Variety (October 1922)

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f "!*' RBICE a« CENTS .jXTSFif'VW lij 3«»»v7i •■■ J >7iwijr*- • ■'"*^- ^:. Published Weekhr at 1S4 WanC 4Sth St.. New York. N. T.. br Varictr. Ine. Annual anbecTif^tio* |T. Macle copies tO ceatfi ■atered •« aecond elaaa matter X>ecenaber %t, lf*S, at the Poet OfBce at New Tork, N. T., under the Aet of Msroh S. IBtT VOL. LXVra. No. 8 NEW YORK CITY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1922 48 PAGES KEITH'S ■>;- :-i- r; NEW NAMES liUNNING BOOZE DOWN M LINT NOW UNPROFITABLE, SAYS AGENT ■ F Prohibition Man Figure* Bootlegging in One Car r It Declining—Pos»iUe $200 >rofit Per Trip- Liquor $70 a Case at*Border . "Running booze down the line" ia now unproAtaMe, and is, therefore, played much lesa than formerly, a prohibition agent who has been •YIdIng the roads'* below the bor- der, told a Variety correspondent. "Whiskey at a loading station this side of the border is $70 a case," the prohibition agent said, "and it brings only $80 at the point of des- tination, or a profit of but |10 a case. Twenty cases are a good- sized load, and that means a profit to the rum runner of less than |200 for the trip. Out of that 1200 he has to pay at least |50 for ex- penses. As a rule now, he carries a woman for 'protection,' and that \m an added item. , The cars used in the transporta- ^ (Continued on page 39) NO. 2 mOSSOM TIME" COMING TO BROADWAY Vto.'L't-'-'* PkSSE MATEmm SUTEO FOB ■1/ CHORUS GIRL MAKES PLEA FOR AMERICANS Says English Girls Are Sup- planting Native Choristers— Americans Better Looking Editor Variety: — It is alarming how many Amer- •Ican choruH plrls are out of work. The trouble is that a lot of pro- ducers are employing only English girls. When I applied to the New York Hipprlrome last suiltmer for ■work, they told me there would be no chorus this season, but now I hear they " av^ 500 English girls. Ii^n't there some law against brinRing a number of people from foreign countries under contract to work in the United States? If there la such a law, it- should be enforced, the sooner the better. A good many spleiidid^-Amerlcan girls come to New York looking for work on the stage, and their opportunity is taken _away by this invasion of foreigners. Our American girls are as good dancers as the English and a great deal bettor looking. The English «irls all do the same stuff, while our own girls are adaptable and readily learn a great variety of .•tepa. ^ An AvMTioan Ohomi Girl, Original Leaving Jolson's. Second Company Open- ■ i"9 ^t Bayes The No. 2 company of "Blossom Time" which recently started on tour will be brought to Broadway, succeeding "East Side, Werft Side" at the Bayes where the show will be cut-rated. The original com- pany now playing at Jolson's will move to the road for the important stands after another week. The holdover operetta success switched (Continued on page }) COSTLY SIDEWALK seventy Damags Suits in Frisco Svttisd for $137,000 San Francisco, Oct. 10. The collapse of a temporary side- walk in ft-ont of the site of the present Warfleld theatre during the construction of that building New Years Eve, 1920, has proved costly to McDonald & Kahn, the archi- tects, and Marcus Loew. The 70 damage suits filed were finally set- tled here last week for $112,000 for 69 of them and $25,000 for the other one. The loss was 8i»Iit equally be- tween Loew and McDonald & Kahn. Would Fill Gap Caiued by Featnra Turns Booked Elsewhere—*Big Time Will Closely Examine Offerings ^of 3tage Stars — Guard Against "Lemon" Vehi- clet '".■--< POOR PLAYLETS A LOSS TEN REEU OF BK GAME HIM READY FOR FILM DISTRIBUTION Best Jungle Pictures Ever Made Reported at Oak- land—Cost of $aOO,000 to Secure Them—TakeA By Professor Shaw QUICKEST FLOP YET IS "DOLLY JORDAN" r.