Variety (March 1923)

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g^jrT—- thilrsday. March 8, 1983 .'J. -V VARIETY 33 (TWO to ml) I^BWISTON. ME. •Ufartlncttle &. M Xlf Grant yrancli * ^^^„ Hod«* & If'''" Booth A Nina 2d half fid Gordon •casaun & *^'*"1 r^ Ihnma Raymond Co Ibach's Enterl'loert (One to fill) IIANCHESTEB Ftdmtm Cooper ft Lacer Peaci Duo Sail* ft Roblea Samriwl St Leonh't Miacahua Co 2d halt Uazelo & RedAcld Tbrea Odd Chapa Clayton Drew Co Motar * Bldrldca Andcraon & Yv«l JESSE FREEMAN AGENCY CHARLES yATKS, UmmMg*r •419 MaMai« Ti«»>« Caotral W4e CHICAttO Bo<Alnf BxelUilTely with W.V.M.A.. B. IT KMtb'i iwirtara) i:ich«Dg«. Qrpbamn and AmiUtlona. 1 .^ (Two to fill) LY>iV, MASS. Olympia HaxaJe & Redfleld Zeck & Randolph Bob Hall •JPhenomenal Pl'jr'r* 2d half * Barrys & Wolfords Marie & Ann Clark NEW BEDFORD 01>UkpUh Kelly A Draka Barrya A Wolferds Johnny Clark Co (Two to fill) 2d half Four Miners Grace Valentine Co Tracey St McBride (Two to fill) CHICAGO KEITH CIECUIT f " CINCINNATI J A West llaney & Morgan Ned Nestor Co Favorites of Past Hlbbcrt A Malle (One to All) CLEVELAND Hippodrome ■"Around the >lap Bendpr & Armatrg Al Moore & Hand Martin Van Bergen iTwo to fill) DAYTON , B. F. Keith'* Bert Levy Beban & Mack AI Herman Hughes & Friends Babcock & Dolly 2d half Al Fields Co •Adams & Morin (Jlrl IrOm Toy land tibaw & Lea •Qus Fowler Bubini S^iatera DETROIT, MICH. LaSalle tJarden Walman & Berry Bobby Jaxon Co Robinson A Pearce (Two to fill) 2d half •Mason A Scholl Let's Uo Christie & Bennett .N'lobo I>ANS1NG, MICH. Resent Drinrull Long A II Elliott & West Gladys Qretfne Co Dunlay A. Merrill Snow A. SIgworth 2d half Fr.'xzor & Bunco Olive & Mack Maxon & Brown stranded (Ono to fill) LEXINGTON. KY. Ben All Adams &. Morin Taylor & Bobbe Girl from Toyland Rodero & Brown Comebacks 2d half Bert Levy Smiling B Mason Habcock & Dolly (Tv\o to fill) E. HEMMENDINGER, Inc.- JEWELERS SS West 4Sth Street N«w York Telephone Bryant IMS CrcedoTi & Davis (•has Ward Co (Ono to fill) 2d half Dallas Walker Dunley & Merrill Hughes & FrlondJ Gordon & Spain (One to fill) EVAN»\1LLE,IXD. Victory R A R Tracy Doree's Celebs Williams & <^")ark Rosa Wyse Trio 2d half Sealo Bob Murphy Earl Rial Co Fred Lindsay Co FLINT, MICH. Palace fiongs & Scenf>s Swift i Daloy Four Erratas (Ono to fill) 2d half Four Ushers Gladys Greene Co (has Ward Co (Two to nil) FT. WWXK. IM>. Palace Rllly B'-ard Gene & Mignon Quinn & Caverly Gordon & Kpaln 2d halt Bobby .Taxon Co Creedon &. Davis Rartram A Saxton (One to fill) INDIANAPOLIS Palace JarYls & Harrison LIMA. O. Faurot O. H. Dallas Walkor Hyams A Evans Rubin! Sisters (Two to nil) 2d half Oene & Mlgnon Al Herman Dave Ferguson Co •Ryan Weber & K (One to fill) PADICAH, KY. Orphenm Sealo Smiling B Mason