Variety (January 1922)

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■ m* c VAUDEVILLE Friday, January 27, 1922 KEITH OPPOSITION BAN LIFTED PROMPTLY FROM FOX TIME J. J. Murdcck Declines to Comment on New Develop- ment—Fox Pictures Booked in Moss Chain—In- structions Issued to Act in Booking Tangle The order issued from the Keith office declaring "opposition" against every vaudeville houso in the Eaeti except the Loew circuit theatres hao been modified in regard to the Vox circuit, according to rep or t. The general manager of tbsj K« ith office, J. J. uVlurdock, refused to af- firm or deny the "report, taking the position the Keith people had not released the news about the orig- inal order, therefore would not deny or affirm the amendment to it. It is authoritative, however, the Fox circuit Is now in the exempt class with the Loew circuit as re- gards the "opposition" boundaries. This leaves the Shuberts and the other independents outside the Keith pale. According to the story, a Keith act was instructed by its agent it would be playing "opposition" if it filled a couple of open weeks in the Fox houses. The act notified the 1-Vx people it couldn't play and re- lated the circumstances. The Fox people took it up with the Keith office, where it was said there was no intention to include the Fox cir- cuit in the "opposition" mandate and instructed the turn ii could play the Fox dates. "The Connecticut Yankee," a Fox feature, is playing the 13. S. Moss houses, with other Fox features to follow. BOULEVARD SOLD Ba Itimore House Which Had Scan c'al, Brings $145,000 Baltimore, January ?«>. The Bou!< ...rd, which has h»ld the tliote light here t^r tho past two months owing Id the scandals of al- leged bribery of city officials In the passing of ihe ordinance, was sold at public auction Monday for $143,- 000 to Harry Jewett, Frederick "W. Xeetseman fend Frank A. Crist, r< p- pd tenting about 2on of the stock- holders, For the being the property will remain In the names of Jewett. ^ecHemaii and Crist, as individuals, instead of represtnting a portion of the stockholders. As soon as the transfer is completed the house will continue to run as a motion pic- ture house. K. J. Wiley, who was the promoter and was sought as a witness in the conspiracy and bribery ease, is among tho missing and State Attorney Leach contends that without him there is no case against Edwin T. Dickerson, Wilson J. Carroll nor Arthur Dundon who were indicted by the Grand Jury. Wiley 4 ! office furniture was sold at public auction today by Consta- ble J.ewie of the Peoples Court, to satisfy a judgment of his landlords for $843 unpaid rent. His effects brought under the hammer $698.90. Wiley s wife claimed that her hus- band would return to Baltimore this I week. THEATRES FLATS? Up-State Town Talks Terms With Discouraged Showman Xo Play Matter Where They YOI *l£ 1IM) BLANCHE— -r\.\T FRANKLYN and VINCENT in MONTH. t UKnt c.uiin.Nx; STAR is - 1UKT CORTKT.YOU Chicago. Routed Solid. Keith Western and Qrpheum. Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 25. Carthage Interest! unxious to save the Carthage opera house as an amusement center today have three propositions before them for consideration, submitted by owner Jasper Giglio, who, his offers fail- ing to acceptance, will remodel the block for apartment house purposes. Py the first proposition, the present owner will sell .' >r $33,000, taking 15,604 stock in a stock com- pany to be formed to purchase and operate, and taking a $5,000 second mortgage in addition. The com- pany would be called upon to sub- scribe $10,000 in cash, the remaining $15,000, an existing mortgage, being continued. By the second offer, (Jiglio is will- ing to take $20,000 in stock if