Variety (March 1922)

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riday, March 3, 1922 VAUDEVILLE .ORPHEUM EARNS 45 CENTS A SHARE; DEnClT ON YEAR; ''FM" HOLDING UP *^ettern Circuit's Year 1921 Shows Operating Defi- cit of $600,000—Earned Surplus Cut in Half- Famous Pool Lets Market Rule Price The week In the market for HBjusement stocks had two features: 1. Orpheum gave out its annual Ijalance sheet and income account showing operating profits amount- ing to about 45 cents a share of common after taxes and preferred dividends which represented an operating deficit of $508,402. In 1920 the stock earned $4.20 a .^hare of common. The stock meanwhile remaining at about its old level between 15 and 16. 2. Famous riaycrs stock held closely to its February best between 81 and 82, the pool apparently al- lowing quotations to be ruled by the general trend of the list instead of seeking to force it to go against the majority opinion expressed in the average of securities. Practically r.othing happened in lioew which was quiet and fcaturc- le8.s. The only unusual develop- ment in the Curb trading was the -Appearance of Triangle at 20 centt<, tlOi^C' to its l>ottopn for all time. Ignores Dividend Prospect Aside from its figures, the feature j suing under FACE ON FRONT PAGE; $10,000 IN DAMAGES Spanish Dancer Sues Music Publisher—Says Music Was Not Spanish Probably the firsl: case of its kind in respect to the music publishing business has been tiled in tlie t?u- pr. me Court by Mary I'alay, a Si)anish danc r, asking $10,000 from Carl Heed (doing business as the Reed ;Music Co.) and Warren Shorts, Inc., for the upauthori/.eil use of the phiintifC's photograph on the title-page'cf a song, ' i!ra'/.il." Miss Palay, vvho recites she wa ; la^st^W'tth ~*"ypantnh I.O N u" nni vlOusly in the "Maytini^' cast, i the Civil T{i^'llts .statute JEAN BEDINI CO. BEATS AHACHMENT of the Orpheum statejnent was the allegin- she was damaged in 'name accompanying letter holders signed by president. This failed to give any to the stock-, Martin Beck, communication i!\dieation of the future possibilities for ih<' re-^uui[»- fame and reputatii n." averiing thf^ song "is not in any way a Spani-h musit-al composition ami lu'ars i;o resemblance to anything Ivuown as Spanish music" ami ''i< a v'^r.\' tionoCdividends. probably the sub- ohoap. ordinary and inarti.stic pro- "" duction, and tlie use of tnc plain- (.Continued on page .n> ^.^^.^ photograph Hi connection with Uie said composition tends to lower asso- here- ff:"" otlur DEIWPSErS TERMS Opens as Added Attraction at Hip. New York Jack Dempaey, the champion heavyweight boxer, opened Monday afternoon at the New York Hippo- drome as the feature attraction of •Get Together." The "socker" is appearing with "Doc" Kearns, his manager, and Larry Williams, spar- ring partner. There is chatter be- tween the champ and Kearns, a short reel of pictures and a "three- round" exhibition. The Hip is adverVising Dempsey for four weeks. He is said to be the standard of rcllncment ci ited with tFie type of t^an -c ti'CjJV i.nacticcd by the pi tin* i As a riilf vaud'ville and il)!i(ii«v \\!eii' the Equipment Seized in Cincin- nati bV Court Write Is Re- placed in Quick Time Cleveland. March 1. The Hcquel lu the attachment by Rud Hynicka of Jean IJedini'a "Chuckles of lOi'l," last week in Cincinnati, was transferred liere, and a theatrical climax resulted. When the 'Chuckles" aggregation closed in the Queen City Saturady all that remained uraltachctl of the production was one live lion and a company of playcr.