Variety (October 1922)

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• V ■•». yx ■; ^{'''> S8 VARIETY Friday, October 6, 1922 B C A m f" I !■■ H I THE BEST PLACES TO STOP AT ILieonard Hicks, Operating Hotels GRANT AND CHICAGO ntrrCD CDC/^IAI CIIMMrD OATITQ HloKle without hntli, tlO.SO p«r work Double frith bath, 917.50 nod Ml.OO p^r week Urrcn Ortl/IML oUIVllVltn nAltO Klmle with batli. »14.0» p»r week Double wdlijwjt l>|it|i, il4.00 per week LORRAIN E 310 HOUSEKEEFIIK APJUnDEKIS \| (Of th« Better Kind—Within Mean* of Economical Folks) Under the dirrrt Nuprrtision of the onnem. I.ornted In the hrart of the ritx, jUHt Mr Kroadway, /loNe to all booking offlrea. priucipal theatreM. department iitorea, traction lineft. "I," rond and itubway M'e are the lurirrkt mafntalnerit af JioaKekeeplnar jrnmlH|ied apartmenta apeelalls- •ervlce and rlmiilineHfl, Ins to thratriral. folks. IVe are oa tlie ground dail/. Thin alone tnitures prompt AIX BUILDINGS KQUIPrED WITH 6TEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS HILDONA COURT ") 141 to S47 Weat 4ath St. . I'hoae l^ngaere SftOO TIneat type elevator, fireproof hatld- Ib(. One, two and three ruoniN; hullt- ia hatha with ahowern. Tiled k-trhen- •tt«a. Thrra rooms have full-tiled kitchen. •1S.00 up Weekly. fGS.Of up Munthl/. . 4;, THE DUPLEX - y> S30 IVeat 4Sd Street / I'hone Ur)ant 6131 One. three and four apartments with kltrlienettes, private butli and teia^one. I'nuNual fumiHlihiKs, room arranffementn afTordw the utmoMt prU Tae/. All nifht hall attendant. Bates 916.00 up Weekly. YANDI8 COURT '. £41-147 WEST^Sd STREET ,::;■"*-V-,.._..•., DRYANT 1»l«r ;, ■■'^'.■' MRS. BLACK, formerly of Ilenrl Court. Is Now la C harce of Vandis Court. One. threa and four roam apartments with kitchenettes, private baths and tele- phone. Directly off TImaa Square, Cn- OBunl fumlahlni;*. room arrangenxMit af- fords t\9Tf privacy. Ratea. 91C.00 up weekly. /(t Address All Communications to M. CLAUAN, ^ Principal Office—Yandis Court. 241 West 4Sd Street. New York. Aoartnicnts Can r<i> Seen EveninKS Offlce tn Each Buildinc. THE ADELAIDE ! 754-756 EIGHTH AVENUE ,« Between 46th and 47th Streets One Block West of Broadway Three. Fonr and Five-Room Hish-Claaa Furnished Apartments—910 Up Utrlctly ProfeMiooal. UR8 <;K0IU>K fllKGKL. ilgr Phones: Bryant H950-1 JUST OFF BROADWAY "AIX TUAT THE NAME IMPLIES" p,rio«al Oirsetioa J. M. KENMY THK HOME OF THE PROFK8SION—WITH A HOMK-LIKB ATMOSPHERE! YOU WILL ilK C;ONTKNTED AT THE AMERICA V IT IM WHKKK YOlfR FHIKNDH STOP IRVINGTON HALL 355 W. 51st Street / 4440 CIRCLE ELEVATOR HENRI COURT 312 W. 48th Street , ' S830 LONOACRB Fireproof buildlrcs of the newest type, liavinK every device and convr Jence. Apartments are beautifully urrunirt-d, and cuUkiitt of if. 3 and 4 roomM. nvl a kitchen and kitchenette, tUed l>atli and phone. 9n.0U Ip Weekly. Address all communications to Charles Tenenbaam, Irvlngrton UalL FURNISHED APARTMENTS THE EDMONDS 776-78-80 Eighth Avenue THE LINCOLN 306-10 West si St Street Bryant 554-553-7833 Circle 6010-0041 NEW YORK CITY MRS. GKORGK DANIEL. Proprletrena Calerinr Ezclostvcly to the I'rofc.HHion. Special Hummer Kates from June to Sept, Privaie Bath and Phone in IJnch Apartment IMPORTANT!!! ■* ;•:' '.,:'^v 'if^' .