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I' Friday* October •8>1W1 PICTURES '."4 ■Hi*/ *•*•. ■'t'<^>» rj, f.i^i'nj' v' ' •*■£* 87 LONDON FILM NEWS - By IVAN P. GORE 4^ Xtondon, Oct. 10. The Govornment !s eaid to bo pay- inc oartlcular attention to the Kus- SJi fllrn that Chullapin. the singer. STlbrlnKlng Into the country with S-T ThP fi^m. "Ivar the Terrible." SwVlready been »een here, however. •Teontained some of the most dl«- Mttlnsly Immoral ecencs ever Zatitned which, of course, had to JoJnu under the pruning knife. flrfit exhibition within its confines, make application totheStatclf'^ «it>i Department for a permit, and can- not exhibit without holding the ptrinlt. Upon lae issuance of the permit the <'-^rnivil ccinnany may have to file a bond of in.ooo or $10,- 000 that it win fulflU the permit's provlaions. Among these will bo the authority giving any local health officer to demand all. or any mem- John Gliddon has completed "The!**®*?* **' the carnival company shall Kiht Hawk." « ncrefln version of undergo a physical examination and pi^lpott's sea story. "The Haven. ''BEN-HUR" SHOOT PLANNED FOR ITALY v|je cast includes .Henri de Vries, |k0 Dutch actor: Malvina Longfel- low, Msry Brough, Edward Sorley. StM^ Ostrovska, Caleb Porter and lU^Byford. .,:•' - Oeorge Ridgewell is making "The 1^0^ Leader" for StoU, with Doro- thy Fane fis leading woman. This la a B^reen version of the Parnell itage pHxy which was not a won- darful success when produced in the ytf^t Eml. Iburtiri Thornton, another Stoll %nMlacer, is busy on a new melo- dntma. "The Lamp in the Desert.*' The story is an Indian one with much hill fighting. Lewia Willoughby is the heroine. '- Kenelm Foss la working at the British and Colonial studios on the Interiors for the picture version bf j«rome K. Jerome's novel, "All Roads Lead to Calv'ary." receive a local health permit before opening. The measure is not to exclude traveling circuses. The distinction to be made will not allow of confu- sion or collusion that may be taken advantage of by a carnival. The Civic League has constantly been on the trail of carnivals and its literature on the subject has been spread throughout the country. Many other State reform associa- tions have taken up the matter of oarn!v .1- mostly on the grounds of health, disease and gambling. Stolls have disposed of the first •eries of fifteen episodes of the "Ad- rtntures of Sherlock Holmes." Tbeto ^have been secured not only tor ibnerica but for France. Aus- tralia and Nfw Zealand. A :.c. nd is in course of preparation. Maurice Elvey has announced his fwtbcoming marriage to Madge Blewart. a Stoll "star." Jacques Wessel, who has joined (he Grainger Rincrer Anglo-Dutch soplbine as director of Foreign 0rias. Is leaving for America with- in ^e next few weeks. TTr will take ftw of the firm's late.st features with him. Although extensively reported on and given a lot of space, the Ar- bucfcle «»r?*nf1fl1 liMs '^f)t created very much excitement here. "Vi of Smith's Alley.** one of the last pictures to be made by the Broadwest Company, is a good fea- tme of its type, but is chiefly re- marttable as a striking example of hew a muchly !>oomed "star** can ha eclipsed by a hardly known ar- tist in a secondary part. This is the case with Violet Hopson. who. al- though greatly advertised as "Vi." has to take a back seat before the j^Mtural artistry of Amy Verrity.* Kansas City, Oct. 28. For the national convention of the American Legion, here Oct. 30 to Nov. 6, the Con T. Kennedy car- nival outfit is advertising "Wheels will positively work." This Is In the same ad announcing as attrac- tions President Harding. Gens. Pershing, Haig. Diaz and Poch. Production to Be Abroad With Kingston in Charge *'Ben-Hur" is not to be screened in this country after all. The tre- mendous screen production which A. L. Erlanger and his associates are to make of the Lew Wallace play I.s lo be done in Itay, according to plan.s mapped out. Sam Kingston, who l(>ft the Fox organization last week to become genera] managei- for Florenr: Zlegfeld, Jr., is/ to be placed in charge. Mr. Kingston is to go to Rome with a company of American play- ers, who will have the principal roles in the drama, but the big mobs will all be secured on the other side. The director for the production has not been selected as yet, but it is beiiovcd the drama will be staged. a^ far as the principals are con- cerned, by an American director or a director who is at least versed in the .technlqoe of the silent drama from the American standpoint. The mob scenes will be handled by an Italian director who has been as.so- ciuted In several of the recen screen spectacles that have been made in Rome. ICASON BEVUE BACK (Continued Trom page 13) was made. Mason says that as soon as the cabaret performances were started everyone who came in wa.i cither a general or a colon d, and therefore entitled 'o pass the door free of charge. On ^ night the *ree list included lft2 generals and col- onels, and when he refused to pass them he was accus^ of being an enemy of the government. At the Chapultepec there was an order that all guns had to be checked at the door. Finally the government seized the properties and scenery of the com- pany for moneys advanced to the organization to bring them to the city, and for their return fares to- gether with a $25 food allowance marfp each member of the company returning. Cora D'Qrsey and Lillian ' hite, two of the girls that were with the sho\ came back to Broadway and told cf a shooting affray that they said took place In he Chapultepec. during which' Miss D'Orscy hid un- der a table while an ex-brigand j^ An attempt is evidently, being,. . , , w * w , .x. ^ ^ made to convert the London Pavil- ^^*^'^ ^® shoot holes through benor ion into a part-time kinema- de I Hernando Yberra de Valeras who luxe, which will be the hub of the ; was escorting her from the cafe, irsde show world. '^ver the Hiir in Albany Albany, Oct. 2(J. The Fox special, "Over the Hill," •pened at the Clinton Square Mon- day to Inrnsway busines. This is |1m first special that house has ever Pityed and in order to accommo- *Ate the crowds an extra perform- ance was Inaugurated in the moni- Ing, starting at 10 o'clock. GABHIVALLAW (Continued from page 1) found in a carnival attraction. That will include the ofTering of any prize *n a game of chance. At the same time, according to the report, the ieagui will effectively incorp»»rate lato the mca.sure such restrictions •>" an immoral clement that a oar- •lival will find It virtually impo-.<<iblc and in the meanwhile Miss White made her escape through a window. This, according to the young ladies, was one of the regular features of the delightful social life of the Mox. capital. The girls of the company, accord- ing to Mason, were great favorites in the palace of President Obrogon, and they after visitln.; the palace would return to the theatre and in- form him days in advance ns to what nights the co.npany would be perniittod to give i)erformances. *'LILY DALE'' SHELVED (Continued from page 12) \V(re the features of "Irene" thai were responsible for the success of that. piece and that they insi.strd on being cut in for a piece of the show. McCarthy made certain demands ♦hough complying with all other ] on Moran and Montgomery, but provisions, to obtain a Health De- Moran the next morning told ^rtmeiit permit to exhibit in New I the two writers he would over- work State, unless carrying its ! look the happenings of the evening. ti*ou|>e In a physical condition to I whereupon McCarthy is paid to have PasH the medical e:;aminationH ihat \ reiterated au liiat waM «ait'i iiie night S**"* *«> *>« required. I before, added to It. and Informed I " *8 proposed to place the super- ' Moran that evoryililng that was ut- IJlaion of any carnival exhibiting in u red wt nt. and that he wantod his. I New York State with the State Con- ; Kesult was that the show was Jwbulary, with the ConsUbulary closed on Saturday nipht in Haltl- (Stale Troopers) .^ui>ersedlng in au-i more aii the New l!a\(ii diito Inorlty over carnivals local ofTlcers which wa: .sf^hoduled Tor this w«»ck ^ the communities. ThI.s is aimed was cane died and the prodnc;^ioii J* tlo away with the customary wnt to tho storehdiso, ~*'"B." Jo.'.-. I'. Moran and Janio.s Mont- .^ I" alNO likf'ly. th(; story sa.VM. ri.mtry .".re Ir.iving Siimlay for tne bin will eontain a Statr licmsc I'rcnch Lick by 8pc< l;.] car. Th< y •• for each carnival and ear-h con- will Pt >ii at intermcdi. > points to cession wltl) the carnival, tho Slate hu'p'rt Ww comi)anies of •'lr«'ne' •• ^** be In addition to any liren.