Variety (October 1921)

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28 VARIETY Friday , October 28, 1021 f r I : A Word to The Wise! You remember the old story about the man who lost a horse for the want of a shoe. Well, the moral is as plain as A-B-Cy and that is where we want to draw a similar warning. Your act may need a new costume right now. But you think the old faded one will do, and the first thing you know you haye lost your route. Hence, a word to the wise is sufficient. We have costumes of every variety, hue and make. It has often been said there is "nothing new under the, sun," that is where we refute that one by making you an AMELIA CAIRE costume that is brand new and up-to-date. So keep abreast of the times, dress up your act and dress it right with our attractive models. Our costumes catch the eye, so throw your eye this way and you will make sure that you will come time and again for our styles and make. AMELIA CAIRE, Inc. 102 W. 57th St., New York City. Phohe Circle 8840. CoBtume and Miltinery Stage Wear Street Wear • Individuality Our Aim ^()'i(il Xotr: Thin cutabluihwent hon r.o connect n)i uiih avyi shop operating urNk'r ti nimihir vavit'. sM RM kS'^ fe^ k"^ fr^^ ^^^^ »^^^ *^^^ i^^N* ^v^* w^^ ^^v ^ yvv ^ JmmI Is a Kood showman and proved himself a real utility man In the pinches. Pathe weekly and Topics of the Day are screened. Big houses at both performances. Next week—Chick Sales and Hor- ace Uoldln among the hcadllners. Opera House Monday was Amer can Legion night at the Opera House, and it is to be regretted that many more of the war veterans were not on hand to encourage those who are doing valiant work for the passage of the bonus bill at C^olumbus. The pro- gram was worth while, and we be- lieve the best variety bill yet offered by the Shuberts since tho'r Installa- tion in the Euclid avenue house. Mayor Fitzgerald and Judge John J. Dempsey made an appeal for sup- port of the bill, the mayor emphasiz- ing the fact that votes told—not merely sympathy. The bill of fare opened with Mmc. REISENWEBEft'S COLUMBUS CIRCLE & 58th 8t. ^ ALL-STAR ^ VODVIL Willi SALLY FIELDS & Oth.rt. Nlirlill/ During Plnnrr anil Sapprr. AFTER THEATRE NIGHTLY FAY MARBE'S RENDEZVOUS in PARADISE Everest's monkey circus, and the antics of the Simians were amusing and showed fine training. Rosalie Harris and Pauline Sant- ley worked hard for favor in several publiHhed numbers, and the second spot had no cause for complaint re- garding their reception, which was very cordlaL An act Bhowing speed, action, good dancing and beautiful costumes was that offered by Harry Masters and Jack Kraft, with some excellent assistants. Their various numbers had a snap that won plaudits, while their foot-work was high-grade. Leona La Mar, the girl with a thousand eyes, put over a mind- rcadlng turn along conventional lines, but M!ss Le Mar's answers given with lightning rapidity. Frank Orth injected plenty of comedy into the offering of Mile. Anna Codee, billed as a comedienne Francaise. Anna brims over with French spontaneity and scores heav- ily. whilc-Orth is equally successful in his style of humor. For some rea- son. Orth is not billed. MarKUt-rilte FarreJl has a pleasing personality that brings results. An unique feature is moving pictures showing her work in the dressing room between songs. An easy wln- n< r. 