^' * 'v/ HOTEL ST. MARGARET 129 West 47th Street ~ - f New York City ,' i M'l'i..:. ., .*v ., - ■«.- « * ■ • I . Mrs. Van Horn Taket pleasure in telling her old patrons that having put in her own heating plant, she is enabled to offer a material reduction in prices. ij; DES MOINES By DON CLARK A Des Moines syndicate Im ar«. ranging to take over and complete th» Aliiambra tlicatre building, work on wiiich wae stopped at tlie fourth floor two years ago by the failure of the Commonwealth Mortgage Co^ which was financing the structure. The building is situated on Grand avenue, near Sixth, next door to the Des Moines theatre. It was planned for a vaudeville and picture house, and it is understood was to have been leased by Loew/ Scott Raw- son, president of the Central Trust Co., is one of the business men in- terested in .the new company to complete the structure. The build- ing itself will be 12 stories high. The theatre will have a seating ca- pacity of 2,000 and will be equipped with a large stage. Vorse, Kraetscli £ Kraetsch ace the architects. *. t i| Des' Moines has no Rpall time vaudeville this season, the timpress, which played vaudeville last season, now being the Orpheum, The Majestic, wWch formerly played vaudeville and pictures, is this sea- 8pn playing pictures and musical tabs. • --irfC XT. The New Iowa, filbert & Getchell's legitimate house, which housed the Orpheum last 8eason."1s opening this week with 'Bluebeard's Eighth Wile", and "Neil O'lirien Minstrels.- ••Rollo's Wild Oat" in stock al Princess. . . i, ■■ . .' 1 PlCTUnES.—"Prisoner of Zenda" at Des Moines; "Fool There Was" at Garden; "Manslaughter" at Strand. r DETROIT I CIRCLE HOTEL formerly REISENWEBER'S COLUMBUS CIRCLE and 58th ST. Phone: CIRCLE 2882 The Best Rate Value in New York considcrinp the quahiy and service Room wth Private ilatli; AIno Suites of Parlor, nedrtK>m and Rath *.*?•,' OVERLOOKING CEMTRAL PARK: NEWLT FURNISHED; DAY ANB NIGHT SERVICE CIlAFthES K. OILMAN, Mananer Phoac: Ldbcarre 0114—Bryant 430S Geo. P. Scbnelder, Prop. THE BERTHA- '"'^''?'5 I COMPI.KTB VOR nOCSRRREPINO. APARTMENTS CLRAN AND AIBT 323-325 West 43rd Street NEW YORK CITY Private Bath* 3-4 Rootua, Cnterlnn to the ronifort and couTenience of the prufeaaluu. KTEAM IIRAT AND KI.KCTRIC LIGHT ..... $15.00 UP DOUGLAS H"TEL BEN DWORETT. Manarrr ' ROOMS NEWLT RENOVATED, All Conveoleneea. Vaeaarlee Now Open. 207 W. 40th St.—Off B'way Phone: DRYANT 1471-8 ARLINGTON HOTEL TORONTO, CAN. Special Rates to the Profession KIN6 aiitf JOHN STS. Pn. Ada 7C0« BURLESQUE ROUTES (Oct. 9-Oct. 16) » COLUMBIA CIRCUIT "American Girl" '» Columbia Chicago 16 Star &; Oarter Chic.itjo. "Beauty Revue" 9 Lyric Dauton 16 Olympic Cincinnati. "I3ig Jamboree" 9 Olympic Cin- cinnati 16 Gayety St. Lovii.s. •'Bon Tons" 9 Empire I'rovidcnce 16 Gayely Botton. "Broadway Brevities" 9 Gayeiy Minneapolis 16 Gnyoly