Variety (September 1922)

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• ZK VARIETY F*Iuay, Z. f — ■ -^ r= BILLS NEXT WEEK (SEPT. 11) IN VAUDEVILLE THEATRES (All housaa open for the week with Monday matlt ••, whan not otherwise Moated ) The bill* below are grouped In dlvlalona. according to booking office* auppllad from. Tbo mannav (n which three bill* are printed doea not denote the relative Importance of acta nor their program poaltiona * before nam* denote* act I* doing new turn, or reappearing after abaenoe from vaudeville, or appearing in city where Hated for tha first time. KEITH CIRCUIT JTEW YORK CITY Krlth'e I'alace Lionel Atwill Co •"Klown Rev" Elsie Janla Myers A Hanaford Billy Arlington Co Tom Patricola V.*v A Dutton (Two to fill) Keith'* Riverside Ted Lewis Rand Hermine Shone Greenlee A Drayton •Yost A Clady Crawford A Br'd'r'k Joe Rrownlng •Joseph Dlskay I.A Toy's Models (One. to fill) Keith'* Royal Ceo Chooa Rev Moody A Duncan Duffy A Sweeney McLaughlin A E Dixie Hamilton rinto A lioyle Garcinetti Rroa (Two to fill) Keith'* Alliambm "The Storm" Ruloff A Elton •Versatile 6 Haney & Morgan Gordon A Ford Lydell A Macey •Rloom A Sher Toto Hammer (One to fill) Mom* Broadway W * J Mandel Al Herman Higgiiia A Bayes BAB Wheeler Owen McGivney Florence Brady Nanon'i Birda (One to fill) Mo*a' Coliseum Sophie Tucker Fid Gordon Lane A Byron •Wilfred Clark Co (Two to fill) 2d half Marlon Harris Johnson A Baker (Others to fill) Keith's Fordham •Thos E Shea Co Marion Harris Bert Fltzgibbons 2 Rozellas Johnson A Baker (One to fill) 2d half Eddie Foy Co Bryant A Stewart •Penman A Lillian (Others to fill) Moss' Franklin McKay A Ardina Oklahoma 6 •Goodwyn A D'bsoa Sybil Vane Diamond A D'ghtcr (Others to fill) Proctor's 125th St. 2d half (7-10) Holliday A Willette Blgelow A Clinton Brown's Dogs •B'dwell Maey A K (Two to fill) 1st half (11-13) •Boys of Long Ago Castleton A Mack Lew Wilson (Others to fill) 2d half (M 17) Alexander A Fields Mayme Smith Co (Others to fill) Proctor's 58th St. 2d half (7-10) Mrs G Hughes Co •Ethel Keller Co 1'aulette & Ray George Morton •Walton A Brant Red ford & W'eh'st'r 1st half (11-13) Clark A Story Maggie Clifton Co (Others to fill) 2d half (14-17) Monroe A Grant Lew Wilson Clinton A Rooney (Others to fill) Proctor's 5th Ave. 2d half (7-10) Miller A Bradford Diamond A Bren'n McCarthy A B'df'd Marx A Wilson "Rubeville" Ruloff A Elton (Others to fill) 1st half (11-13) Chas L Fletcher •Foxworth A Fr'cea (Others to fill) 2d half (14-17) Valeric Bergere Co •OConnell A Lewis A Alexander Co (Others to fill) Proctor's 23d St. 2d half (7-10) •Babb A Co Van A Vernon "Favorites of Past" •Steve Freda •Walthour P A B (One to fill) lat half (11-13) Alexander A Fielda Bigelow A Clinton Wayne M'shall A C (Others to fill) FAR ROCKAWAY Columbia 2d half Bert Fltzglbbon Thos E Shea