Variety (May 1922)

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VARIETY •Ittelitr * PQii»l« J^\on A Bparlln* 5ri>el Blond«a Rev )d balf C Tock A Y«n W«h Vet* Carley 8 ^ BOSTON H»rtl«y * j'^^* Laillan Steel* Co llarton & Sparlinir Mal>«l Ulondell Kev MONTBISAI* ]Locw Alvln ft Alvia Harry Qilbert ■'Money la Money" NEWARK, N« J. Hector . Ooetz A Duffy Qrey A Byron JACK NORTON and CO. In "RBCCPERATION" By HUGH HERBERT pirection: CHAS. MORRISON Jimmy Reynolds XHty Francis Co Herbert ft North Amaut Trio 2d half Forle A West Und & Treat Pavla & Chad wick XI Lester Co Joe Roberta Kitty Francis Co BUFFAI.O State Xremka Bros riske A FaDon Fox & Kelly Maley A O'Brien Greenwich Vill'sera CHICAGO Rtolt^ The Rockos Arnold Grazer IieHoen A Duproroo MlJfcr Packer & S Frank Stafford Co DAYTON BAjrton I«ach I^-iQuinlan 3 Downey A Whilinrr Bender & Arms'trf Texas Guinan Co 2d half Moa«man * Vance Morley ft Mack liowell Drew Co Bcines ft Av^y OirlH of Altitude FRESMO, CAL. Hlppodromo ad half Fred's Pig« Monte & Lyons "LefaGo" Grace Cameron Co Fraachinl Bros EAMII.TON, CAN, liOCW Xing Bros Jo-Jo Hudson ft Jones Pryaat ft Stewart Phina Co BOBOKEN, If. J. LiO«w Marshall ft Connors Geo Stanley ft .Sis Barry ft I^yton Morton Jewell Tr 2d half Ruge & Rose Gertrude Morgan Bob Ferns Co Vardon ft Perry "Dancing Shoes" NEW ORLEANS Crescent LaBelge Duo A & L Barlow Gordon & Ifealy Criterion Four I'hil Adams Co 2d half Jugglincr Ferrler Gibson & Betty Chapman ft Ring Koy LaPoarl Zaza Adele Co OAKL.4ND. CAL. Htate Zeno Mull & Carr Irene Trevctte Geo Stanley ft Sis Tom M<Hae Co Jack Walsh Co OTTAWA, CAN. Loew Provost & Goelet Willing & Jordan Pearl Abbott Co Arthar Deagon BAN FRANCISCO Hippodrome Williama ft Daisy Ubert Carlton Wahl ft Francis Wvalon A Eiine Dance Follies SAN JOSR, CA1X Ulppodromo lat halt Fred's Pigs Monte ft Lyon* "I^t's Go" Grace Cameron Co Pranchini Bros BEATTUD P»Iace Win ft Blondy Brown ft Blaine Marie Russell Co L W Gilbert Co Ethel Gllmore Co STOCKTON. CAL. State 2d half Bonder ft Ilcrr Bart Doylo Frank Cornell Co Lester ft Moore Cameo Rev TORONTO Lioew Wilbur ft Girlie Morton Broa Song ft Scenes Jimmy Lyons rre<t LaReine Co WASHINGTON Stmnd Kawana Duo Mardo ft Rome Gilbert Sis ft A'ma'g Roeber & Gold "Bits Dance Hits" WINDSOR, CAN. Loew Taylor & Brown Josephine Harmon Uodgc ft Lowell 2d half I Foley ft Spartan Mann A Mallory Homer Miles Co Coscia A Verdt WINNIPEG Pantages Pettit Family Judaon Cuio Mile Rhea Co Britt Wood •"Love Ncbt" GT. FALLfi. MONT. Pautages <20-Sl> (Same bill plays Helena 1) L'G REACH. CAL. Pantacea Joe Thomas Co lisPine ft Emery Carter ft CurniHb Skippor K'n'dy ft R "Petticoats" BALT LAKB Pantagea Pcrnlviel Broa Henry Catalano Co Maggie Clifton Co Mason ft Bailey JOHN J. KEMP Theatrical Insurance 55 JOHN STREET. NEW YORK Cm Phono: Bowling Groen 1100 Ketch and Wilma 99 "VOCAL VARIETY Featuring Fred Ketch, the only man singing in two voices at one time WITHOUT th« aid of a concealed assistant. Now playing B. F. Keith Circuit GUS SUN CIKCUIT ALBANY, N. Y. MuJet>tio Dorothy Dah! Corbin & DcLoach Bernard Sis Hall & Motla Ed Zollo Co 2d half GLENS F'L», N.Y. Bernard {i\» Kalauhi Hawaiians INDIANAPOLIS Empire Corbin A. DeLoach Lyric 3 Crompton Girls Harry Watkina T.ocltett ft Laddie Bryant & Halg Carl McCulh>ugh McLellan A Carson B Bouncer's Circus BITTE, MONT. Pantages (27-30) (Same bill plays Anaronda 31, Mih- soula 1) Lit)iMski's Dogs Joius A Cruml< y I'antagPH Opera Co Emily Darrell Rulowa Ballet SPOKANE