Variety (April 1923)

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Thuiliday, April 26, 1923 • TJ''^."' !°'^'*ii' .v-^iSi'-'SJt''^' '^V*'*-"* ■-..«". .i.' ■CPf^ }.;-w^.. *>>' , »"?'^T'i '^^.'•'•■'r'').' :,''«*^'^-'»f?r-~'>'••* V A' R I E T Y B)at u Jb 0'C«aiMJl jUttiodr * sup« ipifbr VolUDMCrt 2d b*lf ■ary * B^nr ■•CiMa Duo Hwpby A CUrk Banao Clreaa -jOm to au) |«Oiil«tt« * KIta ^ Wolhi * WUithrop ? VoBctian FlTo |;' M *•« !^ jtoM o'HAni BMidrr * Armatr'ff tTwo to fill) I INDIANArOUS ^%' Vttlaoo h'. DoWitt Bnnio Jk T Kla«aten * Bko«r Gordon A Day UM.%. O. O. M. Dolley Broil •Ward B«ker Co Pair of Doacfo MUlo * D«ii< (Obo to 411) ix>i7i8inujr, Vmilmmmi Johnny Wrtytet Rev •Porlo Frank Nlobo (Otkora to 111}) Mhalt Caanon Broo A C Knaop A Cvaeltl (Otkera to fljl) rADVCAH. KT. Bary A Bary Marpliy A Clark Heddkairton A Or't '<Ono to nil) Sd half Huckoa Duo HiU A Cameron A Alexander Co Mkalf •VVanki* Kaloay Co (Otkcra to ail) KOKOMO. IND. fren* TrfT«tte Morgan A Oatcs Threw R^nards Al Burhs rn 2d half Joe Meivtn Coiriter A Ilo^A Foar Volunteer* ▼isBor Trio LBXINGTOV, KY. Ben All Camaon Bros A If Xna»p A ComelU (Othem to fill) 2d half Southern Rerue tOtbers to All) Valentine Vex Johnny Regay Co (One to nil) BICanOND. IND. tMcj Bruch Bender A Armatr'fr Marie Roasell A 8 Bth^ Parker C^ 2d half ^ CeJlina A Hiil - JCahortey A Ocil Rubini Slaters rranct-d Room & D TERBE HAL'TB likerty Collina A Hill Ben Nee One Hart Warner A B Vlller Trio Xd half Irene Trevptte Melody A Stc\m Moreen A Gatee Class Manning A C OKPHEUX CISCUIT LOEW cnicuiT NEW YOBK CITS i»ta4or Hubert Dyer Cm Drcon Slaters Soaamaa A Bloaao Stara Kecord CUfton A DeRex Amaranth Pis 2d half Fern Blielow A X Brltt A Clifford Miller A Bradford aifton A Do Rex J Connor'a Reveue CHlCAdO <Sunday openLnc) l>o Carrlllo Wtaiteman'a Band OAKLAND. CAL. Qrphtnm De Marcos A 8hclk Gibson A Connclll Altbea laicas COUNT PERRONE and OLIVER in a ^'Sonc SirmplMMij" OBFinroM C IB C'li l T l. Cressy A Dayne Chief paupollcan Tip Tip T'phanhera Berir .tt Knclish Tempest A D'fcinsqn T>oll.v Kay DoniKan A Sterer m«tc-T4iko (Suiiday opening) •Vera Gordon Co Frank Karnum B"d Billy GlMnon Polly Moran Dooley A Storey Jack L* Vler I>ady AUee'a Pets Marry Me rronn A Santnura Roshier A Muffa DENVER OnuheuM (Sunday opening) St«lla Mayhew Steppe A ONeil Pour dt Ua ' Rath Bros Coogan A Caaey Canelnoa La Mont Trio PerreJl Taylor Co DBS MOINES Oryheum <Sunday opening) DotaoB Owen McOiveney BAB Wheeler W A J Mandel FI'nlg'B A Morriaon Clara Howard Whiting A Burt rOBTLAND, OKE. Mitty A Tllllo Charles Irwin Toto Morris A Campbell MrDonald Trio Five Lelands Ariniftr'ng A Pbolps 8ACBAMEJ<TO OrpheuBt <30-2) (Same bill plays Fresno S-M Dance «'re'ions 192S (.