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Friday, October 7, 1921 V ' R T E T V^ 4l J\jt IHtome Sawson AND Clare Oswald DUEL & WOODY Uaktof TlMlrMark to A Box Ofnr« Attr»«tlon by PAUL fiCRARD RMtTH DlTMliM: LEW CANTOR Rose &. Curtis Represent 'uline Saxon -nJ "Sis" THE _iONEY .<1DS LAURIE ORDWAY IRENE FISHER. At Piano *Tcic; Funey Buoys'* PAUL MOHER AND JIMMY ROSEN and Co. astittod by TRIXIE WARREN In "CALL ME PAPA" SCANLON, DENNO BROS, and SCANLON Old Ideas lUnrwed latraducinf Their Own Original WalU Quadrille TMrinc Orphrum and Keith Circolta Ilooke<l Solid Dlrvctloa AAKON KE8SLJER and KD. KKRNICK AUSTRALIAN DELSOS (' noDey this year, good wenther and Ug cro\ui bring tho rule. Fewer **inedicino mm" on the lotR. It teems a year ngo many of the less desinhV' Hhowmen had hanl pirlcinKs in Western New York and woro told ' to stay away. There has been so much publicity ubout them pickin^H arc not so ea»v. HARRY ELDRIDGE in "I DONT CARE" Booked Solid. LOEW TIME Direction. ARTHUR J. HORWITZ Garnett »"«i Hill High Class Entertainers Direction GIL BROWN the police there, two Uticans face serious charges, liased upon the girls' stories. Winchcll Smith and Frank Bacou, in rimira for the performances ot "Thank You" last week, were ten- "dered u dinner at tlie Country Cluu. Tho two told the dinner crowd that hrroqfter Klmira would get the pre- miere of the majority of their show--. And it rang true, for on the final night of the Elmira run, 4(K) folks with re* 1 money were turned awa> from the box office. Barred from appearing Od. ?> l>v the Sunday blue laws, Elsie Jams comes to I'tica on the following d jy. ai-i»caring at the Colonial, under the auspices of the American Legion. SYRACUSE, N, Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN WIETIXO—Thi.^ week dark; next week. -Page Miss Venus*; 17, "Thr Bat." EMnUK — Empire IMavcrs in ••Tiger Hose." BASTABLF^ First half 'lie '.o '< '" ^ '•''^•'K«- 1922"; 7-S, '.Not Tonight. .losephinc - STUAND—-Way Down East" (_>.] week). Regular prices. CRESCENT--Affairs of Anator" {m week). UOBBINS-ECKEI^ldol of the North." SyraciTuc. having failed to -romf acroHg* finnicially at the box (.ffi( c 'or good at»ra(ti<ms. !;as jn ,. : ,. tumty this u(M-k to sit down „r..l tiiisiU flMngr OV;-:-. \V,t|. tllr \Vi<h. .• .1 ::i. and tlio Hastablo bookinj: jr. • Not To night, .losopliin,.." a second rutrr. fa- the lavt half, thno's s<-ant ruUTt„)n tnent for folItMvcrs of t!ic ic ^.t. >i \« week. fl„' Siiubcrts send "Pace Mish Venus" here, but the K. & E. oflic c appnroiitiy int.MMis to Im- sim^v. i m- Wnstabic, booked b\ Erl iigrr 'f,,,- i !,,• last ihrer dyy, will have 'Bringing «Jp l^ati.rr." Wl.ilr the mai.anrrs »nay not like to odii.it it. business is jotten in a majority of local linnsrs. Keith's and the movies ore r. iking in the coin; the others arc next to starv- \Of if not quite. Even burlcsjiiic is falling flat. The McLaiighlin. at Oriskaii.v Vn\l- J*- 1- parsed by Icasr last week to J^eonard H. (;arvey, <»l Ui.hm.iMl, Va., who takes possession Oct. 10. WASfflNGTON, D. C. By HARDIE MEAKIN Poll's opened Sunday night to a fair house for "The Broken Wing," a piece that had its first presentation here last year at the National. Thurs- ton Hall and Marguerite Kisser have tlic two principal roles. The original headed by Alphonsr Either, is playing A new musical comedy by the authors <.f -Irene" and* pro;lMce(i by Ihe same firm, named * Chickens" will have its first showing Sunday (()(t. 0), here. • liecause of a sud«len decision of Chai'es Dillingham to bring the new .lolm Charles Thomas piece into New York. Manager Fowler of the National sec-.ired the Ceorgc Kleine picturiza- lion of "Quo Va<lis." It opened Sun- day niglit to a good