Co Danc'g McDonalds (Others to fill) HUGH HERBERT •Penman A Lillian (One to fill) 2d half Sophie Tucker •N A J Farnum (Others to fill) Keith's Hamilton 1st half Joe Cook ••Profiteering" Alexanders A Smitn •Frank Bcssinger Danc'g McDonalds (One to fill) Keith's Jefferson Eddie Foy Co Morris & Shaw JoS Laurie Jr Dalton A Craig •Maltnda A Day Lieut Thetion Co (Two to fill) 2d half Joe Cook Lyons A Yosco Oklahoma 6 J A I Marlyn The Gellls Alexanders A Smith Moan' Regent Harry Rose Fisher & Hurst Lyons A Yosco The Gellis J A I Marlyn (One to fill) 2d half Joe Laurie Jr The LeGrohs Dalton A Craig Fid Gordon (Two to fill) Keith's 81st St. Leo Donnelly Co •Dooley A Morton BROOKLYN Keith's Bashwlck Mrs Sidney Drew Patricola BAB Wheeler WAG Ahearn Hawthorno A Cook Brown A Whittaker Arnaut 3 •Barto A Melvin (One to hid Keith's Orpheam Vincent Lonez Co Jos K Watson Jimmy Lucas Robbie Gordone Jessie Busley •Mltty A Tllllo Schichtl's Manikins (Two ter fill) Moss' Flatbush ,.Tolin Steel Laura Plerpont Co •Lilly Van Koraca The Sharrocks l.eddy A Leddy (One to fill) Keith's Greenpoint 2d half (7-10) Maggie Clifton Co Oklahoma G Fisher A Hurst Monroe A Grant •Duball A McK'zic (One to fill) 1st half (11-13) Healy A Cross WI1V J Ward (Others to fill) Moss' Riviera Lewis A Dody M Montgomery Stars of Yesterday L A.- II Dreyer •Little Driftwood Olive Bayca • Horco Maxinc A Bobby Keith's II. O. II. 2d half (7-10) "Klown Rev" Morris A Bhaw .. >"peg for Sh.ut" Enarkey Roth A IT • a i ice Remsen FOllette'S Monkeys (< ithera to nil ) 1st half (11-13) Valerio L<irg< ro Co Georg" Morton •Paul Covin Van Cello A Mary (Others to nil) 2d half (14-17) Van A Vernon LeGrohs (One to fill) 2d half Sybil Vane Morris A Shaw Wayne M'shall A C Wilfred Clark Co Lieut Thetion Co (One to mi) Keith's Prospect Id half (7-10) Dooley A Morton c At F Usher I. A H Cromwell Harnel Sis (Two to mi) 1st half (11 13) A Alexander Co Sharkey A II Little Ynshl (others to nil) 2d half (14-17) "The Sun Dodger" Miller A Bradford Castleton A Mack Van Cello A Mary (Two to nil) . ALBANY, N. Y. Proctor's NAG Farnum Kramer A Griffin Marriage vs. Div'cs Morgan A Rinder Danse Fantasies 2d half James H Cullen Sam Maure Co Claude A Marion (Two to fill) Harry Jolson Co Nelson A Harrys CHESTER, PA, Adgement Cooper A Lacey Phil Davis I'rim rose 4 Mack A Deagon Rome A Gaut Laura De Vina 2d half Nathan A Sully Furman A Evans Lee Hoyt Co Derrick A Hart Elliott A La Tour The Faynes Booking Exclusively WITH Orpheum, B. F. Keith (West- ern) W. V. M. A. and Affiliated Circuits ERNIE YOUNG AGENCY WILLIE BERGER, Book'g M&r. Suite 1313, Masonic Temple Bldg. Chicago ALLENTOWN, PA. Orpheum "Oh Henry" Loughlin A West The Speeders (Two to fill) 21 half Harry DeCoe Bernard A Meyers Petty I^arceny . Fred LaReine Co (One to fill) ALTOONA, PA. Orpheum Kelly A Brown Brown A Barrows El