Variety (October 1921)

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"m' VAr.tErY'S CHICAGO OFFICE CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE SHOWS P/LACE, CHICAQO (hork lull: Cowldiit hold any inorr ri..| liner Imhivs ami fiftr»'ii miuuh's r.i . iihMiainmriit thrso \vrn» tlir com- Jit;..!.^ ;it llu' rnlaco Monday afh'r TlM- hill was n'i>l<^t«' with iKi'.pis. I'arh scored sin-ross* Ki.«- •iMiillv opi'ositiop IH bring rrcojfnizj'd :'.s the pioKiaiii tills week is onr of th.. Miost cxjM'nsivo bilN the l\oii>»' Jias l.ii.l in a ions tiin<'. From nidi- c..'..V.i- .Moi:d:iV tin- rX|Miisr was uav;:iiil. ,1. for wluMi tho r\irt;»in wriit •.i|. \\>.r\r \\',\^ not a seal avrtilahh' iu I:m- viAiir ayditoiiinii. and hundrt'd.s wry. turiii'd jfcwa.v. I'.;..; ^i,,:i Si-cU\v. hvvr f..r a t.VO- \,.- Ix ■ <'M-aK'<'ni<Mit, was di'locatcd the I!,-. .ll.Mc lioii«»rs. Miss Srch'.v had a f;;M s;i:ii»i»v and healthful sht)W :ilir.'>| of hvv with all of tho arts s.nin- bnt they wore not aiiv hand (Hp. She did :J7minntes. After Miss Seoley were .1. FraneiK Doohy and Corinne Sales. Dooh'y started cUjwninK on tlie lateness of tlie hinjr. lie humored a number of l.ers .ns who were 'hoiueward bound' to the extent of having them relurn to their seats and there was not a Hinj;!*' walkout durin;; the entire aet. whi<h ran 1) m notes. Tin' rojiple were then eoiiipelled to respoml to a curtaiii speech. Nothin;^ seems to Worry Doidey. (lose on thru- ImmIs was M ss Juliet. Tliis (inirniiiiK m.ujic \vork«'<l herself into the confid(Mue of the houMv with her restaurant observa- tion un<l ftoin then on h<ld intense and < ontiiinoii- interest to tlu' finish. The show opened willi Daley. Mac j:nd Dah'V. a eoniedy and spe taeular roller skating turn. tv,i» men and a v.jtnian. One «»f th • men !s a most eajiital e«iiii(>dian and h.s falls about th«' stji^e started the priM-eedin^^s off at a K'ond pace. Ami when the other man startrd his one f<»ot jumps and l»;'<>inttli:: he had the house at his ni'MTy. Tl e r«Mifiite fif th's trio is fust, snappy an<l substantial. On ne\r wa-- I'dward Marshall, the • htlkoloRist Marshall started In with his "siiniil <*ty" or one line (Irawinfts and his talk, and was easily able f<» jfet into the eonfidenr-es of the mob. Huuli Herbert and Co. wore slielved inti> th» trey spof with "Mind "Nour Own lln.sness." Senor Friseoe. tiie x.vlojihoni t. of Kdion fame, lot th»> folks know tills fact when he Khoved 111" siiM lar ty of the re<'rea- t'o" M till I'liior and lis original rnuliiion of the same nu'.nl)"r. This |i.. Ilirt: Ji'm. Teni.«'sf Mill Siir.sliiiH' \v(m-p cardiMl n« xt and p-esc:jtej| the'r 'TuoadAav Itou'iin I," a ■< nj; n*; an«t danciu); of- fe-Mi;t i'l v-v <r{>iM's. Thev receivefl Huhs' irii ':;il .-'i uobalioi after vwh •TIk' Kn j;lit and the Ki ave." a two- mrn <«'»lv Ivoropeiiii ju;;^jIinK nov- elty, f att.nn); Kudolf \\a;iiie.-. I'om- inir on a' •":_!<) they were unforlunate- Ij conipelh'd to play to the iius.siiig liito.i;: ;is hanlly 200 pc'rsoii.s re- iii.iiiietl to ^tay for the finish. This art is of the strong man jugglinK tyj)!' with cannon balls and other heavy jiaraphemalia bo.nK us ul. They I .;\< (Iffiriilt feats an<] would have Moied very well had they been on liah an hour or so earlier. nu?Mlu»)- <M,, :„. (», sSow were Opera Hose—Tights Hosctic^ Union* Suits Undergarments Alston Silk Shop, Ltd. 14 W. Washington St. CHICAGO APOLLO, CHICAG6\ ChicJgo, Oct. r». From the audience standpoint the current show headed by Jimmy IIuh- sey went over like "wihitire." From Jolly Johnny Jones down to lluascy, every act left the boards with vocif- erous applause. Judging fiom that standpoint thid show went over as big, iif not bigger, than the openin;; bill, with