house; shov^ing t\vi(r daily. (>i>eninK next Sunday light, this house will hovo a first showing of a new play. "A Barhe- h)r's Night " a .lolin <'ort produrtion. The Cosmos vaudeville has Botli- well Browne's Bathing (;irls; >Vard and Uavmond; (iorilon ami (Jntfs; Billv Augustine; Ilills-.lura Trio; film! Strand. "Pot Pourri Dance Bevne"; F»ank Terry; Herman and Engel: Laing and (;reen, Carrie Avery. Films. Pictures: "The Three Musketeers Columbia: "The Match Biealer. aie; "Sowing the ■"Dangerous Curve Wind. Ahead. Van and te ." Pal- Hialto; Metro- politan. Thurston attrnrfin^ splendid oiisi. i!«'js at Shubert-(;arri«k show in sec- week. "Miss l/.ilu I'.ett" next The trip footlightwards of Marion "'Kgins, of North Syracuse, and Nora ««glcy, of Marcellus. ended in I'ticn An ;i result of the girls' discovery by l<>i:2." ond week. (;ay<'fy. "Flashlights <.f Ca|)if(d, "Haniiu Scarum." Mar;,-aret (Jorman, who won the beauty eontest conducted by the Washington Herald and represented Washington in Atlantic (^ity. where ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? We«in«hlp aerommodatlonn nrmnired on nil l-lnea, at Main Offlee I'r»ce«. HoaU "e roinff vrry full; arrtuiKe early. I-orclffn IWon^y bongbt and sold. L.lberty K'imlH bnaRht and iiohl. ^AUl. TArSKi ft miN. 104 Kaat 14th SI.. New York. Thooe: HtayrcMnt 0i:*6-«l»7 TRIXIE FRIGAIV'ZA Playing KEITH • and ORPHEUM Circuits Fletcher^'^'^Terre In ''You Know Biir Direction ARTHUR HORV/ITZ she won the contest there of the various winners from oilier citieR, is rehearsing in a local dramatic school in a play entitled "The Prize Win- Dcr. The bill this week at Keith's is vaudeville at its best, it contains many names that key up anticipa- tion ond bfis delightfully vivacious Irene Borduni with her new partner, Leon Varvara, as the headline fea- ture (New Acts). Also George Mnc- Farlmoe with his splendid baritone, and Venitii Gould in her imitations. Although the.se three held stellar places as well us received in a way that let them know their efforts were appreciated, other features won recognition. Clever Uuth Budd, who has lifted her act out of Uic mere acrobatic field, the W. C. Fields' skit. "The Flivertons," which was such a success in Ziegfield's "Follies' last year and which brought forth gales of laughter, and the remarkable team of ice skaters, Else and Paulsen, who accomplish almost imiiossible feats on the skates and although closing the bill held the bouse seated. Following the Fables film which opened, Derkin's Dogs with the funny drunk seen here on numerous occa- sions, started the show off well. Next Merlin, with his pack of cards and a new trick with a derby hat and a glass of water that mystified. He has a good line of chatter and altbotigh his card tricks are not very diversified he went over well. After Uuth Budd Billy Dale and Bunny Burch In **l'he Hiding Master" were well liked, and then followed Miss Bordoni. The j^t half of the program was slightly changed from the original lay-out, Miss Gould, listed to close, followed intermission. The Flivver skit followed and was mighty funny. The c*ast is splendid and got every- thing there is. MacFarlane was generous with his numbers, each beinr.; well received. Following a rejpiest thrown oi^ the picture screen for the audience to remain seated for the completion of the final act Eise and Paulsen, assisted by a eb'ver little dancer. Henrietta Wilson, surely did justify the state meat made that the novelty of the offering would well repay the wait. The second week of the new Shii- bert vaudeville at the Belasco was rather slow in getting started but when it did get under way hit after hit wjs registered. The current bill Js headed by Hetty King, the Eng. lish male iiiii)ersonator and lias tiie condensed version of "Floro<lora."