Karl Rial Co Foster & Foster 2d half J Alden Revue Moore & jShy Lester lOne to fill) RICHMOND, IND. Murray Niobo Eddy & Wynn Andy (iump Fred Lindcay 2d half Rosier & Muffs R A B Tracey Williams & Clark Doree's Celebs SAGINAW, MICIL JefTers' Htrnnd Olive A Mack Four Ushers Maxon A Brown Stranded 2d half Swift A Daley Songs A Scenes Four Erratas Walter C Kelly •Roy Maye A B Walton A Brandt KANSAS CITY Main Street (Sunday opening) La Palericia Trio •Lloyd A Uoodo Wilfred Clarke Co Fr'klyn Charles Co Ia Gracloca (One to nil) Orphenm (Sunday opening) Gordon A Rica Allan Shaw Whiting A Burt Frank Mclntyro Co Uv.lft &. Kelly Hal Skelly Collins A Hart Regan A Curtis LOS ANGELES Hill Street Mme Doree Co Valand Gamble Berzac's Circus Crystal Bennett Milt Collins Orphenm Davis A Darnell Lucas A Inez Alan Rogers A A Jack Oaterman Four Fords Revue Josephine Amoros Carl Francis A C Jean Adair Co MEMPHIS Orphenm Bessie Barrlscale Billy Arlington D D H? ■ Pearson Newp't A P Joe Melvin B-^uumont Sia The Gellls MIIAVAI'KFK Palace <Sunday opening) Henry B Walthall Joseph K Watson Adelaide Bell Co Jack Hanley Adlcr & Ross Roscoo Alls Co MINNEAPOLIS Hennepin (Sunday opening) Juggling Nelsons l>on Valerio Trio Neal Abel Mltty A Tilllo McKay A Ardlne Conlln & Glass Fl'n'g'n A Morrison NEW ORLEANS Orplicum Parlor Bedr'm & B I'llcor A Douglas Charles Irwin Galettl A Kokln Parker Bros Bailey A Cowan •Henri Scott OAKLAND. CAL. Orphenm Steppe A O'Nell Rdwln George Dougal A I^eary I>onegan A Steger Frisco •Berg A English OMAHA, NEB. Orphenm (Sunday opening) Herberts Zardo J B Hymer Co •Fireside Hevorles I>r>'»aler &. KialHS SACRAMENTO Orphenm (12-14) (Same bill plays Fresno 15-17> Jessie Bualey Max A Moriti Bert Howard A A M Havel Whitefield A Irei'd Aerial Valentines Corrlne Tilton Co SAN FRANCISCO Golden Gate (Sunday opening) Stars of Yesterday Zclaya Lloyd Nevado Co Carlisle A I^amal Kuddell A Donegan Lew Brice Orphenm (Sunday opening) Julian Blttnge Richard Kean Coogan A Casey Charlie Wilson M'cnonett* Kok<n Qautler's Br'klayers Howard A Clark Marry Me SEATTLE Orphenm (Sunday opening) Rath Bros Fred Hughes Wylie A Hart man Farrell A Taylor J.a Monte Trio Ralntraw's End Yarmark 8IOCX CITY Orphenm Clara Howard •The Little Liar •Grant Gardner •EiCko A Kcyo 2d halt St Onge Trio Eddie A Graco Laurie Ordway Co Sully A Kennedy SUeily A Heit ReV Orphenm Duponts •Howard A Brown Fred C Hagtin Co Helm A L kw'd Sia Eddie Nelson •Clinton A Cornell WistoD's Models BALTIMORE Hippodrome Braminoi Bennington A Scott •Cardo A Noll Jimmy Savo Co Royal Pekin Troupe BIRMINGHAM Bijou Gordon Duo Frank Shannon KETCH and WILMA "VOCAL VARIETY" Foaluring Fred Ketch, whoso doulile- k'uiced duet was successfully broadcasted hy radio from Westinghouao 8ta., KDKA. Playing Keith