the others forming the company will lake $13,000. By a third proposition, the present owner requires the pro- posed ror.ipany to subscribe $17,000 in cash, Ciglio carrying $13,000 as first mortgage. A mass meeting will be held be- fore a decision is announced* by the Chamber of Commerce committee to Which the offer* were submitted. WESTERN FARES LOWER ■ I 9 Erie and D., L. 6. W. Publish Slight Rat© Reductions ) BOB LA SALLE Knocked a home run at each performance: next to closing, following Babe Ruth, .State-Lake, Chicago. Direction, ROSE & CURTIS JUDGMENTS The following Judgments have been filed in the County Clerk's of- fice. The first name is that of judg- ment debtor; creditor and amount follows: General War Feature Film Corp.; City of X. Y.J $277.02. Hepworth American Film Corp.; same; $146.58. National Educational Film Co.; same; $277.02. Motion Picture Securities Corp.; same; $110.38. Todd Earton; Sake & Co.; $108.G0. Jackson Film Studio-: Corp. and W. H. VVeisoager; L. Marks et al.; $805.27. Same; Bell & Krou'iVn, Inc.; $1S.S.GG. Allen Caruthcrs; A. A. Harris; $130.27. P. W. Pictures, Inc.; Tanney Ftg. & Pub. Corp.; $o07.20. Claudia Preston; Howard Gowns, Inc.; $15S20. Russell Janney; IT. -Pissing. $302.30. Cinema Plays, Inc.; Tanney Ptg & Pub. Corp.; $784.2*. Max Ehrenreich; Fox Fi'm Corp.; costs, $.13.85. Henry Stanton; Hat tie Carnegie, Inc.; $:j, 579.42. Zieofeld Cinema Corp.; F. II. Wit- comb; $1,034.20. Same; C. Peck et al.; $273.10. Leslie H. Cooke (Cook & Co.); S. Lubur et al.; $111.30. Irwin Rosen; Rogers Peet Co.; $11:8.70. Catherine Curtis or Catherine Taylor Myers; P. MacCormack; $110. S3. Rube Bernstein; J. II. Steinberg et al.: $242.71. Filmland Players, Ine. (Delaware corporation); It. J. Riley; $960.40. ■ Carl A. Holstetn; Russian Sym- phony Soc'y, Inc.; costs. $187.37. Inspiration Studios, Inc.; M. Le- vine; $72.45. Emmy Destinn and Ottakar Bar- tik; C. L. I'elgram et al., trustee; $626.61. Mary Murillo; Thos. Hindley & Son, Inc.; $30.72. Sunrise Picts. Corp.; Van P.euren & X. Y. Billposting Co.; $1,310.88. International Church Film Corp.; "Western Union Tel. Co.; $212.45. Fine Art Picts., Inc.; L. W. Scud- der et al.; $916.09. Edward B. Marks; floodman & Hose; $1.065.20. Jackson Motion Picture Corpora- tion; Wright Lumber Co., Inc.! $1,682.52, Baldwin A. Sloanf Black ft White SUN BOOKS LAFAYETTE Buffalo, Jan. 25. The new Lafayette, aimed to open Feb. 20, will secure Its bookings Trom tlo Sun office. It will re- place th-i Olympic in the vaudeville field*,' the latter house now being »<r><.';.d )>y Bun, The Olympic '4 ill iike on a picture policy. Seven acts each ball will !><> the policy of the Lafayette. Two new southern houses Will 1>< added to the Sun Circuit starting S\ b. 20 and will be supplied out of r ho Xew York exchange. On that «ii'e the Pack »t Ashville, N. C. and the De Jaixe at Johnson City* T< nn., will be added. Each hOUSC will use three acts each halt* and pictures, The houso will spit with i .ieh oih< r. Keeney's Twice-Nightly House Keeney's }?,iy Ridge, Brooklyn, fo r me rl y playing two shows a day, now keis ;t three-a-day vaudeville policy, The bouse is playing mati- nees and two shows at night McDERMIT LEAVES HIP Baltimore, January 25. George A. McDormft, who for the past five years bail been manager of Loews Hippodrome here, sever d his connections with that firm Sat- urday and has taken B position vith the C.