•lanvilte & Sders PAT Sablni Haru Onuki • Don V»I*»rla Trio White Jlroa Bronson & Baldwin 8AN FRANCISCO (•olden <iAt« (Sunday ormlrg) T^ittle <?ottaKe WyJic *c Hurtiiian Fred Ilughoa Cummins A White Rolley A I>aird Orpheom (Sunday opening) Aunt Jemima A B Krneat Hiatt Walton A Brandt OBNTIBT Prleoa wttkla roaooa to tho_ profeaalbn. Dr. M. O. GARY N. W. Cor. fltato and Randolph Stai Second floor over Drug Store ■ntranee « W. Randolph St.. CHICAGO Gautior'a Br'kl'y'rn The Wager KANSAS CITT Mala Street Valenka Saratt Patrlcola Renee Roberta A B Kdwin Ocorgo WhUneld A Ireland lX)fl ANOEI.RS Hill SCroot Henry B \^lthnll Moore A Kendall Bravo Mich A T Karl Eriiny'a Fcts Jack Benny Adler A Roas OrpheBU Hal Skelley Wrirht A Dietrich The Sheik Four i'amerona AVtibur A Adamn Sargent A Mitrvin I<and of Fantasy MILWAVKRE FalAco (Sunday opening) Mrs H Valentino -Myera A Hanford Foley A I^ Tour Johnson A Baker Stan Ktanlev Co "(One to nil) MINNEAPOLIS Hennepin (Sunday op«ning) Oysial Bennett Pierce A Ryan n>«)ibH Carroll A S Ne«j Nor^'orth Stare of Teaterdey Kanhie Brtr^ 'Osborne Orchestra Garden PAW Olga Cook Sylvester Family Yarmark ' SEATTLE Orphenm (.Sunday op«>ning) Frank Mclntyre Maye Kayo A B Toney A Norman Sylvia Clark Bobby McLean Co Three White Kuhnn Gordon A RIcca SIOUX CITY, lA. Orpheam Aerial Valentines Howard A Clark I^ Graciosa (Three to nil) 2d half Billy Miller Cu Four Forda (Four to nil) ST. IX>I IS Orphenm «Sun<lay op<'ninK) «'arro!l &■ Fisher F VanessI A W Johnny Burke liilly Dale W C Fie Ida Valand Gamble Josephin*? Amoro^ Seattle Marm'y «'o VANCOlVER. B.C. Orphenm (2-5) B)o««eom K»el»'y t'layton A Edwnr<is Fireside Revtri»s J A T roninlly Frank Whitman Boreo ■ j Hkateliea Harry Scranton Co Ruth Davia Verdi A Glonn Dlnus A B-lmt Rev Harria A Holly Kddle Carr Co Maraton A Manley Fera. Bigelom A K (One to AH) 2d half Techow'a Cata *Sam B Mann Bayea A Smith Joo Stanley A Co Stevens A Brunelle White Black * U Sweeney A Waltera Melnotte Dao (One to nil> Victoria Melaotte Duo Hidden Volcea Stranded Britt A Clifford J Connor'a Revue td half lahlkawa Japa •Oelbridge A O Vine A Temple 5 KlrkamUh Sis Cpne to nil) Lincoln Square Fletcher A Paan'le O'Connor A Clifford Jack Hallcn Co Emily liarreil Ishikawa Japs 2d half Faynes Dreon Sistera Kojise Carter Co iU'rnard A 'fo.vnes Will Stanton Co Greeley Square Hashi A Osai Artie Nolan Olive Bayes I^ouino Carter Co Lehr A Kennedy Homer Girle Co 2d half Radium Visions RosH A Bklwarda O'<'onnor & Clifford Dinus A B'lm't Rev Sossman A Sloane Hubert Dyer Co Dotaaeoy Stret* Radiam Visions Simmn A Wynne Sam £ Mann Chas Rogers Co Bernard A Townca Carlos Circus 2d half N'at Burna ' Harris A Holly I>ehr A Kennedy Jordan Saxton Co Barry A Lancaster Stanley & Alva Natloaal Archie Onri A D F A O Waters Frey :I Jordan Moras * Welaer (Two to All) 2d