Circuit •H^re There A B 2d half Ling A I-ong •Sluts A Bingham M'sh'll Montgomery Quinn Bros A S Bonievard Obala A Adrlenne Dayton A Palm>.r Dalton A Craig Joan Granese Diax Monkeys 2d half Marjolane & Vlitor Howard A Brown Helm A L'kw'd Sis Frank Fay Roy A Arthur Carl Statzer Co Mahoney A Cecil •Girl Radio Mind 2d half Zara Carmen Trio B A L Walton Hannon A B Sis Harrison Moss Tarzan BOSTON Orphenm Mankin Uirdio Kraeiner DeVine A Williams Dancing Roots Worsley A Hlllyer Old Timers NEWARK Stat* l.a Toy Bros Karl A Matthews In Wrong Graco (.'ameron Co Davo Harris Band NKW ORLEANS Crescent LaVrre A Colllnr •Blair A Penngton Mr A Mrs D Clark Art Smith •Bersrnan MAO 2d half Bell A Eva Norton A Wilson Nwnry Bover Co Thomas P Dunne •Ed Stanlsloff Co OTTAWA, CAN. I.>oew Three Walters Sinims A Wynne When We Grow Up Wilpnn A McAvov Win Stanton Co PROVIDENCB Kmery Frun«-ls A Wilson Brooks A Grace Laiar A Dale J Elliott A Girls (One to nil) 2d half La Beige Duo Dorothy Wahl Ed BlondeII Co Futuristic Revue tone to fill) TORONTO Yonge Street R'-ik A Rector D'ws'n Lanlgan A C Jack Merlin Archer A Iielfoid Frank Mullane Dolly's Dream WASHINGTON Strand Pickard's Seals Kennedy A Davis Frank Ford Co Alton A Allen Cosmopolitan Co WESTERN VAUDEVILLE CHICAGO Amerlcua Carlos A Dufries •4 Strolling Mlns (Four to nil) 2d half Ward A Van (Five to fill) Englewoofl Smith A Strong Flashes Yorke A King Dainty Marie ^ BAYER-SCHUMACHER CO., Inc. **New York's Smartest Costumers'\ 67-69 West 46th Street, New York Phone: Bryant 1834 ^i Dugan A Raymond Style Revue (Two to fill) 2d half Dave A Tressio Val*»ntlne Vox Joe Rolley GAP Magley (Two 4o fill) ST. Loris Orphenm (Sunday opening) •Th'dore Roberts Co GIfnn A Jenkins V A E Stanton Bevan A Flint Roxy I^a Rocca Autumn Trio •Stars of Past ST. FALL Orphenm (Sunday opening) Florenls PAS Kelton Powers A Wallace Danco Creations Billy Dale Co ITortteering roto VANtOtVER, B.C. Orphenm (14-17) Lnnd of Fanta«y Moore A Kendall Wright A Dietrich Uoyal Sldn»^ys HENRI MARGO aHsistf>d by MARGARITA MARGO. ARDATii DE SALES And IIELKNK IIKTII Direction EAfii.E A GOLDSMITH The Speeders Hurst A Vogt PORTLAND, ORL. Orphenm HoudinI (jibson & Connolli Four of Us Bravo Mich A T Jack Benny Howard Wynfd A B Frances Kennedy Smith A, Barkrr F & T Sablni WINNIPEG Orphenm Little Cottagf! Four Camerons <;<nc Green Vera Cordon Co (""ummins A Whit-^ Ci>r\ Emmy's ivis Sargent A Marvin Arenne H Northlan'' & Ward Hughie Clark Powell Sextet iTwo to nil) 2d half Archl A Vedl Violet Carleson ITerbert Ashley (.'o Billy McDermott •Mrtiide ElU't Co BROOKLYN Metropolitan T'i< hlannl Troupo BlIFALO State I.-^o Zarrell Duo Irving & Kllwood Tom Martin Co Senator Murphy Primrose Minstrels CHICAGO Rlalto Maurice A Girlie May McKay Sis Barr Mnyo A Rcnn Adler A Dunbar Baratian Grohs Co CHAS. J. FREEMAN BOOKING WITH AI-L INDEPENDENT CIRCUITS SUITE 307 ROM AX BLDG. «43 We!