Variety (July 1922)

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m 22 VA RI Exy xsac T^tiday, July 21. igg. BILLS NEXT WEEK (JULY 24) IN VAUPKVILT.R THEATIIEH for th* week with Mondajr matir ••/ when not otberwls* (All houae* open lA^llcAted ) Tbe bill* below are grouped In divlalona, according tc booking office* eupplled Tbe mann^' In which thene billa nre printed does not denote tbe relative importiince of atta nor their proeram poattions, * before name denotea act la doing new turn, or reappearing after abaanoe from vaudeville, or appearing In city whore Hated for the flret time. KEITH CIRCUIT JfBW YOUK CITY Kelilt'M ViHhc9 •*rcdcatri«iilMii" 'WilHon Auhrcjr t Jack IXono "JJttIo CoIUbo" Kramer U lioylo 4 MorlonM Van &, Hclicnck Ted 1<0wiM Itand (One to nil) ICelth'H Ilivannlde Knjah Ma I go Waltlron Co )>folcjr A Cooiran Wyclh A Wynn .Iron & While •}*..^yK«ian A White The C«nici>ncka (lack l>onahac> Moffi' Brondvmy TuidhUI JapH ))oti«gan A. Allen Voh'a A l>o»i "Current of Fun" Ileddineton &. Qra't llenrjr'a Hcittrl /.uhn & I>ieiM (Three to hll) 2d half (27 30) Mel Kleo (OlhcfH to All) rroclor'a l^.Mh 8t. 2d half (:(0-X3) Nestor & Vincent Koley A l^aTour Mel Klee (Three to fill) lN( half (24 2C) Morlrjr .Sia Kla.shcM Koacland (UIIUTN to hll) 2d halt (27-S») Tony Ueurge Co Fox worth A Pr'coB Al Rhayno (Thr^() to flll) IToctor'M bStli St. Jack Hedloy Co .Sherman A IMerco AlKhayno (Three to ftii) Ofllclal Dentlaf Co tbe N. V. A.. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1403 D'wax (Putnam B1<1b.) Jf. T •Krank Duah Kelly A roHack Swift A Kelly Geno Morcan Kotm' C:oIUH>«tm l>i SylvaH Mullen A Francia ]» 1> lit Cii*i»g I<oo King >':inoit.hlp A Oer'rd •flradhury A Boully 2d half Klly Sliding D "WatiMn )< t !'■ l>reycr {■;tan Hlanlcy Co II"lon MonUi (0:ie to fill) Kc4Ut's Fordham K<i> Kherntan A O'll'ko Adolphua Co I'atricola 2d half Willie Smith Van A Vernon Iimie Four (Three to fill) I'roctor'a Ctli Ave. 2d half (iO-r.3) E/ilhor Trio Anderson A 0.'i«\ea Hurl A IloHoUale Morin SiM Co J K JohnHon Co Tierce A Ryan l8t hnlf (24 ::f.) Tony George Co Mel Klec .StarH of YcHl.;rday (Three to fill) 2d half (27-30) Jaaon A Harrigan Frank Galiy (Othera to -flii) EXCIAIHIVB VAimKVII.I-K MATKBIAL, Written hy O D— —ANKA I.AMnRRT PULLMAN and STEWART V/HITM — I'llONR — CAT-I-. l.yrlc Thcp.tro nidg., ?!