half. BaatI A Allea Trovato Alexander Olria Co (Two to nil) Gate* LaHoon A Dupr'eo Roao A Bdwarda Miller A Bradford Vine A Tempio Joo Stanley Co 2d Naif Maale Lnnetto Laurie Ordway Oo Stranded Newhoff A Phelpa Naomi A Brag Nuts Warwick Berdie Kraemer In the Future Toyland Fel'.lea (Two to All) 2d half Krayona Radio Co Sperling A Bell Henaan Beireaa A Day at Coney (One to All) ASTOBIA. I.. I. Aatoria Stanley A Alva- Mabel Drew W>eth A La Rue Frey A Jordan Phil Baker Gordon Girlie A O 2d half Leach lAQuinlan S LONDON, CAN. Little PippifBZ Co May McKay A Sla Barry Mayo A R 24 half Maurice A Olrlio La Vigno A Mayao Barabaa Groha^ MEMPHIS Francia A WUaoa A A L Wllaaa Marahall M'Btrm'y Laxar A Dale A A L Wiiaon Marahall M'atgom y Laxar A Dale F Clayton Revue OTTAWA. CAN. Loew Provoat A tioelet Stereaa A Laurel OTorkoIt A Toang Jarrow Qr'nwlch ViUaffers rROVlDBHCB F J Sidney Co DARL MacBOYlE BxelaatTo Matarlal of Bvory Doaerlptloa ON HAND OR TO OBOBB. Il« W. «Mli SIm B. V. CHyt F Clayton Bov 2d half Hall Van A Leo Grey A Dean ■ Fred C Hagea Co •Bayea A Speck Rand alia MILWAUKBB Miller Hoffman A Jeoaie Villon Slstera Stolen Sweeta Hughie Clark Oraser A Lawlir MONTBKAL Bell A Eva Conroy A Howard J ■ Bernard Co FAT Haydeii Doliy'a Dream (One to All) 2d half Howard A Barl» Marcelie F:xllet Co Boya of Long Ako Amorof A Jeanette Monroe A Grant (One to All) SPBINGFIELD Broadwray Ho war.! A,- Karle MarccUe Fallet Co Hoys of Long Ago Amoroa A Jcansttc (One to All) 2d half JAN Olms (Two to All) CHAMPAION, lUL. Orpheam 2d half *aibsons A Tracy Flaher A Gllmoro Thei Florenia (Thr^e to nil) PAB4U>, K. D. Nixon A Norria Bell A Vaa 2d half Fi&ss F&iroB Loona Hall'a Rot OAUWITBO. IIX. Orphoaaa Win J Ward Favorltea of Paat (One to All) 2d halt Stanley Doyle A R Simpaon A Dean Jordan Olrla Q'D ISLAND, NBB. (St) •DeLorto A Rich'ds Billy Miller Co (One to All) (S-f) ' •Tador A Staaton •Wallace A Clyde S Melvin Broa JOUBT. ILI* Orphcaai O'Connor 81a Chapiberlain A B DIRECT FROM THE NEW YORK HIPPODROME KEITH'S PALACE, NEW YORK, NEH WEEK (April 30) " Direction JIMMY DUNEDIN Simms A Wynne Maraton A Manley Chas Rogers Co ( ella Weston Co Evelyn Phillips Co ATLANTA Graad Raymond Pike •PAG Hall ^arry Maaon Co Bernard A Leona Seven Honey Boys 2d half Wilton A Leo Morey A Corbin Chapman A Ring Piatov A Natalie (One to fill) BALTIMORE HlppodraiAo Maud Ellct Co Ubert Carlton C & T Harvey Matthews A Ayrea I^rry Harkins Co E; HEMMENDINCER, inc. JEWBLEBS S3 West 4e(h Street New York Telephone Bprant 1543 Eniih" Darrell Hilly Gcrber Rev Orplieuni Ma^io 1-uneito 'Jritorion 4 Mason & Cole Rev Coiia Weston Co Roy A Arthur 2d half RuBffo Ties A R Mal»ol I/rew Kddle Carr Co Ph!l Baker Amaranth Si^tcrn Boulerard' Faynes Eli;s *: Parsons White i;iack A U I^urie Ordway Co Evelyn