-.r' *.. The Keith office has Instituted a drive for new headliners to replace some of those considered passe and others that have left the circuit to play elsewhere. Several legitimate names are (Continued on page 3) WHITENAN'S $1,000,000 mom FROM BANDS Going on Tour—11 Bands in New York—57 Playing Outside DRAMA WITH FILM Dramatic Playlet in Detroit Pic- ture House Detroit, Oct. 10. John II, Kunsky has inaufjuratod a new policy at his Liberty by add- ing to the assortment of pictures a one-act dramatic playlet to be changed weekly. They ntv being presented by the Ranee Gray IMay- crs. The first Is "A Wife's Honor." There will be two aftc'rno<*a and on« eveijtlng performance daily. ' Paul Whiteman and his orchestra are booked for a six-week concert tour which will net Whiteman $120,- 000 for himself and 15 mu.slcians. Whiteman has made arrange- ments with Paul Salyaln. who holds' a contract for Whiteman's sorvices for the Palais Hoyal, New York. The restaurant man will give the WhiUman Band a six-week ab- solvence, It being understood 8al- vain gets a piece of the concert Droflts. ' During Whiteman's absence one of his orchestras will replace him at the Palais Royal. At the present time Whiteman has 11 Ijands work- ing La Greater New York, 17 on the road and 40 bsnds througho«4 Uis rojintry receiving tlio Whiteman music service. Ift.^ income is over a million dollars annually from his many activities. Harry Askln, mana^rr of John Phillips Sousa, lu to manage the Whiteman concert lour, according to report. The tour will begin next month. Lasted Five Days—Closed by John Cort Without Notice Required ^ The quickest flop of the season's flrst flight of productions is "Dolly Jordan." a costume comedy offered by John Cort at his 63d street the- atre now called the Augustln Daly. Th^ piec« ran Ave days opening Tuesday night of last week and closing without notice as "Dolly" had not played four weeks In total, it having been out of town two (Continued on page 3) MANAGERESS AS SENATOR Local Papsr Booming Mrs. Hartisy, of Stamford, Conn. Oakland. Oct. 10. Cygenc H. Roth, tl\e Ban Fran- cisco picture theatre owner Is re- turning to the coast from the cart. Immediately after his arrival here th«r« will he shown at- the Civic Auditorium, which has 6,000 seating capacity, a wild animal picture. It Is entitled "Hunting Big Game in Africa with Oun and Cam^a" in ten reels, a pictorial record of the ex- hibition into the Dark Continent under the direction of Prof. H. A. Snow.^of this city in the interest of the local Museum of Natural His- tory. After the showing here the pictures are to be taken east for world wide distribution under the auspices of Oakland Museum of Natural History, of which Prof. Snow Is now curator. The expediUoB remained in Africa (Continued on page 30) Stamford, Conn.. Oct. 10. It looks as though the woman in politics is going to make her mark in Connecticut and the fact it is a woman of the theatre who will undoubtedly be selected to carry the banner for the Democratic ticket for tht> oIUco of .State Sen- ator makes matters more inter- esting. Mrs. Emily Wakeman Hartley, mana(?Gr of the Stamford theatre, looks like the candidate In the 27th Sonatorial district, in Greenwich, where she has her farm. A campaign for her nomination was started in the Greenwich "Press," which came out editorially with fulsome praise of her civic activities in the past and a Strong recommendation that she be chosen for ti)e state ofllce. » ■' ■ . ■" . low BECORD GROSS Cirr RATES ADVOCATED FOR BALTIMORE HOUSES The season's low record for re- ceipts is said to have been reached at th? Pijou, New York, Thursday nigiit of la.St week. Th| box ofllce statement for "That Day" that night showe.l 158.50 groM. Local Critic Takes Up Pen—^ Last Week's Business .V Not Good . naltlmore, Oct. 10. John Oldmlxon Lambdln, prob- ably the best of the local critics, for the past two weeks, on the "Sunday Sun," lias been harping on reduced prices for the Baltimore theatres. Business Tiere has been rotten this year, there is no getting away from that. Good shows have come hero and lost money. Keith vaudeville alone seeemed to prosper. And Mr. Lambdln is blaming it on the high prices which the box oflflcet are (Continued on page 3) yt\x— and —NORMA HOFFMANN, Jr. & TERRIS^ ~ WITtt— NORA BAYES In "TIIK Ot KRN OF HK,%liTH" tiro. SS. Cwhsn Tlirntre, N. If,