PantagoH Emilo ft Willie Leo flreenwoo*! Co Callahan & Blisa Rryal Rev Telaak & Dean SEATTLE Pantages Will Morr.s Nada Norraine Robt Mr Kim Co i Bryon Girls LYNN THIS WEEK (MAY 22) B. S. MOSS' BROADWAY, New York Dir. AL STRIKER H. B. MARINELLI Office Jackson Taylor Co PORTLAND, ORE. Hippodrome Ro^e ft Dell Loe Mason Co Calvin ft O'Connor "Poster Girl" Royal Pekinese Tr PROVIDENCE. R.I. Emery Foris ft West ' Lind & Treat Davia ft Chadwlck Al Lester Co LOUIS McNUTT (4 CAMEKONS) ToQi-ing Orpheum Circuit Week jMnj 28), Orph«uni, San Francisco Nlblo ft Spencer A Hyde's Orchestra BOVSTON. TEX. Majesile I If artells Hack ft Reading Stanley Hughes Co Thornton ft King DeMario Five 2d half LsBelge Duo A ft L Barlos Gordon ft Hcaly Criterion 4 Phil Adams Co LONDON, CAN. Loew Foley & Spartan Maan^ft Mallory Homer Miles Co 2d half Taylor & Rrown Josephine Harmon Bodge ft Lowell L'O BEACH. CAL. Bute IMmond & D'ght« r iehr ft Bell Ohaa Gill Co Altyna Carbons Co LOS ANGELES Ktntf* Obala ft Adrienno Joe Roberts "At the Party** Id half Hartley ft Jeo Carney ft Carr JItnmy Reynolds Herbert ft North Arnaut Trio (One to All) SACRAMENTO Hippodrome Ist half Bender ft Herr Bart Doyle Frank (^rnell Co Lester ft Moore cameo Hev ST. IX)UT8 I^ew Mossman ft Vance Morloy ft Mack Lowell Drew Co Raines & Avey Girla of Altltudo 2d half Mack ft Brantley Rceder & Armstr'g Grew ft Pates Jennings ft Hovvl'd Carl Nixon Rev SALT LAKE State Harvard ft Bruce Manning ft Hall Kerr & Ensign Driacull Long & H I^Iarccllo Giles Budd Co Jas Karnry Co Seed ft Vernon West ft Weils BUFFALO Lafayette Toga Mathews ft Ayrea Dolce Sis Co Pormane ft Shelly Camilla's Birds DETROIT Coiambia Jean ft MInnetto Lindsay & Mason Capt Powers Co Lottie Grooper Aronty Bros Kaufman ft Lillian Nelson ft Gail Creedon ft Davis Gen Pisano Co ROCHESTER. N.Y. Victory McDermott ft V John Samuels CO 2d half Rhoda ft Crarapton Palo ft Palct TOLEDO, O. Rivoli Anthony ft Arnold Matin ft Boise L ft M Hartt Norman Girls Ted Healy Paul LaVan ft M WESTEBN VAUDEVnXE BELVIDERE. %LL. Frank A Ford Co Apollo Pollyanna Michael Emmett Co G'D ISIJtND, NEB. Majestio Milllcent D'Armond Austin ft Russell Knapp ft Cornalla KANSAS CIT» Globe ICinzo Billy Beard Wanda Ludlovr Co Four of Us Sandy Shaw ST. LOUIS Colombia Fisher's Circus "Fascination" Elliott ft West Gcorgalis Trio 2d half Ciregory ft Rogers "Melody Gardens' (Two to nil) Grand SamarofI & SonIa Who la FRANCIS? CLIFFORD WAYNE TRIO PF^ATUllINO MASTER KARLH WAYNE T^« World's Foremost MInaturo Star, looked Solid: Orphoum and Keith I: Orphou Circuits. (One to ftll) 2d half Kimball ft Goman Chae Oirard Co Four Choerups Klllott A Llnkcy I'aul ft Pauline M'SII'LTOWN, I A. Casino Florlan Trio Mayo Hunt NORFOLK. NED. New Granil •Savpy * Capps Pollyanna I'yur ('hi;frups 2d half rialro Hanson Co (Two to fill) Welvilie ft Stetson In Wrong" Bart Wapner ft K Jonia's 11;, .vailan-. MKMI'IIIS I'Oew JuggUne F...rri.r Gibson & Hetty ^napman & Ring Joy Ul'earl ^aza Add© Co _,. 2d half fneodorc 3 •"Ittcher ft P'quale M« lody Festival SAN ANTONIO I»rfn«'<*s« Ru;?!. II ^- Hay..'3 Jai k R. <My Carl tit \xn% Frrd (Jiay 2 Aroun<l tho Clo-jk 2a half— 3 Mart, lis Miuk A Roadlng" Stanley HughcH Co Thornton ft King DeMario 6 Dowitt ft Robinson •KnlKht ft Kna\e" Lane ft Harper J R Johnson Co Walmsley ft M'ting "Flirtation" Brady ft Mahoney Wordon Bros Skydome N'lsons Patience Karl &. Mullen Jenni'r Bros 2d half Billy Btard FiHhrr's Circus ((Jne to fill) TOPKKA, KAN. Novrlty O'-tavii) ll.rberl Donton Co Fairfield Four lltlldaire ft Fr'ntif 2d half K i)i^.o Itiliy Broad VVa!:d;\ Ludlow Co Four of Us OMAHA. NED. Empress Millicent D'Armond AuHlin iluss'. II Knapp ft Cornalla 2d half .Savoy A Cappa PANTAGES CIRCUIT (Tlio I'antak'ca Circuit billH, al tho i-fiiiM'.'