Variety (October 1922)

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•)r--'i::-:T-_:i::'f- "3.. ""T'-vJi-r* ■ .* : > ■ ''V.' VARIETY'S LONDON OFFICE r* A R I F ^ ® St, Mmrtin't Place, Trafalgar Square K^ Jf\ P E^ MLt iJ 2096 Regent Friday, October 6, 1922 GERMAN FILM INDUSTRY NEAR TOTAL COLLAPSE Exhibitors Closed Theatres as Protest Against Ex- cessive Tax—Beer Gardens and Wine Terraces Flourishing : .^ ;•• ■"' ■■'■.- • . . " ■ ■ «♦■ — ■ Berlin, Oct. 4. The German picture industry is In almost total collapse as far as native exploitation is concerned. AH picture tlvoatres have been closed by the exhibitor^ because of the 50 per cent, government "head" This puts the admission at a pro- hibitive scale and the theatres have closed In preference. The German producer is now in business for for- eign trade chiefly, and If the tax is not lifted by the first of the year will specialise solely with that view. Meantime the native German film fan must forego flicker entertain- ment, which means the beer gar- dens and wine terraces are flourish- ing unusually. The latter particu- larly with cabaret entertainment, which consists chiefly of nude danc- ing (excepting for diaphanous loin covering). This is not missed much, however, since the German picture houses only open at six in the eve- ning ordinarily. The operas are getting a fair play, but the tourist is the "gyp" victim. "Where the native pays 300 marks admission the toll is' double for the foreigner. Conditions for the are getting harder, mark has advanced 2.600 to 1.800 for dollar. An idea of gleaned from the fact a number of men, dressed in female attire, have been arrested for parading the amusement thoroughfares. .. RENOVATED MORALS Wedding Bells Purify Coming to U> French 8. Play Paris, Sept. 26. The comedy of EUouard Bourdet, produced at the Theatre Antjblne early in the year, and which is/due for. New York when translated. Was successfully revived at the Theatre Femina, with the .revised denoue- ment. Instead of giving herself to her suitor when her aged father sel- fishly jibes at their marriage, as first written the play now finishes with their legal union. Marthe Regnier holds the part of the girl, and LAgren^e the forward young man, with L. Maurel as the selfish professor. working class although the slightly from an American ■ conditions is MAGICIANS' FEUD ENDS Maskeleyne, Insurgent, Elected to Magicians' Club London, Sept. 22. The animosity between the Magic Circle, of which Nevill Ma.skeleyne is president, and the Magicians' club, with.Houdini at its head, has ceased to exist. The hatchet was buried at the annual Ainner of the club, Sept. 17, when Nevill Mas- kelcyne's election to membership was announced. Addressing the 200 diners, Mas- keleyne said he hoped the two bodies would combine to bring about Improvements in modern magic and a higher standard of in- telligence in the entertainment world. Later in the evening Oswald 'Williams, who is at the moment the "star" turn In the Maskeleyne show, was presented with an Illuminated address for his services to magic. ALTHOFF'S COMEBACK London, Sept. 24. After his somewhat unhappy ex perience at the Finsbury Park Em- pire Charles Althoft reopened in London at the Victori.a Palac*. He was placed wrongly, having to fol- low Little Tich, who for very many years has been the big thfhg in British vaudeville. Tich worked 4^ minutes, with the result that Althoff addressed a tired audience. Toward the end of the week Althoff, in desperation, snatch- ed off his wig. This action was received with enthusiasm by the audience. The wig snatching business was kept in, with the result that Althoff for the rest of the week took genuine cur- tain calls. * "^ ABSOLUTELY, MR. !" Catch Line U'oed in London Musical Comedy Hit. • ' London, fijpot. 