Variety (October 1922)

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^<k. TH^-npM^j ^ VARIETY ' >4iv ,♦ *»*Afrff Fridaf. October 6, 1983 ' J ■, a.. ' —a =g ng . -j a ■P" jl INDIANAPOLIS y^ By VOLNEY B. FOWLER ^ Transformation of Loew's Slate, fllm theatre, to the Palace with a feature film and Keith family TAudeville policy last week gave In- dianapolis four downtown vaude- ville houses. IJesides the Palace, there are Keith's. Lyric and the Shubert-Park. The Palace Is the largrer, with 3.000 seats. •Herb Jennings, manager of ZiOew'a State, will continue to run the Palace undiv the new combined Kdith-Loew-locaL.£apital control, it .fras announced. ' Charles M. Cooper, formerly h.^lf owner of the (Iiyety theatre build- ing In East Washington street, ac- quired the one-fourth interest of Jean Pierce DuPree last week, leav- ing ^W^lliam N. Pickens holding the other^uarter. Burglars pried open the safe of the Princess, Laporte. Ind.. Sunday nIBfht, Sept. 24. and escaped with 11,000. / Downtown picture houses re- ported unsatisfactory^ business last week, while the Gertrude Hpffman unit at the Shubert-Park played to the best of the four weeka ttte Shu- bert house has been running. Tsl«pluMW: UKV.tNT 1171 C'*bl« Address: "MniONIA!'!'' W. SIMON MAMUFACTUJtBa and IMPORTRR of HIGH GRADE FURS , 32 West 46th Street I 9 NEW YORK I Speetal DUcount t* tli« rrof«Mlo« I ST. LOUIS By JOHN ROSS The old Imperial Is to become an office building. Alterations almost complete. It was erected $5 years ago; then known as Hagen's opera house. It has played everything. Art Smith. Empress, removed the ticket booth that stood in front of the lobby and put sterm doors In its place. A window was cut in wall from private office to lobby. Re- sult: a real box office, larger lobby and better appearance. With "Laughs and Ladies" business was poor last week. The critics ham- A Special Theatrical strongest trjnkj evor built for tke theatrical profss*; on, Sucli trunks will last through circuit after cirouit—thou- sands of miles. The convenisnces for the professional folks are so many and exclusive that thoy ma!<o "other trunks" aesm like Band BoKoa. Innovation Trunks aro cxquisitively * lined with imisorted cretonne and a*l compartments arQ built \t\o tiio "old walnut bureau di av;jr3." that stand the 'drcUitl Special Price to the profession only- i Biurrfily B«iU. ReiaforMd To Stastf Tht "Baotav* iiiiaili**'" Wil< Outwear JtWCt CASE MAKE UP BOX UCTRIC IROU WAT BOX 6H0€ BOX EXTRA STURDV COPWUGATEOne^E SWINr.ING HANGING Sr5rtM(r«u.*vi«tJ EAVV COPNCft HARDWARE ALL DRAWERS MET AL BO UND SOLO EXOJUSrvtiy AT INNOVAT ION 329 PiftK Avcr\ue .TMgw Yoiko Just below 33r(l ' mered It so bad that Wm. Pried* lander came on and changed show completely. "Who's My Wife" act was thrown out. The knock helped the Rialto. around corner, which played to big housea. evenings only. Matinee.^ at 25 cents and 10 centa for children fail to dc^w. The Woodward Players. Garrlck, did very good their flrst week. It Is the only stock In St. Louis and there is no reaaon why they should not make money. The Mid-West Production Co. will resume work on a serial, "The Eyes of Mystery." under direction of Leon De La Mothe. Work on the pictuM* was "halted when "Slim" Cole, the stunt man. was Injured while doing a motorcycle stunt on a scenic railway at Creve Coeur Lake last month. E. J. Lynch' is manager of Del- monte. WASHINGTON, D. C. By HAROIE MEAKIN After many months of wailing a legitimate production comes to town. Miss Emm^ Dunn In "Her Happlnesa" opening at Oarrlck Monday, reviewed elsewhere in this issue. > "Oh. What a Girl!" Shubert unit, at Belasco. Business holding up at nights but matinees below par. Picture houses: Rialto. "Slim Shoulders": Columbia. "Manslaugh- ter"; Palace. «"Fast Mail"; Metro- politan. "Monte Cristo," second week. Gayety.