Phillips Co ?d half Billy Kinkaid iHutx A Bingham Jack Halien Co Moss & Frye Homer Girla Co Avenoo B Krayona Radio Co Ktutx A Bingham Trovatq BsMl A Allen Day At Coney I 2d half Toyland Follies Roy A Arthur Al H Wilson Walter Manthey Co (One to nil) BROOKLYN Metropolitan r<e»ch LtQuinlan 3 F & O Waltera Newhoff A P:ielps Bert Hanlon Alexander Girla Co BIRMINGHAM lUiou Hall Van A Lee Grey A Dran Fred Hagnn Co Bayea A Speck Randalls ?d half Rayu-ond .Pike •1' «c O Hall liarry Mason Co n< rnard A I.iec<na Seven Honey Boye BOSTON Orphenm Obala it Adrlenno Lillian Morton T\\<i'^ A ClarM Toomer A Day McCoy A Walton Alex Hyde's Orch BIFFALO Htato Alvarex "Duo -" Jean Boydell Mr A Mis N Phillips CUrk * O'Neill Will Morrissey Co CHICAGO Rlalta Vlct>»ria A Dapre In Wrong C A C McNaughton Jean Granese Bro'vn Gardner A B CLEVELAND State Pickard's Seals Urf-n A Myra Frank Ford Co Alton A Allen Illtinnd Norton A Wilsoft Reift Bros Nancy Boyer Co Thos P Dunne Bdw Stanisloff Co NEWARK. N. J. State Ford A Price Fisher A Sheppard Howard^A Rooa^ Jennings A Doriiey J R Johnson Co NEW OBLKANSto. Creaeent Follettc's Monks Dixon A O'Brien • Stuart A Lawrence Johnny Kecno •Khodah 2d half Francis it WUson Monroe A Grant 2d half F J i^idncy Co Conroy A Howard 3 B Bernard Co FAT Hay den Dolly's Dream TORONTO Vongo Stroet Zara Carnsen Trio B A L Walton Young A Grant Hana9n A B S's Harrison Moea Tarxaji WASHINGTON Straad Diax Monke>B Fox A Kelly Carey Bannon A. M Harry Abrams Co (One to nil) GUS SUN CIECTJIT BCFFALO liMfio-ette The Castilliaoa VI Is & Lee Barnum Was Rlglit Lon^y Ilaskel Itonieo A Danc'g D COFMVO, N. Y. Cortland •Couche Broa (Two to nil) CORTLAND, N.Y. Cortlaad •Vat Royal Norvello Bro« (One to nil) Dl'NKIKK. N.Y. I>ruliea •Dachman'a Band GENEVA, N. Y. Eaipiro •Couchft Broa ROCirsTER. N. Y. Vietoria Hughes A Pam Kigdon Dancers 2d half •Snowies A While (One to nil) SHARON, PA. Columbia P A F Toomey I^rry R'illy Foster A Rav 2d half Jane Blaine J A K De Marco (Two to nil)_ SPRINGFIELD, O. Regent Beptty A Evelyn Tlobby Jark«»on <"'o r^amoy A I'ierson (One to fill) 2d half Zaza A dele Trio WILUAM F. ADER The Chicago Theatrical Lawyer Now lioeated at II SO. LA SALLE ST., < HICAGO. ILL. Phone RANDOLPH «611 2d half Harry S< ranton Co Hidden Voices >torl»-y Sisters M*.8on A Cole Rev (<jn'j to nil) FnHoa Archie Onri A P •|>«<l».g.' At Grciii'r Mt,Hn A^ Fr.'..- nilly <;. T 1.' r Rev (tjne to ?i:i> 2d half I,a Hoen A l)ur;'<<- llert Hnnloii Star* Ilecor«l (T« J f'> nil) Palaeo T.Mlian Steele Al 11 Wilson Oi DAYTON Dayton The Bramlnos Benniri'Tt* n A Scot Cardo A Noll Jinui'V Sfivo Co Itoyal r» kin Tro.i;. llOilOKKN. N. J. I.yrle Bob Crtrney Kr.inklln A V'KHy •Fl. I. htr J A- U rVw> to 'ill) 2d half I»i'r<i''- Kracnrr The 'troken Mirror Ch«> h FIctth'.r 'i'he Duponts ARTHUR SILBER BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY WITH PANTAGES CIRCUIT •00 FITZOBBALD BLDO.. NEW TOBR Phoaoa BBTANT 'Wid—4«t (Tyvo to fill) tiL'NS F'LLS, N.Y. Empire Mnyo A Nevins (•nhers to All) 2d half i^:«ullnf! Fielding Co (Others to All) NIAGARA FALLS <'ataract ."