Clcve J C MacK »-o (One to fill) 2d half Foster A Joyce Kibble's Orchestra (Three to fill) ASB'RY PARK N J Muln Street Flanders A Butler Loney Haskell (Two to fill) 2d half Paul Nolan Co Exposition 4 (Two to fill) ATLANTA Lyric (Birmingham split) 1st half F A A Smith Francis Daugherty Melody Rev LeMairo Jones Co Lilctta Co BALTIMORE Marj land Millard A Marlin Lee Children Seed A Austin Kellam A O'Dare B Anderson A Pony Vadi A Gygl BIRMINGHAM Lyric (Atlanta split) 1st half Louise A Mitchell CINCINNATI B. F. Keith's Clown Seal Henry A Moors Love Is Young Burke A Durkln Arthur West The Sterlings CLEVELAND 105th St. Blnnls A Gull Scanlon Denos A S Pauli A Goss Green A Parker Pierce A Ryan Flying Henrys COLUMBUS B. F. Keith's Aerial Barlows Jack Little Rubini Sis Adams A Griffith Harriet Rempel Co Maurice Diamond DETROIT Temple Ormsbee A Remlg Wm Ebs H J Conley Co P Granados Co Al Striker Ibach's Kntertain'rs Shaw A Lee Marc MeDermott EASTON, PA. Able O. II. Harry DeCoe Bernard A Myers Petty Larceny Fred LaReine Co (One to fill) 2d half Oh Henry Loughlin A West The Speeders (Two to fill) ERIE, PA. Colonial Bob A Tip Newell A Most Jack Hughes 2 Claire Vincent Frances Arms E. HEMMENDINGER, Inc. JEWELERS S3 West 40th Street New York Telephone Bryant 154S Leighton A Duball Walman A Berry Anger A Packer "Star* of Record" BOSTON B. F. Keith's Bronson A Edwards Williams A Taylor II' <legus Sia Walters A Walters Fritz! Scheff Kitty Doner \an A Schenck 3 Whirlwinds BUFFALO Sliea'a Gardner's Maniacs Barrett A Ftirnuin Dsseo ltetter Bmlly Lea Irene Franklin Meraa & Mack CHARLESTON lyric (8am« first half bill plays Columbia 2d halt) Tin I.evoloS Margaret Ford Maker A Radford Eddie Rom McCartone a M'r'nc 2d half Valdai o A Cook Rule a O' B ri en Hilly cliff.,nl Clara Howard l'ii tro CHARLOTTE, N. C. Lyric (Roanoke split) 1st half Tha Richards Green A Myra Johnny's New Car GRAND RAPIDS Km press Baemaa A Grace Miller A Capman "Young America" Lady Sen Mel Marlettc's Manikins II \KitISHI KG, PA. Majestic Foster A Joyce Listen I<*ster (Three to fill) 2d half Kelly A Brown Reed A Selman The Sirens (Two to fill) INDIANAPOLIS B. F. Keith'a Dawson Sis Frank Ward Conlln A Glass Muiii-n Si Frances The Kitaros JACKSONVILLE Arcude (Savannah split) 1st half Klalto A Lainont Lea A.- Mann Perrons A Oliver <.»»»*i«*y 4 llasel Moran LOWELL It. F. Keiths Smith A Rnrker Webey \ Rldnor Aul umn Trio Grace Mayes Pollard Eemater A Smith Jones A Jones MONTREAL Princess (Sunday opening) Rasao A Co Burke A Batty Bill Genevieve A W Briacoe A Rauh Demareat A Collet Da Lyle Alda Co Jack Wilson Co Artistic Treat MT. VERNON, N.Y. Proctor's 2d half (7-10) Van A Corbett Oaliagher A Martin Patrice A Sullivan Gellls (Two to fill) 1st half (11-11) "Tha 8un Dodger" Miller A Bradford (Others to fill) 2d half (14-17) Stars of Yesterday Fisher A Hurst