'Xctlio." a George Ade .sketch, is UtitnbliHhoa i89{» / ^s:^ Marena Bros. r V FRENCU nnd ^1^ hllOBT TAMP I Fr«nch ^ Novelty Footwear Heal! 778 eth Ar., New Tork Also J:r(..i(lwajr, Pot. A\th A 4:ith Sts.] Are You Satisfied with your present act? Do you get regular booking? If not, it means your material needs revising need new material. We can give you just what you need. We also have ready a num- ber of acts, sketches and monologues and some original novelty songs. W. E. NELSON PLAYWRITING BUREAU 1400 BROADWAY. KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDINO, NEW YORK Phone Fitz Roy 1992 put over in good shape by Charles Hichman and Co. It bears on the duplicity of a worldly-wise lady, who ruthlessly plays with the heart- strings of three victims. Richman la well supported in all the roles. Harry Hinea made a big hit with his sure-fire i>atter; he gets to his audience almost instantaneously. Novello Brothers. French clowns and pantomimistB, close with a good tumbling and musical acL Newa weekly is shpwn. Next week—Nora Baycs heads at- tractive bllL LETTERS IVkca ■•Bdlav for mall to VARIETY address Mall Clerk POSTCARDS. ADVBRTI8INO or CIRCULAR LETTER!^ ^WILL NOT BE ADVERTISED. LETTERS ADVERTISED • IN ONE ISSUE ONLY. Adamt Cllffori Adama I^ydiA Albright Fanny naptlst Jobs names Athea Dalford Leatar nolmont Avery IlollinKer A R'nolds Ilrower Bobby nrown II Durntf C Campbell Floranes CaMo A Noll Carroll Jim Chapman Jeao Chnae Mra C Chat field O Clare Ida Clirrord A n^.thiieli Cline ^llsa P Crorpe Clia« (lll.hons Kdyth« (llll Charlla Click Jark OorMon Cicne Grace K.ilhoilne (Inol.y Tom Crpono Will (irlffpn Alma llrill Dalnr IlariH Chuck Half! Jack Hamlin A Mack Harrison Oertnid* Hendricks Herman Hennlngs JuKRlln» HerdUcka Jos Hickey Charley Holmeii Tiaba Howard lOnnlr* Howard Mr W Hussey W Irwin CSus Invln Han 7 Jacobs Jackey Jarvtfl .loan Jowoll MInnIs 'Jocksom Harry Kreno T.iiilan Kii\(f Manfarot K;:ig Tommy Klino Sam KoMlofT Maurlcs Kraiisc llclea r.a'Vu.vo KM^n liSkr I.-„.Im-1 f.oo IU)l)l>le LfP Mihlrod \.>lioy 1{(..^ Mark Wi;:ar.l Madison Kiilii Manlej May Marlon Ituiiv Martin rtiarlle Marl ill Helen MascuUn Roy Maurics B«tt/ llaymond LAura May Mr J McAvoy Dlok IfoConvIll* Aaaa MeNaushtea Jsast McPheraoB Many Melnorth Coral Msrlth Jans I Miller Rom Morton Mabel Murray Sisters Nanlinl Countess Naaon Marie Nell Hlsters Nestor Frankla Mlsa Newton Margery riunkPtt Arthur r«>c Lea rope Mr !•' I'owers I't Kgy Richmond Habe Klvers Arthur Hobson Sidney Hoome Karle Rosbo'h MUlgrta SafTtoro Niok i^p.vnu'ur Harry c-iii<'A(;o Anjh''r Mao Ambler W O Allen Ktlna AdaniN (Jforge Ahenrn Danny Austin Hob Arnold Dlek Aubrey A M j;ooth .J r Ha J es A l'"ii Ills H« uhon K- Johnson Byron Urri li»'niieti Clias liucliannu Moliie Mariiis Stuart llelniMit HellM lUtriiM Han.) Cliue .Ii'i 'lUa r I T Calvert MarKUerilt" Cu^iiiflli JuN.^ CUffor.l Jaek (tramplo!! lieorpc CLTt.'-r Carl fJan'-intf Ht»v.arilfj Davenport Orrin f>iivis & Mei'Ioy Dav'npori Paul l>uiil>ar >lai|>li Fost'r May Kerro Mack Krant-in Corrinne CJibyon Myrtle H< rwhel Henlcre HaiK Huy Hodges Ollle Haininer Toto Mrs .Ta.'