22. The value of the comedy conver* eation and duet based on the idea: "Isn't it right?" "Absolutely, Mr.—," was demonstrated on the opening night of "The Cabaret Girl," when it was utilized in modified form by Messrs. Cirossmith and Griffin, scor- ing one of the hits of the piece. It would be difficult to allege plagiarism owing to the*wording of the "bit" here, but it was easily recognizable to those who had heard it on the American stage. Possibly Messrs. Gallagher and Shean could come over and use it without the general public being aware that li was utilized in the Winter Garden show. LONDON'S NIGHT CLUBS ABOUT AT AN END Palmy Days Over—Just Drink-^ ing Dens—Special Law j Coming ■ i ,1 . . . And the horrible sun dropped drunkenly into the ea«t. . . . Before the daaed Vision of Ahmed the black ground roije swiftly up to meet the rushing snows. He drew his silken raiment more cloaely about him. . . .^IHe was not cold at all, bxit a wave of nausea «wept over him as his eyes took in the billing of FRANK VAN HOVEN BRITISH MUSICIANS' UNION WANTS AMERICANS CURBED London, Sept. 26. The palmy days of the night cluba have come to and end as far aa London is concerned. Very few had any great claim to reputability and were mainly disguised drinking iJens. Many of these places were Lequently raided, the proprietors and managers promptly opening up new dives under different names. The authorities are now tired ot this and it can be stated • special I law is about to be passed which will I place such of these night haunta aa are left under the direct, control ot the police, and the same is about to happen to the dancing clubs. Thia law will make them unsafe and un« popular from the standpoint of their old habitues. The ordinary acknowledged clubs and hotels will be free from this and have no more supervision than they always have had and they will continue ^o get their twice-weekly extensions. Many hotels and all sorts of unsuspected places are ob- taining cabaret licenses. It is even -itaid that the eminently respectable firm of Lyons, which run anything %-om cheap tea-shops to flash hotels, will run a cabaret on the roof of their new extension of their "Comeij House" near Piccadilly Circus. BELASCO'S "L'AVOCAT" Declare Alien Restriction Act Shoulld Protect TKem From Invasion of U. S. Bandsmen in Restaurants and Cabarets—Move in Aciors' War New "GARRICK" UNLIKELY Version of Old Play Produced in London London, Oct. 4. A new version of the oldy "David Garrick," now called "Mister <Jar- rick" and written by Louis Parker, was produced Sept. 29 at the Court theatre. It is not rcKtirded as n likely suc- ceH«. DEATHS ABROAD <;iil)ri«l SraiilcH, l-'ronch author nn<l P.'iris univeif<ity profe.siior, died at Barbiy.on, aged 70 years. Antonio Haldi.Ili, Italim barytone Jind winging teacher, died, aged 72 years. Kmilc "RourKeolH, formerly a mii«1- eal conductor and chorus mn.stcr at Opcra-Conii<jue, I'aris, died Kei)t. 19. FRENCH PIECE FOR U. S. raris, Oct. 4. LouiH Verneuils comedy "I'our Avoir Adrionne" has been ><ol(l for America and will bo pro<luc'Cd there under the title "A Young Man's Fancy." MfllMliiini STUDIOS OF lUlkl DAMailC HOLBORN EMPIRE CINEMA London, Oct. 4. It Is said the Holborn Empire, generally considered to be one of the most important houses on the Gulliver Circuit, is to go over to pic- tures it the necess.iry license is ob- tained. As the Royal this house was one of the most popular in Lon- don and ran on a par with the Tivoli, the Pavilion, and the Oxford as far as the importance of its pro- gram went. ZIEGFELD'S OPTION. London, Oct. 4. Contrary to many rumors. "The Cabaret CJirl," which promises to become a big success at the Winter Oarden, is not an Anglicized ver- sion ol an American production, nor has any part of it been played there. It is an entirely new show and Flor- enz Ziegfeld has an option on the American