Variety (October 1921)

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Friday, October 7, 1921 VAUDEVlLLlf AMODS QUIET AND STEADY: TRADE TIP OUT FOR ADVANCE rarkct Maintains Inijiroyemenr—Amusements Fea- tureleijs—Triangle Rehabilitation Attracts fnterest ^ •—Reason for Griffith Jump. <^ Tradiii;; >n the l4>ading amuHement gi^ti* ^vaH featureleKH with pricet) holf'inR ot established loveln. Famous Pbiyers common Kcarcely moved a point awny from 5G although a brink tip was out in the trade that an adYaoco was in prospect. The "in- ormation" did not come from inside urces- but grew out of a study of the situation aurrounding the stock Quoted at 55 it *pays between 14 and 15 per cent. It has an unin- ternii>te(i record of dividend puymentK 4 (Tontinuc^d on Page .11) ^UTH SEA ISLE' NOW [SED FOR NEW DANCE [Gilda Cray Will Dance It At New Gil Boag Restaurant When Gil Boag opens his new Ren- vous restaurants Oct. 19 in the [ormer Club Fusher building on West I5th street. OUdm Gray will b« fea- tured in a new dance to be called rrhe South Bea lale." The dance will Itt arranged by Frederick O'Brien, tte author of a work on the South Sea Islands. Boag has also engaged me Ji>i Smith orchestra from the ■ttel Plaza, for the musical depart- pent. f The Rendesvoi^s will occupy the ^per floor of the building while a iQPper club, under Boag'a manage- ent, will have the floor below. The pper dub will cater to a distinc- e set and will operktp as a club in ler the management may regulate e patron !»K»' Another restaurant this week start- 'td heavily in for vaudeville as an at- traction. It is the Cafe De Paris tformerly Rector's) of the Salvtn- Thomp<«f»n-n<> ,>; restaurant string. Among the De Paris entertainers are Julia Kelcty, Harry Rose, Cliff Ed- vardH. Elwie White, Frank. Farnum, Foley and O'Neil and Ted and Kath- A'ine Andrews, besides a Whiteman Band is advertised. The Rend^vous restaurants are Botg's own, apart from the- threo- irm's chain. CANCELLED*IN TEXAS Hir8cli«rt GyptiM Chaagad Daacer !■ Act—OptnUio WMk Ft. Worth, Tex., Oct. 5. Though Hir8choff*'K (fypsics act is 'f playing out the week at the Majestic (Interstate Circuit), the act is can- icit a for all of its seven weeks over the InterHtate time. It will probably return to New York after the final perforraanoc Saturday. The turn come in here with an- • other dancer other than the one in the act when the Inlerstnte contract was issued. As » consequence the turn left a i>oor impression at th* opening show with the Majestn's manager wiring to the New York booking office for instructions. The ^niiwpr come back to notify the turn it hnd been canceled for violation. The act carries six people. It impod direct here from New York in<l this stand i.s its (irHt on the In- terstate. It cost about $4(K) for ^ansportation to get here nud will to«t AH nuich to return. The act's Apiary is $.'mO weekly on this circuit. «« agent i^ Paul Dunuul. •TRAND, HOBOKEN, STOCK The Strand, Iloboken. \. J., form- •fly playing iM>p vaudeville. Iion been takot, over by Corse Puyton. who will Start n dramatic stork company there jvct. to. 'pi,p l»ayton nrponi/ation jWilI h.ivp ns lends Howard Hall nnrt pi«dy.s Mjilvern with Payfon nppear- Pftg in flio "heivA" rol..^ far llie bn '*Weori art speeche,^. "r.oM-l.t and Paid rot** is to In- the f.iMMiin-; Mil. "Fair and Warirfer* Playlet "I'air iind Wanner." the Ave , Ilopwool li'i;itiniit< farre. has Immmi ^'ooflens,,! ,„t„ „ one art plavl^t f.n ▼auflevilUv CLEVELAND iMGR. ATTACKS KEITH'S Shubert Local Manager Issues Folder to Audi- "War'' On ence- Clevcland, Oct. r>. While it was assumed that the ad- vent of Shubert vaudeville in Cleve- land would probably aavor of a friendly opposition, and that the Keith interests and that of the new- comers into the vaudeville field would agree to pursue the even tenor of their ways, this illusion has been wrecked by the Shubert representa- tives here^ War has been officially declared by the Shuberta on the Keith claim to priority, or precedence, or anything else that would keep Shuberta from ranking below the Keith standard. At least this is the inference to be drawn from an official notice pab- liahed by Robert McLaughlin, man- ager of Shubert vaudeville at the Opera houae. Thia notice takea the form of a four-page circular distri- buted to the Opera house audiences Monday entitled "Little CbaU on Amusements in Cleveland.'* 3.A.DAY BIO TIME OrpheaM May Hav« to Try It !