.sen Harry Knox Hilly \\[n^ I^oretta (has H ' Kelly A Davta Lewis Jack "SkKny" Seymoure Pbyllss tihaf tcr A Sotw Sbannod Ires ShlaMs Harry SllbeF Artliw SInalN Smith Mereedss Texas Ilelea Theo ThompaoB PMri Tounaend M Mrs TopelAt Tracy Roy Van Arthur Vavelon Vera Verdi Alvia Vernon Irena Vincent Shea Walker Dallua Walker Ruth Waters Dorothy Wheatley Jean Whittler Frank Williams Clifford William Thclma Wilson Jark Winn Helen Vut'^8 .lolin OKFICK I^s Kellors n he I.r.niplns Mr I.lhk Hilly l.azaruH Oreta I.oiit; Dob Mar.^hall Ha;el Marlon Murctlla MoConndl K & C Miruan .leu ci Mill on Ray Moore J A .\ :'. \ a no I ;.T 1, ( I'.siii llll Ma ( "U a:- Hr>ai., TartM J .n'tM 1 Prcb'.e K.I a;, 'CI Kaynor l'..tV»e K^Tiard X- .lordan I-'hodes Klorcnec C KMJy Mary l.<uinlr«il Krr-il Mrs Kaiiklln Walt.r UuJifiiell Jarli Mrs Shale Fred i.earles Arthur UlarTurd Kdw n Turner Walter Turner Dolly Trovio Tascolt Thornton Arthur Texas A Walker Van ITarold Vaudeville Leader Voltaire ILivry Van H<>lle Vox Valentine Wilbur A MansflcIJ Williams Dean R York 8hlrley While B'lly Jr Watson Evelyn Warner Doris (Oct. 31-Nov. 7> •Baby Bears" SI L O 7 Gayety Mllwair.cfte. *'Bathinp Beauties** It Qayety Louisville 7 Empress Cincinnati. "Beauty Revue" 8-5 Academy Fall River 7 Gayety Brooklyn. "Bij7 Jamboree" 81 Gayety Wash- ington 7 Gayety Pittsburgh. 'TJiff Wonder Show" 81 Stamford 1-2 I'ark Bridgeport 3-5 Worcester "\ oiccster 7 Kmpire Providence. "Bits c>f Broadway** 81 Gayety Pittsburgh 7 L O. "Ron Ton Girls" 31 Casino Phila- delplila 7 Miner's Bronx New York. "Broadway Scandals" 81 Century Kansas City 7 Gayr* • Minneapolis. •C;il).iiot Girls" 31-2 Cohen's XiwluirRh 3-5 Cohen's Poughkcep- .^io 7 Plaza Sprinpfleld. Chick Chick" 31 Empire Ilobo- ken 7-* Cohen's Newbury 10-18 Cohen's Pouchkeepsie. "Cuddle Up" 30-1 Berchel Des >roino8 7 Gnyety Omalia. "Dixon's Big Revue' 3-5 Van Cur- ANNOUNCEMEN GRAND OPENING Saturday, October 29th Shank's Boot Shop 345 8th Ave., Near Slst St. yinat modern, up-to-date theatrical Shoe T>c|)t. l''.'if lory on premises. Knliic allows fitted in I hours. Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed. S^fD"UNGER. Theatrical Mgr. THrphone 8.'>00-8.'S01 C IKCLE ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? Atenmshlp acoommodndoiiii arranvrd on nil Mnrs, n( Main OIHim- Priors. Boats are wolajr very full; nrratiKe rnrly. ForelMrn Money iHiavht and sold. . Llbrrty llondN bongrht and nolil. PACL TAl SIG A SOX. 101 F.ant 14th. St.. Now Vork. Phono t MtaT-voaant 01.10-0137. PRODUCERS ARTISTS IF YOU WAHT —Cleverly Oeiipied Setting*-Higheit ttulity Work—Eewonable Prices—SEE US THEATRES I Fprc I You are auured of Drop Cartain* and Stage Setting! of the "BETTEK KOD'' in dealing with us I NOVELTY SCENIC STUDIOS 220 W eat 46th St.. N.w York Anniversary' Number of ^klETv\ will be published in December An aniHial eve looked forward to by aU of the 8hoir|«i business Prepare youf announcement^ for the Ailnive^ sary Number at your earliest op- portunity, and forward it to VARIETY, Neir York, or any branch office. ■i An announce* ment in the Anni' versary Number of "VARIETY" iJ enduring publid on all sides of al oceans. !