the attendance being the .same cajxjcity at the. Monday matinee and night performances. However, on a quality basis, the prc«'cding bill ai>|»ears far superior. There are only three recognixed big-time nets OD toe program, with the others of the small and -mill-big time type, rrnctically ull. with the exception of lUuhly I>oyle. have been Hcen about here iu the smaller houseK within the labt year or so. llusscy. nevertheless, can be the slandar<l-hearer of ihi.s "uuif and <-rry ii thiough to profitable busi- ness. A very noticeable leature it? the piescnce of five dumb a«.l.s. Foui are in the lirsl jurt and one in the secon<l j:eetiou. Two could be elimi- nated, and conie<ly or singing acts put in their place, the rnnniu;^ or«lep «»f the program rearranged, anil it is beli»'ved, from a v.«riety sland|)oint, murh better results would be gained. Jimmy Hussey with liis revue tar- ried the triiunphant honoi s. V.ut it was njoi'O Ilii.ssi'y than the revue, or at least his company, that is enlitli i to the ere<lit. Jimmy in the lirst :-cene with Kddie lliekey in front (*.• a drop of Times Sqinire. and ealhd ■'Any Old Night on Hroadw y." work- ing with Fchlie Mickey .is the foil, scoies heavily with his cross-lire, and later exhausts h'mscif in hi.s spe«'ialty of all th<> parodies he has avail ii»Ie. eoneluding with his travesty boxiug match with Jo:n Delmont, in the last scene, which carries the aiidi'Mu-e by stoim. A bit called 'One Fvery Minute." wlTn-h has burlesipae ancestr.N. is <loMe very capably by lleth Stanley. Lou Fdwards. Jenn f>«'lr.iont and Flame Courtney. Tin- th nl scene. • r.roailway Pi- rites," in which llelh Slaiil.y wit'i I'^velyn Martin i.nd IIn<-<y"s 'Titi llriit I»ini:lars" parti<'i| ate in a son.; of that title, reveals ilie *chov>is for the tirsl tlnie. elad in i)ontieties readiing about rijjlit im hes above their kn"es. Tlw bare l«'i:s her«» <lo not look :.ttractive. ami one of the girls, who calls her-»»lf tho "Vuldi'^h" fiiri*;' had a hi? blue mirk on her ii.»ht lejr very noticeable. <)fhev girls pave ('vic!en<'e of wearin;; gar- tt^rs about their legs throiv.»h the in- «l<M»tur»> the hands Imd ma«l«' in Ihei.- Tn the Henrt of the 19th War<f* CiTRO's Restaurant 1014 SOUTH HALSTED STREET, CHICAGO Italian Table d'Hcte (iiurlry <irow—Kntertnlner I>« I.n«e Mote. — rh»>re have been fix niurdT!* nnd ten bombs Wtthin t»n blockg of tnl# In aix monthB—bat. dont l^-t that Jnterlere with your dtiiner. to Uoheir.'.a wt-.h the Apachr.q of CblckBO* piaie 1> re 18 EAST 22D STREET IKE BLOOM'S OPPOSITE "L* STATION "MID-NITfi FROLIC" REVUE FOUR DIFFERENT CHAPTERS Ui <lin|>. llr.MO r. M. 'iO < hap. Vl:M\ V. >l. lUi I hnp. I :.m .A. >l. 4lli (Imp. A. M. A.VIATKI Ii NK.H I—\VKI»NKSI>.\Y. CO.NTI NLOl S l>AN<l.N<i KK.STXI KAN'l sl-;KVn K A i » ( ."11(1 i: ACTS AT IJIIKKV—UHITK t»lt UIKK ST. REGIS" HOTELS "MARION" 516 J. Clark Street CHICAGO 505 W. Madison St. PROFESSIONAL WEEKLY RATES niANtii": OF i:ATKs S'trrlr. witiioiit liatli !^K.OO ntw! 5'>.An l>f>nl>lr. wittuiiit IkiHi f I(I..'>0 iiml SI !.no Sinjdf. wttli hath f:iO..~.0 niiil $| >.00 I>ouhir. Mith hritli SI4.00 :iii<l $1(1.00 TiiorniiKhly mmlfTn. NVwIy fiirninhrd. Convrnirnt to all theatrea. Kri>«^ rrhriiraal hull. WE SOLTCIi' YOUR PATRONAGE HAZEL RENE HATS--GOWNS—COSTUMES S€6-.tOII Mafe-IJikr Rnildlnv. Chlraffo IRKNK urRlQt'i: I Formerly with It.X'AKls K.ANOl'S f R<|ith Mrirkland TrI. Cent. ItM Olljtrago Friday, October 7, 1921 , STAIE-LAKX THEATRE BUILDINa^ • le^s. It iniKht he a(lvi.<4ablt> for ibe i;irls Co wear brnH.siero.s iu tiiis num- ber. In 11 Ijfler number the uirl.s were attired in tights and woie bnissiereK, and the imprcsHion made was better than iu the prevluuH nnniber. (*oin- ment by the audience very aurlible nbont the house Hi the tiin<'. Spe- eialti<>s by Lou Kdwanl.