>»t 47th St. NKW YORK Phone BRYANT 8917 LOEW CIKCUIT SHEAN and PH^^IIPS Featured with ONA MUNSON Playing B. F. Keith Circuit Holt & Leonard Haz*"! Greene Co Frank Farron Clifford A OCon'r Turner Bros KOKOMO. IND. Strand Dave Ft-rguson Co (One to fill) TERRK IIAI Liherty Liletta Pattce A Mills Barry & Whit I PeWItt Bros * rK liar' T Robinson A Pi-aice ORPHEUM CIRCUIT ( IIK AGO ^ Palace ^Sunday oponlne) F,il(li«» Leonard <Jo K *• J <'onn(.'llv l^urke A DujUin M.illia Bart May Wirth To Doolf y A Saks Sylvia Cinrk Wulxvy Four a nnw -Columbua. Slate Ijike I.ou 'lellemn A!f xnnrtria Pierce A Ryan Halirn A Ru«'< l>iiii._r> KHnlftsv Wa>no ^. Wan l-'s K^itors ;i II l>o Marco 7^'iikI •Kiaine A Marshall DENVER Orphenm (Sun<lrty opeiii:i;;'> Will Favrr.<)iiiiii tip ltobl)y Kd.lio Miller Z" Ida Bros Kthol Parkor *Th"rl)<'r A M .disi.!! rrnnnnril A HlTTir DF.S MOINLS Orplirum (Sunday oi><ninK> f►iiinville A Sand, rn Frank Ward Middl' ton A F Aunt Jemima Co NKW YORK CITY Vivforla A Dupre Kddle A Grace WilHon A Jerome M'sh'll Montgomery Barnes A Stremej •Htire There A E 2dahalf 'Rubs Lo Van & P Lillian Faulkner Co George Morton (Two to fill) American •Sw'M t & Hill Hill A Blondy Laurie Ordway <i» L A O Archer Villon Sisters «upid'« Closeups Moss A Frye St Onge Trio (One to fill) , 2d half Ramsay's Cananes Coryell Bros Cupid's Closeups •Grant Gardner IJneoln Square Kdwards A Allen Kvelyn Cunn'ghani Howard A Ross •Al H Wilson Roy & Arthur 2d half Victoria A Dupre Conroy A Howard Jean Granese Greeley Sqnare Dolly MorriHsey Quinn Bros A S Killy A Wise • 'rilcrion Four Monroo Grant («Jne to nil) 2d half Obala A Adricnno ♦Roy Dorn A Duke Mallon A McCabe Roed A Selman Kddie Xclpon LAG Archer DARLMacBOYLE 0' fTTchislve Material of Every DescrlpMon ON HAND OR TO ORDER. 116 W. 49th St.. N. Y. City: Bryaat M6! Nor'hlane A Ward Tho Little Liar Dolly Morri.•^^'< y Moss A Frye •i:irko A Key.) (Two to fill) VI<'torla Four Byron Gir!s Emerald Revue Sully A Kennedy 2d half Monroe A Grant Mammy A G D 2 f"«lednnia Four tOne to flii) - Folton Brkaway Barlows Koy Dorn A Duk*" ("arty liannon A M Hit*. Reflow Co 2d half IHU'onts Cl!s A Clark Howard A Russ Four Byron tJirls •Wilson A JcroMic Gate* Kara Conroy A IToward Mallon A McCabe Follies 2d half Br'kaway Barl<>A-» Mason A Bail« y Kthel Davis Co Follies Palare Archl A Verdi VioUt Carleson Louise Carter Co Billv McDermott Maude Ellet Co CLEVELANB State ITubert Dyer Co Bentley Banks A O Kimb«rley A Page •HuRhes A Pain A A;exan<Ier Co DAYTON Dnyton Nestor Sr Vincent Hiri'ian Berrens )>obbs <:;ark A D •Mnrwfon A Manley Snapshots HAMILTON Capitol AuHtraiiiin Delsos E< khbff A Gordon Adrian liOBOKEN, N. J. Lyric