«, and the show was duo to open ai the Ohio at Sundays matinee. Something had to bo done; quick action was necessary. Ihit the at- tachniiiit liad no fears for (Jeorge Hensluill, Shubert's live repiesent.i- tive here. (Jeorge is short on talk, but lung on thinking. The compan\-—with the lion—ar- rived in Clevelai.d at '.i Sunday morning. AN'hen Hcnshal! got the l ant , tol cgr ^pi*^ m irv«-Av^tro 4uirrK^ up between here and New York; wardrobe mistresses, dressmakers, sceno ])a!nter.^, sttti?*? carpenters, property masters. et<., were com- inaiubt. icd, ard tlie word (»f eom- nian<l—"get bmy" -went forth. ]''our sewing machines were in- stalled on the ■'tHS*'. nnd tiice were kept running at top speed; chorus ;;irls were measured tind Jitud. new costumi'S V, tre made up ,and every- tiiing kept at brcaivnock speed for 12 hours. "Chuckles" op<'ncd at tiie Oliio on .line Sunday ufteinoon as if nothing had hai»i)ened lo dtsturb tlie seren- it.\ oi the local manauctneni or those CHAS. E. BRAY RESIGNS FROM ORPHEUM ORCUIT Western Representative and Known as '*Beck Man." 25 Years' With Circuit. NOT MATZOTH BALLS During his leisure hours. Taxie enjoys acting as caddy to Kd. Allen, his manager, who became (|uite a golf expert while touring the Orpheum Circuit. Jt is said that Allen never has to buy any balls, as Taxie is able to piik up all are needed. Th.» above photo shows Taxie with live balls (two ianm»t be seen), and probably wishing they were matzolh balls. Taxie iy after Kd. Ford's record. Fore! Orpheum, Memphis, Feb. 27. CELEBRITIES' NAMES FOR KEENEY'S HORSES Racing stable Sounds Like Benefit—Five Two-Year- Olds and Three Fillies "'Abe Sablosky' whi-s by a imsc" may be heard on the liac!; and in artist. 5 deen^ it pu m'.sic publislier adorns a soll.^ U.Qini'ccted with the .Kan Jledini title-page witli an imliviiUuil ph'Jlo- (^ffeiitig. s;raph of a performer ACT NOW SHOW getting a weekly, with cent of the weekly. The guarantee of $5,000 the option of 50 per takings over $22,000 Hip has been getting 'Sally, Irsne and Mary" Enlarged— in Rehearsal around $30,000 weekly. Business was figured to drop willi the advent of Lent this week, but the engage- ment of Dempsey was made to counteract the natural falling off. Last week the champ was paid $5,000 flat at the Howard, Boston (a burles(iue house). Fred Curtis, formerly booker for the Miles cir- cuit, arranged the X-)empsey con- tract at the Hippodrome. Joe Jackson was al.<o added to tlie Hip show Monday. Vnlesii Dempsey resumes his (on- tractnal obligations with the IMn- tages circuit within the n<^xt two ■weeks, which, accoiding to AValtcr Keefe, he has promised to do, a suit may bo instituted a:-;ainst him by the circuit for what it considers their aggregate losses through his failure to complete the contracted engagement. Dempsey. according to Kecfe, wos booked for L"J weeks. After playing 11 Weeks, he dropped temporarily from the time tlirounli a mutual agreement between bolli parties, in order lie could purchase a home in I.os Angele^^ Dempseys next mo\e was to jump I'.ast appar<Mitly in an en- deavor to smoke up a new cham- pionship battle, but the liickard trouble, coming at an inopportune time, interfered with the plans, and Demps.oy accepte<l a Boston engage- ment, following with a Hiti)odrome booking which, while • puldicly an- nounced US for four or six weeks, is only f,,r two weeks. "j^ally. Irene and ^fary." the new forthcoming Shubert legit produc- tion, ia being cast and will go into rehearsal next week. Kay Doo'.ey. Katherine Mulqueen, Kddie Dowl- ing, Dan Sullivan, Bebecca Flor- sheim and Helen O'tihay will be in the cast. "Sally, Irene and Mary" was orig- inally a Sluibcrt