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r Friday, October 28, 1921 VARIETY .ji i » j i i ■—■ ^ ' - ■■■-*■ .VIC' ♦^ IMPORTANT NOTIC V AMERICA'S GREATEST AND MOST SENSATIONAL BOX OFHCE ATTRACTION TODAY U SAWING WOMAN TWO jj Managers, artists, agents, manufacturers and all other persons connected with show budness are hereby most earnestly WARNED >■••■ a6:ainst using or permitting to be used directly or indirectly any of Mn Goldin's billing, publicity, titles or introduc- tion, or any other matter used by him in connection with his act "Dividing a Human Being" or "Sawing a Woman in Two," and any such illegal acts will be promptly prosecuted by injunction and other proceedings for infringement of copyright theretofore granted to Mr. Goldin, as well as for infringement of the patent for which he has applied and by suits for damages under the common law for unfair competition. A temporary'injunction has already been granted by the Circuit Court in Baltimore, Md., and similar pro- ceedings are now pending in Toledo and other cities, and actions have been started against Mr. P. T. Selbit in order to stop once and for all the appropriating of Goldin's creation, copyright and publicity. H. B. MARINELLI, LTD., Inc. r CORRESPONDENCE The cities under Correspondence in this issue of Variety are as follows, and on pages: BALTIMORE 30 BOSTON 24 JUFFALO 30 CLEVELAND 27 OAYTON !.. 23 wCiROIT ••• • j*«<««t** ^■i 0E8 MOINES 32 INDIANAPOLIS 32 NEWORLEANS 31 PHILADELPHIA C3 PITTSBURGH 25 ROCHESTER 23 SEATTLE 33 SYRACUSE 33 .7ASHINGT0N 32 T" DAYTON By JOS. McLAIN Sbubcrt'a wo giving more r»:al fUdeville and loss biirloHquo or ItTues. "Florodora" was advert IboJ tor this wc«k. but the bill was ar- imnged differently. Hcttie King was •Iso much advertised, but did not lULko her appearance. T*© Milo belongs the honor of bc- lif the first on'e called upon for any- thing ilko a curtain speech. In a •rowd of 600 people they nearly all Mve to applaud to bring this about, •B4 that Is what they did. The Whole show went over very nicely. Bert Shepard's trick of plucking t coin from his assistant's teeth Is * thriller. Ilattio Althoff and Sist^'r Would surely deserve better than No. 1 if playing where the house does jot flll up before No. 4. New or dif- wrent stylo dresses would be well w Hattie. "In Argentina" Is slow Jjt is saved by iho two dance num- bers, the tango and the apache, the Ifctter earning two bowH. Bob Nel- son merited the two bows which he received, especially followed Milo. Arluro liornardi uses the ftime sketches which ho did on Koith's eleven yoars ago, to portray his prott'an ability. They liked him. Al and Harry Klein, next to closing, received one laugh—from their en- trance to exit. They can be for- given the old ones as they are inter- spersed with original linos, and they most certainly put it over with a particular individuality. The last two weeks have Im.vmi leg- \ilar vaudeville at the IJheriy. and there is jio reanon wliy tli«y should not do a regular bu.sines.s, unless it is the prieo. Keith's is still standing them up at matinee and by 8 o'clock even- ings. Valda and Co. open, Valda do- ing .some none too good dancing, and the company consisting of an ordi- nary piano player with a maid, moth* r or aunt assisting her with changes in view of the audience: did not arouse much enthusiasm. Milli- cent Mower cadenzaed and thrilled, makhig a strong finish singing an accompniilment to a CHlli-Curei EDDIE MACK TALKS: No. 54 The 2 Sams (Dody and Lewis,), yip at the Alhambf ? this week «Oct. 24), stop in EDDIE MACKS about four- times a year to say, •'Hello. Helio. Hello," and leave their orders for their suit* or overcoats according to the seascr. of trc year. 1C82-1584 BroadwAv 722-724 Seventh Ave. 0»P. Sfraad Tkrafre 0»»p. < olombln ihenlrr record. Qeorge Yeoman and Lizzie deliver a monolog reminiscent of Ezra Kendall. Jokes as well as style of delivery. Drags In spots as the audience Is waiting for the appear- anco of Lizzie. Melvln Bros, rightly placed in No. 4, as this trio of hand- balancers begin where all others leave off, and is one of the