Variety (December 1922)

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4 ■ Friday, December 82, 1922 ■"■■■ T'.'.•■.•'■"','\'.'■■•.-'•■.: ■■'"■■• ':f'-. ' .:^- VARIETY >, WATNB, IMO, «rr«iit •t F«a _a * ruid oil ^y OoodnMM 40»« to 011) ^ 3d half f«amon Conrmd C« ' niri In Moon Orlfia Twins I]a>IANAPOU8 iriDClalr * Gray ^"Wm Bdmunda Co Bartram A Baxton fli»V*r'0 Midffeta I Bu<fdy Walton I KALAMAZOO Mowatt A Mullen DcWitt A Robinson Uttbe Com«dy Four Hamlin * Mack (On* to All) 2d half ^ Mabel Harper Co Orailuation Day* Slock & Dunlap iTwo to flU) KOKOMO. IND. Htwmmd Komance BIstera MoDermott A V PrIrnroBe Four Hanaka Japs 2(1 half Knicht & Knave F & E llalla Ooldm Dlrd Billy 0«?rb«r Rev J.KX1NGTON, KT. B*n All Thank You Doctor Qaits Bros Lucy Druch Osborne Tri« Dorce's Co 2d half 'Western Pastlm^t H Catalano Co Herbtrt Dyer Co Awkward Ako (Two to nil) UMA. OHIO F»«rot O. H. Two Bdwnrds Lyte & Vlrrlnla (Three to All) 2(1 half Koban Jape Ferifunon ic S'd'rl'd Paul Ruhn Ca AtoRff Broadway Orlfls Tvlmi MIDDZJROWir, O. XobAB Japs P lUhnOo Awkward Ag« PMTdo A Arehar ldh»lf Kennedy A Nelaon ■•DiTan A Mrera Morria A Block Lyla A Virginia M'SKKOON, MICH. B«teiit Mabel Harper Co Duval A Symondi fiernevlci Broa 2d bait O'Nell Twine Co De%VUt A Roblneon Stone'a Boya PADUCAH. KT. Orphenm Jack Ltlpton Farrtll Taylor Co Herbert Dyer Co (One to All) Sd half Reynolds A While Dave Manley Lainunt Trio (One to All) RICHMOND. IND. Mnrray Knight A Knava O Rog<>ra Co Reynolds A White Simian Woaknrs 2d half Four of Us W Flahter Co Hanaka Japs (One to All) 8AGINAW. MICH. /effera 8trand Grant A Wallace Bird Children P White Co Mareton A Manley H Lloyd Co 2d half Mowatt A Mullen Edmunds A Lavelle nobby Jnxon Co Hag^r & Goodwin (One to nil) TBRRB HAUTE Ubarty Waiman A B«»rry V * C Avery Kelly A Pollock The Humphreys Lm B««rg QIawi A Jaaklu AadrleC Trio Rom Hlllji A R WllItMng A Wolfng R«y»l 0«acoigne« •AK FXAKOUCO (funday oDonlac) Letter Writer Pearson N'wp't AP Blly Craolo FMkloB PI (Oa« U 111) TAKCOVTEM, B.C. Lo« Vallegea Co Ipomoor A Wiliiama Laagford A F MAP Millar Horbarts Vlser Co Alan Shaw DRNTUT Prlcaa within reason to the profsaslon. Dr. M. Q. GARY N. W. Cor. Btat* and Randolph Bta. Second, Aoor ov«r Drug Store Bntraaoo • Irt. Randolph St.. CHICAGO OBPHEUM CntCTJIT \ CHICAGO FalATO (Sunday opening) H B Walthall Co Kerr A Weston hwlft & Kelly WIlKon Aubrey Trio 8impi>on A Dean Max A Morlts Arman Kalis Co Artistic Tr'^at Ntate Lake (Sunday opening) Family Ford Corlnne Three Weber Girls Hurst A Vogt Edwin •ioorico Mme H« rmaii (Others nil) DENVER Orpheum (RuiKJay opc'iiing) Lydell A Gibson J & J aibson Marrtiein Sisters MILWAUKEE Palace EJdIth Taliaferro Patsy Shelly Band Flannigan A M'r's'n Vaughn Comfort Bight Blue Demons MINNEAPOLIS Hennepin (Sunday opening) Rae Samuels Zelaya Frawley A Louise Al K Hall Oakes A Delure Nagyfys Harry Holman Co NEW ORLEANS Orpheum (Sunday opening) Love Sisters Frank Ward Da^itt Burns A T On>hevm (Sunday opening) J B Hymer Middleton A 9 CAP Magley 5>canlon Deno A B Walter C Kelly Folsom A Denny Co Oorhan'a Revue SEATTLE Orphanm (Runday opening) RolNcoe Ails Co Wilfred Clark B FItzglbbon Bddlfl Miller RI Rey Sisters Jack Hanley Keillors SIOITX CITY Orphenm Zelda Bros Jason A Harrlgan Harry Langdon Co Creole Fashion PI Seattle H'm'y Kings (One to All) 2d half Werner Amoros Tr Perclval Nool Co llllt Collins Mantell Co WINNIPEG Orphonm Circumstantial Bv Pietro Stan Stanley Co O'Dopnell A Blair Flying Henrys Hughes A Debrow Babb Carroll A S Abo Reyneldn Nonet to Bon Uelmon Roao Warren A O'Brien Barnard A Soarth WORCB8' Worcasisr (BlJou. Fall RiTcr. split) 1st half Cajrnlval of Fan Alfred La Tell Clark A Verdi De Wolf Girls Clemon Belling Co Romas Troupe Bell Hamlsoa Jack Reid BOSTON Maloatio Baao OM Aroo Broa Althoff Sisters Louis Simon Libby A Sparrow Hhep Camp Harry Coleman Robert Halliday Open Week Main Street FelUee Fred Ardath Three Dalace Sis Morris A Campbell Commodore Band lOEW CIRCUIT Dancing Shoes Warwick Jim Fiynn Cd* Roebcr A Gold Sunbeam Follies (Two to All) 2d half Jean A Jacques Chas Oibbs Nevin A Gordon JAB Page Boys of Long Ago HOttOKEN, K. J. Lyrlo Bd GIngras C^ Jim Reynolds DanoIng Dolls Ben Harrison Co Adelo Archer Co ^d half CAM Iluber Baby Frolics Roeber A Gold Royal Pekinese Tr NEW YORK CITY State Maud Kllert Co Downing A Uuddy Nevins A Gordon Geo Rosener Strickland's Boys 2d half Marlon's Dogs Lee Morse Margaret Farrell Newport Stirk A ] Jarrow Creole Cocktail Orphouns LaBelge Duo Leonard A Culver Jack Walsh Co Adier A Dunbar Marion's Dogs CHESTER FREDERICKS CLEVER JUVENILE ' Daaoor and lasltatar Third Seasaa Foatarod with One Kdwarda* Rovao ASTORIA. L. I. Astaria 2d half Bader A LaVelle Tr Thos P Dunne Nelson A Barrya Raymond A Stern Dolly's Dream Tho Vlvlaaa Sd half De Voy A Dayton Katoushka WT'RTOWW, N. Y. Avon Louise Mayo De Voy A Dayton Lo Toy'* ModolA Jack Merlin ^ , Uachmaa's Baa4l 1^ td hair CAM Butter* J F Conroy A 8tB A Stitch in Tlmo Taylor Macey A H Barhman'ff Band ; WESTEBN VAUDEVnXE SHTJBEIIT CIBCIJIT (The Shubert units are printed In the order of their travel. The «hows move over the circuit Intact.) MAX RICHARD BAYS: "Tou will have a Prosperous Now Year—If you will let me book you .over the W. V. M. A. and B. F. Keith (West).' 