Variety (October 1922)

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ijfrv^-Tw "r.-* '. ^i-.v w-»-»». - ■ ■> ' "71?: f. : ''■:•■>. •i'^^i '. VARIETY V.- Friday, October 6, 1922 TWO BIG NATURAL HITS BETTER THAN ROW-ROW-ROW A SCREAM IN EVERY LINE ■ IF YOU WANT A REAL BALLAD HERE IT IS ADDRESS HARRY-VON TILZER MUSIC PUB. CO! ADDRESS Broad.way Central Bldg. 1658 BROADWAY, CORNER 51st STREET. NEW YORK Phone Circle 8775 y PHn.APKT.PHTA SHOWS (Continued from page 16) tically acclaimed by the' critics, has been equally discouraging at the Lyric. It showed a little in its first week, but dropped with a thud last week, with Jittlo Improvement in sight for the present week. The Walnut, with "Up the Lad- der," did excellent business, though the promise of Tuesday and Wednes- day nights was not fulfilled. This show, which is in for three weeks, is showing suriwislng strength and looks to make money for both house s.nd show. "Spice of 1922" reached its lowest mark last week, but its three weeks' engagement was a success in all particulars, and especially Rratifylng in view of the other failures. The uncertainty of the nianagerH on the booking question is becominj? more and more apparent this fall. Tliore were no less than four switches made last week by the Shu- berts and the Syndicate h.'id one. Early in the week the booking of •'Captain Applejack," at the Uar- rick for the Dth, was cancelled, and [ SYDNEY PRUSS a new Sam Harris play, "Rain," was announced as substitute, making the third tryout at this house this year. Next, the Shuberts announced "The Blushing Bride," due at the Lyric Oct. 9, out, and "Springtime of Youth," a new one. In. That lasted only a day, and at the last moment, as the theatrical pages of the dailies went to press, Raymond Hitchcock's new "Hitchy Koo" revue was an- nounced in at the Shubert for the 10th, with "The Rose of Stamboul" switched to the Lyric. The most recent change was the postponement of the opening of Shu- bert vaudeville from Oct. 9 until a week later. The result of all this mix-up gives this city four openings next Mon- day (9th) and another on the 10th. TIjc first four are "The Czarina" at the Kroad. "The Demi-Virgin" at the Adelphi, "Rain" at the Gar- rick, and "The Rose of Stamboul" at the Lyric, with "Hitchy Koo" on the following night, evidently fig- uring to escape the competition. An opening on any other night than Monday is an unusual occurrence here. Oct. IC tlie Metropolitan opera house makes one of its infrequent entrances into the legit situation here with "Tlie Beggar's Opera" in for two weeks. Harry Lauder will y be at the Walnut that week. On 1 TED WESTON BOOKING AGENCY 234 W. 46th Street, New York City OITOSITi: N. V. A. C l-VIl HARRY CODARE, Gen. Mgr. Booking Vaudeville—Clubs, Societies, Tabloids. People furnished for Dramatic and Musical Productions, Stock and Repertoire. CHORUS GIRLS ALWAYS WANTED—STAGE DANCING TAUGHT Vaudeville Acts and People in all branches of Show Business should register at this office. WRITE WIRE CALL PHONE Bryant 7919 REHE.VRSAL H.\M. TO I.KT AT ALL HOURS the 2Sd the latter house will haro Walter Hampden and the Shubert will show "The Hotel Mouse'* unless there is a chance in that on account of short scheduled stay of "Hitchy Koo." An Interesting feature of the week is the billing of "Sally" as in for a "brief limited engagement." It's hardly figured this show can get away sooner than two naonths. but the emphasis on the short stay is something the wise ones can't figure. Estimates of the Week "Dulcy (Broad, 4th week). Neat comedy would have made money for all concerned in two-week stay customary . at this house, but it slumped badly and got only $6,500, with prospects of lower still this week. "The Czarina" next week. "Sally" (Forrest. 