—"Flpflights of 1923." Cosmos.—"The Sidowalks of New York"; Henry B. Toomer and Co. in "The Wife Savef ; Case and Mayne; Felix JJernard ajnd Jack Duffy; The Five Petrovas; Dedrick and Devere. BILLS inOCT WEEK (Continued from Page 23 > PANTAOES CIRCUIT The Howard, one of Washington's colored theatres (ttiree now doing excellent business) has vaudeville and pictures between the advent of colored attractions. Grace Cleorge. supported by Nor- man Trevor and Robert Warwick, appears in a new play, "To Tjove." by Patil Geralay. adapted from the French, at the Garrick next week. The new picture house being built by Emanuel Stutz, former manager for Marcus Loew at the Columbia, In Wa.sbington's society dl.strict, Chevy Chase, is nearlng completion. lilMNE.^rOtlS (Sandar oi>enlns) Th« Weldonas Buddr TITalker Alex Droa & Evelyn lironaon A Kpiit« Blackaton* WINNIPEG rantages r.illlan'i Dags KarrrU A Hatch Tollman R«v Oreat Mauricfi n«nse« a BairA Uttle Plptras BIMilNA. CAN. raatavea (.tame bill plajrs Aaskatooa i:-14) 3 Avollos Hensoa & D 3ia Joe n«rnnrd Co 3 LeQroha DeMltchelle Droa 4 Ortooa BVEBBTT, VTASH. PuBtacos «(f-10) (Same bill plars BeilinKham 11-12) Daly Mack A D # Tuck A Claira Kennedy §^ Koonejr Klrksmlth Sis Ricoletta Droa SPOKANB J A K Mitchell Miller A MiUer Caaley A Beaalajr t 8u»<iman A Sloan Proai>et A Merrill Rlainf Oeoeratioa SEATTLE Pantasras Sclma Uraats Pierri A Kinr CMifTord Wayue I Kajiyama Sidney 8 Styna Klulln^'a Animala VANCOUVKB. B.C. Pantaces Burt Shepberd Fargo A Richards Ujlly Kelly Co Vokes A Doa Tho Lamcys TACOMA Pmntmg«m Kitamura Japa Klaybftlle PhiJllpa Pardo A Archer Abbott & Whits Earl Puller Band POETI'AND, OBE. PMit«c«a Jeaa Vaijean Roas A Bdwarda Plorette A Jollrle RIvea A Arnold "Kate" Larry Harkina Co TBAVKL ^Open week) Carson A Kane Robinson A Pierce Page Hack A M Qoets A Duffy Oeorge Lashay SAN FBANCISCO Paatages (Sunday openinip) JujrirlinK Nelson Fein A Tennyson Tyler ^ Crolius Ross Wyse Co "Stepping Some" OAKLAND PaaUi0ea (Sunday openiQg)^ Pour Rosea Hudaoa A Jones Darta A McCoy , "In Chinatou-n" Robya Adair Co 1A}9 ANOEL>:S Vrane Sisters CaleAonlan Four Wlllard Jarvts Co Wlllard Mack Co DlEinrEB Wilfrid Dtiboia Bellanger fILstera Marlon ClaUrt U Dowaioc Rerua Valentine Vok Johnny Marvin SAN DIEGO. CAL. Saroy Conn A Hart Green A Dunbar Hamsted A Marion Brower Trio Monroe Salisbury Four Bonncsaettla L'G DEACn. CAL. Pantavea Page A Oreen Futton A Burt Oallarinl .Sisters Al J Jennings Walter Weems SALT LAKE Pantages Gordon Wtldo Ward A King Bob Wilis "Indoor- Sports" Lorner Sisters "Arttata in M'ture" 0<il>KN, l!TAiI Pantages (151-14) Three Beimonts r^yle A BmeraoR Victoria A Dupree Nan^y Pair Springtime Prlva Ferry Coaway Co. COLOKADO SP*GS Paatagea (t-ll) (Same bill playa Pueblo lS-14) "Laat Rehearsal" Komer Bisters Fred Berens Parish A Peru Dana 4ea Artist i^«^ OMAlkA. NEB. Pantagea Bob Pender Tr Jim Thornton Pettit Family Coaeia A Verdi KANSAS CITf Paatacea Judaon Cole Mile Rhea Co Britt Wood "Lore Neat" i INTEKSTATE CIROniT DALLAS, TESL. Majeatie