rights. GOOD IDEA MANGLED London, Oct. 4. "Mister Budd of Ktnninxton," pre- sented last night at the Koyaity, is a romantic comedy with a musical comedy plot. The basic idea is exorllent but it has been poorly developed. .Tubby Edlin, starred, is excellent. • Harry Pilcer Looking for Partner London, 0<.t. 4. Harry Pilcor is in Lnrnlon look- ing for a girl dancing partner. Paris, Oct. 4. TIarry Pilcer. former partner of the late (laby Deslys, hns takrn an English girl as partner and frames a new act entitled "The Ja// \Wi\ Devils," which is sche<lulcil for thr Alhambia late this week. tu 229lfe$t4StlJStll«wYork _| Marechal Returns Paris, Oct 4. Maiirire Mare<hal is remimincr the management of the Tliratre PouIcvariJs, formerly callr'<l the I'Men, and will open the house to- night ♦ OtI 4) with a rrvivaJ of "IFn AnKf 1 .>ssa" by J.khim-' I'.ius- <juet and Henri W.ill<^' ll«^niy Julien and Ferna/ide Albany will be at the head of the cast. **8an8 Gene" Again Paris, Oct. 4. The Port St Martin will revive "Mme. .Sons tJene" Oct, 13 with Vargas .nnd Armande C.Tssive, the latter playing the title role. • " London, Oct. 4. The English musicians' union is taking up the question of alien musician". Thfir principal com- plaint is that American bandsmen are employed in restaiirants and cabaret shows to the exclusion of FJnglishrnon. The native musicians declare they are as good players as the Americans in any style of music including j.'izz. Their argument is that the Alien Restriction Act should protect the native artist. The complaints arc receiving little sympathy from the Ministry of Labor and the Home Office. These governmental agen- cies are not disposed to interfere. MeanwhiTr, the English musicians protest they are t)eing deprived of employment by the foreign invasion. Touring Actors' Affair The musicians are also involved indirectly )n the Actor-manager controversy. The Touring Mana- gers' Association held a conference with a deputation of theatrical em- ployes a few days ago and voted to resume negotiations looking to- ward the draft of a new contract satisfactory to. both parties to the dispute. In the meantime, it was deterinine<l, the old standard con- tract shall continue in force. The conference was brought about alter the recent abortive meeting between the actors' and managers' associations. The players decided to call a conference of delegates from tho employes' unio'n.s—the V. A. F., tile Amalgamated Music.ans and the National Association of Theatrical Employes. Managers Change Front The meeting took place Sept. 21 and was |)rivate, fn the end it wa; decided to send a dr|)ntation to the managers, such drputat'on to consist of J. B. Wil- liams, of the Mu.'-irians' Union, the recently elected chaiirnan ol the (icneral Council of the Trade ITnion'-- Congrc-s; Albnt \'oyce„ of tic V. A K ; Alfred Lugg, "of the A. A , ami T« renrc Canmon, of the N, A T. E, the object of the dejui- latiun being to clear up the differ- ences between the actors and man- agers which were daily becoming more acute The managers, however, were not in favor of receiving such a deputa- tion They indicated they had definitely derided to have nothing fuithfi to <lo with t rade unionism in the theatre. They were prepared, however, to give attention to any genuine sugRcstions for a settle- ment ma«le by the A, A , such sug- gestions to be made by letter. "4 HORSEftflEN" GOIIVG UP Amer .c-in S-pecial Film Increasing Vi/cckiy Cross in London London, Oct. 4. The f'tifrTjrth of the draw of "Tlie I»'our lloisimen"' (Metrt)) at the local Palace is indicated by the contiiiued increase in the weekly takings, although the picture is now around its ICth week at that iiout.c. The incieaue is somewhat Hitf.