Variety (November 1922)

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Friday, November 3, 1922 VARIETY 27 P«f «y Carhart Willi* Solar Tony A George -Rainbowa KnU" MtSKEOONJIICH Denyle Don A « nuth aianvUlA Co jgr' A Edwarda 2d half Bell A Wood The Lel«htona Norris Follies Morra^ jfjidfJi O'dwln A R Chic Supreme OKPHEUM CIECUIT (Two to nil) 2d halt Ann Francia ' Semon Conrad Co Chaa Wilson (Two to All) SAGINAW. MICH. Jeffera 8trand nianey & White Doi%aI A Leary DcVoy A Dayton The I^eightona Martini A Maxm'l'n 2d half RICHMOND, INP. pcJl A Eva Oltille Corday Co Jas McCurdy Co Bert Howard (One to fill) CHICAGO r»lar« (Sunday opening) GuB Edwards Fife^Droa & 81* Bill Genevieve A W Sandy Frances Kennedy Singer's Midget)i Frank Wilcox Co Jimmy 8avo Co Fenton A Fields L. & B Dreyer Flanders & ButlT OAKI.AND. CAL. Orplieum Alorgan Dancers VANCOUVER. B.C. Orphrum Dr Thompson Burke & Durkin Dooley 4k Uales Pearson N'port & P Andrleff Three Rose Ellia & R Hackett ik Delmar UINNIPBG Orplieum Alma Neilson Co C & F Usher 8ignor Frisco* Juggltland * Les mllia Little Billy ■ ,, • •Flirtation" SHUBEKT CIRCUIT The Shuboit unit shows are printed herewith in the order of their travel. The above move over the circuit intact. LOEW CIECUIT E. HEMMCNDINGER, Inc. JBWBLBR8 as West 40th 6tr««t New Torli Telephone Bnrant 184S "Show-off" Tom Smith State (Sunday opening) p Shelly & Band Dainty Marie Anderson A Qravea Tony Gray Co Pufor Boys DENVER , Orpheam (Sunday opening) Rae Samuels Al K Hall Co Pully A Houghton Family Ford Mmo Hermann Ramsdells A Deyo Nagyfys DES MOINES Orphrvm (Sunday opening) J Singer A Dolls Bob Murphy Varrell Taylor Trio ■mma Carus D* Voe A IJoyd Pe Marco A Band Baxley A Porter DVLUTH ■■%■■ Orpheam tSunday opening) J'lorenis Bernard A Garry De Kerekjarto Folsom Denny B'd Whitfleld A Ireland DeWltt Burns A T Jflddlettown A S KANSAS CITT Main Street (Sunday opening) Crystal Bennett Co MelTllle A Rule Dave Ferguson Co Seven Brown Girls Barry Jolson Co <One to fill) Orphean (Sunday opening) P Bremen A Bro Miller Girls L>ew Dockstader H B Walthall Co Bert Fitzgibbon Oakes A DeL«ur Ida M Chad wick lAngford A Fred'ks UNCOLN, NEB. Orphcam <8unday opening) Brni'st Hiatt Jessie Reed l«on A Co Beth Berrl J A J Gibson Armstrong A Pb'ps Dorothea .Sadlier Billy Glason McCarthy Sis Claudia Coleman Gordon A Day Chandon Trio Bcllo Montrose OMAHA. NEB. Orpheam Hanako Japs Dave Roth Anderson A Burt Alexandria Hallen & Russell Eddie Leonard Co El Re)« Slatc-ra PORTLAND. ORE. Orpheam (Sunday opening) Williams A Wolfus Dill Rohinson Foley & L^Tour Morton A Glass McDevitt Kelly A Q GallettI & Kokln I^wton SACRAMENTO Orpheam (6-8) (Same bill plays Fresno $.11) Cressy A Dayne Gretta Ardlne Bailey A Cowan Hector JAN Olms Novelty Clintons Faber A McGowan ST. LOUIS Orfiheam (Sunday opening) Raymond Hitchcock "Storm* Harriet Rempel Co Four Camerons