- -nd (Jlady-* .lames .senro<1 heavily, nnd llw elosiuic seeue. "At the Club," wliirh Iluaney first had iu his show 'Tittle TattJe," proved to be the comedy iiit of the offerinii;. The art runs obont. 45 uiin- 'uteii and there was not a 1titr-h or lagging second during tlnit perion. George and Dirk llith, who <»peue<l the second part, ran secojul iu np- ))lausc honors. Their baud balaneiug feats and strength tests got the house. .Tolly .Inhnuy .Tones, billed a.s 'The Stage I>«>or .lohnny," start<Ml the show with his wire walking feats, .Tones h s some mighty diflicult stunts nnd they were duly appreciated. In liis wake were Home and Ttillen. uith their songs, dances and "hokum'' travesty trieks. Hert KaTlo •>n<l his aggregation of musical misses, in the "trey*' sjiot, were very refreBliing. end supplied n score of selection.^ on various instrumeiifj. Their banjo specialty with Karle p;oved to be the hit of the offering. On next was Duddy Doyle, blackface. Doyle has good songs, but the talk ^nilght be changed fo.- n later vintage. He might also take another look at Eddie Cantor, Kddie I^ounrd and Al Jolsoii working, and he would have a better conception of their mannerism am! delivery than lie has at present in hi.> impiessiou of them. Ziegler Si.->tors, with a male ahsl.s- tant, a leadei and drummer, appeared iu a classical dance offering. The girls have a Lplendid routine of danco and execute their steps in exquisite fashion. The leader remlers two vio- lin solos, in one of which iio is aided by the drummer, who works his traps in real "yj//." fashion. The full stage fietting of the turn makes a inaguifi- tent impression. Following tiicm Weie l")av<» Vine und Luell'. Tcmjile, with the billin.;; of "Making Nonsense an Art." Vin.» and Teiaple about thrive months ago headlitKd the bill at MeVi«'ker's here and have been plny'.n^ the smaller houses in Ibis vicinity for stvi'rai years. Their entire is of the low comedy hokutii order, with Vine doing a nut ,h iracter. They rec eive<l the hearty approbation of the audi- ence in th's house, but it is a matter of conjecture whether they woiild qualify to pass the barrier in :l.e Wmter darden and other of the Shu- hert hou-^es, where the bias.- vaude- ville nud'encef. predoinin t«'. .Toe .Tackson closed the first i»«rt. of til.' show. .Tackson. :'.«» he nsuall.v doe?*, hai^ tlieni from the start, aiid they watched patiently each ttud eve: y or.i of his moves and motions, endnrsini: rach in niont meritorio: •■( f Khinii. -iMckson was easily tl'C hit ')f ill's •-•Mtioii of the pro?] .iiJi bv a big m;»rgin. MAJE3TIC, CHICAGO Chicago. ()<'t. ."i. With ev« IN iHt o'l the b 1 of 100 tier «eot. oiialitv th" sIdw rs.n far fifiMi smooth and w'th the except'o-i of I?e!le IVikcr without ; ny I ig'i •pots. It was just v.Mulevil'c w th a bad arrain^,eiuent of the bil . TImm" Wiis really oiilv one c«>ine<lv jii'f and that oiM> lijis been see,i a I' If <l(»/eri fad PI s'le M s«< n;»ke.- helpe <M)nM he terii'e«l a life siver ;<n'l after an nl)S!'rice if ;ilinost two ■(;»<ons v.;is royal v received beside pa;k'n'4 the theatre -The house w:i«« vii-f"jillv so'd out with the cxce)iticii of a few i»i t'"' nppcT boxes :ind Jiie///.anine and to till this thejitre is no small jo'> as it is the largest vaudeville two-a-d.»' I'onse in town and it is the cxc* if o* in- sfeiuf of the ni e to have a sell out. rierh'rf iW.A S'-otield. a jiic'ln" sind balaiifin^ act. most of tlw tri<-Vs Icin-; <]one on the man's c||iii. were well r(>- ( eiv<'d. Miss ^'^•o(ield has a nice sense of comedy an<l talk, with a ))'eiisMv< voice, but coiihl help the net by get- f'ng another voca' i trob-r I/nrv Comer deserved :« beite- f'Je thr.i dencin'- and t'lon'Th coniii" b;»c' f »'• -leverjil bows \vr»s not hi'ns'lf CooH-r s.inu foiii" <'>i)?'