1411 Capital Bldg. (Masoalo Temple) CHICAGO Phone Central Ot4e Hyams A Mclntyre Jack Norton McCarthy Sisters V A B Htanton Batley A Cowan Meehan's Dogs ^rsce Doro DES MOINES Orphenm (Sunday opening) Marry Watson Rrnest Hiatt Jessie Reed 8wartz A Clifford Koroli Bros B«>ssie Clifford Marc MDcrmott Co Dl LI TH Orphenm (Sunday opening) Leon Co Bthel Parker Senator Ford Valand 'vlamble Franklyn Chas Co, Armntr'g A Phelpn Beraae's Circus KANSAS CITY Main Street (Sunday opening) Novelty Clintons Gretta Ardlne Co Jack GeorKO Duo Faber & M(Gowan (Two to nil) Orphenm (Sunday opening) Sophie Tucker Co Babcock & Dolly Vincent O'Donnell Creflsy & l^ayne Lloyd &. Uoode Johnpon & Haker Gordon R: Day Weaver .%, Weaver LOS ANGELES Hill Street (Sunday opening) Adelaide Bell McDcvitt K A Q Bill Robinson II A A Seymour D D H7 Little Orphenm " fSunday opoiitnp) I'arlor Udronm \- D McKay & Ardlne Neal Abel Juggling Nelsons Henry Snntry Hand Conlin A (.lass Dooley A Sales McRae A Clcgg MEMPIIIH Orphenm Van A Corhftt Paul Decker Flo Lewis Jack Osterman Mrs Sidney Drew Anderson A Burt Edith Clifford Lloyd Nevado Heras A Wills Barry A Whltedge Marian Weeks Co OAK ^ Week lOJlND, CAL. Orpheum (Sunday opening) Dugan A Raymond Wayne A Warren Eric Zardo Bernard A Garry Florenla Vardell Bros OMAHA. NEB. Orphenm (Sunday openiuR) Morgan Dancers Bevan A Flint Roxy La Rocca Chandon Trio J A iN Olms Belle Montrose Carl Emmy's Pets PORTLAND. ORE. Orpheum (Sunday opening) Rddle I^onard Co Hallen A Russell Tuflcano Bros Mallia Bart Profiteering Billy Dale Co Cjulxey Four HACRAMRNTO Orpheum (25 L'7) (.Same bill plnys Fresno 28-30> F'Uriatlon Alma Neilson Co Peronne A Oliver Gcllla C A F Usher JugiMeland Thurber & Madison ST. LOl 18 Orpheum Julian KItliiern Drown .Sisters Hrynn A Hrodcri-'k yr-ank De Vftl Co Jum»'S Cullen ST. PAl'L Orphenm (.Sunday opening) Flashes l-'lsher A Ollmoro .Smith A .Strong .Sully A Houghton Dancing Kcnnod>s irerbf-rt * Daro York A King SALT I^RE Ori>l>eum (Sunday opening) Morton A Glass NEW YORK CITY Central HellA Everybody Uertrude Hoffman HAW I^ander McCoy A Walton Carey Bannon A N Billy Rhodes Harlem O. H. Say ItWIthlAttghs • Roger ImhofC Barr Twins Bobby Barry Hayataka Bros White A Peck Marcelle C'reene Co Margaret Merle Flo Talbot Mao Meyers BROOKLYN CresrenI Whirl of New York Cummings A Shaw Florence Schubert Purceila Broa Kyra Keno A Green Kranz A White Olga & Mirhka Novelll Bros ASTORIA, L. I. Astoria (Boro Park, Brk- lyn, split) Ist halt •iOth, Century Revne Four Marx Bros Marie Rossi Merka Stamford Royal Ballet NEWARK. N. J. Keeney's Midnlte Revels Whipple A Huston Purcell A Ramsey Riggs A Wltchie Claire Devlne Co Three Chums CJeorga Mayo PIIIIJIDELPHIA Chestnut St. O. H. Stolen Sweets Watson Sisters .steppe & O'Nell Berk A Brasil Kings Synfopatlon Do Koch Trio WASHINGTON Belasco F^rhoes of Brcyidw'y Eddie Nelson Irving O'Hay Nip A Fletcher Murray Sisters Goorge Strenel Rthel Davis Five Hanneys ALTOONA, P.%. Mishler (25-2«) (.Same bill plays Welles, Zanesvllle, 27-28: Court. Wheeling. 