^ehiia Braatg K«Jna I>eal Murdock A Ken'dy Baraban Grehs Co :id half Harr Mayo A Wren Mue M< Kay A S!b (Two to nil) (Thr^o te liii) W"rBTOWN, N. T. Avon .Vurv«lie Broa Connelly A Wri4h Knowles A Wnite Flynn's Minstrels (One to nil) 2d half Cycling Newmans Mayo A Nevln!« Hoghca A Pam Revute Petite (One to Oil) WARREN. PA. IJboHy Selma Braatz Co (.arry Ketlly Dawson Sisters Co WESTEEN VAUDEVILLE < IIIC AGO American ^ut half •Mr ^ Mrs W Hill (Otliers to All) Englewoed Cjtfh Sinclair Co R A K Tracy Schwurt* A ^'lifford (Three to fill) 2d half I.nwton 'ryl»^r A «^roiiu<« Collins A Hart H.vHiiis * McInt>ro <Two to fill) Kedtio Rob. rta A Wllfrdii HollMlay A Wlett** «ani I.'ibert Co Rllioff A I.a Tour Four <;irton Girls (On<- lo fill) 2d half Wella A Wlnthrop Hart WaKner A B Johnny's New Car (Three to nil) Lincoln 2d half R A i; Tra.y s. hwurf-^ A '"lifford (Others to fill) Majestic Auntruiiiiri A.imrn Stuart t;'rls RMptMttUtX Cwi..l It, W.'ir-l & !>' > F"ii<'hs MiiiKi r«^-l«t Hub Murphy Aeroplane Girls (On») to ni!) BL'MINGT'N. ILL. Frank Devoe Co Morton Jewell 4 Collins A Hart * 2d half Mason A Scholl Jack George Duo Jarvis Revue JOPLIN. MO. Electiie Walter Baker Co Monte A Lyooa^ td halt, Foch Four lOne to All) KANS'S CITy.KAN. Kleetrle Waiman A Berry Page Hack A M 2d half B Jacftson Co Lubio A Lewis KANS'S CITY. MO. Globo Sinclair A Gray Hollywood Frolics La Sall'i Trio NOBFOLK. NEB. <2«) Three Melvin Broa Leo Haley Blrda of Paradise (4-1) •DuHall A McK •Gordon A Spain Four Songatera PBORIA. ILL. Orpheaaa JAN Olnu Local Jaok Oeorge Duo O Delmar A Boya Four Tamakia (One to Ail) Sdbalf Spencer * WiU'ma C^ath Sinclair Co (Four to All) QL'IMCT. II.I« Stanley Doyle A R Simpson A Dean Jordan Otria tdhalf Will J Ward Favoritca of Paat (One to nil) BACINB. WIS. Blalta Wllaon Aubrey 2 Oaffney A Walton Middleton A S Four Oirton Qlria (One to All) 9T. lOB, MO. Kloc«rlc Mack A Velmar Lubin A I^wla Four Rosea (One to all) 2d half Page Hack A M •Three Minatrela Ix>o Haley Blrda of Paradise kT. LOilS ColaasbU Levere A Collins Gaffney A Walton lU>t>by Brewster Valentine Vox (Une to All) 2d half Hollywood FrolKs Jonea A Hylveslcr (Three to All) Grand O. H. Alberto Hager A Goodwin Allen's MlnKtrels Moore A Fields Ned Nestor Co Miller nicker A S Annabello CoBCta A Verdi P Bremen A Bro Blalta Wilson Aubrey Trio I.