■ Momphit New Orleans, Oct. 5. All contracts being issued for Memphis by the Orpheum Circuit contain a three-a-day clause making it optional with the circuit as to whether the artists shall play two or three shows daily. The Orpheum, Memphis, has always played two hIiuwh daily, but last season when the business fell to pieces the Or* pheum people decided if a like con- dition arose this year and competi- tion from Pantages and Loews be- came too strong they would be pre- pared to throw the Orpheum into the three a day at a moment's notice. The theatre has not yet altered its big time policy but if it does some of the biggest headliners will be com- pelled to appear thrice daily. • JACK LEWIS CAMPAIGNINa Manager for Julias Millar on the Democriitic Ticket Tlie campaign heodquarterH in the Putnam building for Julius Miller, on the city's Democratic ticket, are in charge of Jack Lewis, the theatrical agent. Mr. Lewis has formed a Mil- ler committee to the candi- date'.s campaign that contains s'tme of New York's best known names. While theatrically inclined for busi- ness purposes, Lewis ha«( been more or less octive in politics for several years. His first important campaign work came to the fore with the elec- tion last fall of John J. Lyons as ttie Republican nominee for Secretary of State. Mr. Lyons ran away ahead of his ticket. Lewis' work in that cam- paign got him to the direct attention of the political leaders. He acted for Lyons, a Republican (though Lewis is a Dcniocrat) through their close friendly oH.sociation, but with this election time and heeding the request of his own party leaders. Lewis con- sented to handle the Miller direction. A lar^e sign hung on the Putnam HuildiuK. one of the largest in the city. j;nn(Min«es the Miller randidaf-y. Wilson-Norman Nuptials London. Oct. ?». Iteatrire Wilson, popular at ..the old Vie as leading; wotuan, has been mar- rie«I to Norman V. Norman, well known cltihnian and provincial iiian- ager. • L M. S. Rentiiam has the act Edward Knoblock Recovering liOtulon. Oct. 7k l<]<lwar<l Kn<»l»!<» U who has been ill was (»perated on this week for ap- pen«licilis, un-l i- re; ovcrinj nicely. EDDIE VOGT This wMk (Oct. 3rd) MAJESTIC, CHICAQO Dircctioii GEORGE CH008 RUTH'S SHOWING UP TO LANDIS Contract Clause Against Him May Cancel Tours There is a possibility that Babe Ruth may not appear iif vaudeville after al!. Judge Landis, head of the National ('Ommission, has ruled that none of the players can appear in any exhibitions after the world's ser- ies close. The contract clause that the ruling is based on is to the ef- fect that the players cannot appear in any public exhibitions. Ruth with Cart Mays. Wallie Schang, Bob Shawkey, and Bill Pierce have been secured under a contract by o group in which "Lefty" Miller is interested for a barn storm- ing tour of 21 days after the series. The entire time has been booked up playing dateg -in Missouri, Okla. and Texas. The guarantees for the ap- pearances thus far total $47,000 with a percentage of the gate optional in all of the towns. The team h« to receive $1,000 a day rain guarantee. The nut for the route as laid out will be $27,000^ for the players, with their hotel expenses and about $8,000 for railroading. if the "public exhibition" clause holds good the trip will bo off and likewise the vaudevile appearance of Ruth. .Judge I^andis' ruling is to the effect that public appearances other than as a member of the team to which the players are assigned will work to the detriment of baseball managers having the players under contract. Last season in Havana whei^ Ruth played ball his post seoson money ran to $51,000. He received $1,000 for each game that he played and in addition got a bonus of $.'>00 for every bonier that he hit. The (*uban pitchers "slow balled" him to dCatb and he only managed to deliver two circuit clouts during the time that he played. OPPOSITION BILLS THia WEEK (OCT. 3) KEITH'S SHUBERT PalftM Bill Cenevieve and Walter Pietro Hditb Taliaferro Pent on and Fields (lertrude Hoffman and Co. Ia:o (*arrillo P. Whiteman and Rand Rome and (iaut "Shalowland" NEW YORK 44tli St. Whipple and Huston Co. Uoiiy Connolly Krnetitine Myers C'O. A. Robins <Mark & Verdi Mossman St Vance Taplan & Newell l':uuilli Bros. "Kiss Burgla rglara' LOWELL SHEBMAN IN Engaoed By A. H. Woods for Re- written "Reckonino" The A. II. Woodn oflBce thi.x week engaged Lowell Sherman to appear in its rewriMen version of "Reckon- • • • ing. Sherman rerurned last week from the coast, fallowing the Arbuckle af- fair. There