Oalletti's Monks Oeedon A Davis Four Musketeera Hob Hall Donegan A Steger rr. SMITH, ABK. Majestic • Jack La Vier Wright A Dietrich Haverly & Mack Henry'a Sextet (One to nil) rr. WOBTH. TEX. Majaotie Blssett A Scott * Betty Washington Harry, Hayden Co Johnny Couloa Coley A Jaxon The Tamoroa nOVSTON. TEX. Majaatle The Herberts Frank Ward Friaco KlUabeth Brice Luster Bros uirrLE ROCK Majeetic Perez A Marguerite Jack Lavier Wright A Dietrich Ned Nurworlh Henry's .Sestet 2d half Gypsy Meredith Mickey Sisters B Folsom A Band Welly A Teneyck (One to nil> OKLAHOMA CITf Majealio (Tulsa split) 1st half ]m Kay Hamlin A Ksfl Doreo'a Operalogua-j Karl Karey Col Fred I.indsey (One to All) SAN ANTONI^ Majestie Jack Hanley Baxley A Porter Davo Farguaon Rita Gould Princeaa Radjah TVI>IA. OKIA. Majeatle (Okla. City split) lat half Larimer A Hudaoa Daniels A Walters Pl'n'g'n A Morriaoa Billy Beard "Ralnboir's Kad" WICIirrA. KAN. Orpheum Lamont Trio Phllaoa A Duncaa Mme Beanon Co Jack CIllTord Dewltt Burns A T 2d half Dufor Boys Dainty Marie Marlon Weeks Eight Blue Devils (One to Oil) • A I Cot. W. 8. Butterfield of tha Michigan circuit waa in New York last week.. AITDEBSH (Continued from page 18) /Seeker of new meanings In earthly existence. At first thought one would think war play.s are p;isae, a thing not practically unproved in the AmLTl- can theatre, but the S. U O. bu.siness at the Yiddish Art playhouse belled It. The audience was as enthusiastic -as It wa.«< numerous find greeted the piece with loud acclaim. To them apparently the theme, locality and Its timeliness becomes subsidiary to the histrionic portrayal. The casting was excellently taken care of. besides the star, with Ber- tha fJorsten, Lucy German, BInah Aljramowitz, C;er.son Itubin ami Anna Appel, who delivered handily in ihoir rtspective roles. Abel'. MAX, FACTOto Supreme Preparations Liquid Remover, Whitening, Rouge, Powder SOLD BT ITarlowe k Luther. 1551 n'wiy. at 4«Ui St ftiHrtl Drug Co.. Inc.. Til Tth Are., at 4IUi St Ths jAoiai l(Ui m. Drug Store, lot., Sch Are. A llth Strfct. C. O Hi«i*low, liK-., ftth A»e and »(li Slrwt IM&trtbutor; Guy Cuiinli.glum, y P^uhlu llxe New yyrk City. JAMES MADISON'S COMEDY SERVICE No 9 ^ ^^^ readK atul a "pipe" for ambitious comedians d^fsirliifir laughs that are leally new. It contalna my latest original single gags, mono- logues and double routines. Single copies $2. Or the 9 numbers thus far Issued $10; or tiny 4 for $5. Yearly subscription (12 Issues) $15. My COMEDY 8ERVICB Is small In size, exclusive In clrcu lation and supremo In quality. JAMES MADISON 1497 Broadway New York Jimmy Lyons Joins CJeorge Choos' production "The Realm of l-'anta^ie" thi--^ week, doinj; his soldier monolog as a 8cene, and working in the pro- duction itself. Lyons ha.s been on the Loew circuit o.s a single for three seasons. J. GI3ASSBEB& mmr vamp shoe FOR STAGE AND STREET ' $0.85 HtyltHh Haodala Anklet Hiippers pecial Offering, Regular Price $14. Tw« Mo4»1i as lllsitrittvd. Patent Lrather Low Heal. BaaMtifui for All Occasions. MaM OrdMi 23 ceatt extra 22*; WEST 42d ST., N. Y. ^LtLdU ,t^ Apollo A Selwyn Theatro*; No Agenciet SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO MANAGERS AND BOOKERS The Act Formerly Known as STEIN and SMITH Has DUsolved Partnership and Is Now Known as SIDNEY S. SXYNE in **Xis To With ARTHUR POTEET at tho Piano SUCCESSFULLY TOURING RETURN ENGAGEMENT OVER PANTAGES CIRCUIT