best of its kind in vaudeville. Sid Lewis warmed them up In about three min- utes and went over big. A real .single seems to be a thing of the past, as he has two assistants, as did Bert Walton last week. The Greenwich Villagers closed to a good hand, although it is not above the standard of girl and music acts which have been playing Keith's re- cently. A fairly good bill as a whole, and will do the usual business. DETROIT, MICH. By JACOB 8MITH "Greenwich Follies of 1920" held for a second week at Garriek. Next. Leo DItrichstein In "Toto." "The Skin Game" at Mi«-liigan. Next, Petrova \VhIlc Peacock." Shubert in "The Kd Wynn in "The Perfect Fool' at New Detroit. Next, Mrs. Fiske. "The Bat" played to capacity last week at tho Michigan and easily could have remained two weeks. No play in years got so much mouth- to-mouth advertising. Arthur Duke O'Bryan, Chicago manager for the International VaudevilU^ Kxchange, was granted a divorce from Reta Ainsley on .Oct. 17. The couplo were married over four years, but have been separated nearly three years. Incompatib llty were tho divorce grounds. Mrs O'Brj'an Is with TTnfton Powells Dardanella Co., playing the middle west. The International Vaudeville Ex- change last week placed Charles T. Aldrich and the Three Chums, who recently appeared at the Shubert Detroit, for three days with tho Re- gent, Bay City. It was done with the consent of the Shuberts. ROCHESTER By L. B. 8KEFFINQT0N LYCEUM.—Lou Tellegen In "Blind Youth" first half. TEMPLE.—Vaudeville. GAYETY.—Joe HurtJgs "Odds and Ends." FAY'S.—Rose Revue, Arthur Sul- livan and Co., DeWltt and Guntber. DobbH, CMark, Dare, the Kelleys, Montanibo and Nad, with Tom Moore in "Beating the Game." film. ARCADE.—Klnsey Stock Co. In "The Millionaire's Son and the Shop Girl." FAMILY.—Musical stock. PICTURES.—"Way Down East,** Star; "After the Show," Piccadilly. •Frank Mt Glynn in "Abraham Lin- coln" drew capacity -at every Per- form nncc at the Lyceum last waek. the houKC generally being sold In ndvance. Geraldine Farrar appears at Con- vention Hall Thursday and Mary Garden Saturday of this wveK. Tom Ealand, manager of the New Tuxedo, which will play pictures and vaudeville when it opens Oct. 30, has been engaged to handle the pieture bookings for the .MaJ^sti* . which opons Oet. 30. "W.iy Down i:;ist" at Fox \V;i«l<- i(i;^'ion; "(treat Impersonation" at Iiioa«l\vav: "Mother o* Mine' Madison: "Three Musketeers' \tlams; "For' Those "We IvO\ e' ("nloni.il. at at af Many .Mi«'liiKan exhibitors hav- '..rivtri letterH from some ih«'itr«' o\vn« is' association in Ohio vfiW.u^ ..fMiiiinn to \ho terms of "Th«' Four H(,i s. in« Jt," which in most easen Ih \',:>-?.:>, with the picture taking tli.^ l.ik' • ml. In a number of lnstane«s a it liol Ii\i'-i h. 1.-, - - - - j).i-.iti-e was l«sfl thRM it would nial.' o'\ ..M Mr.li?-!rir\' al f rn''t ;"n. iitl. in a nwnir)pr oi inMi.iiM«« ii^b ih<' pWture did a Vfiy goo I. s^-, the amount bft for f'l im.vnBLANCHARD. M. 1 l»:i Bpoa«It\»y, New lurk Mty S^e I • for niir Time R«>i«<rlr>ipil Material. I>«ket«>he«. romedy .lft«. Hlnirlrn, Kif, A»*<<» Hr*wpllti*n, Hehearae* anil ifp^ntnm^ Arrnnaed. ANNOUNCEMENT U'<; hcfj to ivfonn our friends in the profeatiion that ire have opened ol Hranrh Htore at 166^ Broadtcay, between .'Hat and 5Sd Streets, the heart if the theatrical centre, ichere we are ready to ■s< / V4, and ple<ue you in] 'he same manner ae we hare in the past. SAMUEL NATHANS Faetoty Pticeu! PROFESSIONAL WARDROBES tmmeaiiU H&M Itntnediaie ShipmentuI THEATRICAL TRUNKS «> HA FAMOUS HERKERT A MEI8EL MAKE, OF ST. LOUIS CAN NOW BE BOUGHT IN N. Y. OTY $55 to $90 EVERY MAKE .MAIL OKIIKHH KII.LKD V. O. B. NKH' YOKK C'lTV USED TRUNKS AND SHOPWORN SAMPLES Hartman, Indettructo, Belber Taylor, Othkosh, Murphy, Neverbreak, Central, Bal SAMUEL NATHANS EVERY STYLE SOLE AGENT FOR HAM TRUNKS IN THE EAST I'l.OlK' "Vli) 1 it/ Itoy Phone 1873 Circle 531 7th Ave., New York 1664 Broadway S. E. Cor. IDih Street Between 5l8t iVt 62nd Sts. OLD TRUNKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE OR REPAIRED 'i HOTII HTOKKH OPTN t'NTlL M1I>MCUT r .1 i.