Variety (December 1922)

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h f ■ Friday, ]&ecemb«r 29, 1922 ii^'**'3^ ■ * VAklKt Y ':^^^'^;<"r.-- ■•■^r'^' ;'SS?>?5^^"-'-''''^''^?^ :r^ ■' 24G «■■■. ■ t:.?l!^ ^. ^ h^: '^' ..v'l »*:!••> »x». l9^ -> v. "^'.'i V • -.w .V .if v^i::^-iM-:'4 !to^ j'^|^i»"i\*e*'a»'Yi*iMk'**JHfr' -V' **»p**.«n>»«»^r*r'**'**'r-'.»*\> '";* «*•:»,»-.- ,iif^^ m-^; TcgTA-RT.Tapngn may ■ '-■{', '.'■ FOR NEARLY A CENTURY THE RECOGNISED AND PREDOMINANT ORGAN OF.THE DRA- .'4. , ' . ! •* ■ MATIC AND MUSICAL PROFESSIO;^JS i.A«.> • «% -**•', »• •-v' ««• t *-^ tr t/. ■K, :.l:v|.. ■ ' • • .:;.;■•. \<i?- ■•h.^ BIGGER and BETTER A N EVE R i* >.■•? mi^-^ X» -i'.*' v^. '■'■^ ^ pOR nearly a*century "THZ; riR.l'has remained THE PREDO>IINANT THEATRICAL. NEWSPAPER. ■' ' ■?'{ '* ''-;■■■'• " ' "-■♦•. . , It iA£fmnethfTigr more, however, than a Newspaper. represArrtftthre of the Dramatic and Musical Prpfeai- nHonn Aim^t the Entertainment Wortd generally, with ItB extensile'ranvifloationa »*)d ^lied Interests, for "7'//£; hJRA" is an Institution. It is part and parcel of tlmt \rhich tayitien terih **Tn* Pxafesalon," and is as indissolubly identified with all who M •:»■* as is the T ire itself. I arJc ^n fu\y way Coi^erned. with or lutfcrested In, on- or abbut the. St^ge, ^:^' i.".i *• >• •>«* >> '.^jrui: 'ERA" Is closely linked'fc^' c^mori Irili^rest and by ties of unfailirtf; atttf-feaiaesir service witfrihe History of the Stage and with the development of the Theatre, and for;th« ^hievenfkent odT CTl« flntertaln-' ment perfection and etflciency that we enjoy today, no small thani^ are ^tte to "TMtl ERA" for its constant vigilance ^nd unremitting labors ia.XU£ interests.xil Stage progress and for the general betterment of The- atrical conditions. " , K^VER «Jnce its inceptior»-^whcn the Stage was In Its earliest infancy—when Entertainment lacked its I-rVr*»erit "^day meaning, "THE ERA" has proved, the ever-watchful guardian and sturdy champion of the Interests of that large and ever-growing se<;tio)i olf" the community WKlch governs and peoples the »World of Entertainment. .,* . THROUGH man^y changes and vicissltodeft, the^fln« old |>aper has fought Its mission wiUi unvarying,suc-^ cess, and its lofty ideals and high tradition*;<t>as8ed, down through, sUc^^siv^ decades, are today un- impaired^ "TSE- ERA" is the recognized Guide. Philosopher and Friend of the Entertainment World—with every "- > «t . . »^ I* 'phase and aspect of which it deals in a thoroughly representative mfinner—the veritable encyclopaedia^ in :"^r*'yA 7 T~^ '■' ■*' fact, of the Dramatic and Musical Profesaiona-^il is the favorite and indeed, the INDISPENSAI3LE organ • • ' . ,-. -..y, »*fc.,i^. Qf j^u ^ym are connected with or in any way interested in the Stage and accordingly exerts enormous power and influence with'A HUGE CIRCLE OP SUBSCRIBERS AND READERS. —^———— "-••>■■- ^4i;...^- .» Sweeping Tinprovepienls tiave lately been in- treduced in the Gondiict, Polity and Make-tip of "THE ERA'* and it$ News Columns have been enormously strengthened by the addition of a Wealth of Powerful and Attractive Spe- cial Features Conducted by some of the Most Eminent Writers of thelDavr* ' 'i-i '»• •«■.••<?• y;^^, .n :•» jf'-' '4 Although "THE ERA" is now only threc- l)ence weekly, it has been permanently in- creased in size and no expense is being spared ' either in co^t of production .or in securing the very best literary news and pictorial services, together with the latest information, to make ft the indispensable nevsrspaper to every mem- ber of the profession. ,.._..._.^/ . /' - ■■■■»-"' ' ■■. ' ,/THE ERA' is not WfeV the Best in- formed and most Authoritative Professional N'eWvspaper in Great Britain, but it is also un- questionably the Most Profitable jiledium for all classes of Professional Advertising. Advertisement rate $175 per page and pro Arriericati Managers, Producers, Artists and Advertisers in "THE ERA" vnW find that it is the most reliable and satisfactory weekly paper of its kind in Britain. Fill in and Post this form today. To the Publisher, -«, ♦ "TBB ERA," 35 Wellington StCeet. . ' Strand. London Wr C. 2. ,^ ' IMease mail me "TflJBT-Z^flfAV weekly lor 02 weeks, for Which ^^ •nclose HfiO to co^r the cost of the annual Bubscription. Name Full Postal Addreas • •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • •••••• • • •••••••••••••••• •• I' 'it No Really Up-to-Date Artiste Can Afford to Be Without "THE ERA" Regularly , \- ANNUAL FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION, $S • w* •..♦'T' " Editorial Busin. s and Publishing Offices :*. V-.*^ ■ •' ■i'^\ THE OLDESTr-AND AS ALWAYS—THE BEST .f 35 Wellington Street iHtjii STRANt), LONDON W. C. 2 <■- A i: Phone 4541-7 Recent Telegrams and Cables '*THE ERA," London