- 1 of tiK' cir( lli^ are |>rinti«l li< nwilli ill the oi'cler of llieir trav« I. The I'aTitaKCH .shows move over the circuit inta«;t. lltr« (of<jrc the Pan- taKOH hillH were piiblitihe! wjth thr cilics in alphabetical order > Pantages I Bob Pender Tr (Saturday opening) I Jim Thornton O'HanloD ft Z'b'ni {Gladys Greea VANCOUVER. n.C. Taatageo Novelle Bros Pickfords Bowman Broa Clinton ft Cappell Whipple Huston Co TACOMA Pantages Buster Quillan Co Karly ft Karly Seymour & Jean'te Jark Conway Co <lark .Vt Verdi Urtord H Oddities Southern 4 4 Danubes OGDEN. CTAH Pautages (1-3) Julia Edwards Skelly ft Holt Rev Fol. y ft O'Nell Walter Ha.stlnfrs 0 W Johnson Co 3 Ambler Bros DENVER I'antages "Cupids Closeups" Borslnl Troupo "Molody Garden" Lieut Barry Co Romo ft ^ager COLORADO BP'GS Pantages (29-31) (Same bill plays Put bio 1-3) 4 Bards 12 Nelson Co Hazel Moran 1 ft J Marlin "Goodnight Nurse" David Rccso OMAHA. NEB. Pantagea Norma Telnia Klasa ft Brillani Pot Pourrl Bison City 4 Japanese Romance KANSAS CITY Pantages Pasquali Bros Del Baity Japs 3 Senators Jack Hadden Oe King * IrwIn MEMPHIS Paatacea Zara Carmen t O Saunders S Lllllo J Fuulknev Burns ft Wilsoa Different Rev CLEVELAND Miles E ft E Adair Lazar ft Dale "Current of Fun" Langton Smith ft L & Patrowars DETROIT Miles "Spider's Wob" Meredith ft Sno'scr Oklahoma 4 Holland ft Oden Romantic Teacher Ward ft Gory Regent Wyoming 3 SPORTS Babo Ruth's enforced vacation was a costly ono to the home run king in more ways than one. During the suspension period too waa noticed at the Metropolitan race tracks and Is reported having gone for a whole "bundle." Once it was said the Bambino won (30,000 on the day. I3ut it is said to have gone quickly, the bookies taking hira for so much dough that it will take the homo runs of sea- sons to get it back. In racing cir- cles the story is that Babe not only lost the 30 grand back again but went for 147.000 additional. Ruth was reported falling for the ponies somo time ago. When in Cuba the books cleaned him and he asked John McCiraw to lend him 110,000. Tho Giants* leader, who owns an interest in Oriental Park, Havana, told liabo he would comply but only after KutU was aboard the boat for homo. Jack Dempsey will resume his lour uf tho Pantages circuit. A damage suit for $100,000, fllrd at the time against Demprey and Jack Kcarns by Alexander Pantages, al- leging breach of contract was dropped when Dempsey agreed to play out the tour upon his return from abroad. The contract, which has Xqxi weeks to run at $4,000 weekly guaranteed against BO per cent of the gross earned by the Dempsey road show, commenced October 23. Dempsey, before leav- ing for the West, turned down a July bout with Harry Wills in Mon- treal which Tex Rickard wanted to promote, alleging that theatrical contracts and engagenents would keep him out of tho ring until Sep- tember. MR. GEORGE CH008 PRESENTS EDDIE VOGT Weeic (May 22). Alhanibra, I/ondon, Eng. PORTLAND, ORE. I'antages Horl ft NagamI r.eeman ft Grace Hibbitt ft Malle Powell Quintet Lulu Coat'-s TRAVEL (Open week) Mrs R Jansen Walter Brower Craig ft Iloltsworth Kuina 4 Ford ft Price Chas Rogers oC SAN FRANCISCO Pantages (Sunday opening) Mule Jesta ft M 4 Popularity (}irls NclFon ft MadiHon EvtrelttH Monkeys Pot Pouirl Dancers Mack ft Lane OAKLAND, CAL. Pantages (Sunday opening) W)lton ft McAvoy (.'iridcrella Rev Duval ft Hymonda 4 Krreltos Llttl<» Jim Waldeman ft Frtcd LOS ANGKLKS Pantages Farrtll ft liu,t< h Green ft Dunbar Aleko I'an American 4 Al Sweet's Huzzars iI':ndo:ia«j TORONTO Puntages Duiib.