vaude\'ille act fea- turing ^label Withee. Miss AVithee left the act to join the 'Jlose oi Stamboul." Kddie Dowling and Bay Klages will elaborate on the book and lyrics and J. I'Jcd Coots will enlarge his original score for the show. Cincinnati. March 1. T^fembers of Jean iledinis 'Vl]^i:- I.les of Vr2\." at I ho Sliubcrt here last week, were forced lo dei)art for Chneland without stage costumes last night. About $t»,000 worth of costumes, music, curtains and "props" were seized Saturday by Deputy Sheriff Bay I'odesta. The attachment was made on a suit tiled by Bud K. Hynicka and r. H. Jlerk to recover $24,000 al- leged owed by Bedinl. The seized goods wero temporarily stored on the stage of the Strand, picture theater, pending outcome of the case. the i»o< sea.-iOM. front," cry, if il rooms this coming racing • \Mii!»el Mi C.Hu' l.s in may be another frequent J«'rank Keency is forlu- LOEW SIGNS MURRAY AT $1,000 Ciiatiey Murray, jticture come- dian, has been routed by the Loew circuit C'i)ening next week, March C, at the State, Buffalo, at a reported salary of $1,000 weekly. nate with his new racing stable of runners, Mr. K<'eney. the si).Mting show- man, has collected live tv.o-year- okls and three lillies to run on the metroi);»lit;in tracks duriu^r the seisfMi. lie has named them after show people. The t W(j-year-olds arc called "Al lioy<l." 'Tat Casey," "Doc Whitehurst." ".hilin McCuirk" and "Abe Sablosky." . l>ecn«'y*s Jillles are rrUetl a:; "\'io- let Meset-cuu'r"-""Mabel .\IcCane ' and "Baiila Shay." ^* - ._ Al Bctyd is a Pliiladel|»hia m Int'.- ger, Sablosky, McCluirU and AVhlte- liurst a'-e Keency's theatrical busi- ness associates; Bat Casey is just I'at Cai^ey. Miss Mesercau is in pictures. Miss McCane ia in vaudeville and MIfls Shay, who was Ditrichstein's lead- ing w( in "Toto," is in t%e l.-git- imate. San Francisco, March 1. Charles K. Bray has resigned an Western rcpresentati\ e of the Or- pheum Circuit, effective today. He will leave for New York by boat March 1.1 to engage in another amusement cnterpri?., Mr. Bray states. Martin Beck, who arrived here Saturday, says he may be in- terested with Bray in the new ven- ture. • On the Orpheum Circuit Bray haa iKcn known as a 'Beck man." Bray has held nearly every position oil the circuit, excepting as an officer, during tho 25 years he has been with the Ori)heum. Numerous changes made here by Bray at Beck's dictation, it is said, have not met with the approval of wliat ai)pcars to be another faction now in Orpheum affairs. In connection with Bray'a resig- nation. Beck said: "Mr. Bray has accomplished In a most thorough manner everything he has set out to do during the past two years, and thl.s in face of much opposition." No successor Is expected to be appointed to the i)ost of Western representative hof Is there antic!-" pate(' any change In personnal of Orpheum house staffs in this sec- tion. The Bray resfgnation appears to be in line with a recent story In N'ariely of the last Orpheum Cir- cuit meeting In Chicago. That story slaUd there would be a change oc- curring in the Pacific Coast Or- pheum circles as a result, although at this end reports are being circu- lated t<» offset the story and con- trary to it in part, mostly to the effect Morris Meyerfeld gained many points and more power at the Chicago meeting, and that he will take a more active part In Orpheum affairs when returning from his conleiniilaled European trip next Mimmer. ■SHOPPING FOR NEW SKIN" Novel Method of Telling Virtues of "^^^^^^ Solid Albolene FORD'S, BALTIMORE Shubert Vaudeville to Academy Move from 1'he Ban' eiivuit is ready range Ismpsey's reopening' time following the llij) run. til on ar -tireH- 1921 VS. 1920 In ^!