Milwaukee. • "Broadway Flappers" 9 Star St Garter Chicago 16 l^nglcwood Chicago. • "Bubble BiibbU-" 0-11 Cohen's Newholf 12-14 I'oughkeop.sie 16 Casino Brooklyn. "Chuckles of 1922" 9 Casino Brooklyn 16 Miners Newark. Finney Frank 9 Empire Toledo Itt I^yric Dayton. "Flashlights of 1923" 9 Gayety rittaburgh 16 Colonial Clovolanrt. "Follies of Day" 9 Gayety Omuh;> 16 Gayety Minneapolis. BILLY TODD OAKLAND HOTEL 26th St. and 6th Ave. ^ NEW YORK CITY "Folly Town" 9-11 Colonial Utica 16 Gayety Montreal. "Giggles" 9 Grand Worcester 16 Hurtig & Seamon's New York. "Greenwich Village Revue" 9 Palace Baltimore 16 Gayety Wash- ington. "Hello Good Times" 9 Gayety Rochester 16-18 Cjlonlal Utlca. "Hipplty Hop" 9 Penn Circuit 16 Gayety Pittsburgh. Howe Sam 9 Englewood Chicago 16 Gayety Detroit. "Keep Smiling" 9 Hurtig & Sea- mon's New York 16 Empire Prov- idence. "Knick Knacks" 9 Gayety Detroit 16 Empire Toronto. "Let's Go" 9 Gayety Kansas City 16 L. o: "Maids of America" 9 Gayety Buffalo 16 Gayety Rochester. Marion Dave 9 Gayety Milwaukee 16 Columbia Chicago. "Mimic World' 9 L O 16 Gayety Omaha, "Radio Gills" 9 Lyceum Scranton 16 Casino I'hiladetphla. Reeves Al 8-9 Miner's Bronx New York 16^18 Cohens Newburgh 19- 21 Cohen's Poughkeepsle. "Rocket.s" 9 Empire Brooklyn 16 Lyceum Scranton. "Social Mald.s" 9 Miner's Newark 16 OrphcMm Paterson. "Step Lively Girls' 9 Gayety St Loui.s 16 Gayety Kansas City. Phone: Columboii 227S-4 1473 SOL R APTS. 33 \Ve8t 65th St., New York City' t, S and S rooma. Complete housekeep Ing. Phone in everjr apartment. MRS. aiLEY Proo. "Step on It" 9 Colonial Cleveland 16 Empire Toledo. "Talk of Town" 9 Gayety Boston 16 Columbia New Vonk. "Temptations of 1922" 9 Gayety Montreal 16 Casino Boston. "Town Scandals" 9 Orpheum Paterson 16 Majestic Jersey City. Watson Billy 9 Casino Boston 16 Grand Worcester. Watson Sliding Billy 9 Majestic Jersey City 16 Miner's Bronx New York. Williams Mollie 9 Empire Toronto 16 Gayety Buffalo. "Wine. Women and Song" 9 Casino Philadelphia 16 Palace Balti- more. "Wonder Show" 9 Columbia New York 16 Empire Brooklyn. "Youthful Follies" 9 Gayety Washington 16 I'enn Circuit. l^inetr per cent, of the tlieatiieal profes- *' alon UMe Taylor lYunhw. Write for our theulrlral cntnloKue. \ Taylor Trunk Works MUTUAL CIRCUIT "Baby Bears" 9 Majestic Albany 16 Plaza Springdeld. "Band Box Revue" 9 Scenic Paw- tucket 16 Olympic Now York. "Broadway Belles" 9 Star Brook- lyn 16 Empire Ilobokon. "Follies and Scandals" 9 L O 16 Broadway Indianapolis. "Gayety Glr!3" 9 Auditorium D?»y- tbn 16 Empire Cleveland. "Heads Up" 9 Broadway Indian- apolis 16 Lyceum Columbus. "Hello Jake Girls" 9 Lyric New- ark 16 Majestic Albany. "Jazz Babies" 9 Folly Baltimore 16 L O. "Jazz Time Revue" 9 Band Box Cleveland 16 L O. "Laffln' Thru 1922" 9 Howard Bos- ton 16 Scenic Pawtucket. "Lid Lifters" 9 Garden Buffalo 16 L O. "Mischief Makers" 9 L O ^6 Gar- den Buffalo. "Monte Carlo Girls" 9 Family Rochester 16 Park Utica. "l^ace Makers' 9 Bijou Philadel- phia 16 Folly Baltimore. "Pell Mell" 9 L O 16 Bijou Phila- delphia. "Pepper Pot" 