« \Vo»l 4?d Str<H»t. Now York CMy. IMiono llryant MIO Jt:<clow A Clinton (Oi.e to nil) 2d half IJlia A CMt»dia ('oleman llowere WItor A C Mnker A Hedford (Two to AD) Momm' I^anUlln B AndcrjMin A Tony J arrow J.ockott A I^ynn Allman A Howard Warden A Marka (One to All) 2d Hnlf Roder A )>e«n J> I) HT 3lreen Fninlly llrnd)>ury Ar Scully Mtillcn A ^lancia ((Hie to fill) KHth*« Ifnmllton )>owney A (Tlarldfjo Marry Ifayden Co •Mar^t Screm Co )nnia Droa Xlariun Coalea (One to All) 2d hair niBclow A CMinlon Khcrntan A O'K'ke Adolphua Co jurt Wallc.n Co (Two to f\»l) Keith's Jefforaou Alice DeOtrmo Cunning)»ain A D Claudia Colennan Jlroen Family Itowera W'ller A C KhtI a Itlallhowa (One to ant 2d )iair BoMlnll >Iart A KoM> Marion Coatea Den Mmlth >lillorhhip A Oer'rd l><»ctor'a tM Rt. Sd half (20 23) Roedor A Dean l^loyd A Coode Cou^hlin T'ylor Co Polly DnAHl Circua T.aiUly •rollarrt SIh iHl half (24-26) Hurnuin lioona Hall'a RcT (Others to fill) 2d half (27 30) Will J Ward Co (Others to fill) (X)NKT IHLAND Ilrlghton IjfMter Allen While Sis "DrcKS Rehearsal" Jack Wilson Dronson A Baldwin *DriRhlon Actors CONKY X8I>AND HenderfMMt nohhe A Nelson Marguerite I'adalft (Others to Nil) 2d hall Joan (iraneHO .Slar» Record Miller A l.yiin (OlherH to 1111) FAU ROOK AW AT Columltt* 2d half AutuiTtn Trio I'alricola .Sully A Iloughlon (ioo I^Mairo Co lloh Hall ItKOOKI.YN UHth'a Iluahwkk KlUey 8iM Huth liudd .Sharkey Roth A H IGS Toupees Make-Up /^OfTJ ii<'ud for I'rico*t ^i^;J" G. SHINDHELM H 1 L E 109 W. 46 th 8.t, N. Y. Jack Donaliuo (OlherH to nil) 2d half (27 30) Ileory's Sextet (Othera to fill) IIAI/riMOUR Mnrylund Irene Fianhlin J)t'/.»o Retter A A K I'nlchard Vincent iJros O'Ncil A Flippen (OtlKru to nil) 2U half (27-30) .Stars of Yesterday (Others to till) NOIiFOI.K Academy (Richmond ap)it) iHt half JAN Olma Nifty Three The rt'llinates Hob Albright Co (One to fill) Gordon'a Olynpla (Scolley Bqnarel James Kdith A J Fieano A nijighain I^mbert A Fish HclRon Foar I}e)lh0|»a Gordon's Ol/mplA (Washington Bt) Officer Hyman V.altylee I.lppnrd S,ntl(»n A Farnoll Wylic A Hartman Hanlon A Clifton I.YNN, MAB«. Olympia Adams A ktorla •Weak Spot" Ia:w Wtlaoa Morton Jewell Co Xd half Petty Kcat A Dro Wild A ^tlls (Two to tlJI) N. nnF'D. HASH. Olyinpla 2d half Ad.ims A Morin "Weak .Spot" I cw Wllxon Alorton Jewell Co Morris Express Co. RKl.lAni.R THKATRICAT^ TRAN.SFKU 238W<49thSt.jN.Y.C. Day i Nltlit service Charles Irwia .<-ulian i»osfroN It. F. Keitira Van A Hello Morton A Russell T.ydia Harry I<ou Te/legen Morris A Shaw Plane A Rohini M Montgomery I.L-on Varvara Haraold'M Hogs CLKVKl.AND lOSlh tU. Kay Hamlin A K Raymond Bond Co Hector Heatrice K Raton 0»l>urn« Trio DETROIT Temple "Trip to HItland" Howard A Sadler Klutlng's Animals Hexeir A O'Connor Lee A Cranston M Diamond Co CroNs A Santara .