^.'0 A. H. Woods i>aid in sal- aries, loyalties and othtr items con- nects with luo.luciions. 11.970.000. — Last yenr (lOiM) asemi'iit, for the P'^iiU out $;• .",0,000. tho same man- sanie purposes. MAY WIRTH with "PHIL" HEADLINING ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Plcction ALF. T. WILTON Baltimore, March 1. A deal was consummated this week between the Shuberts and A. Ij. Krlanger for the placing of the Shubert vaudeville fihows In I'ord's, recently leased by Krlanger for a term of years, commencing next season. The pooling arrange- ment entered into between Erlangcr and the .Shubcrts for the booking of legitimate attractions will be placed in effect at the Academy. Tlie Shubcrts have been desirous of securing a vaudeville house other than the Academy since early this s..ison. They wanted tho Century, a picture house, from tho C. K. Whitehiir.'^t Interests. The Academy has failed as a money maker with the vaudeville policy, the house be- ing located outside the center of the cfty. Ford's las ,a more ad- vantageous vaudeville location. In the downtown section. Contracts are now l)eing issued for attraction.J to play the Acidemy next S'-ason in place of Fords. ;;.7;v of bringing the PALMER-SIEGEL REPORTS IJee I'almer and Al Siegel, re- ported having ''kissed and mad*^ up," are reported at odds aj^ain. I'p lo a fortnight arro they were both iei;istcred at tho Claridgo. Since then they wore reported having talJen an ap.ntment on West llSih street and soon thereaflcr agrtcirr^ to dlsagre<'. ' CORDON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Chicago, M.'it'h 1. Accoiding (') ad\lcc liom Miiine- Kitty (MirdMii is to It-ave tic- .sti'^e n«'Xt .h'n(>. Miss (lordoiiV m.'iiiaiL;er stated tlnit slur v. ill op'^n a ixiiit'. parlor in Nev i'crk City. A rather smart Solid Albolene to the attention oc professionals has been hit upon by the publicity bureau of McKesson & Jlobbins, the manufacturers of this grease paint remover. The publicist says: "The most distressing job li all this world is to have to go shopping for a new skin." That is preliminary to the st.itement that'every actor and ac- tress knows there Is no more certain way to ruin the complexon than to fail to completely remove grcat^o paint and make-up. The recent notoriety given to the several methods of restoring or re- adjusting or "lifting up* faces, "fix- ing complexions" and other appeals to the women and rnon of the stage who bellevo they are in need of repair may have prompted the McKesson & Robbins 8( heme of tho simple expedient, their own Solid Albolene, that, they claim, re- moves all paint nnd powder almost instantly. It is tho preventative against tho "beauty doctor," accord- ing to tho firm's announcement. HOPPER NOT SATISFIED De Wolf Iloper did not open at tho Palace Monday as schednled. Mr. Hopper tried out his act at the I'rospcct, Brooklyn, last week, and deemed his material as unsatisfac- tory to himself for a Palace engage- ment. Williams and Wolfus filled the Hopper spot at the Palace. (lulran and Marguerite were also out of the l\iIaco show Monday aftemoon, Arnaut Brothers replac- ing l!iem. ORPHEUM SELLING NOTES San Francisco, March 1. I'he :\rercantile Securities Coni- I'any. atliliated with the Mercantile 'I'll I'ft Company, has Just placed on irf market hero last week $500,000 of Orpheum Circuit, Inc., 71G I»er < cfit convertible sinking fund gold notes at par and Interest. These boi.d.i are part of nn authori^d bio. U of JJ.000,000, of which 11,500,- ♦»<•<• ueio issued Sept. 1, 1921. .*< I