* Milo. liob N«'Ison. Klein llrotlnrH - and the Sct)villa and Brooks").rod,i,.. t.ioii "In Argentina" as the princijial turns. The house wjts a good one. the lower floor being fi!I(«d except the last two rows. Even tlioy held a few. The mezzenine where the same prices prevail as the lower Ho«>r had two full rows out of the five, while the balcony and gallery held a goodly sized crowd. Miss King is offering an entir*. repertoire of English song-j, she apol- ogi/,(Ml for them in r<'ply to insisfeni demands for more encores, but this was not necessary. Each of her songs is a gem of chsracteri/ation. her clns ing bi#r "(Joodbye .lenny" being par- ticularly effective. The show was opened by Burl Shepard with his Australian wiiips. His work interested but biMoight him small returns. Hattic .MihofT jind sister f(>ll(»wed. they surely suggested the small time, forcing an en<'ore at the close of which dnl earn sonn^ little approval. "Fhdddora" followed ;ind after a half hour of rush anr] iiitidde closed to |)ra<-ti<Ml nothing. The only num- ber in the show geltinj; any relnrns at all was the sextet. Later developments in the bill le.'ives the impression that this entire offering could have been <lone away with. This would have increase<| the |NEW YORK THEATRES hoatr'/ \\ I ELTINGE ■';^.'r»"w.^:,\*=ii,r IREPCBLICI.' A. H. WOODS ATTRACTIONS HELEN MACKELLAR in the farce frolic "BACK PAY" A Moving, HumaR Story By FANNIE HURST staged by Elwood F. Bostwick "Getting Gertie's Garter" 1Jo».- liy AVilsoh roIllBon & Avpiy Wdoil with Wttltei .lunrN. l>orothy .Marku>e. Adrle lt<>lund, Wuiidu I.yoii, li«»r1ii Bilker EMPIRE llway & Kith St.. Bvea. «.2n M.-itlneoH Wed. A Hat , 2.20 WED.NE.SDAY MAT. HBST SEATS ^2.00 ••AN AnSORXIIN't; AND KXCITINti ENTKRTAIN.MKNT." —World. In Toin OTIS SKINNER <"*UMhlnif'n N«>w Play BLOOD AM» SAND Founded on the Novel byitludco IbttiteB. '•Mr Skinner'H Kshlbihoii Ulll Kn- trance II in Multllude. —Tribune UBERH THlsJATRE. Went 42 St Uvea. 8.20. MHtln<><^s Wed and Sat. 2.20 GEORGE M. COHAN'S Last Production "The O'Brien (Jiri" Th« Entire rroduetion Under the Saper- vlalon of Mr. Cohan MARY PtCKFORD In her moat Interentin? picture 'Little Lord Faunthroy' Prom the Novi«l by PRANCBS HOIKJSO.S' UlTll.NBTT APOI.LO THEATRE AryjLtljVJ ^2d St., W. of B'y Twice Dally. 3 and 8.SO. ALL SKATS rei^rved Prices. Bvffa 50c to 12; Matn. 60c to |1.C0 Special School Children's Mat. Frid'n 3.ao IN A CLAIRE in the Gay Farce BLUEBEARD'S 8th WIFE U fX^ Theatre West 48th St l\l J. ^ Matinees Wed A Sat NEW AMSTERDAM Ji,i%",*i HATS WED & SA'l* 50c to $2.50 H^SiiFR ZIEGFELD TRIUMPH MARILYN MILLER, LE0|4 ERROL SALLY CiKt) II. COHAN Mat. \V<m1. * .Sat. 2 lii. OPKNS MIONDAY. <M'T 10 ., . t'harles DllllnKham rrraenlH "A ALLAN POLLOCK in BILL OF DIVORCEMEiNT" StAfred by Hanil Dean. ^Vlth JANBT HBKniKR. Henry Miller's Theatre 124 West 43d St. Kvs. at 8 30 Matn. Thurs. (Pop.), and Sat.. 2.30 CHARLES DILLINQHA.M presents tho Fe.nious Irish Players from the Abbey Theatre. Dublin, in "THE WHITE HEADED BOY" A Contedy by LE.V.NOX ROni.NSdN To Readers of Variety we reeommenri CHARI.V:.S DILMNGIfAM'B eth Annual Wonder Show GET TOGETHER y"b ^KINK'and FOKINA. CHAR- IX>TTK and many other liitMiMtioBnl •lara T:'5r..'^"*HlPP0DR0ME'KS.r s MARK T R A N "A National iBstitutlon" BROADWAY at 47th Ht. Uircrtlon. Joseph PlHakett D "I ACCUSE" STRAND SYMPHONY ORCTHBSTRA Carl Kdouarde Conductor LYCEUM 8ELWYN8 PRKKENT SOMERSET MAUGHAM'S COMBDY "THE CIRCLE'' With the Best Cai4 In Amerleii John Drew, Mrs. Lttlle Carter Estella Winwood, Emett Lawford John Halliday, Robert Rendel C17T V^/VM Till«L%. w. 42 .St. OlliLtW 111 .NIGHTS AT 8.30. mati.