\ K. Whltehurst Interests here. Mr. licDerioit Wjll act in a genera] supervisory capacity in the Garden and New Theatres. Root. Wayne who formally managed the Colonial Xcw York and the Mat;/ Anderson In Louisville for the Keith interests, i« McDermifs successor al the Hipr podroroo. Bugs Baer on Screen 1 jaiv*" Beer, the "wise rra«JtciV made in- debut as an animated car- toonist this w» ek at the Rivbll, when IhS fir-: of his seiie* was ilinwii. They ore being released by the En- voy Pictures Corporation. The ani- mated cartoons are along the llnei of hid humorous paragraph! la the daflj ]■ i" 11. Cab Co., I in $7:1.10. Diree- L. Arthur Hunter; Classified lories Corp.: $87.95. Parox Film Co. and Wiiliam Sherry; Irving Nat. Hank of X. v.; $1U«.S0. Amelia Stone, known as Arman D. Kalis:; A. B, VVeiblin; fi\C46:Sti. Carl Wagne*; .M. Lukushok et al.; $i«o.cs. Seena Auen: R. Ftclr : $fl»5.62. John Carlcon: I ■"■■ « I .a < $528.84. Rose Lindsey; '■v;> phi' t. Film Co.. Inc.; N. V. Tel Co.; Inc.; nroidway Am $ Talking Motion Pictures, H. \V. Miller: $146.35. Joseph Mittsnthsl; Music Corp.; $ George W. Meyer; II ,)i\; $2, EFFICIENCY IN THEATRE Expert Emphasizes play in Elmira, Electrical Dis* New York i:imira, N. Y., Jan. 25. Management of the Majestic the- atre here rests with licnjamin M. and Harry L, Berinstein of Albany, sons of William Berinstein of the Capitol City, who recently pur- chased the playhouse. The new co- mana.cers sueceed Walter M. Powers, recalled to Albany b£ the Berinstein Interests, Both young men have been associated with their father in the theatrical panic In Albany in the past, while Harry Tj. Berinstein was last with the American Tobacco Co. as an efficiency expert. A policy of intensive electrical ad- vertising is to be inaugurated here by the Berinsteins. One large sign, extending across the street, has been placed, and six other electrical signs are to be placed at other points in the o,ity. The first railroad passi nger fare reductions affecting territory from Buffalo west have been made ^ffec* tivo. Circulars issued by the Dela* ware, Laekawanna & Western state the new schedules actually became effective Jan. l, but'it was not until last week, that theatrical pj vies were Officially Informed. Only the D., L. & TV. and the Erie have inverted the lower rates, which, mark the differentials allowed. The reason being that those roads ter-. minal on the New Jers< y shore, Other roads bringing passengers Into New York, either at Grand Cen« tral Station or the 1'. m.-ylvania Station are not permitted to reduce at this time. Tho actual mileage on the two roads is greater than others, but the difference in terminal points ac- counts for the diiTVivnti.tls, Actual saving per person is not great, but measures up in percentages) The fare to Chicago is $io.?6. on the Lackawanna as against $:1l\70 for- merly, the reduction being $i\ From Xcw York to Cleveland the saving lis $1, the new tariff being S19J&5, as against $20.f>5. There is slightly more of a reduction noted to St, Paul, the li., L. ft W. tare being $44.97, as against $47.3t>. although the trip if taken via the Illinois Cen* tral is $ 15.36. The new tare on these roads to San Francisco is $109.20, as against $111.70, the founer fare. To Portland the rate U MeS.n, as against $110.13, that also applying to Yancouver. The new schedules also concern the Nickel Plate and Wabash roads, through- trains to Chicago having Iloboken at L.20 p. m. $10,000_FOR ACT Marx Brothers Make ^Purchase from Herman Timberg and Bonny Leonard The Marx Brothers, due to tour the Orpheum Circuit in their latest act at a weekly salary of $2,750, have raid $10,000 in cash, for the turn to Herman Timberg and Benny Leonard, who produced it for them. Leonard Is the . lightweight champion boxer. He was Tim- berg's partner in the production. Timberg Is now writing a double act for his sister, Hattie Darling, and brother, Sammy Timberg. . PALACE NEIGHBOR The two three-story buildings lo- cated on the southeast corner of Broadway and 47th street will be de- molished May 1 to make