Magleys Kane A Herman Eddie Ross Osborne Trio Daniels A Walters ST. PAIL Orpheam (Sunday opening) Heras A Wills I.ydel A Gibson "Tango Shoes" J B Hymer Barclay A Chain Marmein Sis Walter C Kelly SALT LAKE Orpheam (Sunday opening) •Flashes" Franklin Charles *■ NEW YORK CIT¥ Central "FiMts «: fr^garea" Burt & Itusodale Viilanl A Rose White Trio Six Stellas Twinette & Bella Harlem O. H. ••Hplce of Life" Sylvia Clark Kramer A Boyle Frank Gabby Julia Corcttl Pell A Wulkcr 3 Wainwrigbt Sis JER8EY CITY Central (Lincoln, Union Hill, split) 1st half "Troubles of 1922" Courtney .Sisters George JeER«*ll F A O Walters Colee A Orth Edwards A Em'n'el BROOKLYN 1 Crescent "Stepping Around" Jas C Morton Co Dan Hoaly Co Harry Roye YIntour Bros Harry Bloom ASTORIA. L. I. Astoria (Boro Park. T^rook- lyn, split) 1st half '•RItz Girls" Frtd Ulonuell Co Harry Cooker Co Melody Charmers Lelghton A Pettit Empire City Four Nell Wood Baby Josephine Lillian McNeil Bert Shadow CINCINNATI Sliubert <.''unJay opening) ••Oh What a Girl" Klein Bros Manhattan Bros Harton A LaTnska I^udily Doyle -Marie Stoddard Moran Ac Wiser ST. LOUS Emprras (Sunday openings "Suceesa" Abe Reynolds Nonette Flossie Everett Warren A O'Brien Bernard & Scaith Royal Pekinese Tr Reno OPEN H'EEK "Echoes of B'way" Eddie Nelson Irving O'Hay Nip A Fletcher Murray Sisters Oeorgo Strenet Five Ilansys ST. PACL New Palare (Sunday opening) NEH^ YORK CITY State Zuthus lA^e Mason Co MatChewH & Ayres Eva Tanguay 2d half Leach LaQuinlan 3 Alton A Allen Sunbeam Fol.ies Irving A Edwards Eva Tanguay American Hallen & Day Russel A Hayes MorUy Sisters Klmberley A Page T'harlotte Meyers Wilcox A I^aCroix Irving A Edwards Four Baltons Avenne B Jennler Bros Irene Meyers Archer A Belford Alvln A O'Connor Revuettes of '22 Sd half Pescl Duo Varieties Supreme Ben Lynn Jim Jam Jem Trio (One to fill) BROOK I-YN Metroiiolitau Three Martelis Hope Vernon Helene S Davis Demarest A Wil'ms Tarzan 2d half Russell A Hayes BEFORE YOU LEAVE ON YOUR ROUTE,— FOR YOUR FALL SUIT and OVERCOAT BEN ROCKE specially Designed Ready-to-Wear Clothes 1632 BROADWAY At iOth St. NEW YORK CITY Telephone CIRCLE 3307 MAX FACTOR'S SUPREME PREPARATION Remover—Whitening—Rouge—Powder SOLD IN NEW lORK BY Harrow A Luther, Druggists. U'waj A Mtb St Ontral Ifrug Co.. 7tb Ave. A 4Sth St. James' 44th St. Itrug Store. 8th Ave. tt Uxh St. C. O. i;icek>w. inc., eth Are. A 9tti Bt. HOLD IN CHICACO «Y Buck A Rayner't Drug Store*. Cblctto. O. Cunningham. Distributor, 0 Patcbin Place, New York City. HUGH HERBERT Phon«: RICHMOND HILL 9683 LOS ANGELES Hill Street Senator Ford Swartz A Clifford Tlncent O'Donnell Rarloa Bros Glrton Girls Snowy Baker Orpheam (Sunday opening) Mr A Mrs Washb'n Harry Watson Co Bankoff Co Simpson A Dean Bevan A Flint Roxy La Rocco Creole Fash Plate MEMPHIS « Orplieum ^tllOred Hhrris Co Wilton Sisters h Minstrel Mon'rrhs Kdith Clasper Co Miller A Mack ^'pencer A Will'ms Tuscano Bros . MILWAUKEE Palace (Sunday oprniHg) L^avilt A Locliwd Jon's A Jon<>s l»UKan A Raymond MRrg.