9 Majestic Wilkes- Barre 16 Bijou Philadelphia, "Playmates" 9 Empire HobOken 16 Gayety Brooklyn. "Smiles and KLs-ses" 9 Gayety Brooklyn 16 Lyric Newark. "Runaway Girls" 9 Lyceum Co- lumbus 18 Family Rochester. White Pat 9 Olympic New York 16 3t8w: Brooklyn. By JACOB SMITH GARRICK—Nora Bayes in "Queea o' Hearts," new musical play. MAJESTIC —Woodward Player* in "Johnny Get Your Gun." SHUBERT-MICHIGAN — Bon« stelle stock in "The Enchanted Cot- tage." V new play by Sir Arthur Pinero. Opening week of permanent engagement of Bonstello Co. Last season this house played Shubert road showqp SHITBERT-DETROIT — "Midnita Revels*'* unit. ORCHESTRA HALL—Sousa and hi.s Band; two concerts Sunday. GA^'ETY—Mollie Williams bur- lesque. PALACE — Pop vaudeville; "Around the Map," Arthur Terry, Sperry and Ray, TIcGreevey and Jeffries, Les Valadons. Wade and Wilson, Cruet, Kramer and Gruet. COLUMBIA — Pop vaudeville: Billy Van Allen and Co., Douglas Flint and Co., Ethel Vaughn, Bento Brothers, Australiiyi La Merts. Bud Boyd. Sullivan and Mack, Sheldon and Wheaton. MILES—P©p vaudeville;, "Fashion Plate Minstrels," Kelso Brothers and Ed Qulgley, Roberts and Boyne^ Wood and White, Will Morns. ORPHEUM—"Some Wild Oat«.* film, 15th week in Detroit. C. H. Miles planning to put in musical show starting middle of October. ADAMS—Second week. "Th* Storm." Next, "Manslaughter." BROADWAY-STRAND — Second week of "The Man Who Played God." Next, "Broadway Rose." CAPITOL — "Kindred of th» Dust." Next, "Lorna Doone." MADISON — "Burning Sands." Next. HoiidinI in person. FOX-WASHINGTON — "Orphan* of Storm." indefinite run. Next^ "Nero." to be followed by "Grand- ma's Boy," indefinllo. U it SYDNEY PRUSS t tr RADIUM LUMINOUS PAINT In beautiful colors. Purple, blu<». groen, yeHow. red and-oranare. For ro.4tun»es. .Scenery. Stage I'jrf»*fvs. etc. Sole repre- sentative in ir. S. and Canada of tlie Kadium, Limited. DUWICO, 208 W. 41it St., N, Y. City WoHtorn nrt)resoni*llv^ : 1 r.R.STEK, 8ta(e-I.uUe llltle.'. C'lIICAGO SMARTCST FRENCH SHOES i'.)r ' ■' und Off Stage. 45th Sf West At No. 154 Opp I.yofu.i I n ,1 ... j.ti. nroadway IIml Ctli Ave. Pponnors of Hhort Vamp 81»r>e« % SAY IT WITH FLOWERS I Ml MASUR FLORIST 2.-^ rUI.TON 8T., ItROOKLYIf ^n \^: HOPING TO SEE YOU SOON >^ ^ if THEITiMGy. CUTS THE STANDARD ENGRAVING CO. Inc ^., ' 3 2 > -V/.<r J 9 Sr NEW YORK . Beautify Your F«e9 "' veu mult look «oo« te mak* good Manv oi tli« "ProfM- ■ •ion" hav* obtainod ano ra* ^ talnaa beltat parts fey (laviaf ? ma correct tt<cit fealural m* o«r/actlon« anW rmnit blew* Utiat. ConnuUalion (re* f^aaa •-•asonaiiU F. E. SMITH. M O. 347 Fifth Avenue N. r. City Opp. \V«idorf RAYMOND MATTHEWS COMPOSER and ARRANGER 41. TC. ICr.S %oaaway, NeW York City BEAUMONT N EW YORK CHICAGO LOS ANGELES •7S N, UALSTKAD 8TBEET. CiUCAOO. STUDIOS RIGHT NOW IS THE HME TO GET THE MOST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY IN STAGE SETTINGS. ATTRACTIVE SETS AT ATTRAC- \ TIVE PRICE. SETS TO RENT AS USUAL. 225 W. 46th ST. ."?.^^^T j; I NEW YORK BEAUMONT NEW YORK CHICAGO Lbs ANGELES STUDIOS