Princ«'8B Winona Warden A Doyle Green A Myra Norvello Bros (One to fill) 2d half •Reo A Helmar Dorothy Casey •All Rajah Co Hughlo Clark (One to nil) TRIXIE FRIGANZA 1530 Formosa Avenue HOLLYWOOD, CAL. (Two to fill) 2d half Jos Herbert Jr* (Five to nil) Kedste Mantell's M'netfes •Harry Bewley «'o Jack George Duo •Will J Ward Birds of Paradise (One to nil) 2d half • A Steins Flashes (Four to nil) IJneoln Jos Herbert Jr Co Bill Robinson Jonia's Hawuilans (Three to Jill) 2d half •4 Strolling Mlns (Five to nil) Majestic Hector Dancing Kennedys Austin A Delaney Miller Packer A S •Annabello Belle Montrose •The Arleys (One to fill) CEDAR RAPIDS Maj/stic Don Lanning B'way to IJowery ('hamborlatn A K Speeders (OziC to fii!) K'NS'S CITY, MO. Globe Blaise A Blaise Irene Trevelte Barle A Edwards •Kleanor Pearce Co (One to nil) 2d half Ward A Zeller •Kdwards A Dean Hayes A Lloyd Primrose Four Cath Sinclair Co L'VNWTH. KAN. Orphenm (11) El Rey Sisters •Edwards A Dean Pair of Deuces Brndy A Mahoney Cath Sinclair Co UNCOLN. NEB. IJheHy Jack Hugnea Duo Dave A Trr«»s|',> Johnny's New Car P Bremen A Bro 2d half Three Eddy Pis circumstantial E (Two to fill) MADISON. WIS. Orphenm C A F IJsher Sylvester A Vance (Four to nil)^ 2d half^ France A Jerome Tango Shofs G A P Hickman Kily (Two to fill) MILWAUKEE Majeetle Sinclair A Groy Vernon Roatina A Barrett Rubevillo <*artef A Royce Romano Sisters (Two to nil) MINNEAPOLIS 7th Street F-awton Marcus A T^e FAB Halls Fitzgerald A Car'U Herbert Lloyd Co Cost la A Verdi Bird Cabaret NORFOLK, NEB. Auditorium (11) Jack Hugh<>s Duo COINT TRIX PERRONE and OLIVER in a "Song Symphoj^y" ORPHKl'M CIRCCIT 2d half n fftfalano Co (Four to fill) ILL M 2d fialf Frear Brggott .^- F Kelly A AVlRO Hubert Kinney '".j (Two to fill) Warwick r« r.-z A La Flor Fletcher A C R»v r-ook A Vernon •Ly'.e A Virsrinia (One to nil) :d half La Frafue Brf'H r,r»en A Myiu '"ar'-y Bannon K M • •.rarer A I-awl-r (One to fi:i) A Long rii.H {it Dark Heed A S'^lTnnn Kih'^l Davis <•,. s;;f ;)y A Helt K- . 2d ha'f •Pirh'annI Troui" C & '1' Harvey Deliincpy St H,i>nu)nd I'ik" Stut75 A Bingh Columbia A Vi- Caledonia Four Liiilan Faull.M- 2d half Mnxon St M-.rr: Jar'.c Powell S< lli.Khie Ciark K i! ra (Two lo fii!) Nntinniil Ma\'in .'■- Mil'' ■ C i r Hai\ a M» I v..r ASTORIA, L. Astoria Murphy A Bruli l-iariii flaby HfMal Midgets 2d half M H Wilson Royal Midgets (' Mi'J to fill; ATLANT\ Grand Xiiia «'a: in' n T; I. Ji A L VMii t nn Harrison A B >'i'» Hari.son Moss 'I itrzan 2d half • Jupfrling I'erri' r Cook A Hajiiiliori •I'nice Jliilrr co LONDON, CAN. I>oew •Allalro Ptrmalne A Shelly Hilly Gerber Riv •Hip Raymond A Se<lal Bennett La Sova A O Co M MEMPHIS State B"!! A Kva Norton A Wilson Nancy Buyer Co Thomas I' l>unn'' •Ed Stanislofr Co 2d half flordon Duo ♦Frank shatintm •Carl Sfatj!