-»rrt Se\ern ".'o Nix HdHsans M Ml>prniott f^o Flo I.f-wls f"KEYPOLI«r- ilfiu»rpin «Muii(i{iy opentng) liliy B"n N< < •■>ne ^V-M-y Barry Co ^^■«iyn." \- n«rr«*n "'"on K Johnson ""•»1 <;ibar<t Bronn Mich A T ^I-W ORLEANS ■'niiM-e . t3unu..y openinc) York A King Smith A Strong Herbert A Dare Corinoe Co Fisher A Gilmore SAN FRANCISCO Golden Gate (Sunday opening) Bessie Clifford Wilson Aubrey Co Frawley A Louise Victor Moor (x, (Others to flll) Orpheam (Sunday opening) Hyams A Mclntyre Leo Beers Jack George Duo V A B Stanton Jack .Norton Co Adolphus «'o . Bronson A Baldwin Carl Gantvoort SEATTLE Orpheam (Sunday opening) Henry Santrey Co >I A A .Seyniore. I> D H' -l-etter Writ.'r"' Royal Ga^<'oign>^8 >l*>ohon s Hogs (»rac«' I»oro SIOIA CITY, lA. ■ Orplieum Sn<^)l A Vernon "Voluntf < rs ■ W Fishter *'n Kdith •Mifford Co rrin'«SH \V.»hl»>lh.T Cook M rtiiner A II 2d half Keno K»*>s A M F'rincejis Wahl»-tl<ri S«anlon Dennos A S Wilfred Clark Co Quixf^y Four Bekcfl "Ttown Talk" Johnny Dooley Ethel Gray Bacon A Fontaine Bert Walton Jannes B Carson Rlano N'th'ne A W KEWARK. N. J. Keeney's "Gimme a ThrlU" Tip Top Four Sorel A (Slack Gene Barnes Co Hert>ert A Baggett Nanine A DeFay Gardner Trio PHIUIDELPBIA Chestnat St. O. B. "As You Were" Ring A Winnlnger Bert Baker Co Three Pals Pasquali Bros Elbe A St Leo DeTell A Covey BALTIMORE Aeademy "Frolics of 1W2" Ni Herman TImberg Nat Naaarro Buck A Bubbles Darling A TImberg Blse A Paulson Ten Dancing Fools WASHINGTON Belasc* "Rennlted" Weber A Fields Chas T Aldrlch Lynn Cantor LaAellas Bent A Clare Ruth Thomas Sid Gold ALTOONA, PA. MIsher (8-9) (Same bill'' plays Weller. ZanesvlUe. 10-11; Cort. Wheel- ing. 12-13) "Hello Everybody" Gertrude Hoffman HAW Lander McCoy A Walton Carey Bannon A M Mooner A Marie Leo Bates PITTSBURGH Aldlne "Plenty of Pep" Charles Howard John (juigg Chappell A Stnte Dolly Morrison Dewey A Rogers Emil Casper "CamlTal of Fan" Alfred Latell Clark A Verdi* DeWolf Girls Clemon Belling Co Romas Troupe Bell Jamison Jack Reld CHICAGO Engelwood "Main St Follies" Jed Dooley Co Fred Ardath Co 3 Dalace Sisters Morris A Campbell C\>mmodore Band ONE NIGHTERS Broadway Follies DeHaven A Nice Joe Towle Margaret Merle Mr A Mrs Mel-B'ne Six Lightnings DETROIT Detroit O. H. Midnight Rounders Smith A Dale Green A Blyler Jack Strouse Cleveland Broner Frank J Corbett Lola Chalfonte TORONTO Princeas "Say with I/«aghs" Roger Imhoff Co Barr Twins Harry Lancaster Hayataka Japs BrFFALO Criterion "Whiri of N Y" McCormack A R Roy Cummkngs Florence Schubert Purcella Bros Kyra OPEN WEEK t9ih Century ReT Four Marx Bros Olga Mlshka Kranz A White Julia Edwards Harper A Blanks Adele Jason WORCESTER Worcenter Ist half (Bijou. Fall River, 2d half) "Midnite