1st week). Gala opening, with no scats at box ofiflce week In advance, and big prices asked by specuUitors Monday night. Standing room, three or four deep, and much enthusiasm. This house, in fact, got cream of holiday Influx. Glowing notices. "Pomeroy's Pasl" fCarrlck. 3d week). Clare Kummer's latest comedy has never got across here, although changes have been made in desperate effort to better show. Doubtful if It grazed $5,000 last week. "Rain," new show, dated for this week. "Up the Ladder" (Walnut, 2d week). Brady show has shown sur- prising strength and is now looked to be real moneymaker In its three- week stay. Topped $7,500 with very weak Wednesdayv matinee; Monday night of tlvis w^ok capacity, with indications Viat gross will climb h ighe>i \ Marjolalne" (Lyric, 3d week). Despite fine notices and O. K. from New Vork. this dainty musical show has failed to catch on here. Did about $6,000 last week. "Rose of Stamboul" In Monday. Shubert Is dark this we»»k after "Paradise Alley" proved Hop last week, with gross somewhere around $5,000. "Hitchy Koo" in Monday. I CHICAaO SHOWS (Continued from pa^e 16) which gave about an average patronage for this week and last. The Great Northern was dark for the week, and the George Arliss attraction of "The Green Goddess" opened Saturday night. estimates for last week: 'To the Ladies" (Cohan's Grand) (6th week). The dallies have picked up the story that Douglas Fair- banks' "Robin Hood" film U listed for this house for the middle of October. Helen Hayes getting ex- tensive publicity, which may have helped business to pick up to nn In- crease over last week of $2,500. Did $10,000. "The Circle" (Selwyn) (2d week). At regular scale of $3 top, show topk jump of $3,000 over previous week when the $5 tdp price was in evidence with scalpers. Press work and advertising well handled. Fin- ished strong to $16,000. "Cat and Canary" (Princess) (4th week). Slipped little to $16,000. Mystery appeal finding ready atten- tion from theatregoers. Standing its own. although only real mystery show in loop. "The Dover Road" (Playhouse) (a^r week). Additional lobby dis- plays, which cost plenty, have helped business to mount over last week's intake. Show well liked with Lester Bryant sharing in heavy for $9,000 gross. *'The Goldfish" (Studebaker) (Id week). Had hands full In cllmblnf to $10,000. sainie pace It has been holding to. Questionable whether It will be able to withstand com- petition by staying "to five-figur» "Just Married" (La Salle) (2Sd week). Takes second place for lone runs of shows In town, but dropped to $8,000. Has following all its owa and getting out-of-town play. "Bulldog Drummond" (Powers) (4th week). Will make way at end of this week for Allan Pollock in "A Bill of Divorcement." Went down a few hundred dollars with business topping $11,600. Leavinf next Saturday with new show open- ing Sunday. "Lightnin"* (Blackstone) (56th week). Bill-Jones still getting Juicy slice of business, even though it did • ICOUPGN ' ! AND ! BOOK STRIP WEipON.WIllI&MS&LICK FORT SMITH ARK. Remoyal Notice SALLY'S^'' PERMANENT WAVINI MARCEL WAGING nAIR COLORING FACIAL & SCALP TREATMENTS. COMPLETE LINE OF TOILET ARTICLES "SALLY" Begs to Announce Removal of Her Parlors From ROOM 201 TO ROOM 313 1493 BROADWAY Putnam Bldg. Between 43d and 44th Streets. NEW YORK CITY '■ Invitation !» Extended to All Her Old Pqtrona as Well a$ New Customers to Visit Her in Rooms 311-313 SPECIAL PRICE TO THE PROFESSION FOR "SALLY'S" PERMANENT WAVE THAT STAYS WAVED. Phone Bryant 7327 DROr CXKT.^INH, CYt'I.OKAM \.«4, STA<JK KETTINiiS OF KVKKY DK- HrRII*TION IN AMMNK niTKM .\XD W.ITEK COLORS. AI.RO SILK**. S\TINK.»<. VKLVFTf* and "NOVELTY" MATEKIALH. 4 EXAMINE DROPS — APPLIQUE SETS / -■ roK. Vaudeville AcU, Complete Revu^l, rroductlons and Tl»eatr«a "Qaaltty Work" — "Eronom.'r PrJc««" FAVORABLE FIRST IMPRESSIONS NOVELTY SCENIC STU "SERVICE THAT IS DEPENDABLE" 220 WEST 46th STREET ^^^,, bryant mit NEW YORK CITY •' •»', • >" a#^^^.