Maggie Clifton Co Sharkey Roth A II (Two to fill) NEWARK, N. J. Proctor's * Rooney A Bent Co Gallagher A Martin C A F Usher Davis A Pelle Ben Beyer (Othera to fill) NEW BRUNSWICK State Street King Brothers Berrlck A Hart Lucky A Harris Mable McCane Co (One to fill) 2d half Rica A Wedner Leon Vaovana George Moors (Two to fill) NORFOLK Academy (Richmond aplit) 1st half Wolford A Bogard Green A Lafeil Keane A Williams Al Shayne 7 Honey Boys PHILADELPHIA B. F. Keith's Margel Gluck Cahill A Romalne Bessie Barrlscale Alice Hamilton Snow Col'mbus A H Harriet Marlotta Herbert'a Doga Van A Corbett Keystone Ralph Seabury Donovan A Lee Hal Johnson Co Rellly Feeney A R Bostock's School William Penn Nathan A Sully Leon Varvana Rise A Werner Frank Dobson Co George Moore Co 2d half Zelda Santley Leedum A Gardner ROANOKE Roanoke (Charlotte aplit) lat half Mankln Ines Hanley Co Sully A Thomaa Olson A Johnson Blly Co ROCHESTER Temple Flfer Bros A Sia Joe Roberta Keene A Whitney Bud Snyder Co Ann Alexia Katoushka Robert E Keane SAVANNAH Bijou (Jacksonville split) 1st half Patrice A Sullivan JAB Paige Bond Wilson Co McFarland A P'lace "Canary Opera" SCHEN'TADY N Y Proctor's Jamea H Cullen Sam Mann Co Claude A Marlon (Two to fill) 2d half Morgan A Binder "Th'nk You Doc'r" Mel Klee Danse Fantasies (One to fill) SYRACUSE B. )/. Keith's Diaz' Monks Jo Delier Foster A Rae "Are You Married" Dixie 4 TAB Healy John S Blondy TORONTO Shea's Alice De Garmo Yule A Richards Ida May Chadwick Great Blackstone Norwood A Hall Eva Shirley Band Levitt A Lockwood Anderson & Yvel TRENTON, N. J. . i Capitol Zelda Santley McAvoy A Wilson Pressler A Klatss J R Johnson Co (One to fill) 2d half King Brothers Hall A Shapiro Cartwell A Harris Frank Dobson Co Mable McCane Co UTICA, N. Y. Gaiety Thank You Doctor Ben Bernie M Koken Co (Three to fill) 2d half Willie Hale A Bro 2 Rozellas (Four to fill) POLI CIRCUIT CHAS. J. FREEMAN OFFICES BOOKINO WITH ALL INDEPENDENT CIRCUITS SUITE 417. ROMAX BLDG. 245 West 47th Street NEW YORK Phone: BRYANT S917 BRIDGEPORT PoU's Ester Trio Gene Morgan Polly A Oa Yarmark (One to fill) 2d half Boudlnl A Bernard Ford A Wood Sis Ben Welch 4 Bellhops (One to fill) HARTFORD Capitol 30 Pink Toes Joe Bennett Diane A Rublnl Gertrude Barnes Ford A/ Wood Sia Rome A Dunn "Welcome Inn" 2d half Ester Trio Ruby Royca Anderson A Graves Veterans of Variety Polly A Os Bryan A Broderlck SPRINGF'D, MASS. Palace Earle A Mathews Nan Travellne Co Herbert Ashley Co Morley 81a Ed Janla Rot 2d half The Duponts Bezazzlan A White Black A O'Donnell Chaa Ahearn Tr Nevina A Guhi WATERBURY Palaco The Herberts Ruby Royce Anderson A Graves Ben Welch 4 Bellhops 2d half Earl A Mathews Joe Bennett Diane A Rubini Kennedy A Davis "Welcome Inn" WILKFS-BAKRE PoU's WATCH THIS SPACE EVERY WEEK TED LEWIS THIS WEEK (SEPT. 4) PALACE and FLATBUSH Direction