29-30) Spiee of IJfe Sylvia Clark Gertrude Hayes Jr CLEVELAND State (Sunday .opening) Nteppin' Aronnd James C Morton Ventour Bros Harry Bloona Mortons Harry Roye Co Bard A Peart t CHICAGO Garriek (Sunday opening) Ulmme a Thrill George Price Gardner Trio Gene Barnes Herbert A Baggett .Sorel A Gluck Tip Top Four Byron A Langdon Nanime A De Faye CINCINNATI Shubert (.Sunday opening) Midalght Roanders Smith A Dale Greon A Blyler Hegal A Moore Co Jack Strouse Lola Chalfunte ST. LOUIS Empress (Sunday opening) Roberts A Boyne Harrington & Green Strickland's Boys * Amerlean Juggling Del^ialo I>odd A Nelson Harvey DeVora S One Two Three Leddy A Leddy L°o Greenwood Co Lew Wilson Galetti's Monks 2d half T^uH Parshley 2d half Maud Bllert Co A A L Wilson In Wrong Lew Wilson Jass Jublles Bonis vard B'kaway Barlowes Bobby Van Horn In Wrong Frater A Dunce Baraban Grohs A H 2d half LaBelge Duo Gay Caanlngham "Storm" Co. 0#ers MAX FACTOR'S Supremo Prenarations Lis RsMH—It Neals. Whltwi|s»—It Stays Oa. ^ewtfar—Nt Leatf. Wesie»ee ■Ceis*eslea Feed. BOLD IN NEW TOBK BT Barlow A l.utber. Drugiists, B'wsf A 4ith St CsBtrai Drug Co.. 7tb Ava A tStta St Jaaes' 44tli St. Drug ttera ttb A««. A 44tb St. C O. Bt««k>w. l»e.. eta Ave. A tlh St. BOLD IN CmCAQO BT Buck A Bsyn«r's. sad PuMle Druf. Ob. •. Cesalasliasi, OMrlMrtar, • rsMils Pises. New Yerfc City. M A J Dove Qulnn A Caverly Baraban Grohs Co Hayes A Brown Nancy Boyer Co Uilu Pkkfords Victoria PIckfords Clark A O'Neill Rose's Midgets 2d half Pk-kard's Seals Dodd A Nelson Harvey DeVora S Weber A BlUott Mabel Blondell Rev Avenuo B Manns Bros Turner A Jocelyn Lew Cooper Dancing Shoes (One to fill) 2d half Holden A Herron Pen Harrison Cu (One to nil) ATLANTA Grand Australian Delsoa Nat Burns Bckhoir A Gordon Adrian Mme DuBarry Co 2d half FAB Burke Wainwrights Faber A King Love A Wilbur (One to nil) BALTIMORE Hippodromo Three Walters Brennan A Wynne When We Grow Up Wilson A McAvoy irili Stanton Co BIRMINGHAM BUoa Chaa WIlea Holly A Lee Morning Glorlea Elliott A West Pattcraona ad half Australian Delsos Nat Burns Bckhoft A Gordon Mme DuTJarry Co BOSTON Orpheum Nestor Vincent Mardo A Rome Gordon A H^aly Frank Stafford Co COSTUMES OF MERIT' BAYER-SCHUMACHER CO., Inc. 67-99 WEST 4«th STREET. NEW YORK QIALITY STYLE SERVICE Frolles of 1»«< , Herman Tlmberg Darling A Tlmberg Else A Paulson Nat Nazarro Co CHICAGO Engelwood (Sunday opening) Reunited Weber A Fields Charles T Aldrich Lynn Cantor Sid Gold Ladellas Ruth Thomas DETROIT Detroit O. H. (Sunday opentnR) Oh What a Girl Klen Broa Manhattan Trio Horton A LaTriska Buddy Doyle Marie Stoddard Moran A Wiser TORONTO Princess Plenty of Pep Charles Howard Co U A M Williams Dewey A Rogers Towncs A Franklyn ARTHUR SILBER BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY WITH PANTAGES CIRCUIT eOd FITZGERALD BLDO., NEW YORK Phonos BRYANT 797A--4829 Kramer S.