Revels" Whipple A Huston Riggs A Wltchle Claire Devlne Co ?urc<'ll A Rams'.y hree Chums George M«tyo BOSTON Majestic (One to flll) 2d half Chester A DeVcre Lucy Gllette Co Chas F Seamon "Boys Long Ago" Lester Bernard Co Adler A Dunbar Ankrr Trio (Two to fill) ' Victoria Maurico A Girlie JAB Pago I'ete Curley Trio Kddie Foyer Primrose Minstrels 2d half Prevost A Goelet CAM Ruber •'Dummies" Thos Potter Dunn (One to flll) Lineoln Sq. Prevost A Goelet Miller Packer A S Ralph Whitehead •'Money Is Monur" 2d half Henry A Adelaide Lee A Beers Ethel Roseman Co Demarest A WH'ms Three Martelis Greeley S4. Musical Alvlnos Melroy Sisters Alton A Allen L Bernard Co Chas F Seamon Stanley Trip A M 2d half Nestor A Vincent Charlotte Meyers Lee Mason Co Lord Roberts Tower A Darrell M Smith Band Fulton Gladys Kelton Murphy A I^ng Ix>rd Roberts Adler A Dunbar Leach LaQuinlan 3 2d half Zuthus North A Keller Fox A Kelly MathhewB A Ayres Palaeo Pescl Duo Varieties Supreme Fox A Mayo Jim Jam Jem Trio (One to flin ^. 2d half Jennler Bros Irene Meyers Calvin A O'Connor "Revuettes of '22" Warwiek Ben Franklyn Co Chalis A Lambert. Gulfport A Brown Hart Wagner A B Curson Sis 2d half Cherie A Pates Jack Reddy Browning A Davis Stanley Hughes Co Gates Lucy Oilette Co Irving A Blwood •"Dummies" Thos P Dunn Senna A Stevens M Blondell Rev CHICAGO Rlalto Jeanette A Norm'ns M Romalns Trio Eddie Heron Co Frazer A Bunce St Clair Twins Co DAYTON Leew Walter Gilbert Gordon A Delmar Nevlns A Gordon HOBOKBN Lyne Kawana Duo "Husbands Three" (Three to flll) 2d half J A K DeMaco Bddlo Clark Co Hart Wagner A B (Two to flll) LONDON. CAN. IXMW Nelson Trio K Stang Co Davis A Sanford 2d half Ed HUl Dodd A Nelson "Cupids Close-up" MEMPHIS Stnte Ergottl A Herman Warman A Mack Frey 'A Rogers Keating A Ross "Stepping Around" 2d half Yonl A Fugl Collins A Dunbar On the Rocks Nellan A Bailey Fred's Circus . MILWAVKEE Miller BelllsDuo Stephens A Brun'le Homer Llnd Co Harry Bewley Co •"Sparks of B'way" MONTREAL Loew Mack A Brantley Schaeffer W * .C Marion A Glvne'y Syncopated Moin'ts 2d half Ergottl A Herman Warman A Mack Frey A Rogers Keating A Ross Stepping Around NEWARK State Downey A Clarldge Klass A Brilliant I'hilbrlck A DeVoe Hughes A Pam Greenwich Vlirgers OTTAWA Loew Chas Ledegar Mack A Dean M Taliaferro Co Quinn A Caverly Roma Duo PROVIDENCE Emery Turner Bros Llnd A Starr Dave Clark Co Grant Gardner •"Dance Dreams" (One to flll) 2d half ManilloB FAB Burke "Headliners' f'rank Mullane 10 Stanisloff Co (One to flll) SP'GFIELD. MASS. Broadway Manillos FAB Burke Headliners Frank Mullane E Stanisloff Co 2d half Turner Bros L:nd A Starr Dave Clark Co Grant Gardner Co "Dance Dreams" TORONTO Yonge St. Gibson A Price Dunlevy A Chesl'gh Rudlnoff Downing A Buddy Larimer A Hudson (One to nil) DAVENPORT, lA. Columbia 2d hair H Lavatl A Sis Zeck A Randolph Pantheon Sing( rs Christie A