-ir ft Turner thaw's DoRH >Iab.l Harper Co ft Swan El Cotu Larry Rellly Co HAMILTON, CAN. Pantages TybelleSis Hale ft Frances (. hjij Supremo Tumbling Dancers Virginia L Corbin MINNEAPOLIS Fulton ft Burt SCBANTON, PA. Miiea (Wilkes-li're spilt) Ist half Smith's Animals CrAiK ft Calo IJcns'-^ ft HIaIr Luimtic Bakers .*Jamr»s-1 ft I^onh't ilortinann Co U'lLKRM-nARRE Miles (H' r.inton npllt) l!'t half Class Manning ft C ULIS and LEE SUCCESSFUL SYNCOPATORS of SONGLANO PLAYJNO KKITIT CHtPI'IT llireetion: AL STKIKKK II. n. MMciMj.i.i on-H E Futuri'tlo Rt'V I.iidy Alice's Pct=i HuMlvy ft Meliili Miller Klint Co Mor.'iM ft \Vl^<^ MAN DIKtiO, ( AL. Savojr Tom Kelly •Country VIIinRo" Stanley A Jaffery 'Troczy Huddies" Kola Jackson Co T'ayelcn O'win A R lj.\n<'.'ii Humphreys Al Fl♦hl^ \jr Paulino UilKK.LiN(;.W.VA. Res rt'lri<.:k A> Di.v«.r€ Zaida ft SantUy JolinJ^on FoJi ft G Giaigow Maids V k. T Hayden Ishakawa Dros KKWS OF THE DAILIES The Player's Club will reviv* "The Rivals" at the Empire, New York, June 6. The cast will include FranciH Wileon, Kobert Wariclc, Ty^ rone I'owor. i'utricia CuHinge, Mrs« Thomaa Whiffen. Burglars looted the home of John Emoruon and Anita Looh. but panted up their manuecripts. Olga Potrova ended her season with tho "White Peacock." In Newark, N. J., last woek, Gladys linger, who made the adaptation from tho French of "The (JoldtlHh," is preparing versions of two other l'*i'ench conudles for next 8ea.son. George M. Cohan and William Collier will appear together at tho Friars' PVollc to be hold at tho Man* hattan opera house Juno 4. The Actor's Fidelity League will hold itH annual concert at the Knickerbocker, New York, May 28%^ Tho opening of "A Pinch Hitter* at the Henry Miller, New York, has been postponed until June 1. Margaret Anglin and her husband, Howard Hull, .sailed for Greece, ac-* conipanicd by Livingston Piatt. Marccll de Santo, picture director, was fined |10 in New York for diS-* orderly conduct last week. Tho Kelchstiig iMissed a bill «c« cording the same copyright protect tion to American authors as is ac-* corded to Germans by the United States. Oerda Carlsen, 21, a stenographer of 326 Kast 84th street, New York, had Arthur Holland, 60, of Cran« field, N. J., arrested for annoyance in Loew'a State Theatre. New York. Hally Louise Mayberg. flim AC« tress from Germany, was ordered (Continued on page 29) OBITUARY EMIL NYITRAY Emll Wyltray, playwright, who contributed several pieces to Broadway, died suddenly at his home at Milford. Conn., May 20. An eye infection, which poisoned his system, was the cause of his death. A New York specialist waa sent for but arrived too late. Nyitray was born in Hungary but was an American citizen, having been here since childhood. His first opus that drew attontlon was 'The Typhoon," written in collabo- ration with Byron Onglcy and played by Walker Whiteside. lie wrote "The Ragged Messenger" for the same star. His best known work was "My Lady Friends," done in collaboration with Frank Mandel. A. H. Wood.'T' recently accepted his "What's In It for Me," to be tried out in stock at Cleveland this