* Boyle Frank Gaby .lulia Kelety I'oll A Walker 3 Wainwright Sis PITTSBURGH .\ldlno Troubles of 11»'2? c.eorge Jessell Courtney Sisters Ann Codes Ann Lowenworth Sam Bennett Manuel A EdirsiJe Kmll r.THppf r>olly Morrison John Quigg BIFFALO Criterion Nora Bayea Tlert Baker Co lianaford Fsni.iy HAG Bllsworih Hilly MtD«rm«l» Peggy Carhart Richard Wally Open Week Success Jack rngils Rose's Midgeta Lincoln Sq. Tanin A Newell Charlotte Meyera Nancy Boyer Co Manuel Romaine 3 St Clair Twins Co 2d half B'kaway Barlowea Melroy Sisters Varieties F'»preme (Two to nil) BROOKLYN Metropolltaa Weisa Tasupo McCormack A R BAB Adair Milo Cave Man Love KETCH ^"^WILMA "Vocal Viriety" FRED KETCH is tbe only man ACTUALLY singing in two voices at one time. A VOCAL accomplish- ment. NOT A TRICK. . B A E Adair Downing A Buddy 4 Queens A Joker Greeley Sq. Francis A Frank B A L Walton Margaret F'arrell 4 Queens A Joker Jarrow Mack A Brantley 2d half - Ed Gingras Co Franklyn A Vlnc't Hobby Van Horn J K Emmett Co Manuel Romaine 3 Sunbeam Follirs Delancey St. Louis ParphLiy Lee Morse Roberts A Boyne Kddi*» Nelson iu,y.\\ I'l'kl n Tr 2d half , Bennington A'Scott Dayton A Palni'-r Greenwood ,<'o • Irare (.■aT'i«'rnn C<> (':alettl's Monks Nation ill ! leMorl Hms M«rinlnKton * '.* ' J K Einn'.vft "'o \V»-bpr A Elliot I l^oi;>'s I>reani 2d half Ma<k A Brantley Sd half W Karbe A Sin Fracer A Bunco C«)ld'a Close-Ups Geo Rosener St Clair Twlna Fnlton Melroy His Mr A Mrs Phillips JAB Page Jaza Jubilee 2d half Weiss Troupe B A L Walton Eddie Nelson Jack Walsh Co Oateo Pirkard'a Seals Newport StIrk A V Jark Tnglls (irace Cameron (!o Mabel Blondell R^v Sd half Gibson A Price McCormaf'k A f. Mr A Mrs Phllllj.s Clark A O'Neill Cave Man l^ovo Palace J- nn A JacfjUfH Art Smith Varieties Supr in rTwo to fill) 2d half T.aBelge Duo Jimmy Flynii Co Kihei A Kane Adler A Dunbar Jonea A Sylvester CoamopoHtan Co BUFFALO Dellla Duo Stephena A Br'n'le Homer Lind Co Frank Fay Co Sparka of B'way cmcAoo RIalta Perea A LaFlor Wm Dick Htateroom If Klass A Brilliant W'yatt'a Lodn A L (One to fill) LONDON. CAN. Leow Basil Lambert Four Ushers Harry Bewley Co 3d half Freer Baggott A F Connora A Boyne Olive Baynea Co MKMPHia Bdwarda A Allen Dreon Sisters Little Lord Roberts M'C'mack A Irving Joe DeKoo Troupe 2d half Charles WIlea Holly A Lee Morning Glorlea Rlliott A Weat Puttersona MILWAUKEE Miller La Toy Broa Byrdie Kramer A A D Morley (Two to fill) DAYTON Dayton ' Teu'd Be Surprlaed MONTREAL, CAN. Loew'o Brgotti A Herman Warman A Mack Frcy A Rogera Keating A Rosa Stepping Around NEWARK State Randow Trio Jerome A Franco Wm Saxton Co Charles F S^anion Kid Act NEW ORLEANS Oeaeent Le Roy Broa Fid Gordon