< r Ce Mahoney ,t C<iil •fiirl Radio Mini MILWAIKFi: Miller Alvarez Duo .f<an Itoyileil •Mr A Mrs I'liii:)!-; "l.-.rk A <J'N-i.l !>;. Dri ii::ir,' Wnx TRFTT I.oew I'M TnKras C|)^ VVh. 1 I. r A I'ot ,er llti'-rio D.TVls Co Charles F Seamoii Hojs of Lonu A K'l CKNTRALIA, Grand J A C Nathan K'no Keyes A (One to fill) fllAMPAIGN, ILL. Onthenm 2d half Chamberlain A K Mack A Vehnar Will J Ward •Selecman A Freed (Two to nil) DAVENPORT, lA. Columbia 2d half Mr(5oods I^nzer Co Jack Georgo Duo B'way to Bowery Don Lanning Edith Clifford Co (One to nil) GD ISLAND, MilL Majestic (II) P Bremen A Bro |ia\e A Tresslo Johnny's N'w Car (3:-17) .TaeU Hughes Duo Laurel Lee (One to fill) Drisko A Karl Three Eddy Sis (16-17) •Jimmy Van McKay A Earle Brod'k Wynne f.'o OMAHA, NEB. EmpreM 1st half renins A Hill Johnson Bros A J George Lovett f'o (Two to nil) RACINE, WIS. Rlall« Selbini A Grovini OComor Sisters Fitch's Minstrels ♦Andy Gump Birds of Paradise ROCK FORD, ILL. Palara Frnnce A Jeromo Tango Shoes (; A P Hlekman Blly (Two to fill) 2d half C A F Usher Svlvster A Vanro (Four to fill) Slot X FALI^i Ori'heum I>rapi«r A Hen.lri > Hrnil'k Wynn tJo \i«Ienline Vox CHESTER FREDERICKS The Featured Juvenile Daacer and <lever Mimie Third Senxoii with Gus K<iwttrfls K^'vue .lOPLIN, MO. Elect ric •»fa.i<.;t A Bea.:i TliTto Ambier Bros 2d half Mrisnn A S^'tf •);art A Hrlenc Klrcrtrie Wild A .Sodalia I'rim<.r<-'e Four 2d half Aeropiane <iir;s U N'eai Sis Hi. B( ri;-"ji • A G'rretsori ?d half c. A M Moore Three Al« i (Two to fill) i SO. BKND. IV'V J'Mlaee Frank Devoe Oa Marvtell A Co (Two to nil) SPR'GFIKIJ), ILL. Majestio M'Goo<Im Leiiz'n Co Letter Writer Sii. n(.-r A Wms (Three to nil) M half Smith A Strung Milton Pollock Co Yorke .A King (Three to nil) SPR'G FIELD. Electric Mason A Scott MO. OirtoB Olrls Coffman A Carroll Royal Venetian % Kinko Daniels A Walter* Wiber Girls (Two to nii) RiaKo H A A Sejmour Santrey A Jlan<l Suntrey A S«*ymour ( Ihree to nil) 2d half Santrey A Seymour H A A .Seymour H Suntrey Band Snell A Vernon "SIR" JAMICS DWYER •Hart A Helen* Zd half •Hackett A Beach 3 Ambler Bros ST. JOE, MO. Kleetrie O'Neal Sia A Bens'n Hayes A Lloyd Aeroplane Girls 2d half •Blaise A Blaise Wild A Sedalla Pair of Deuces ST. i^ns ColamblA Hill A Quinnell Duval A Symonds Bernlvlcl Bros Keno Keyes A M (Ono to nil) 2d half Wolfe A Ward •Pigs Is Pigs (Three to fill) Grand O'.Malley A Maxf'd (Two to nil) ■ TP.RRE HAITB Hippodrome Christie A Bennett Jack Norton Co ^. Bob Murphy (Three to fill) ■ ad half J A J Gibw>n Dainty Marie Spencer A Williams Bill Robinson (Two to fill) TOPEKA. KAN. Novelty Ward A Zeller •Edwards A Dean A Pair of Deuces Brady A Mahoney C Sinclair Co 2d half r-i •Denyle Don A B •Fox A Mack