^. rnnninir the ir^inuii of < omedv. liiHi-d nnd e\en jm Iri't 1^<»II< som; :ir.d linishco with his oviifin il •'pni<e • vo""." with tin' imera straiti I^.MMM r'er»ont in a Ion-: d'aw:i tiilkv -sketch was th'rd. Th" t''cnr' is ;» storv «•»* a girl <lriven iiw;iv fiMMi her country home, with th-ce fljisli hacks, of whnt mi«:ht h ivi- haiiicncd, a'ltl >\iih I lie f.until charr.rt' ri/ution of ulii't renVy took phu'e. It nidved loo tallxv for .lack MctJowcn. who fol 'owed, to overcome. Mc<Jow;in sang four numbers nnd did not show any- thing excejitionat outside of being a new face to the Maiesti*' regulars. Eddie Vogt in 'The Ti<»ve Shon" proved a flash. This ar't seems to be one of the revties that ean always come back, rtininly due to Vogt's com- edy and ability to handle lines. The chorus looked fresh and worked with snap and speed, while the prima don- na. Inez Raffan. was in excellent voice. There in also an unbilled •hock" dancer who stopi.e I the act with his difficult stepp ng. Lyd*'l and Macy were probably put in to b • the big comedy hit of the bill, but it iH doubtful if there is a vaudeville goer who has not seen the two-act without the act having changed a line since last two seas-n*'. The r«'«'nlt w'as where ordinarily this act could tie up any .show, it took two bows. Heth Iteri. u coming dancing star, has the grace, ability and personality necessary to land her at the top. She is assisted by (Jll Squires and Wil- liam McIiCod. h«H a specialty dance that if routined properly is a show stopper. Miss Itakej* was the shining light and even outdid herself. She makes an old song sjund like new. "Yip Yip Yaphankers," featuring John Ilothang and Frank Melino. "breezed into their routine, not giving the patrons a chance to give them the air. The boys' comedy went over, their singing was liked, and their acrobatics enjoyetl. The act can bold any •spot on any bill. AMERICAN, CHICAGO Chiccgo. Oct. 5. No opposition staring the American in the face, but the show are kept up to standard with several acta o( big time calibre on the bill. fl''hc current show accorded the stellar honors to Harry Cooper, with j^: "Songologue" and he did more than uphoUj^ his - osition. It appears as though his turn was made to order for the patrons. The privilege of the first what'k at -the mob was given the Freehand Brothers, hand to hand balancing. The routine is arranged in showman- ship fashion with the sequence o* their tricks being executed in such a manner as to build the turn un to a corking good finish. Then Flo and, OUie Walters, who threw sunshine into the bill with their character songs, talk and dan"ing. Ollie, a tome<lienne. in grotesque style, ex- tracts many wholesome laughs with her stunts and talk, of the "baby" k>nd. Flo is a most capable foil. She looks cute and dresses in an admirable fashion. The girls sub- mit a most pleasl^ig turn. "A touch in 'V' rime- comedy sketcli. featuring Cliff Nonnun, is of the farcial type, tel ing the story of a couple who have quarrel ed after the husband inade the wife a present of a necklace and asked her to return it to him. The hushmd leaves in arger and the wife calls for an oil admirer, an Kngiishuian, to syin])ath!%e with her. From the'^iine the F^ng ish- man arrivcH there are ,i srrlcs of compli<'ations. responsible for muc<'» mirth. Yv'itli its many twists the act .maintains siis]>er<..