ALF. T. WILTON NEW HAVEN Palace Boudlnl A Bernard Veterans of Variety Kennedy A Davis Bryan A Broderlck 2d half The Herberts G«ne Morgan Gertrude Barnes Thornton A King Yarmark 8CRANTON, PA. Poll's (Wllkes-B're split) 1st half Morton A Brown Harold Kennedy Eileen Taylor A Bobble Vlasta Maslova Co (Seranton spHt) 1st half Lew Hoffman Cook A Rosevere Apple Bloss'm Time O'Nell A Plunkett "Night in Spain" WORCESTER Poll's The Duponts Nevins A Guhi Bezazzlan A White Black A Q'Donncll Chas Ahearn Tr 2d half 30 Pink Tors Nan Travclino Co Herbert Ashley Co Morley Sia Ed Janis Rev BOSTON B. F. KEITH J R Johnson Co (Two to fill) PITTSBURGH Davis Will Dornfleld "Little Cottage" Wells Va A West Carleton A Berlew Runaway 4 PORTLAND, ME. B. F. Halth'a Tom Brown Co Awkward Age Pcwera A Wallace Mason A Gwynna Tan-Arakla Will Mahoney PROVIDENCE. RJ. E. F. Albee Raymond Wllbert Markel A Gay Booth A Nina A A F Stedmcr. Lou Tellegen Chief Caupollcan Van Hoven QUEBEC. CAN. Auditorium The Mclntyres Boothby A Everd'n Canton 6 Glen A Richards Toyland Follies HP. % DING. PA. Majestic Reed A Selman WASHINGTON B. F. Keith's Flashes of Songland Johnny Burke Roth Children Adelaide A Hughes Barrett A Cuneen Billy Sharp Co Geo Austin Moore Barbette WILMIN'TON DEL Aldine The Faynes Furman A Evans Leo Hoyt Co Hall A Shapiro Elliott A La Tour (Two to fill) 2d half Cooper A Lacey McAvoy A Wilson Pressler A Klaiss Princeton 5 Rome A Gaut Laura De Vine (One to fill) YONKERS, N. Y. Proctor's 2d half (7-10) •Eddie Conrad Co Alexander A Fields Story Book Rev Wayne M'shall A C Little Yoshl (Others to fill) 1st half (11-13) Harry Rose Mayme Smith Co •Smith Cook A S SUITE 312 BRYANT 0556 I Can Fill Your Open Week or Three Dayi. That Is What I Depend Upon. I Have Done It For JOHNNY DOOLEY and CO. "Wateh Next Week's Name" Or I Can Get You a Route. The RlggoU Strlrtly Independent Aurnt In V. Y HARRY A. ROMM 312 PUTNAM BUILDING. NEW YORK CITY Sampson A Douglas The Sirens (Four to fill) 2d half Baggot A Sheldon Blue Plate El Clove Flrlds A Sheldon (Three to fill) RICHMOND Lyric (Norfolk split) 1st half Krayuna Radio Co I rineeton A Wats'n fook A natman «'hung Wha 4 Samaroff A Sonla (Others to 1111) 2d half~(14-17) •Willie Scheack Co Georgrt Morton Bigelow A Clinton (Others to fill) YORK. PA. Opera) House Beffgot A Sheldon Blue Plate Fields A Sheldon Frcseott A Eden (One to fill) 2d half Listen Lester Sampson A Douglas (Three to fill) BOSTON Boston May MeKay A Sis Gertrude Dudley Co Dameral Vail Co Juliette Dlka Ar A G Falls Howard Hanlon A Clifton Handera A Miliiss GORD'S OLYMriA Scollny Sq. Al Libby Max Ford Revue Kelly A Pollock Gler'a Musical 10 (One to fill) GORD'S OLYMPIA Washington St. Coffman, A Carroll Road to Vaudeville Crafts A Haley Ross A Mayno BANGOR, ME. Bijou B'e C'd A B'g Th'er Wesley A White T P Jackson Co Ben Smith Adams A