Johnny's New Car P Brenjen A Bro (One to nil> . FANTA6ES CIECUIT MINNEAPOLIS Pant ages ♦Whirl of World ST. PAUL Pantacea Phil Latoska Mack A raatleton Olga Mishka Co Walter Weems •Sheiks of Araby «'habot A Tortoni WINNIPEG Pantacaa Allen A Taxi •Burke A Betty Stephens A Holl'ter Vardon A Perry Beileclatre Bros SAN FRANCLSCO I'natagea Santiago Trio White A Barry •Maude Leone Co Harry HInes Hannaford Family OAKLAND. CAL. Pantaffea The Luinars Philbrlck A DeVoa Ruth Budd Ca VARDON and PERRY HEADLINING PANTAQE8 CIRCUIT THIS WEEK (MARCH 4) PANTAGES, PORTI^ND. ORK. Dummies T'rlnceton A Ver'n 3 I'asquall Bros REGINA. CAN. Pantages (12-14) (Same bill ptays Saskatoon 15-17) De Lyons Duo •Jim A Jack La Pine A Emery Marriage vs Dlv'rce ReKal A Moore Co Horl Trio Travel (Open week) Sensational Togo Five Chaplns Davis Mct.'oy •In Chinatown Fmley A Hill Willie Bros SPOKANE Pantaves B<lulllo Bros Chio Supreme Ross A Roma Lewis A Norton Joe Jackson Bob J^a Salle SEATTLE Paatases Schcpp's Circus Hope Vernon Dewey A Rogers Cave Man Love •Jack Roran Harvard Holt A K VANCOUVER. B.C. Pantace* Foxworlh A Fr'nc'a A Ida Earl A Lewis Tuny A George Charles Howard Co Sherman Van A It Valleclta's Leop'rdS •Margaret Strain LOS ANGELES Puntnces Clark A Storey .' Noodles Fagin Richardson Twins Josle Heather Palo A Palet Kate &. Wiley SAN DIEGO, CAL. Pantages Pierce A Golf 4 •Lillian Bucfthardt K niter A Reaney B A L Hart ^ Thalero's Cirrus ^lajor Rhodes L'G BEACH, CAU Pantaccs Ward A Dooley Barnes A Hamilton Norton A Melnotta . •Jack Goldle •.Seven Algerians RInaldo Bros SALT LAKE Pontages (16-17) T!»e ri!i»dl«tors Wilson A Addle . Walter Brower Choy Ling Foo Canadian Band OGDEN, CTAH Pantages - Nelson's Catland Jan Rubtnl Weston A Rllne Reynolds Opera Ca Mr-on A K.hoJI (t'Connor ';iris W.Wy Miller Co f,'fi Hf»-rs Diazil'an Ifeir«(d 2d halt Jnek Norton Co Sensational Head-Ralaaring KqulUbrlsis THE ORIGINAL FOUR PHILLIPS Next Week (March 12). R. F. Keith's, Indianapolis Management: MAX PHILLIP Five Jansleys .Morin Sisters BELIJNGHAM Pant aces •Sheik's Favorite Zlntour Bros Man Hunt Harry Bloom TACOMA I'nntages Rial A IJridstroni •RoKcrs Itoy A R Virginia Jtciiis .M(/rrlsey t* Voutip Kva La Itue PORTLAND, ORK. Pantages LaDora A Buukmun •; .C- K I'ark I )!< 1.-4 >iiiMia Four !i. rt Wiilton Kva Tanru^tf Trarrl (Open Week) I* A J La \olla » A Truiy •Threal's a Crowd DRNVER I'antages •Roiland A M< ohan MeFarland diRlers Kl Col* Cheyenne Days •Bright A Giick (OI.O. SPRINGS Pnntuses (i-'-;4) (Saiuo bill ploys Pueblo IS-K) AI iiold A Florence •Jewel A Rita \1Iks Nobotly Harry TIghe tla\eiiiaii s Animals 'lil.Kin A B'-'ty OMAIft, NF.B. Pantages HAT Cha.« •Cht rnynoff ' Spectacular Sex*st Kxposit ion Four . •H'lbby Lehrnan ..• R>Hti A )t>'an (Contlniiod on ivifr^ 47)