*-"iK Friscoc MT. VFR.NON, N.Y. Proctor*a 2d half (20-2S) *&lurray Tarleton Pherman A O'R'kc Claudia Coleman Henry's Sextet Wayne A Warrep LaHernicia Co 1st half (24-2C) Dixie Four Geo Itoljlalre Co (Othei^s \o All) t<J "half (27-10) J H->Ju)kiiMun Cu (OtiMirs to fill) NEWARK, N. J. Proctor's 2d half (20-23) Red ford A W Irex Hanloy Hamilton A Harnet' \Wm Sea bury Co Welch A Norton •Mellette Sis Co 1st halt (34-2€) Frank Gaby J R Johnson Co V A H Falla PHII.ADKI.PniA It. F. Keith's r Shirley A Hard Stella M.iyhew A A I' Sheldon Creole Fash Plate Great Johnson Tracey A Mclirido VeCarton A Marne Jack Norton Co PORTLAND, MK. n. F. Keith's Frank Monroe Co .S^ndy Shaw Toto Hammer Co Hip City FiMir Ford A Goodrich Almont A Dumont RICHMOND Lyric (Norfolk split) lat half Hen Bi'rnle T.angford A F*dr'hK Quixey 4 (Two to All) SYRACUSE. N. Y. n. F. Kelth'a liarlo A Melvin Anna Francis M A A Clarke Cavanaugh A E Co Roy A Arthur WAHHINGTON B. F. Keith's Ivan Hankoff R Hitchcock liemarest A Colette Van Hoven Wm Eba Hernard A Garry lieaaye CIlffTord YONKKR.S. N. Y. I*rocior'a 2d half (20-23) Margie Coatea Fisher A Hurst Leo Cooper (Othera to All) lat half (24-26) Haney A Vlorgan Sliding B Walaon (Others to Ail) 2d half (27-S*) Morley Sis Flashes Songland 'Zuhn A Dries (Others to All) OERTBUDR— -MARY MOODY and DUNCAN OPBRA and JAZZ. INC. Direction: UAKRY WEBER POU CIRCUIT Wm Edmon<)a Co La HylvAs (Two to All) IIonm' Regent Jtodor A Dean W Ednt«t>ds Co jKson A IlarriKan (Three ta ttM) Sd hall Pores A M'gwerlt© Josephine Harrison Jaitow I) Anderson A Pony W M ant hoy Co Unrl Matthews Keith's Bisi »i. Boh & Tip •Aie You Married" Cahin A RomaliM Oha Mnaaoa Co •O * A Parada W A O Ahcarn Keith's n. O. H. td haM (t»-2t> Slska •Maude Duty (To Innki Bros Ben IJernle Mtftrey A McNteaTC Votoraaa Varkaty 1st half CS(-i«) Waj'oe M'sU'll A 0 Leavitt A I^ckw'd Yip Yip Ynph'nkers Nat KaT.arro Moore A Jnyno Barrett A Farnum (One to nil) Kelth'a Ori>hoam Van A .Sclienck Phil Haker Jofiophine A H'n'R.s Maud Karl Co Welch A Norton F A A Smith 'T>reama" (Two to All) Keith's Greenpolnl 2d haH (20-23) Norman A Saul I/eona Hall's Rev (Others to AH) lat half (14-2C) Foxwcll A Fraacea Will J Ward (Othera to All) Sd half (S7-S0) Haney Jk Morgaa Thorntoa A King (Othera ta AM) Reitli's rroapeet Sd half (20-23)' Clinton ft Rooney Wa/ne M'shall it C BRIDGEPORT Poll's Wolford A Bogard Geo Werline C:o 7 Military Girls r.ddle RosH ^ Tan Arakis 2d half FJlectro Princess Winona Apjile HI'MH'nt Time Hawthorne A Cook "Oh You Shclk" HARTFORD Cnpltol The H( ynofTs Annette Apple n'ss'm Time Sallee A Rohlca Danny nupan Co 2d half Shelby 3 Ring A Norvcl Paul Corvin Gene Barnes Co l>n Welch Co Nanon'M Birds NE^' HAVKN Pnlace Nippon 2 I'nnceHs Winona Bitty P.ile Co Fox A Brltt I>ancer'« Follies 3d half Gray Sis C;eo Wrrline Co 7 Military GirU I'MdIe RoSK Tan AraUiH SCIIANTON, PA. Poli'M (Wilkeh B're split) 1st half Law ton N A J Farnum I.'ramer A Gnflln "Pepper Box Rev" LeMaIre A W'm.son "Doctor Shop*' WATKIIBURY Poll's Shelby 3 Paul Corvin Ring A Norvol Hawthorne A C'ok Gene l^iirnes Co 2d half The HaynollH Annetta CHICAGO—KEITH CIRCUIT CINCINNArri Palnco Singlnij 3 Wanda Ludlow Co Ernest Hiatt Scott A Christie Pierson N'port A F Choy Ling Hco DAYTON It. P. Keitirs The Sc^chacks Medley A Duprec Torcllies (^Ircus (One ttt All) 2d,halt Dave Roib (Three ttf'All) GRAND UAPIDS Ronnno Park Ctaymo Rescoe Alls Co 8 Weber Girls (Three to All) I.OniAVlLLE National (NaNhrllle split) 1st half Bell A W.trd Villani A V Wat son-Jenkins (Two to fUljl NASHVILLE I'rincess (Louisville split) l8t half 3 WhfrlwindM Georfila Howard 4 Pctrls Hayev A I^oyd (One to fill) Co ORPHEUII CIRCUIT CHICAGO Majestic Gus Edwards Co Harry Langdon Tom SmHh Fern A Marie Sandy Jock Norton Kane M<»rey A M Htaie lAke Howard A Clark Theo Bokefl Co H Carroll Co Kane A Herman MILWAUlCKlf Palace Norton A MelnoKo Oloott A Ann Gilbert Wells 'Juvenility" Ja Da Trio CHAS. J. OFFICES BOOKING WITH ALL INDEPENDENT CIRCUITS Suite 417, Romax Blda> 245 West 47th Street NEW YORK rnOIOE: BRYANT 8»17 Dave Harris Band Morton A Glass Bob Murphy Ceveno Troupe &1 array Volk Joe Rolley Conlcy A Francos KANSAS CITY Bfain Street Levcre A Collins PI Parker Bora Emma Cams Jack O.sterman Belle Montrose * hhireen" LOS ANGELES IIIIl Street SlnfTer's Midgets Wellington Cross Pill Robinson Yost A Cody Butler A Parker Ori>b<'un» Mildred Harris Mari;aret McKce Flo Lewis De Kcrckjardo Leo Carrillo Luster Bros mNNKAPOUS Hennepin Lillian Gonna Roy LaPearl Zclaya Hitter A Knap)>e 'Tango Shoes" Hamlin A Mack SAN FRANCISCO Golden Gate (Sunday opening) Sheila Terry Grace Nelson Jackie A Billlo Niobe Jimmy Sato Alexandria Orpheum (Sunday opening) Emilie Lea Billy Beard FWith Taliaferro Co Fox A Curtis Keno Keye.s A M Grace Fisher Golford Family Lloyd Nevada Co 2d half Lytella Dan Downing "Honeymoon Ship" Green A Hlyler Black A White Groeley 8q. Prince Sergei Florence Perry Walters A Gould Chaa Ahearn Co lialg A liCVere Mora A Reckleaa 2 Sd half Helen Miller Mack A Nelson lient A Clare 11 n Toomcr Co Fraxer A Bunco Melnotto Duo Delancey St. Foley A Spartan Evans Iteyn'ds A V^ Rudihofr C A. S McDonald Thorntdn A King Don Valerio Co 2d half Prince Sergei Freddy Silvers A F Florence Perry Broken Promises ^toward A I.cwiH Za/.a A Adelo National Donals Sis Dan Downing IluMcymoon Ship Exposition Juh 4 Dublin Trio 2d half LcYcauK Harry Watkina M Fredericka Co Russell A Ruaaell The Philmers Sd half CAM Haher Norman A I And* Cortolll A Rogera Ward A Zeller (One to All) ilALTXIf ORE Hippodrome manley Tripjp A M Harry Meehan Jas Kennedy Co Walsh Roed A W Dance Fantasies ItlRrillNGHAM Iiiiou Milmars Kramer A Johnson Roth A Slater McDermott A W VlcioriMc A Dillon 2d half Xylo Duo Harry Watkins li Fr<>doricU.s Co Rus.soll A Russell Fhilmcrs WOSTON Orpheum Maxon A Morris Jlenrie .Sis Pat.