^ throu>rnout. despite Norman has aide's of conven- tional nbirty in siipport. Due to that, it seems as thougli the smaller house-« will be the o'llv luiven for this turn. Yan and Y< ri.rn. with eomedy talk and cn»ss lire aiii^- ateil by coniedv • I gs. took s'elai Jiono-s. IlaviuT the next to chising |.ostien an<l fol- io-ring Cooper w.'s not the soffes'. spot. Sh'> man's "Cameo llrvlew" is ''♦•sei ibed as "a nt»rtriif in the golden fiame of son^. inns C. nnd dauf^e." The fraiae is t:olden for no more > 'mptuoiis. l,iv'-i'i at'd arl'st'c sett'nr has been geen for a novelty aet Its type. Had the , * Kg q- the talent been in proportion yi\^ >'heiinan would have had a high dags turn. A singer of little ability ig given the leH<l numbers and i ^i^ dancers Fkiertowna and ■^achiinaki are depended upon for the lerpsel' chorcji!! portion of the ente*"' >:!:;rnt? Neither quauuus, especially so the dancing team. Two good violinigy and a pianist with the turn nre uq. able to carry the burden. The turn as now constituted the aet can hardly come up to the hurdlea of the Kintll houses. * ACADEBfT, CHICAGO Chicago, Oct. 5. Attendance much better than it has been, but still difficult for tnlk- ing acts to get over. Clientele un- derstand and appreciate more sijrbt,' novelty and "hokum" turns. Tbe^ sholving place for Ass'n. nets. TwoL sight acts held the feature hilling of| the ahow, Watiska and Cnlerstudy, t seal act. and Toto Hammer and Co., contortionists. Hammer in the opening position did not warrant the billing. Csual con- tortion tour with n man doing the 'human frog" thinga. Scenically the act is excellent, but a more con- sistent routine will have to be as- semb'ed. Linder and Starr, man and woman, with a pianolog, in the deuce Kpotfl and uniiinbored song and talk.' Several of the gags seem meaningless with the balance of antiquated an- cestry. Couple are passable vocal- ists, but crisp talk is necessary. Botany and Barry, man aud woman, with comedy skit aud song, pleasing offering. Have good line of <hatter and Miss Boland is excellent colora- tura soprano. Barry puts over sev- eral good comedy numbers and a recitation. Bay and Fox. female impersonators, with s'tng and violin playing, made creditable showing. H msp were foi'ed .'■s to identity of men and when they removed their wigs, the audience npi>landed liberally. Wells and Bobbins, two men. one rube :Mid other straight, in singing and talkinjr turn much to the liking of the bunch. The comedian is in- clined to pull a few *gags" of the »ndi«ro hue, which he might el'innate. W^fskn and T'ndersttidv held un the t'tle areorded them in the billin*;. The fin'sh is a novelty, in hav'ng the seals nlnv musical instruinenfn. Is Ot to hod the oneninff or clos'ng ^, 't on s'n* of t'le big bills. MAYBELLE SHART^ SHOP (Jowns Hats Lingerie (Altering Stricily to the I'r.ifexHion LENORE BERNSTEIN :i034n r03 145 Ne. C ark St Phon: Deirjjrn 546J CHICAGO "\ SVAV FF..ATl'Kr. KVKKY U KICK" Fritzers Friars Inn .N€»-1lieRrl ( ornrr Uiil»::'li i •"' \ui: lliirrn KXCICI.KKNT < IIISINK. S|.:i{\ I( K'.\ND l> ' \' ' \<i —rK<)KKHK10N.\I. NMJIIT KVKItV V.KI>NK>I)\Y M. J. FRITZEL, PROP. Wabasli 6815 CHICAGO Millinery 1014 Stevens Bldg., Chicago Hats f!c:_: $7,50 to J25. Frofesnonal Courtesy, . •&-?ir" T R U IM KS ALL MAKES ALL STYLES ABELSON TRUNK WORKS, 39 W. Jackson Boulevard ('(Mirrnlri-.tly l,K>etrf] In ('hlr:ii;o*N lx>op. rii.MKMr.i:!:— .\i I. trinks hold iiy rs <aJARANTr:Ri) Under New Mamif^cmeiU HOTEL SAVOY 3000 Michigan Ave., Chicago A Home for Theatrical People at Theatrical Rates Telephone: CALUMKT 1662 G«S3 6654 TRANSPORTATION: •'••• **•' ^•y'' W«ckiy KmU ll.OO and Up 10 liln. from Loop—•'L" and Surface. C»fe in CoiniM>tIoii. Modrmte rrl««fc USCK.NKKY NIV£RSAL Ideas and plana labmlttcd. Omr prices and Urma will Intereat yon.' S DROPS ^ SKTt CENic Artist YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD •r writo. ' DRAPES TUDIOS •M eTATB-LAKK BUILDING, CHICAGO rUONB DKARDOKN 111*