-ht and due mostly to matinte attend- ance. Tlie nights are capacity. Lavt week it was reported in Va-' riety the "Horsemen" picture had done 3,COO pounds. While that may be a bit high, il was close to that figure, a large one for the theatre at $2.12 top, and the picture ha:; not varied 100 FM)unds in the gross in any one ^eek since opening. During the fall "The Four Horse- men" will show at Madrid, Sp.iin, and other Spanish cities. It alrcidy has been exhibited in Paris and Brussels The picture may return to Paris later. .• Following the "Horsemen" at the Palace, which is held under a rental agreement by Metro until Dec. 10, Sir William Jury, the Loew Eng- Tish representative, may select "The I'risoner of Zenda" as itJ successor, another Metro, and to be followed by Metro's late^t presented special, "Trifling; Women." OPERATIC "MERCHANT" Londoiv, Sept. 20. Adrian Beaeham, the 18-year-old son of Sir Thomas Beach;im, pro- duced his operu foiin<led on the "Merchant of Venice " at the (Jrand, Brighton, Sept. 18. His press com- ments are gocd. Takes American Rjqhts to the New BricitM Drama • • Paris, Oct. 4. David Felasco has taken th* American rights of Eugene Brieux'a ne\y play, "L'Avocat" ("The Law- yer'), current at the Vaudeville. It is described as' a melodramatic .• ((>medy, is in three act?, and haa <| been favorably rQceiv#d in the | French capital. Tlio rlct hinges on the trial of a woman acxusid of the murder of her husband and the lav/yer-friend' who undertakes her defense She is acquitted, but confesses to the lawyer Khe committed thd crime because her husband, suspecting the lawyer as the wife's lover^^ threatened to kill him. l \a • ' -I The couple separate at the end. GUITRYS IN OPERETTA Paris, Oct. 4. Francis Salabert. publishor, will;! control a number of operettas to be "^ released this season. The musical f| comedy by Sacha <luitry, music by I Raynaldo Hahn, will shortly Start| at the Theatre VII, with Sacha and ^ Yvonne Printem|)s. (Mrs. Gvftry ured to sing very nicely.) T' e . ,>€»etta by F. de Crolsset and ' R de l^'lers, score by Andre Mcs- " sager, will possibly see the light at the Theatre de Paris under the title of "Ceboulette." "La Haut," script by Yves MIrnnde, lyrics by Wille-» metz. music by M. Yvain (the "Ta Bouche" trio); is ready but no hojme has been decided. Christine is also busy on a score for Salabert, on the lines of hit^^ "Dede.' SAILINGS Carl Rosa Opera at Ccvcnt Garden London, 0<t. 4. The Carl Hosa opera season is to opeu Oct, 9 at Co vent' Uardcn. JAPANESE TRAGEDY IN DOUBT "The Toils of Yosliitome," pro- duce<l at the Litlle theatre, is a .Tap- anr-se tiag«dy that ha.*-- small chanct- of Kuccesjs over here. Goorgc Middleton's Job " , Paris Oct. 4. fleorge MiddieFoTi, the American playwrij^ht, has been named as the American <'orrespondent of "Come- dia," the Flench journal of the theatre Mr Middleton has spent several years in l«'rance, returning to the States not long ngo. "The Comedia' has a new editor, Andre Antoine Oct. 25 (from London). Duncan Sisteia (Olympic). • Oct. 18 (from London), Harry FM» ter (Majestic). i Ol » 14 (from l..ondon for New York), York and Adams (Homeric). Oct 14 (from Cherbourg). Charles Althoff, wife and two children ( Ariuitaiii.'O' 0( t 4 (from Havre for New York), Tom Barry (Hoc ham beau). Oct 4 (from London), Los Eph- riain (Olympic) ♦)tt. 4 (from Londori), John Mc- Conrwick (Oiymi)ic). O.t. 3 (from London), A. H. Woods (Ferengaria). Sept. 23 (from London), Clara Nobel lo-Da vies (Aquitania). Heported thrciigh 1 aiil Tauslg & Son, 104 East 14th (-An ct : Sept 25 (from Nev/ York), R W. Roberts (Olympic); Oct 3 (from Londori), F.tnnie I^rit <, Mm«\ Bertha Knlii h ai>d daughter Leon Spachncr (Maievtic^ Trr FOSTERS AGENCY, Ltd GROIUiR POSTER u ! /.Oil uiiuiiiiy uiuoo nu., luhuuii, [ii0. ""^^V.^^^ We Placed YVETTE RUGEL in England COMMtlNUATK TIIROUOII WILLIAM MOKHI^ 4CiKN€V. LNC. 14M BlU>AI>WAki I^MJhAM BUlLDIMy HEW itOMK CTtM,