Gardner A Revere Maley A Singer Felix Hermann Co Sd half Bdwarda A Allen Dreon Sisters Litilo Lord Roberta M'C'mack A Irving Joe DeKoe Troupe OTT.AWA. CAN. Loew Reo A Helmar RAH Walser Hr.sei Haalam Co Fo:c A Britt At the Party PR'VID'NCR, B. I. Emory Three Martella Telaak A Dean <!alvln A O'Connor 2d half Vincent Broa LAM Hart Eddie Foyer SPR'OF'LD, MASS. Broadway Vincent Broa LAM Hart Eddjo Foyer ~ liiiaNf Danca Hlta (One to nil) 2d half Three Martella Telaak A Dean W O'Clare A Glrla Calvin A O'Connor Syncopated M'm'nts TORONTO Yango St. • LaFleur A Portia Armstrong A Tyson Fred Weber Co Hawkins A Mack Dance Evolutiooa WASHINGTON Strand Lee Zarrell Co Irving A Elwood Geo Alexander Co Permalne A Shelly Llllie Faulkner Co CHICAGO American Woiton A Marshall Jack McGowan (Four to nil) 2d half Mack A Valmar O'Connor Girls (Four to All) Kedslo Valentino Vox Skelly Heit Revue Carnival of Venice (Three to fill) Sd half Mascot Dave Ferguson Co Duval A Mymonds Btrnlvlci Broa (Two to nil) Lincoln Bertram A Andes Harvey Heny A G Four Camerons (Three to flII) 2d half N Simian Workers Jack McGowan I Four to All) Majoatlo Royal Sidneys Driacoll Long A H O Handworth Co Hon Andy Gump Al Moore A Band Tango Shoes Three Wtber Glrla Bddle Hill ABERDEEN. 8. D. Orplioana 2d half Muaical Hunters Bernard A Brma Four Roedera bL'mington. ill. Majeatic Selblnl A Gruvlnl Hughle Clark Tinta A Tonea Sd half Lambort A Fish Dave Harria Band (Ono to fill) .CBDAR RAPIDS Majestic Harry Gilbert Harpland Farnoll A Florence (Two to nil) 2d half LaHoon A DuPr'ece Vlllani Broa I^t's Go Harry Van Foaaen (One to nil) CRNTRALIA. ILL. Grand Drlsko A Bar! (Two to nil) 7C half Clark A Manning Three Ankera (One to All) CHAMPAION. ILL. Orphenm 2d half Hardy Broa (One to nil) 2d half • Moore A Kendal I. lahtkawa Bros ' (One to All) JOPLIN, MO. RIecirle Fenwick Glrla Hibbert A Nugent 2d half BAT Payne Smith Brothers K'NS'S CITY. KAir, Electric Davis A Bradner 2d half Chadwick A Taylor Milla A Duncan K'NSAS CITY, MO. Olabo Gould A LeRoy Jimmy Dunn Songs A Scenes Kelly A Koxlo AnkarTrio "■ •; Sdhalf Davia A Bradntvv John NcfT Otto Bardell A O L'VBNWTH, KAX. Orphenm Willie Miaaem C« Keefe A Ulilaa John Neft Bravo Mich A T LINCOLN. NKB, LIhorty Will korrls . *, Bennett A Jj— Jonla's Hawaiian* Barry A I^yton Sd half Firman A Olamitll Vernon Geo Lovett Co MADISON. WIS, Orphcam Sealo Don Quixano C* Dsmarcos A BaaA Senator Murphy Rainbow's Bnd Sd half Yokohama Boya " Burnum Snow A Sigwortll Stara of Teaterday Creadon A Davla McDonald Trie MILWAUUn Geenco Slaters O'Malley A MaxPt Corradinl'a Animals Marry Garland Chriotie A Bennett Four Erretoa Kilkenny Threa (One to All) ^ MINNBAPOUS 1th Strast Hector Al Leater Co J C Lewia Jr Of • Hugo Lutgena RICH HAYES THE LAZY CLOWN PLAYING