«<e now on tour. The dato , et for their exacted by a municipality. ' return to New York is about Nov. State Permits ' U, when Montgomery will start hi* P'*oposed provision stihm^ted. | work on an a:tra<tion for the Van- * « said, in that tho oarnlval in-tdorMlt Theatre, to op'-n during the ^fJl^^ng to exhibit anywher*- In New holidays. In the nieannme LyIo •* State shall, three months be- ! Andrews will secure a show to play * «nterlntj the State or giving its | tho liousc. BROADWAY STORT (Continued from page 12) of the company agreeing on a small guarantee ^lekly and all agreed to divide whatever profits there are al the end of the season. The expanding of the theatre zone above 42d street has brought up the po&siL>ie handicap placed upon the- atres south of that thoroughfare. This season only the Casino with "Tangerine" and the Knickerbocker, which had "The Merry Widow* and oh<ju<d Wednesday with "The Wan- dering Jew," have shown real busi- ness. Both houses are directly on Hroadway. The several houses on the Intersecting streets have failed to realize paying business, with the possible exception of the Elliott, whl:h has "The Silver Fox" (Will- lam Faversham). Even that at- traction is far under the draw ex- pected. William Hodge wa» moved below 42d street two weeks ago. hi.s "Beware of Dogs*' being switched out of the Broadhurst to the 39th Street. The first week In the latter house found a drop of at least 25 per cent, in business. This particu- lar attraction, however, is a safe one. Hodge, regardless of his draw in New York, has been good on the road for $100,000 a year profit. The show is a Shubert attraction. The New National on 41st street has had two attractions, but haa developed little box-offlc;; strength. There were two better business high-lights in the past week. In severiil stands near New York, grosses akin to last season were recorded. "Irene* showed to par- ticularly good business, getting 118.000 in Newark. Broadway's surprise came with the leap upward of "A Bill of Di- vorcement," which opened mildly at the Cohan. Following the Sunday comment of dramatic writers, the English piece jumped |3,000 during its ««'cond week. This week the pace was further increased, with the h ' not much under capacity Monday and Tuesday nights. The hou.sc had been allotted ti "The Perfect Fool," starting Nov. 7. An- other house was quickly secured, the Selwyns taking the show for their Times Square. The latter hou.«<o appcarH to have caught a live one in Wood.y new "The Demi Vir- gin," which probably will bo moved over to the Eltingc after next week. It iH poa.sible, however, the Apollo will become available, since "Love DrfamH* 1h doing l)adly. In that ca«e tWv "Vii^irr" y^^Q\r w'M. •"»'»tob into the Apollo, which is next door to the TimcH Square. The holdover atlrat tions continue to heat or* a majority of the newer otYerJnKH. Hroadway now has two ;i1 Iran ions in their second yoar, ihey hoinc 'The Hat" at the M'>- ' rosco and -The FIrFt Year.' which 'pns-jed the miloptone at tho I>itth> 1,1 St Satiird.'iy. "Sally." still Broad- \\;i\".-; rnoiM-y lea<ler, i< sure to het- lei a >ear'f: run at the New Am- sterdam and "Tiio Creen Goddes " ; will aee(,nipll'-h that feat, too, at the liooth. I j Five off» rinps drop out this week , and four Biicoe.s.HOis will how in next j I v-eek. "The Love Letter" leaveH the j Clolte for the road. "(lood'Morning. Dearie." r«tt»ng the hoiiHo: Sothern .Tnd Marlowi? will arrive at tho { Century, replacing "The Last Waltx": "The Graid Duko" takes up the running at tho Lyceum. Frances Starr in "The Easiest Way" going to tiie road; "The Wren" will be withdrawn from the Gaiety, but the same company (with Helen Hayes) will offer "The Golden Age"; ' T»>" Fmtj" will leave tho 1'uikIi and Judy^dark after Saturday. This week's offerings arc three in number, the Belasco-Erlanger pro- duction. "The Wandering Jew," overshadowing the other premieres. "The Right to Strike" opened at the Comedy, and "The Six-Fifty" re- lighted the Hudson. The best re- garded of last week's tsio of new shows is "The Claw" at the Broad- j hurst, with "The Demi Virgin," of ! course, figured a box offlce draw. j I.i L week was not without Its sud- i den clofiinfi^ for "The Bachelor's j Night," which was third opening of I the week, stopped at he Park The $2 top ndmisslon failed to count. I "The Great Way" will get the house Nov. 7. I The big buy of the week was for 1 the J-.i i.uiger-BeirtBcu prodtiction of i "The Wandering Jew," which