\j:e.s wed. (POP) a sat West 4Sth St. Bvea !.!• Mats. Thura A Sat. at 1.30 Iw%HT THREE WRBKH DAVID BBlJiHCO Prcaonts FRANCES STARR ■" THE EASIEST WAY Tiy BUOENB WALTER DFIJL^m ^'^' Bves. at I.IK Sharp KEdiiiiXA/ 4, at ,^at Thurs. A Sat. 2.1» *^ n WRRKN MORE DAVID BBLASCO Presents • David Warfield in "Vm RETURN OF PERR GRlir By DAVID BBI4A8CO "Biqalnltely Handled."—Bsander Mat* thews In "The Mastvrpleces uf Modern Drama." SAM H. MARRIS Presents CAMU UARDW TiiBATni?. w 42 st KvcH. 8.20; .>lu.s. Wed. and Hat., 2.20 Six Cylinder Love A New CoJiifdy by Wiu. -\nthoriy .Mc(jUlrf ERNEST TRUEX Willi U FCST l.'.TII .ST llIlYA.Sr H70 .1.% MUSIC BOX ICvTH. H.l."), .>It»*N., WrdH. und SjiJh.. Host. .Music I SIiow 10v« r .M;>;ir in Anicrica. IJlob**. IRVING BERLIN'S MUSIC BOX REVUE vvith a rant of Mvtropoiltatt fav<inl)-H gl6be— n 'way A 4«th St. Even. 8.80. Mats. Wed. * Sat., t.M CHARLISS DILLINGHAM Pr< sonts JOHN CHARLES THOMAS In the n*'w •*TL T ¥ .i.*. *' musical pliiy A DC LtOVC LtettCT by Willlnin Le Tlnrnn * Victor Jacobl Htatfod by Rdwaid Hoyce LONGACRE \V 48 St. fives. 8.2ft Mats. Wed. Sat. ^ JOHN GOLDEN Presents Thank yoU A NEW PLAY BY TOM GUSHING Staged by WINCHELL SMITH — AM) UHLE Went 44th SI. K\em. at H.HO. .MutH. \V'.:d, A Hat. at 'i-.Uh JOHN GOLDEN Presents The i*' Year By Flunk Cravon Staged by WINCHELL SMITH ttMiipo of the bill and staitrd the sliow earner, as it wh.s it w.is lut<' bt'lOre anytUinK landrd wliirit could be a hit. Milo ro;il!y st.jrtr<l the show. I;o following '"Klorodora." Hy th.it tiim, tho audipnc«> was rrvtirss for somo- thing really worth wliilr. WalkiiiK <»•» with little oMtenlation, .Vlilo's s uprise oprninK koI hiwi the '^iHiir l»i>; niiniis as her('ti)for<'. Mi.sH King fnllowed :ii:d rioted in tmiiisision. Sninel hiii;; u<nt uioii;; with the iHMVs (il'^\ whirji \\a^ cut in the inirldb'. tiir "Mult and .h'ff*' eoniedy al.'^o uniilted. l-'ollow iii«^ \s;i< ll<d) ,\«'ls»»ii. last lii'ir with "'Hroiul- wny ltl-evilie<." Nelvoii has :i >:ir;i! collcMtioii of son^s .itid how he does put them over. Lie sang al It-asi eight and they Wiinlril nintr. "In Argent ina" styled mm South Atneriean rn«'iangf went over to nn- PRODUCERS ARTISTS THEATRES IF YOU WANT —Cleverly Designed Setting:*—Htgrhest Quality Work —Reasonable Prices— SEE US You are assured of Drop Curtains and Stage Settings of the "BETTER KIND" in dealing with ua. NOVELTY SCENIC STUDIOS bryant tsij 220 West 46th St., New York otliei- big return. It is tho first time Spani.vji darning has been j»reM*ute«J here in a manner to liven intcroH^. The net eai'i'ies u elever «e«*ontri«' ('(ciic'li::!! ; nd the dancing of the luuu ami woman paitiM'r stopped every- thing on both their app4'aranceK. A <pMrl< t of .\i-;;enline playerH ou mu ■II.-JI instrnn ,4t.> is carried. The act ni:ikis a goo., aftpe. ranee an<l could « i-:i> lake liic i* lorodora" billing. liiipj-o|M>i programing dooH not per- mit the (listinctiv«* bitH to rerriv»» pro|M'r credit, it merely stating Cari dad Davis. Senorita Deliro, Hairy <)rniondc, Mcr<cdos Kiiente:. .irid !{o!>- '■rlo .Medrano comiMise its pcrsonnc'. It w.:m almost elev< n \\h<u the Klein Hrothers made th<'ic entrance .\ few shirte«l out Ixil the buys <(n>:C gathered ii|» Iheii jitleniion niid went over biv:. Hob Nelson and his ;ic- comiiani^f came bjick in their stiecT «lothcs lor a little h(»kniu linish wit>, tlie brothers that w.is like<|. |.a Pin- ski's do;. I lo-ed itiwl only bxf a fe\> of the Mixlieiice. The act is miusuiii ill that llie direction is d )ln by woman who docs foot l)alaneiim wit^i the <!ogs. and tJiis i onjiled willi ih • , Kpee<| anil smoothness of the offer ing r<Minrle(I out a bill, which though not getliii'4 started until its fourth Dumber, was a jotMl olie. Ijifd.