Robert Re illy Co (One to flll) td half Worden Broa FITCH Brno, MASS Lyric The Parshleys Williams A Taylor Dress Rehearsal Primrose '^ Sabbott A Brooks 2d half Arthur Turelly Three Haley Sis McCormack A Wallace Wllkena A Wllkang Robert Reilly Co LAWRKVCB Bmpira t Haley Sis Orey A Hyron Berger A Bloom La Dora A Back- man Id half Eugene A Finnay Helen Moratti Mr A Mra Martin Ward Bros Potter A HartWell LBWISTON MriNic 1\mU Coantaaa Verona Pardo A Archer Bennett A Shepar€ Tom Kelly Ball A Bva 2d half Dell A Gllsa Tommy Lonergan Bowman Broa (Two to flll) LYNN, MASS Oordoa'a Oiympla Dell A Gliss Fields A Fink Raaaell A Hayes 2d half Bob A "Tip" Gertrude Morgan William Taylor Dress Rehearaal MANCHBSTBB i 1 A A N Delmont Helen Moratti Oallagher A Clair Ward Bros Potter A HartwaU 2d half Miller Girls Grey A Byron Primrose 3 La Dora A Back- man (One to flll) NBWPORT. B I CoioBtal Mr A Mrs T Martin ■J UNUSUAL DUO PRANK FlYBK and OBO. JBNNT Week Oct. !•—KoUh'a, Colambos. O. Woek Oct. 11—Kaltb's, Akron. O. Keltk's ClrcaH. Berger A Bloom Nelson Wariag McCoy A Walton Sablwtt A Brooka World Cycle Kings 2d half Monareh Comedy 4 Raaaell A Hayes OmCAOO—KEITH CIRCUIT "JINGLES' I am enjoying a route from Marcus Ix)rw Wllh FAYE and THOMAS Says: in "A Dancing UoncynMtoa' IF YOU WANT VAUDEVILLE, MUSICAL COMEIIY OR DRAMA SER a. r* -t; Room 803 Loow Bsllilof 1540 BroUwiy, N. Y. C Bryant 7403-04 4783-4 Marshall A Wil- liams Plnxn Marvel A Wilklns Carroll A Stergis Camyarle (One to nil) 2d half Novello I^lzzette A Rooney Coffman A Carrol (One to flll) HARTFORD CaoUoI Hayataka Bros Bronson A Rene L. Oonne Co Al Wilson Frank Dobnon 2d half Kramer A Zarroll Glldea A .Tafohl Brennan A Rulo Holmes A I>av»To 'Cocktail Romance Palace Dawson Sis Co Harry Mrohan Will Stanton Co Carlton A Tate Shireen 2d half Vino A Fay Chas KinB Co D Ferguson Co Shirren (One to fill) NEW HAVEN nijou Hawaiian 2 Gertrude Morgan Marshall A Wll Hams Glldea — Jafoid Berto C.lrln • Id n«>f 2d half Evans A Nasaart Keller & Waters Wm Seabury Co Jones A Cavanaugh Johnson Baker A J SCRANTON. PA Poli'a (Wilkes Barra split) 1st half Toyland Follies Hums A Lynn Harry llayden Co Moore — Jane Dancing Shoes SPRINGFIELD, »L%SS Palace Hart A Helene Chas King Co U A Rolfe Co (One to flll) 2d half Dawson Sis Co Phillips A Travcrs T Hoyf-r Co K Dowling Co B O'Neil Co WATERBURY Poli'a Novcllo Vino A Fay Fifer Bros Co T Lytiian Co 'Co<;UtalI Romance* 2d half ITart A Helene HiArry Meehan Huby Kids Bryan A Stewart "Earth to Moon" CINCINNATI Keith's Palaco Valentine A Bfll K A B Aahaarn Howard A Plalda 3ardner A Aabray Joe Fanton Co Bobby VanHorn "Carnival Of Ven- ice" DANTIIXK. ILL Terrace Mack A Stanton Adams A Barnet Ttlyou A Rogera ^.istlmc A Barrett Coates Co 2d half Jack Gregory Co Joa B Bernard Co Mullen A Renn Milo Dance Dunlay A Merrill DAYTON B F Keltli'M L.oaler-Worth Co Byron Bros Band Tllyou A Rogora Elaine Sisters (One to flll) 2d half T A K O'Meara Moel Lester Co Mabel Blondell "rinrhrd" (One to flll) DETROIT liaSalle Oardena Loshe A Sterling Knowles A Hursv "The Question" S MIns Monarchs (One to flll) 2d half Raffons Monks "Oh llootor" Hall A Dexter J A J Gibson (One to flll) FLINT. MICH Palace W A H Hrown Alf Rlpon Les Keillors Fenwlck Olrls Stei'da Sextet 2d half Roberts A DeMond King A Wise "Question" (Two to flll) FT WAYNE, IN1> Palaea Peaka KUckheadi Mullen A Renn Cappa Family Flaher A Lloyd Jack Hedley S 2d half Hnmm A Fosa Winter Garden 4 F A C LaTeur Jo Jo Harrison Coatea Co HAMMOND. IND Panthemoa I^ynn A i»ray Winter Garden 4 Great Howard (One to flll) 2d half Cliff Bailey 2 Mack 4t sunt Roatine A Newport A Silrk Co HlNTINflTON, IND Hoatiagtan I^ee A Cranston F A C I^To*ir Id half Dancing Doraas Lynn A Boray KALAMAZOO, MICH R etreat Monroe Iirt»H Walman A Berry Great Howard Hall A IVxter (One to flll) 2d half Fore A Price Al Gamble Cu Tf A N Chaw CQ Chas Seamon Phlna <'o _^ LAFAVKTTE, IHD MarH Cliff Bailey i Newport A Btlrk. Co Billy Dobs Co Dunlay ft Merrill b Avalonw J«! hHlf AI Jer«»ine" l^f A ('ran^fon (Three to tll'> _— NANKING. MICH Regent Ford K riue Al (;;niibl'' ' " H A .1 rims, rn J'lins Rrainon BILLY GLASON ".M ST SONGS AND SAYINGS'' PALACE. M«W ¥ORK, UKI&K OCT. l' "J