opened at the Knickerbocker on Wednesday night. The brokers have taken about 1500 seats a ri'pht f, r four weeks. I The management tried to compel a I buy for eiglit weeks, but the brokers i were afraid to take a chance because , of the uncertainness of any attrac- tion drawing this season. Finally four weeks was decided on. Two of the current buys end this week and will not be renewed. They are "Thank You" at the Longacre and "Main Street" at the National. Business in the agencies still con- tinues at a pace that is far behind that at this time of the season any time within the last five years, and the brokers do not look for any im- provement In conditions until holi- day timSL The complete list of buys now numbers 18, which is a drop from the number listed last week. '1:. ., are: "Blossom Time" (Ambas- sador), "Return of Peter (Jrlmm** (Belasco), "Tangerine (CaHlno), ^ • 1 and Sand" (Empire), "Dulcy" (Frazee), "Love Letter" (Globe), "Six Cylinder Lovo" (Harris), "Bombo" (Jolson's), "The Wander- ing Jew" (Knickerbocker), "The O'lJrien Girl" (Liberty), "Tliank You" (longacre), "Easiest Way" (Lyceum), "Music Box Revue" (Mu- sic Box), "Main Street" (National), "Sally" (Amsterdam), "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife" (Rita), "The CIrelo" (Selwyn). "Greenwich Village FoN lies" (Shubert) and ."The Demi-Vir- gin" (Times Square). An indication of how much busi- ness is off is to be readily gatiiered from the fact that against 18 l)uys there are 22 attractions listed at the cut rate.*', with the business in that branch of the ticket game holding up strong. As a matter of fact, the cut rates this season are proving the llfe.savers for a number of the shows now current on Broadway. Those that were listed on Wednes* day were "Love Dreams" (Apollo), "The Hero" (Belmont), "The Night- cap" (Bijou), "Last Walt*" (Cen- tury), "Only 38" (Cort), "Back Pay" (Eltinge), "Blood and Sand' (Em- pire), "Sonya" (48th St... "The Wren" (Gaiety), "White Headed Boy" (Miller), "Lilies of tho I'ield" (Klaw), "Thank You" (Longacre), "Sliver Fox" (Elliott), "Main Street" (National), "Just Married" (Bayes), "A Bachelor's Night" (Park), "Wait Till We're Married" (Playhouse)," "Daddy's Gone a-Hunting" (Ply- mouth), "The Fan" (Punch & Judy), "Getting Gertie's Garter" (Repub- lic), "Shuffle Along" (63d St.), and "The Demi-Virgin" (Times Square). Assbciafed Producers^ Attractions Are RoJeased On Open Market Basis To the Exhibitor: In many score of telegrams relative to booking Atso* ciated Producers' pictures, some confusion seems to exist in the mind of the exhibitor as to their method of release. This confusion has arisen through the fact that Associated Producers' attractions are now being distributed by Asso« ciated First National Pictures, inc. In order to set at rest any doubts in the mind of the exhibitor, we, wish to state that all Associated Producers' pictures are available to any and all exhibitors desiring to book them. ^ ^' ^ ' The following pictures are now available through Associated First National Exchange ON T^fe WIDE OPEN MARKET PLAN; PILGRIMS OF THE NIQHT J. L. FROTHINQHAM BLIND HEARTS HOBART BOSWORTH MOLLY O MACK BENNETT LOVE NEVER DIES KING VIDOR THE SILENT CALL H. O. DAVIS HAIL THE WOMAN THOMAS H. INCE THE SEA LION HOBART BOSWORTH THE CUP OF LIFE ^ THOMAS H. INCE DEVOTION A. J. BIMBERG GREATER THAN LOVE J. PARKER READ, JR. THE TEN DOLLAR RAISE J. L. FROTHINGHAM THE FOOLISH MATRONS MAURICE TOURNEUR A BROKEN DOLL ALLAN DWAN MOTHER O* MINE THOMAS H. INCE HOME TALENT MACK BENNETT I AM GUILTY J. PARKER READ, JR. A PERFECT CRIME ALLAN DWAN A SMALL TOWN IDOL MACK BENNETT LYING LIPS THOMAS H. INCE A THOUSAND TO ONE J. PARKER READ. JR. LOVE J. PARKER READ, JR. THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS MAURICE TOURNEUR THE FORBIDDEN THING ALLAN DWAN THE LEOPARD WOMAN J. PARKER READ, JR. HOMESPUN FOLKS THOMAS H. INCE LOVE'S OUTCAST SENNETT-TURPIN LOVE AND DOUGHNUTS SENNETT-TURPIN MADE IN THE KITCHEN MACK BENNETT SHE SIGHED BY THE SEA SIDE MACK BENNETT CALL A COP MACK BENNETT PICTURES IN THE COURSE OF PRODUCTION THE DAUGHTER OF BRAHMA (work titU)..J. L. FROTHINQHAM LORNA DOONE MAURICE TOURNEUR PAWNED J. PARKER READ, JR. LUCKY DAMAGE (work titU) THOMAS H. INCE HEART BALM (work titio) MACK BENNETT Distributed Through A§90cialmd Firtt National PietureM, Inc. RELEASED ON THE OPEN MARKET AVAILABLE TO ALL EXHIBITORS