B.innett (Two to Oil) Dl III Ql K. lA. Mujestlo Melnotte Duo Lyle A Virginia I'antheon Singers Billy Beard Ballot Five FARGO, IND. Grand Dreamier A Wilson 2d halt Harry Busaey Lillian Gonne Co Roy I..aPearl GALFJ<<BCRG, ILI^ Ori>heam Wille liroa Maxfleld A Goulson Stone's Boys KORFOLK. NEB. New Crmad Thre*) Romano Sis Jarvis A Harrison Miller A Rainey 2d half Mowatt A Mullen Norman A Landee An Artlsts's Dream OMAHA, NEB. Empress Huniberto Bros Bowen A Baldwin Seven Soils Bros (One to flll) 2d half Naio A Rizao Clark A Manning Jarvis A Harrison Daisy A Stein Brp* PEORIA, ILL. Orpheum Regan A Curllss Christio A Ben'ett Geo J<ovett Co Cliff Clark "Wonder Girls" '' (One to nil) ♦ /;.' DO YOU KNOW MAX RICHARDS? If you play vaudeville you should. He Is located In the MASONIC TEMl'LB. CHICAGO Look him up. S CHAS. J. FREEMAN OFFICES BOOKING WITH ALL INDEPENDENT CIRCUITS SUITE 307. ROMAX BLDG. 245 West 47th Street NEW YORK Phone: BRYANT S917 Mardo A Ronrie Armstrong A Ollb'ts Roeber A Gold "Bits Dance Hits" NEW PRLEANS Creseent , Robettas Harvey A Stone "Dancing Shoes" WASHINGTON Strand I'rear Baggott A F Connors A Boyno Wm Weston Co Olive Baycs Olga A Nicholas 6US SUN CIRCUIT Green A Burnett Archer A Belford Miller Packer A 8 Mme DuBarry Co Delanrey St. Bassett A Bailey Lee A Beers Green A Burnett "Betty Wake Up" Barton ^ Sparling Mme DuBarry Co 2d half Stanley Trip A M Melroy Sisters JAB Page Bckhoff A Gordon Will H Ward Co (One to flll) National CAM Huber Santiago Trio 2d half Gordon Girlie A G Helene S Davis Pete Curley Trio Bddle Foyer ATLANTA Grand LaFleur A Portia Armstrong A Tyson Fred Weber Co Hawkins A Macic Dance Evolutions 2d half McMahon A A Savoy A Caps Smith A Sawyer Jo-Jo Dooley Francis Ross A D Standard Vaudeville AcU When in New York SBB _ , , JOHN C JACKEL, Inc. STRAND THEATRE BUILDING 1583 BROADWAY BOOKING Clubs, Entertainments, Dumb Acts, Etc. We Are Now Contrarting for Parks and ¥mln. 8e4iMon 192S BVFFALQ Lafayette Fulton A Mack Cantwell A Walker •'Honeymoon Ship" Tripoli Trio Gilraln Dancers GENEVA, N. T. Temple Daisy A Wilson Billy Barlow Reno Sis A Allen GLENS riJi, N.Y. Empire Lahey Bros Margie Carson Rhoda A Crampton Joe Neering Twins 2d half Gunther A Rom'ine Three Bobbins (Three to nil) NEWBIRGH, N. T. Academy Masle Lahey Bros Margie Carson Kennedy A Wynn Rhoda A Crampton Joe Neering Twins OLEAN, N. T. Palare Cinderella Revue (Three to flll) 2d half Sanger Duo Hinds Trio Adnms A Guhl Stafford Ix>uise (*o ROCHESTER, N.Y. Victoria Gordon A Gates Stafford I^ulse Co 2a half Faden Trio Lillian .Selgar Co WTRTOWN, N.Y. Avon Daisy A Wilson Fndpn Trio Reno Sis A Allen 2d half Gordon A Gates Flying LaPearls 2d half Fries A Wilson W M&nthcy Co (One to nil) G'D FORKS, N. D. Orpheam Harry Bussey Lillian Gonne Co Roy I..a Pearl 2d half Mumford A Stanley (Two to nil) G'D ISLAND. NEB. Majestle Nalo A Rizzo Mowatt A Mull«>n