Robinson Red'rd A Wlnchter 2d half S Mora A Reck'ss 2 Ray Snow A Narine Jack HuRhen 2 Wylio A Ilartman Ryan Weber A R LEW1STON. ME. Music Hull Joe La Vaux . Ruth Goodwjn lfelntyre A iioi'mb Nell McKlnley Kafka A Stanley 2d half B'c C'dAD'pThun'cr Wesley A White T P Jackson Co Adams A Robinson Darnold's Dogs LYNN, MASS. Olympin Suftan Meehan A Newman Morrisscy A Young (One to fill) 2d half Bohemian 3 Columbia A Victor Carson A Willard UL!S and LEE PLAYING KEIT/H VAUDEVILLE Barnold'a Doga 2d half Joe La Vaux Ruth Goodwin Mclntyre A Hol'mb La l'olerica 3 Nell McKlnley Kafka A Stanley BROCKTON. MASS Strand S Mora A Reck'ss 2 King A Irwin Flnlay A Hill La Polerica 3 2d half Red'rd A Winch'ter Ben Smith Morrisscy A Young Crisp Sisters Co LAWR'NCE MASS. Empire Jar.- a Miller Matyloe Lippard Columbia A Victor Zuhn A Dries MANCII ESTER Palace IIugh< s Duo Ray Snow A Narine Ryan Weber A R Wylic A Ilartman Sylvia Rrann Co 2d half Sultan Matylee Lippard Marshall Montg'cry Zuhn K- Dries Jane A Miller GORD'S OLYMPIA New Bedford Bohemian Trio Fields A Fink Carson A Willard Crisp Sinters Co (Two to fill) 2.1 half Sylvia Brann Co Kim,* it Irwin .Meehan A Newman Flnlay A inn Lov'rg Sis A Neary (One to fill) CHICAGO—KEITH CIRCUIT CINCINNATI Palace Bealo Austin & Cols Sawyer Girls Russell's Minst r< Is K.iri ,v Edwards Walmaley a K'ting Carnival Venice CLEVELAND Reud's Hippodrome Duceos Bros Henley A Howard Worth A Willing t'asson A Klem Johnson Bros A J Nn paneea s"lerber Rev DAYTON. O. Keith's Don La nning Adelaide fc Dyer Thuuma Musical Hunters (One to fill) 2d half Hughle Clark Drlacoli Long a d "Oh My Goodn Doyle A Klnlnc (One to fill) i DETROIT LaSulle Gardens Burke Larry A C Hughle Clark Golden Butterfly Doyle A Elaine (One to fill) 2d half Zeck A Randolph Chaa Wilson Adelaide A Dyer Thouma (One to fill) EVANSVILLE.INI). Victory Mlchon Broa The Paynea Walter Fiahtor Co H Van Fossen "Oh My Goodness* 2d half Haverly A Mack Don Laming Texaa Guinan Mualcal Mutter* , Fagg A White LOUI8VILLE, RY. National Sankua A Silvers Grew Paltca Pearce A Dunn Chic Supreme (One to fill) 2d half Yokohama Broa ~DARL MacBOYLE Exclusive Material of Every Description. ON HAND OR TO ORDER. 116 W. 40th St., N. Y. City; Bryant «4«l Crane May A C Small's Girls 2d half Criterion 4 Ethel Gilmore Co Senator Murphy Werner- A moros (One to fill) FLINT, MICH. Palace Kimball A Gorman Hal Kings Medley A Duprce Popularity Girls 2d half Wanda Ludlow Co Mohr A Eldrldgn Grur-tt- Kent A O Golden Butterfly FT. WAYNE, IND. Palace McGreevy A Jeffries Chas Wilson (Others to fill) 2d half Savoy A Capps Emmy'a Peta (Others to fill) K'L'MAZOO, MICH. Regent Emmy's Pets Chapman A King O'Malley A Maxf'd Gruet Kramer A G 2(1 half Halklngs A A M Joy Bogart A Nelson Popularity Glrla LANSING, MICH. Regent A A M Joy Eva Fay Herron A Arnsm'n Parks A Clayton 2d half