<ove Twins Tyler A Croliua •Hlckey.Ha>rt Rev (Two to All) 2d half 'Holtlday A Willni (Othera to Alt) SO. BEND. IND. Palace CouUer A Rooe Hyaiiia A Mclntyre Stanley Chapman (Two to nil) 2d half Robinson A Plor«re Three Alex Helen Staploa Harry Holntan Co I^yona A Yoaco B'daray to Bowery OKLAMOMA CITY (Tutoa apllt) lat half The Norvellea l.ady Taen Mel Kund Sia A Harvey .Silver Duval A K Pcdeatrtauiam SAN ANTONIO MaJe*U» SaytOB Co Margaret Heaaler Pear'n New'rt A P Rubeville Laura Plerpont Co liafayette'a Doge TVLBA. OK LA. (Okla. City split).. lat half • Page A Green I>aui Hahn Co Harry J Conley McLallon A Camon Echoea of Scotland WICHITA. KAN. Duval A Symondn Bobby Jackson Co Eddie Rosa Wheeler Trio <Oe^ *<» *1D .. '- Id half Sinclair A Gray Reban A Mack Mattylee IJppard (Two to flit) SHEAN and PHffiJJPS Featurad with ONA MUN80N FlayiiMr B. r. KeUk CIrcait PABTA0E8 CIRCUIT ROB— —GBKTBtDK EARLE and RIAL REVUE W. V. M. IIEADLI.NINO A.^ B. r:rKeHll (Woalera) MINNBAPOUS Faatacca (Sunday opening) Adonis A Dog •O'Meara A Landia •Pool's Melody M •Youth Downing A O'Ro'ke I^ Franco Broa WINNIFBG Paata«ea McBanns itinnelly A Francis Telephone Tangle (iallcrlni Sisters Warren A O'Brien I.,es Gladdona EDMONTON, CAN. Faatagca Leon A Mitsi Turcella A RAmaey Juliet Dika Clay Crouch Co Callahan A Blita Three Falcone Travel (Open weeV) ' Laura De Vine Frankie A Johnny Early A Lal^ht Harry Seymobr Kranz A White Gautler'a Toy Shop Rona A Roma Lewie A Norton Bob l4k Salle Joe Jackson OAKI^NB. CAL, Schepp's Circus Hope Veraon Dewey A Rogera t.'avn Man I«ve Davis A McCoy Harvard Holt A K U>S ANOELEa Fantacea Foxworlh A Francia Ada Karl A Lewi* Tony A Oeorge Charlea Howard Morin Siatera Five Janaleya SAN DIBOO, CAIn Shelk'a Favorite L'G BEACH. CAL. Faataffeo HIal A Lindstorm Rogera Roy A R Morriaaey A Young Little Cinderella Fernanda Page Oaudsmlih Broa • >v THE BRAMINOS With (hale weaidtafai asaaleal PLATIMO UMBW GIBCUIT Dtoeellaat S. U. LUBlIf (One lo fill) 2d half Trenell Trio HichardHona A (' •Jimmy Ashley Sylvia Dayne Co L'VENWTH, KAN. Orpheam (2») Trenell Trio Richardsons A <2 •Jimmy Ashley Sjivla Dayne Co LINCOLN. NER. liberty Three Melvin Bros •DeLorto A Rich'ds Billy Miller Co Leon Haley Birds of Paradise 2d half Mack A Salle La Graciosa (Three to All) MILWALKRE Maieetle O Ayera A Bro Rose A Thorne Rodero A Brown Big Jim Johnson Broa A J Brownlee'a Follies Chandon Trio MINNEAPOLIS 7th Street The Earls France A Jerome •Otto A Hammer Revue R<-splend<-nt Hickman Bros (Two to All) Oellia (Three to fill) SPR'GFIEIJ>. ILL. MAjeatic Perez Sc Marguerite Fl»iher A- (Jllntoro Willard JurvlH t'o The Florenis <T««o to All) 2d half Ynst A Clady HIckey-Hart R'-v Four Tamakia (Two to Ail) SPR'GFIRLD, MO. Eloctric Ko< h Fwur (tJne to All) 2d half Walter Baker Co Monte A I.yofla TERRE BAt'TK Hlppodianso •Tout A Clady Rubini Slstera LeaGenia (Three to fill) Perex A Marguerite Desley Sisters Co (Othera to All) TOPEKA, KAN'. Novelty Trentll Trio Richardson A C Jimmy Ashley Sylvia Dayne Co 2d half •DeU>rto A Rich'ds Mack A Velmar Four Roera (One to fill) HUGH HERBERT 223 LEFFERTS AYRNVB. KKIV GAHDENS. L. 1. P^oae Rlehasmid Hill MS^ FT. INTERSTATE CIRCUIT SMITH, ARK Majestic Autumn Trio Hnyle Sr Patsy T'."ii^i)> l<.