-»y Doyle Adams A Th'psons Armstrong A J'nies Leo Zarrell S 2d half Rubini A Rosa PORTLAND, ORE. Hippodronaa Theodore Trio Fletcher A Pasq'la Harton A Sparlinc M Bloadeirs Rot mOVIDENCB, R.I. Kmery Kublnl A Rosa Shea A Carroll Holllday A Wilette Lewis A Rogers S Raymonds (One to All) 2d half Maxon A Morris Henri Sis ^ Carle & ino» Fred Gray t Around the Cle^ SAN aoSE, 04, Hlppodr 1st half I^ach La(Jainl». Downey A WhHh Texas Goinaa Bender A An SEATTLB Palaea Roma Duo Mack A Dean Quinn A Cavcrly E. HEMMENDINGER, JEWELERS S3 West 40th Street New T«| Teleplione Dryant lt>4S WAI-TER— ~ETIIEL WARD and DOOLEY •'What We Can Do" K Evans Reyn'ds A The Old Timers .Hteppe A O'Neill Don Valerio Co Orpheum Paul Shine Co Edna Dreon Whefler A Potter The Old Timers 2d half Hartley A Jce Flo Rin;;. Hal Johnson Co Renard A West &. HeaBloy ! Boulevard Rckoina Mack A Nt iHon Broken rronuses Harry Hines Camia Co 2d half Alex Bros A E Wheeler A I'otter Rudinoff J o J o B Brown Co B Leonard ncllo A Barry Cook A Vernon Howard A Lewis Dauni A Scott 2d half * Murray A Irwin Loney Nasu Warden A Donc'rt Jack Hanley (One to All) BROOKLYN Metropolitan Alex Bros A B Kennedy A Davis Kola St Clair Co McCorraack A W Shea A C.irroll Holliday A Wilette Lewis A Kogcrs 3 Raymonds (One to All/ BUFFALO State Ella I^Vail LainhoAv A Moh'wU "Dotty Wake ITp" IrfiTour A Elliott McKay's Rev IX)NDON, CAN. I<oew GorgalKs Trio Monte A Lyons Chaa Diland Co 2d half Br'kaway Barlows Rpencer.s A Wilbuih Tom McRae Co I.'G BEACH, CAL. State JAB Aitken Cartton A Tate W ilson A Larsen Hazel Green Co Roberts A Doyno IX>.S ANGELES State The Rockos Arnold Graxer LaHoen A Dupr'ce Miller Packer A S Frank Stafford Co MKMPIIin Ix)ew BAM Williams J A J Chains Jnmea McCurdy Co Joe Roberta Patsy Doyle Adams A Th'psons Armstrong A J'mes Leo Zarrell Duo SACRAMENTO liippodromo 1st half I-aBelgc Duo A A L Barlow Gordon A Healy Criterion Four Phil Adams Co SAN FKANCLSCO Hippodrome Ruhsell A Hayes Jack Roddy Page A Gray Bugany TroujM STOCKTOK, CU» StaU 2d half I.e.Beige Doe A A L Barlow Gordon A Healy rriterion 4 Phil Adams C^ TORONTO I'Oew Ohala A Adrl Irene Trevetle Hart Wagner A Vi eston A Bliae "Day at RaceiT' GUS SUN CIRCUIT nUFFALO I-nfayette I'rvtiiuo. La Roche Co Ki nwick Sis H:\yea Lynch A E jMman A Harvey Breezy Buddies INDIANAPOLIS Lyric Howard Nichols (; A J Macey Doyle A Wri.stcn IJiib Ferns Co Celi.