Georjcia Howard McGreevy A Jeffries Eva Fay Chaplnan A Ring LEXINGTON. KY. Ben AU Nad go Harry Bussey Bell A Caron D Darling Co Holllns Sis Brazilian Heiress Fafrg A White Bell A Cam i MOBILE. ALA. Lyric Delyle Don A E Lyle A Virginia Ball A Mipre Gllroy A Uaynes Falrman A Furmas) 2o>half Mowatt A Millen (Others to fill) NASHVILLE Princess Yokohama Boys Holllns Sis Fagg A White Humphreys Brazilian Heiress 2d half Sankus A Silvers John Geiaror Grew Pal tea Pearce A iHinn Chic Supreme NEW ORLEANS « Palace Mowatt A Mullen (Others to fill) 2d half Delyle Don A E Lyle A Virginia Ball A Moore Gilroy Haynea A M 1'ADI (Ml. KY. Orpheum Sieger Trio Haverly A Mack: Pearce A Dunn (One to fill) 2d half Crane May A C Milton A Lehman R Henry Dodgo (One to fill) RICHMOND. IND. Murray Zelda Biros' Frieda Held Petit Rev 2d half Mlchon Bros Muriel Marvel Small's Girls ORPHEUM CIRCUIT CHICAGO Palace (Sunday openl I 1 ni?) 1 (I LINCOLN, NEB. Orpheum Sunday opening) Morris Express Co. —: ICLIABLfl THKATIUCAT. TRANSFBH :— 238W.49thSt.,N.Y.C. oay A Nioht ServleS Hyams A McTntyre Chic Sale Pearson N'port A P Chas Harrison Wellington Cross Juliet State Lake (Sunday opening) Stanley A Blrnea Burns Bros Hnll A Dexter Dolly Kay Gibson A Connelll DENVER Orpheum (Sunday opening) Gus Edwards Tom Smith Joo Rolley Sandy Redmond A Wills Lloyd Nevado Bmsrsot A B'ldwln DES MOINES Orpheum (Sunday opening) Alexander Patty Gus Fowler Wilton Sis Lindquist A Allen Fcnton A Fields Frank Wilcox (One to fill) Dl'LLTH Orpheum (Sunday opening) .TAN Olms Faber A. McGowan Morgan A Dancers Roxy La Rocca. Trlxle Frignnza Martin A Moors Jimmy Savo Csl-orn t S-heila Terry 4 Camerons Cervo A More* LOS ANOKLEfl Hill Street Princess Radjah Janis A Chaplovr Snell A Vernpa Hcraa A Wills Barclay A Chain Cartwright A D Orphrum Marmein Sis "Tanao Shoes'* Theodore Roberts Hurst A O'Donnell Lew Dockstader Lloyd A DeVoe Oaks A De Lour Mat Fisher Band MEMPHIS Orpheum Elizabeth Brics Morton A Glass Mabel Ford L'ddlo Foyer Frank Sabinl Luster Bros Mil \\ \1 KICF Palace (Sunday opening) Williams A WolfuS "JugRleland" Bernard A Garry Little Billlo La Hi in., i.i DKNTIST Prices within reason to the profession. Dr. M. G. CARY N. W.Tor. State and Randolph Sta. Second floor over I>ruy Store Entrance i> W. Randolph St.. CHICAGO Ifurio Kane aV Herman (Ona to fill) KANSAS CITY Main Street (Sunday opening) Herbert Drooas 3 Whlto Kuhns Hprinfrtimo Frolics McDsvitt Kelly & Q (Two to fill) Orpheum (Sunday o|x ning) "Show OfT" Rhattuck A O'Nell Singer's Midgets Rubin A II ill Harry Dresn Josephine Amoros I Lees "The Doves'' MINNEAPOLIS Hennepin (Sunday opening) Mildred Harris Claudia Coleman R I A Tinker lteers Wil. nn Aubrey 3 ('ha ndon .'I Ardina Co NEW OICLLANS Palace (Sunday opening) I>r Thorn] irn <■ nroy A L»-Malre Wilson Urea Adolphua l !q Jack I is vi ro L' Res Sia