-irr>KCi< lo ''.rant A Walla<<. MIIU- 'Ml .Mov*-r FT. WORTH. TL\. Majeatic Tour Yilerons lianiwon A Dalon Th* (j d ore Ro be r t« V A- K Klanton .«<h!ctra ManiMns HOISTON. TI-;\. MaJeM ic Dan* Ing Kenneilys MrCoricit A'li Moore a: Jaxx Hand .M;i,in. Hart Co LITTLE R<M K Majestic ' 'nnova Ilityle A rat>y Milllcent Mower Itefisle Bsrriacale Blily Arllnaton «'o KFOKANB Pantagoa Marilnctte Conn A Albert Klana A Bril'lant Francis Renault «;<'orge Mayo Dunce Evolution SRATTI.E Pantagea De Peron Trio Cronin A Hart • buck Ilaaa Reno Hif A Alien Tho Speedera YANCOUYEB Pantagea Whirl of New York BELLINGHAM Pantagea Phil lA Tosca Castleton A Mack '>lga MIska Co •habot A Tortoni Wnlter Wcfins « HhelUs of AraMy T.4CO.MA Pantages Allen A Tax!e nurke TU. Betty Dummies Princeton A Vernon .Nan Hal perl n SAIVT.LAKR Paataaee La Dora A B'kmaa O A B Parks Oklahoma Four Jack Doran Burt "Walton Virginia Bellee OGDEN, FTAH Pantagea (3-6) P A J La Volla Ford A Truley Three's a Crowd MrphviiH A Hol'/tfr Vardon A I'erry Relleclair Broa DKNVKB Pantagea Santiago Trio White A Barry Maude Leone A C9's liarry HInes Hannaford Family eoi.O. SPRINGS Faiitacoe (30-2) The Lumars Ituth Budd Sherman \»n A H Va I eel la's I..e<>parda Utah Masterman • OMAHA. /lEB. Pantagea Rollo CHESTER FREDERICKS The Foatarod Jareallo Daacer and Clever Mimie Third Seaaoa with Oaa Bdwarda Bevae raaquall Broa PORTLAND. OBR. Paatagea De Lyons Uuo Jim A Jack .Ved Nortoa itegal A Moore Horl Trio Travel (Open week) Sensational Togo Five Chapina lA Pine A Emery Marriag«« vs Divorce Finlay A Hill Willie Broa SAN FBANCISCO Pantagea Equilll Broa <.'hick Supreme Phllbrick A De Voo Josle Heather Palo A Palet Kate A Wiley KANSAS CITY Pantagea Katherine Appldon Mayor Rhoades , Lillian Burkhardt Bett Lou Hart Thalcro'a Circus MKMPUIH Pantages Ward A Dooley* Pierce A Ooff Kltner A Heaney MiKado Opera Co M Uintarn .Seven Algerians The McKinley 84|uare, Bronx, N. * v., liHfl discontinued vau4l«'vMlr for str.'tJKJu pioturos. The store show plunncd for the forroer Hhanlcy restaurant In the Putnam liuilding has hrvn declarrd off, Tho Famous IMayers, the own- ers, when Informed the foim^-r rcs- tauiaitt uos wanted tot amusement imrpoH«"fl. Inr;rea«»c:d titc rent from $.3,000 to Ili.OOO a week. The prem- i»*'n are only available for two inoulhs an tlio owners are to erect a theali*' in the r^ar of th«? tniildintr And will U8e the forme: rejjtaurufit as ;in entrance and Tohhjf,^'