-v Weston Co r.oy Harrah Co ROCHESTER, N.Y Victory Alice Rein.sen Little Caruso Co 2d hnM Chaa Lloyd C5o V» ood A White TOI-EDO. 0. KivoH Holland A Fkiher Clis A Clark TAD War • Bond Wilson Ca Abbott A White .Santiago Trio WATERT'W:*, «.f, Avon T'edwick A Dever* Wood A White Chas Llovd Ce 2d hnlf Martin ft Hekie Little Caruso Ce Alice Rentsen WALTER NEWMAN in "PROFITEERING" Direction W. 8. HENNFASY WESTERN VAUDEVILLE KANSAS CITY Globe T«\Rosa A LaRoao S.-^mson A I'auletto Bond Morse 2d half Allen A Leo Laura Marsh Mohor A Eldridge OMAHA, NEB. Empress Allen A T^ee Vyvyan A Kastner Moher A EldrMga 2d half Eastman A Moert Charlie Wilaoa TOPKKA, KAKc Noveltr Alanson Knirht A Jua* 4 Kings A Dai Anger A Adeoa 2d haH LaVtoae A Lamaae Samson A Paulett* Bond Morse JACK NORTON and CO. WITH LUCILLE HALEY Opening ORPHEUM CIRCUIT MAJE.STIC THEATRE, JULY 24 "Songs A .Scenes" 2d half Foley A Spartan Morton A Brown Leila Shaw Co Jennings A Dorney Camia Co l^iton Datlcy Bros Eh-oy Bis Lee Tracy Co Jennings A Dorney B Brown Co 2d half Donals Sis Mack A Reading 75cSERV-US EXPRESS75C ,^;ji;ssr5S« now at 310 w. 47th st. «*«i«,i„?»«"»- THofltrkal Rat* ta I25tli 8t.. 75e.: Bronx. Brooklyn, $l.»0. BsMlal Lead Rste to Big Act*. 1 FREE STORAGE ONE WEEK. ALWAYS OPEN—AUTO TRUCK8 H J Conley Co Fox A Brltt Roblnl Sis WILKES-HARRK Poll's (.Scranton split) 1st half Worden Bros Fid Gordon Al K Hall Co Ray Snow A. N Wood's Circus WORCKSTRR Poll's Gr.Ty .Sis 1» Reed A Bros •Oh You Sheik" Foster A Semon Nanon'fl Birds 2d half Wolford A BogarJ Nippon Duo Billy Dale Co .'bailee A Rohles Dsneers Follies NEW YORK Mate. Wonder Seal M'»rlon i: Brown Elhel Keller Ce H B Toomer Co Kranx A White Gassier A Beasley 2d hair Paul Shine Co Thornton Sis LOEW CIRCUIT CITY Blroy .Sis Wonder Seal McCormack A W 7 OlASgow Maids Edna l>reon CAS McDonnld Eckert A M'Donuld (One to All) Victoria Chas Ledefrar Thornton .Sis MR. GEORGE CH003 PRESENTS EDDIE VOGT Playing St oil Clrcntt In Englnnd. BOSTON—B. p. KEITH BOSTON Roaton Reed A Tucker Maaon A Cole Al Raymond Jane Miller BILLY GASTON AND CO. IN HIS FAIRY TALB "IN YEARS TO COME" f'arrell Taylor 3 Kranx A While "Songs A Scenes" (Two to All) Ansericna Helen Miller Mack A Readrng Warren A trBiien Green A BIyler Zaxa A Adele Flo Ring Farrell Taylor i RenarA A West Adroit Bros MhaM Rekoma Leila .Shaw Co Frarer A Bunrc Hoad to Vaudovtlle 2d half Mora A Rerkh-MH !