Variety (October 1921)

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VARIETY Friday, October 7, 1921 To theLai^st and Most Complete Pfofes Dept.inExistence-TheOneDi^Thoi]^t in Minds wasl^biu'Comfbil ai^ CbmKenie izome Up and meet yourf^ MAX WINSLOW MURRAYRITTER JACK M^COY HARRY'TENNEY JERRY. WHITE TAI JOE YOUNG RAY WALKER JIM CLARKE HARRY AKST ARTHUR JOHNSTON^ BEN SAM LEWIS SAM WARD LOU COLWELL PAULINE FROHLICH EDDIE VAN FRAI Heifse aife same of the Hi iA song for eVety hjndofan actai T •^•.«- .«r. -- — - .'. .• 'i^iU;,! • ■ .-1 'i / lli!iii;iii;!/.iV.i^;i a reason J&y eiJeyy song 111 I \.. . I'.'.-/'. i .V «'0 ONCE IN A BLUE MOON »<" '/'ISIai/moOSaiifclcs Oh My Sweet HORTENSE CRYBABY^ BLUES 0 ■ ouccessorto ' o Horn e Again | . Blues I ^ In, yU^^H IVE GOT THE I 1/1 Ihiil WWW .. ■n'- '.fr- •'<• i.v r > .vi f- MIEN THE SUt GClS 'DOWN* m :em ♦-^^ tS-H,-: ♦■ ^';-%*:. ^;- ■*.,; JMelodij%i •t/cr*^^5?4: > -' ~!:J.^ Y0URE JUST THE TYPE FOR A . BUNGALOW ong LDiih 'hs in PMnj