way for a modern olfice structure. The build- ings are known as 1658-70 Broad- way and are adjacent to the Palace Theatre building which forms a practical "L" around them. The property Is in the hands of a cor- poration which but recently acquired title. The plans will call for a 12- stoiy office structure. It is understood that negotiations have been started whereby the Keith interests, which control the Palace building, Will lease ihe six upper ftoors of the new buildiivf when it is completed. The present occupants of 1he buildings have been notified as to the contemplated construction. TOLI'S NEW WATERBURY New Haven Jan. 25. S. Z. oli. head of the Poli vaude- ville circuit, will add another big theatre to his chain of amusement enterprises on Saturday evening, Jan. 28, when he opens his new Palace at Waterbury, Conn. It 18 located In the most central spot in, the.Bras.s City. The opening attraction is Cohan's* "Mary," but the policy of the house starting the week of Jan. 'J'.) will be three-a-day vaudeville. Poll now operates four theatres in Waterbury —the Poli house. Strand, Cardan and new Paluce. BAYES' CONTRACT ENDING The Shnbert vaudeville 20-weelc contract at $3,500 weekly, held by Nora Bayea, terminates In two weeks. The Bayes contract in- cludes an option for 20 additional weeks, the option to be taken up by the end of the 18th week, which she completes this week in Toronto. At the Shubert office early this week no mention was made whether the option would be taken up. The Shubert office notified Jcnle! Jacobs, the Bayes representative, Tuesday that the option contained in her vaudeville contrail would, not be exercised. Satisfied Judgment Kelwyn Amus. Corp.; I. !•»!/.- Potlek ,|.- « o . I.M- Ac'dtd to W. V. M. A. Books Ctilcai «• .lan. 2fr. -i; .i.i n , < 'hiragi., :\nt\ Apollo, Hi., have ben addeil 1o l.i>. Bel vitli r< Western Vaudeville Books, Bolh hous< • :-'.i> n> e . - pill a - ek, DAVE SABI0SKY WEDS The wedding of Dave Sablosky, the av.-.ii. to Catherine Segal, Tues- <lay, in Philadelphia, nece.s.sitated the switching of the booking day this week for the Amalgamated homes from Tuesdsy to VVednes- it.. tii" entire booking rorce of that office being in attendance at the ' • »i•niony. The bridegroom Is of the Sablosky family Interested In f Stanley Co., which controls the majority of t 1 " houses booked through the a • . . guniat< d. Sentenced to Three Years Buffatos Jan. 2:.. Itobt t t>*, former manager of the Wt!<l«n theatre, convicted of abduction, Wa»j sentenCWd Friday to 11 i■• • j tii In Auburn prison. 44TH ST. SUNDAYS The 14th Street which has aban- doned vaudeville and started this week with * Up In Tiie Clouds," which moved over from the Lyric, will continue to play Sunday con- certs. That will keep tho Shubert concerts up to four in number, Jol- son's and the Century playing Sun- days and the Winter Garden offer- ing its regular bill. HARHY KLEIN TO MARRY Harry Klein (Klein Bros.) vaude- ville act, announced this week that he will be married to-morrow (Sat- urday) to Balms) lleathcote, non- professional, and a native of Eng- land, at the Pennsylvania Hotel, by the Ray. !>!'. Krass. The marriage celebration will also mark the 15th anniversary of the Klein team In vaudeville. Henry Clive Marries Chicago, Jan. 25. Hi my Clive, who was divorced Saturday, and Helen Cunninghanit who obtained her decree from Alex. Carr on Tuesday, were married to- day (Wednesday) at ('.own Point. Miss Cunningham la-t appeared in "The Demi-Virgin." The couple are on th< |r way eanl by way of Canada. Harry Hawks Reported Deed Ogdensburg, N. v , Jan. 25. Harry Hawks a native of this city for H.'i years and for 40 years vaudeville as a dancer ha\ iig died ibis week in is reported r.nffalo,