> Kennedy A T>avis SchaefftT W A C Cliff Edwards Dublin Trio Lincoln Sq. f/oVeaux Freddy Silvers A F Hal Jnhnsfta Co Clifl' Edwards Berkolls Harry Hines Road to Vaudeville (One to All) Gateo Black A White Bent A Clare Schaeffer W A C Ste)>j>o A O'Neill 7 Glasgow Maids 2d half Dailey j:roa R A H Walter Nola St Clair Co Warren A O'Brien Berkoffs Pa)ac» Murray A Irwin LaVinn A'drey & n Warden A I>onco rt Jack Hanloy (One to nil) 2d half I.eonard f:«»oU A Vernon Harry White Dauin A Seoll (One to nil) ATi«\NrA Grand Xlo Duo Todeaca A Todeaca 2d half Milmars Kramer A Johnson Roth A Slafer McDermott A W Victorine A I>inon MONTREAL Loew Dlmond A Daught'r Ubert Carlton Jack Walsh Co Altyna Carbono Co Dennis Bros PALISADES, N. J. Aerial DcMacos 6 Harlequins Sensational Togo NEWARK, N. J. I/Oevr Romas Troapo Corlnno Arbuckle Hodpe A Lowell Bryant A .Stewart 4 Rublnl Sis NEW OKLR.VNS CreHceiit ElfTin Ilros R A V Morrlssey Mooro X.- Ellioti Daloy A llurch Guiliani Trio 2d half E A M V.-illi.Tma J A .1 riinllis James Mcf'urdy Co Jo<^ KoV>erts Todesca A Todosca OAKLAND, CAL. .Slate Milek A 111 an( ley Ilreder A Arni:'tr b Grew A J'atea Bert Lewis Sunbojim Follies OFT AW A. CAN.. I 4>^\V Ifiirvnrd Ar Druro liri.s.ojl I.oMK & II >;organ A «Vray Stj.'-sninn X. Sloim Jcnia's H:(W;iiians PANTAGES CIRCUIT WINNIPEG Pantages Wilfrid DuBols Marlon Claire H Downing Rer Monroe Sallsburr 4 Boncaettia CT. TAIAA, MONT. Pantekges (25-26) (Same bill plays Helena 27) Delmar A Lee Conn A Hart Al Jennings Co Valentine Vox Cornelius A Vance BUTTE, MONT. . rantng(«« (22-2l>) (Same bill plays Anaconda 26, Mis- soula 27) Page A Green Fulton A Burt Gallarini Sis Ijorner Girls Walter Weems Alexander SPOKANE Pnntagen Gordon Wlldo Ward A King I HUGH HERBERT CIO CHURCH KEW GARDENS, N. Y. PORn..AKD. OWI Pantages O'Hanloa A KVal Bob Pender Tr J#ro Thornton Gladys Green Coscia A OrdI TRATB' (Open weelt) Pettit Family Jodson Cole Mile Rhea (?o Brltt Wood ••I.OTe Neot- 8AN FRANOriOO Pantages (Sunday op«n*ac) locket t A liaddlo Bryant A Halg Carl McCuHofigk B Bouncer's CircW Marlon Glbnoy OAKLAND I»antage« (Sunday opening? Llpinski'a Doga Jones A Crnmlcf •Pantages Opera ^ Emily Darrell Rulowa Ballet LOS ANGKLE* Pantages "Oh Boy" ULIS and LEE Ask MR. GOLDIt "HE KNOW.S" r.ob Wills •Indoor Sports" (One to till) SEATTLE Pantages ^ r.elinonis Crnnr Sii: ('<iliil()pia I Willard Mack C<> Willard Jarvia Co VANCOrVER. B.C. I'nnti»scr» Lyle ,Kr Knu'rson Victoria Xr l>ui>r»-^ Chnrlj'^ Mjrr.-^y !*prinvtinn> Friv;' iHrry Conwny Co TA( DM \^gPH 'L)»st Reh.jiri»al" Homer ."sis I'red B<ri ns PariMh A IVru Schictl'a M'ncttes Emile A WiWo Callahan A !»►♦• Boynl R- V Telaak A !>*»» SAN DIEGO, CAt. Saroy T,a Fran re A By'*" Will Morris Nada Norrnme BoW McKtm C9 Jlryoa i;irlH J Elliott Girls i.'C bi:acfi. rA>« PaiM-iges "Tim. '• Ncvelle 111 OS J ickforrt'j !:.>wimn Bros Cinton A <-.i|'P<'* S\LT LAKB Piinf ig<^ Prown ti J»l'«'* i;..r>y A Early Jiiyiiiour A JeS" (Contifiuod on Page ff}