Daisy A Stein Bros 2d half Bowen A Baldwin Seven Soils Bros (One to nil) OB'EN BAY. WIS. Orpheam Hill A gutnnell Fenwlck Girls Kelly A Kozy JIOLIET, ILL. Orpheam Three Weber Girls Jack Benny Brockman A How'd 2d half Smiling B Mason Geo Lovett Co (One to nil) JOPLIN, MO. Elect rie Almond A Hacel Cortelli A Dowd 2d half . Kennedy A Nelson Al Lester Co / K'NS'S CITY, KAN. JSIeetrie Clifford A Leslie (One to nil) 2d half Mabel Harper BernevlcT Bros Co K'NSAS CITY, MO. Globe Harry Garland De Mari.'i Five Norman A Landee I Kingsbury Co" (One to flll) 2d half O Meredith A Bro Louis London Agoust A Paulftte Drlsroll Long A H Four Roeders I.EAVNW'II, KAN. Orpheam 2d half O Meredith A Bro Louis Lond6n 2d half Borlus A Brown Francis A Marcelle Walser A Dyer Sherlocks A Clinton •"Manicure Shop" (One to flll) QVINCY. ILL. Orpheam Fries A Wilson W Manthey Co (One to flll) 2d half Wllle Bros Maxfleld A OoulsOB Stone's Boys ' • ; BAC^NE, Wli. Rlalto Lloyd Nevada Co Davis A Bradn*r "Shireen " W A M Rogers Ballot Five BOCK FORD, ILL. WESTERN VAUDEVILLE V. A. Ofllelal DcBtlaf f «bc N DR. JULIAN SIEGEL k493 D*vrmr (Pstaan* Dlds.) N Town<B A Franklin CLEVELAND State ■"TRunday op'ningi •'Hello New York" Bobby HigginaV-O Frank Dobson Lon lift«f all I'hil Bakfr Helen El^y Betty Fishf r Petfrson Bros )t English Daisies ( HICAGO Garrick (Sunday oprn>Dg} "Stolen Sweets" V.'atson Sistt'rs Steppe A (•'Nell Berk(r t. Brazil Kings Syncopation DeKo<h Trio Ben HctiiM n ll.%KTFOKD Hhubert-tirand "Zlg-Zag" AnMM A Winthrop King A Ro^e Harry %\el<h Happv HadUy Co Max A Mi'T,t.i. vAlirr La^ior "lJal^•nl.' a Movie ' Kckhoff A Gordon Tower A Darrell "I'oys Long Ago" 2d half Maurice A Girlie Irving A Elwood Betty Wake Up Wilson A MrAvoy Orphcam Nestor A Vinc»nt H'-nry A Adelaide Burlxc I,nrr> A B Kddie '"lark Co Ryan A Lee 2d half Bass'tt A HalNy n< i« v«rnon .Al. I ,. .. SiS .'^ont lag'j Trio Boulevard Gordon (llrlie A G North A h>ller Mr A .Mrh Phillips AVilson K McAvoy '8unb»aui Follies" 2(1 li.iir Muslral Aivlno^ Barton A li!rjb«'ri«> « Page rzan I Ta BALTIMORE Hippodrome You'd Be Surprised BIRMINGHAM Bljon Yonl A Fugl f'ollinn A l>unbar (in the Rocks Neilson A Bailey Freds Circus 2d half LaPlrur A I'ortia Armstrong A Ty.son Fred W*b«r <'v Hawkins A Mack l'an'"»' Esoiutions • BOSTO> Howard LaToy Bros Brennan A Wjnne Mc«'orinack A I Geo Al»-»and»r <.'o Tilyou A Rog«.r» .Sh«ftii s Rev Bl FFAIX) State f'liff Bailey Duo N A G \«rga V I'tarson «.<> CHICAGO American O'Brien A Hall Garfleld A Smith Four of Vs (Three to flll) 2d half Three Little Maldi JAG O'Meara Parker Bros Karle A Rdwards (Two to flll) Kedsle Hill A Qulnell Villanl A VallinI Harvey Haney A O W A M Rogers Casting Campbells 2d half .Sralo O'Malley A Maxfld "Cotton Pickers" "Miniaturo Rev"' (One to flll) Coley A Jaxon (Two to flll) BL'MINGT'N. ILL. Majestle BrosluB A Brown Francis A Marcelle Sherlock A Clinton Walzcr A Dwyer •'Manicure Shop" 2d half Regan A Curllss Harvey Haney A O F Kelcey Rev (Two to flll) CEDAR RAPIDS Majestic H La Vail A His Fairmai: .