summer. MRS. ROBERT QRAU Mrs. Robert Grau, 55, widow of the opera impresario and theatrical manager, died late May 18 in the Hotel Osborne, New Rochelle, fol- lowing an attack of heart disease. Her hiisband, who died in 1916, was a brother of Mauric Grau, once manager of tho Metropolitan Opera company. Robert Grau managed tho farewell tour of Adelina Pattl. SIDNEY AINSWORTH Sidney Ainwworth, pioneer pic- ture actor and formerly in the legit, died at tho homo of his mother, Mrs. Jeanctto Aiii«worth, In Madi- son, Wis., follewing several months' Illnc.sH. Tho deceased, whr was 60 years old, came to this country from England when an Infant, later supi orting Maude Adams in "The Llttlo Minist'r" and appearing with Robert Edeson, John Uarrymore and others. He was In pictures since rjO». TOM OLIPHANT Tom Oliphant, publicity man for Sam H. Harria attractions died Ifay ZA at the hoepital within the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York city. He was stricken two weeks ago with paralysis and early this week be* came unconscioue. It waa bel!eTe# spinal meningitlfl had set in. 01t« phant's affliction Is thought to hAT« resulted from a clot on the brain, resultant from falling in his homo several months ago. Ho waa 19 years of age and had been with the Harris offlco two years. He form- erly was on the staff of the New York Kvening Mail, going there from an Indianapolis newspaper. Hla widow, known professionally aa Gertrude Mann, survives. She haa been appearing In "Tho Advertlsln^f of Jvate." CHARLES REINHARDT Charles Relnhardt, prominent Brooklyn, N. Y., attorney, for the last few yciirs associated with Mar- cus Loew in tho operation of sev- eral theatres, died May 21 at the age of 63. Mr. Reinhard*: was pres- ident of tho Broadway Theatre Co. and the Gates Theatre Corp., both of Brooklyn, N. Y. A widow and brot!ier survive. WALTER IRWIN Walter Irwin; 40, eon of May Irwin, died in Detroit last week. The deceased leavea a widow, a brother, Harry Irwin, besides hla mother. Ccorge Casella George Ca.Molla, playwright and editor, died in Paris, May 20, at the ago of 41. The docca.sod was a popular liguro in tho French jicws- puper th»*atrical and lilerury world, Ofliting tho "Conioedia," a lh«.;»tri- cal paper. RAYMOND A. BROWNE Raymond A. Rrowno, Kongwritcr, (ficd at hiH homo in Wakolif-M, L. r., week. Tho d'-cascd was about TyO years old. A wifo nuryivn. IN .su KKT K^;>IK.^I»K.^.^•t K of our littla Kirl VIRGINIA INGE COHILL on tliu 14lli ;uifilv< I H.iry of l<' r birUtday Fell anleep April fth, 1920 Daddy and Mother IVM. W. and MAHKM.H YAN TASH»X I'OHIl.r RALPH J. HERBERT Kalph J. Herbert, for JO ycara associated with the Shuberts aa stage director, died May 19 at bis home In New Rochelle, N. Y., of heart disease. Ho waa born In Cin- cinnati 37 years ago, tho aon of Julius .uthschild. Marian Hutch- Ins, whom he married In 1910, is an actress. She and a Hi«ter, Mrs. Henry Davis of New Rochelle, sur- vive him. WILLIAM A. BAXTER William A. Baxter, 4'», expert horseman, who was an exhibition rider for tho Buffalo Bill Wild West show, died May 23. Thrown by his horse, his nkull was fractured and his face torn by barbed wire. He was found dead near his homo at Pueblo, Colo. Baxter was said to have boon ono of llio f^vv ni«»n who could shoot glass balls while rid- ing a gallophig horse." IN MKMOKY «,f .Mv I'iil ALBERT INNIS who unfortunately m^t hia dc.tth M< l(<h, Vji.2 What h* hun lo«t «.n rarth Ood wl MUrcly rei^ay in htjavt-n ROSE