KEITH THBATRKS Direction t H. B. MARINELLI GUS SUN CIBCUIT BCFFALO lAfayette Roatina A Barrett Frish Howard A T Mayme Qsrue Co McNeil A Ford Monkey Hipp'dr'me D* NKIRK, N. y. Park Willie Lang Herbert A BInet ZolglT Klstera Blar-k Eyed Susann Weston'a Modela Jack Darran Happy Days Romany Bctor <'r<)uch Richards 4 NIAGARj^ FALLS Cataract Weaton'a Modela Black Byn Snaans Walah A Bent ley Zeigler Slaters 2d half Olga A Nichols •Speaker Lewis Kenard A West DARL MacBOYLE Bxclusive Material of Every Description. ON HAND OR TO ORDBR. 116 W. 4»th St.. N. 1. aCyt Bryant 24«4 GENEVA. N. Y. Temple Louise Mayo Walsh A Hentlf-y Ituyoliti'S (iL'NH F'LLS, N.V Empire r A K Car»ri«-n r.ansom & Wiki 1< Nell Roy Buck (ft J.aokpon'i Mnidn J'^fcflie Morris 2d half Collins A Hill JtaiicUc A N Sis <»I.KAN, N. Y. Palace ItiyoHt^s >«l>»-aher Lewis Unrb^rt A Bin. f Jcanftte A N His 2d half Pfone A Hallo J-^an Mollis The \ ivlan.« KOt IIKNTKK. N.V. Vletaria Ta)lor Mufey A H Hayes & Marion Pigs Is Pigs Hughle Clark Carnival of Venice (One to nil) DAVENPORT, lA. Columbia Joe Melvin Daly A Bruch Gene A Mtgnon CoacI A VerdI (Two to All) DrMlQlE. lA. MaJcMtlo LaHoen A DuPr'ece Vlllani Broa Let's Go Harry Van Foasen Mra Eva Fay 2d half Parker Bros Harry Gilltert Murray Kissen Co Mrs Eva Fsy (One to nil) ELGIN. ILL. RIalta Silver Duval A K Ishikawa Broa (One to nil) 2d half Ja Da Trio Mllner A KIlby Rev (One to nil) FAIUiO. N. D. Grand Musical IlantTs Bernard A Erma Four Ro^d<-rs . 2d half Olive A Mack Stranded GALKSHI KG, ILI<. Orplieum Dave Wlunle Sf'ymour A Jesn'te F Kcloey Kev 2d half J Singer (j. Dolls Iy<»o HBl<-y Six Ilaxxans G'D FORKS, N. D. Orphrnm Grind.11 A Khth*^ Blue Bird H» v G'D IMLAVU. .M.a. Mnjehitr Will Morris Harry A i..j> toi .Stranded 2(1 half l.fn A radon Br-nnett A I.**- JOI.IKT. 11.1. Orpheuiit .Ih Da Trio Miln^-r A KKJ-y H. v Carl Roaini Co ' Tyler A Croliua Fox A Mack NORFOLK. NBll^ ' New Graad Lea Aradoa Dennett A I/eo Jonla'a Mawaiiana 2d half Roth A Slater Harpland OMAHA. NBB, Emprcm Royal A Valentiaa Roth A Slater Geo Lovett Co * 2d half Jack Lee BariV A Layton Jonla'a Hawailaaa PEORIA. ILL. Orphevm Moora A Xendatl Dave Harria Band Lambert A Fish Three Ambler Broa (Two to nil) 2d half Selblnl A Grovlal Tints A Tonea Harry Jolson K T Kuma Ca (Two to nil) QCINCY. ILL, Orpheum J Slng4 A Dollf Leo Haley Six Hassans 2d half Dave Winnlo Seymour A Jean'tia F Kelcey Rer RACINE, WIS. Rialto Hill A gulnnell Anthony Dave F'-rguson Evelyn Phillips Co (One to nil) 2d half Larimer A Hudson Valentine Vox Skelly }Iolt ReT (Two to nil) ROCKFORD. ILU PalfM^ ToUriharna lioya Hurnom .Snow A ."Igworth Stars of yesterday ''r«edon A Davis McDonald Trio 2d half Realo Don Quliano Co D<>mariK>8 A Band tlainbow'a End (Two to All) (Confinufd on Page 23)