<r Furmf>n Zeck A Randolph J A \y Hiernlngs Brkefl D'ancers Sd half Lylc A Virginia Fagg A Whlta Buddy Walton Paul Decker Co Songs * Scenes (Two to flll) 2d half Stanley Doyle A R Hughie Clark Arthur Devoy Co Tints A Tones (Two to flll) . ■T. JOE, MO. Kleetrle Selblnl A OrovinI Mabel Harper Bernevld Bros Co Margaret A Morel I 2d half Harry Garland Jessie Millar Gene A Migaon "Let's Oo" ST. LOCIS Colambia Jack Symonds Edmunds A Lillian "At the Party" McConnell A West Yong Wong Tr 2d half Paul Kirkland Ce Jerry A Gene (Three to flll) , Grand Maxon A Morris ■ Hasxard A Oakes 'Oh My Goodness" Jack Lee Stuart A Lawrence Swift A Kelly Small's GU-ls Corradlni's Animals (One to flll) i- DENTIST ■-V Prices within reason to the prefesstMi. Dr. M. G. GARY N. W. Cor. State and Randolph Bta. Second floor over Drug Store Entrance C W. Randolph St.. CHICAGO MR. GEORGE CH008 PRESENTS EDDIE VOGT l>uke of York's Theatre. l<ondun. Eng. IJncoln rjirk»>r Bros Brod»rirk Wunn Co Hub;ri A Hall (Thrc to flll> Ld half J r L. wis Jr «"o J A W Hennlngs (Four to flli> Majestic Alrhta J..u<as f'o Georgi;. Howard Koht H llodK- <'o Bn.v»« A: Fi»ids liiilK' <J<rh'r R<*v !.f' HiiNy Be<.'». With'* Lions Paul D'clier Co Billy B^ard I^hlkaw.. Bros (One ti nil) CENTR A Li*. ILL. Grand A A M Joy Bob F« rns Co Bdntund<< A Lillla.-i Clf.%MP\IGN, ILL. Orplteuni 2d half W<'rr>» r A|i«»r'i^ .1 I'11 fry \;in yi)t>n» n i'.%i,r v' I'" S;'cliy H'.:t Rev Agoust ft Paulette Drlscoll Long A H "Let's Go • LINCOLN. NEB. IJbeKy Mowatt A Mullen Nalo A Rlzzo Jarvis A Harrison Daisy A Stein Bros 2d half Huniberto Bros M;ller A Rainey Three Romano Sis (One to flll) MADISON, WIS. Orpheam Stanley Doyle A B Hughie Clark Arthur Devoy Co Tints A Tones (Two to nil) Td half Fagg A White Pongs A Scenes Buddy Walton (Thrfe to flll) MILW Al KER Majc».tie Bollingr'r A R'yn'ds Chailwick A Taylor Sullivan A M>'ri John N«-ff Bth'l I'arkT r© Daly A Burch Wadle Echoes of Hcotlnnd MINNEAPOLIS )lh St. Jof Mf-lvin Hvymorc A J«'n«t(e I'f-rcival A Noel «.'o Hyams A Evans Bravo Mich A T Hugh's A Debrow llub«Tt D>« r (."o Larimer A Hudson Jada Trio Bobby Ilenshaw J C Lewis Jr Co (Two to nil) 2d half .^ Royal Sidneys Creedon A Davis (Four to flll) SPR'GFIELD. ILL. Majestle Xarry Comer Macdonald Trio (Four to flll) 2d half Will Morris Bobby Jackson Co Rubin A Hall (Three to flll) SPR'GPIEIA. MO. Electric f:> Kennedy A Nelson Al Lester Co 2d hair Almond A Hazel '^'ortelll A Dowd TERRR HAl TB Hippodrome Will Morris O'Malley A MaxTM Mrs lEva ray Skelly Helt Rev Ambl»«r Bros (One to flll) _____ 2d half Lehoen A Dupreece Bobby Henshaw Mrs Eva Fay Jada Trio Four Bards (Une to flll) SIOIX FALLS.S.D. Orpheam Pi< liard s Seals V. (ConiJnu«tl on Vuge 34) \*