was no immediate de- mand, it is .said, for his stage services in New York. Producers preferred to wait to secure a line on public opinion. For the same reason it is claimed, three pictures made on the Coast with Sherman featured or starred, have been held back from re- lease. In I he Wriods play no publicity will be Koujjht on the Sherman connection, nor will he be featured, merely open- ing (inietly as one o( th<» cast. "The Iteckoning" was out some (irnc atio and is being reproduced by Woods af'coiding to contract. COURT HOUSE OF THEATRE Logan. W. Va.. Oct. r». The local Bennett theatre is near- ly M coii;t house n<iw. The first judicial sissi )ns start <><'t. 10. The county leased the theatre. PLBASANTVILLE, N. J. Coloiial liurio Alton and Allen Creole Fashion Plate Bert and Betty >Vheeler Cresby and Dayne Harry ('arroU Revue Four Mortons Nathane Bros. Orpheum Davis and Pell Vincent (VDonnell "Dress Rehearsal" H. anA A. Seymour Henry Santrey and Band Ernest R. Ball Franklyn Ardell and Co. ^ Adele Rowland Santrey and Seymour Miry land Cornell, Leorta and Zippy TiCah and Bell Harry Watson, Jr. Wilton Slaters Richard Keane Co. Yvette Rugel Leightner-Alexander Revue Wellington Cross Keith's Elly, Clinton and Rooney "Parlor Bedroom and Bath" Kmma Carua, Hope Bden Go. Herachel Henlere Ben Welch Harry Fox Co. Miller Kent and K Palae« Blossom Seeley and Boys Juliet Tempest and Sunshine I>ooley and Sales Sig. Friscoe Hugh Herbert Co. Ritter and Knappe Edwards Marshal Daley, Mack and Daley Hippodrome "Step Wvely''^ "Font of Us" ' Ames and Winthrop Silber and North Kenne and l^liitney Lidell and Gibson Singer's Midgets Temple Kddie Ross Wilson Aubrey 3 Raymond Wilbert Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogera Beat Fitxgibbons Elsa Ryan and Co. Wilbur and Mansfield Walsh and Kdwarda Ktltll't Dare Bros. Sully and Thomas Ivan Bankoff Co. Mrs. H. TurnboU Eddie Foy Co. Ann Gray Sophie Tucker and Band Billy Glason ' Chandon li Davis Igor's Ballet Russe William Brack Co. Frisco Co. Powers and Wallace John Steele Joe Cook Alexander Bros. Marion Harris Scotch Lads auA Lassies Keith's Durkin's Animals Jack Merlin Ruth Biidd Geo. McFurlune Irene Bordoni Vo. Dale and Burch The Flivertons Venila Gould Elsie and Paulsen Keith's Strand Reo and Halniar Rockwell and Fox Elizabeth Brice Co. Olsen and Johnson, "Last Walts' Toney. George and ('o. Jennings and Ilowland Vaughn and Comfort Adtfl|thuH <'o. .Mc-Carthy. Sternard Co. Winter Gnrden Marie Dressier nod C>o. Emily Ann Wellman and Co. (;iark and Ai^aro Dttcallon Lion Hoffman George Roaeoer Palo and Palet Hager and Goodwin Sensational Togo BROOKLYN Crtsetnt Nonette Georgie Price Sam Flenrn "Oh, What a Girl" Jack Con^ilay and Co. Donald Sisters Alfred Naeaa Co. Regal and Moore Anthony BALTIMORE Aondnmy Everest's Monks Harris and Snntley Novelle Bros., Harry Hiuvs Jovedah de Ra^h Masters and Kraft Revue Orth and Cody Chas. Richman Co. Marguerite Farrell BOSTON *- MnjMtIn Lew Fields and Co. McConnell and Simpson Vlnie Daly Yvette Fred Allen Armstrong and James J. snd K. DeBfaco CHICAGO ApoNn Johnny Jones Rome and CuUen Joe Jackson Vine and Temple Rnth Bros. Buddy Doyle Jimmy Hussey Co. Bert Earle an<l Girls Ziegler Biatera CLEVELAND Endld Avn. Lucy Gillette, Rogers Rial and Lindstrom Walter Weema Chas. T. Aldrlch Three Chums "Yellbw Ticket" * Callahan and Bliss Msria liO DETROIT Detroit Opnrn House Cecil Cunningham Ciccoliui Ernest Evans and Girls Dickthson snd Deagon Bert Melrose, Schwarts Band Brensk's Horse Frank Jerome Pedersen Bros. PHILADELPHIA . Cliestnnt 8t. Kremka Bros. p ilarrah and Rubtni Frnncis Renault. Libby and Spaijow Bernard and Townes Walter Brower Selma Braats Nora Boyes Rynn and Lee PITTSBURGH Shuhert Monroe and Fisher Billy's Tombstones Al Sexton and Girls The (ilorias Billy McDermotl Sailor RHIly Beige Duo Nip and Fletcher 'Harper and Blanks WASHINGTON Shubert Bert Sheppard Althoff and Co. Lipinsky's Dogs Milo Hetty King "Floiodora " Klein Bros. "In Argentina" Bob Nelson DAYTON, O. .Llbnrty "Chuckles of 102r Mr. and Mrs. Mel-Burne Griff White Way 3 McCormack and Regay Permaine and Shelley 7 Musical Spillers Ford and Trulv NEWARK, N. J. Proctor's Rislte John S Blondy snd Sister FonI an<l (;it7. Rice Dot son, Tracey and McBride Moran and Wi.ser Revue Jack Levere Kajiyaina "S|>irit of Mardi (iias" Torine Toney and Norman Ben Linn Mosconi Family Billy "Swede" Hall Tom Smith C-o. Marie Stoddard El Rey Sisters Clayt(»n and Lcnuie tml - m.%-M^. — ^.^X ,^d^'j, . k^