Variety (April 1923)

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""W"-^*<^^'f\'■' 13,1."".-T.•.•■P!iiwi»w»w<*<rj'K.i^»iT«';i«,'»wsr;^-'' M':>■■♦▼«.. jMtfBday, Aprn -T. r..\. -C ■ -.»'^\A!i,> :^To/:^;^i- : 1- •; ▼ A IC 1 r I ■»:•; .^^ t ^^. l 4 ■Li 1, , t 3=C V .-.. ^^t^^ BILLIE BVRKW Photo bjr Victor Om.'s. "The constant and faithful use of Mineralava has kept my skin io a state of radiant health." —BILLIE BURKE. BI1U« Burka Is one of the most beautiful woD3<n behind the footlights. Her radiant •mile, her perfect rosebud complexion have woo her thousands of rapt admirers. Of course- she uses Mineralava For pale at your dependable Drtiff & Dept. Store. p^ait VIVAOOU NKW YORK DiXrifrMior /l{in<sTnlavw ^^■' fRLESQUE ROUTES (AprilSO-IMay 7) COLUMBIA CIBCUIT Muty Revue" 80 Casino Boston ::a8ino Boston. Jon Tons" SO Casino Brookljm ler** Newark. roadway Brevities" 80 Colonial reland 7 I^mplre Toledo. ibble Bubble" 30 Miner's New- fChuckles of 1923" SO Empire lo. lihlights of 1913" 80 Hurtig ft ^mon's New York, follies of Day" 80 Qayety Pitts- |h 7 Gayety Boston, higgles' 30 Columbia New York Tiplre Brooklyn. FRENCH 8H0E8 Ob Mid oar stave 8p»ar«ra Vuii tentf tt CfttaUew [West 45th St., at Wo. 164 Liirus Thca. B«t. B'w«f ud fUl A?c. "Greenwich Village Revue" 30 Miner's Bronx New York. "Hipplty Hop" 30 Gayety Boston 7 Yorkville New York. "Knlck Knacks" 80 Gayety St. Louis 7 Star A. Garter Chicago. "Let's Go' SO Palaxie Baltimore 7 Gayety Washington. Marlon Dave 30 L O 7 Columbia New York. "Mimic World" 30 Gayety Wash- ington. "Radio Girlfl" 80 Empire Brook- \yn 7 Miner's Bronx New York. "Rockets" 80 Gayety Detroit 7 Gayety Buffalo. "Social Maids" 30 Gayety Buffalo 7 Hurtig & Seamon's New York. "Step On It" 30 Yorkville New York 7 Casino Brooklyn. "Talk of Town" 30 Star & Garter Chicago 7 Gayety Detroit. Watson Billy 80 Orpheum Pater- son. "Wine, Woman and Song" 80 Em- pire Providence. MUTUAI CIECUIT Tlappers of 1923" 80 Lyric New- ark. "French Models" 7 Gayety Brook- lyn. "Girls from Follies" 7 Howard Boston. "HWlo Jake Girls" SO Gayety Brooklyn 7 Lyric Newark. "Jazz Time Revue" 80 Majestic Scranton. "Midnight Maidens" SO Star Brooklyn. dear friends f \ moving picture theatres are said to be making inroads on big time vaudeville, this seems to be true, they have been the only ones that have taken advantage of bartram and saxton's special talent, enough so that they headlined 'them for ten solid months of nineteen twenty two and playing them back now for six more weeks. we have not deserted big time vaudeville, just taking a little dip into the de luxe picture houses. . '■■■'"■■■".;■ ; sincerely yours ; " . bartram.. saxton watch for new act. riviera theatre Chicago, ill. miEN GOOD mm-" ii >^^^ -rr*^^ j\.A When you are enjoying the good entertainment, comfortable club houses and the friendship imi ^^^^^Hfi of its thousands of members and [itf^^^^^Hlj its protection when you are sick, yy you'll understand why so many ^^—^-gSf live, wideawake men are decid- •^*^^*'5^ ing to join the Loyal Order of Moose. And the initiation fee is only Ten Dollars. If you want real friends, good fun, loyal backers, then you want to join this nation-wide home-protecting, non- sectarian, non-political, white man's organization. Find out about it and become a member before the mitiation fee increases. Mail this coujX)n before you forget. ^B SB ^v ^m ^m mm t^ ^ ^ va ^ « ^m ^ ^ as ^m sk ^^ ^m ;-4l^ ?T "v T? LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE :^ V ' ':V 1446 Broadway, New York City I sin litter««t«d In th* luoynl Order of Moom »n4 wi«h to )«arn inor« of it with tho underatandlnc that tliero Is no obiiaation to joia. Address • • Kama «. Beat Tlma to Tail » Floor LOLA AND SENIA RETDRNEDFROM AUSTRALIA AND THREATEN SUIT "Miss New York Jr." 80 Olympic New York 7 Star Brooklyn. **Powd€r Puff Revue" 30 Howard Borton 7 Olympic New York. LETTERS Wkea aeadlBS ff«r mall t* VARIICTY aadrcM Mall Clerk POIITOARIM. ADVIfiRTlSllfO ar CIRCOL.AR LlSTTBRfl ^VILL NOT BU ADVBBTllBD. MCTTKRS ADVBRTISBD £11 ONB ItSUB ONI«Y. Abaranel lira L Adams Chas Amnraath Sis Anderson Babe Aver Ur H Ballr Pearl Baker Marlon Barnes Gene Bayard Edna Belmont Ruth Beasley Celia Bsriaaer Dollr Boardman Lilllian Bo'.les Ned Brown Ada Urownls Daniel Barley Bme Bu*h Robert Butler Rlsa A Carbrey J Chambers Joseph Carples Chic Clinton Fred Cohen Louis Corbet t Bel ma Cunard Oraca Danler Hiss R Davles Vera Domoter Nick De'VVilfred Blllls Dries Harry DuBuae Joan Dyson Violet Earl John Erccls Idrs C Fordye Jessie Frazer Oeraldlna Frealy F Golden Phil Goodwin Harry Granese Chas Grean U Hayden Cla^s Hicks Trixlc Hushes M. H Hyams John , ..v - Jackson Bell Jarnot Bernlca Jarvis Jean Jones B Jone* HaB«l " Joyce Uladys TCelly PTrr Kiefer WaJly * LaBodle Jack LaMont Billy LaMont LAdala Lee Mildred Leonard Jean Lester N &(aison AUcs Marcus Arthur Mecleys The McHush Nora McLaughlin Katie Murray Paul MuBson Jim O'Connor Ariel O'Grady Harland Oakoraond Chief Parker Evelyn Parkoff Eva Pearson Gene Ponton- Peache* Richie BilUs Ring Klsis • Rose Harry Rowe Madeline Rowland Caxroll (landers Theodore Shirk Mary Staples C Stevens M|llle Wallace Mabel Waters Tom Wells Gilbert Wendell A Meehan Wheeler Henrietta Rollo AUrtHl RtABl<^y Gr^rge Bchrelm Bertram Smith Oliver Co Toothpicks Jack Vann Vera Ward Walter Waters Guy Wilson Joe Washington LIMIaa ST. LOUIS By JOHN ROSS Sliubert-Jefforeon and American win close regular aeason May 3. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle will bring his "epooka" to tlie American for one ahowing at $2 top. y Manager Al Oillla aays the Gi-and will remain open all summer. The Columbia, which has always re- mained open through the hot months, will close about May 15. The German Sto?k Co. will con- clude a Buccesaful seaaou with "Mauerblu<5mcben" (» comedy) Apill 29. ^ : V , WASHINGTON, D. C By HAROIE MEAKIN Frank Craven and Pauline Fred- erick are dividing Interest this week, ^Ilsa Frederick at Poll's In "The Guilty One," while Craven is In bis own play, 'The First Year," at Na- tional. Poll's got a start Sunday nit;ht that indicates a good week, while the opening at the National was even b«tter than expectations for the Craven pleoe. ■'■ ' '.'■ '•''■■ ■' .■■'.' ■■■.. Washington's thre* stocks are still going along, although two are Hlipping a little, while the third with a new bill opening Sunday created additional interest at the box ofBoe. Duffy & Bnnlth's organ- ization In still doing "Six Cylinder Love," opening a fourth week with biislnces not up to tho standard. It would look that contracts were holding the pier-e on for a stipulated period. "The Gold Diggers" is now in rehearsals and opens 29. CHICAGO OFnCB Ahcnla Miss Brarhard Paal Benson Rusty Barlow Bldridge Ballet Blcda Bothwell Lyda A Barnes ^tewart Coudy Norman Clark rdw M Carllng Hilda Cameron A G'rm'De Cunard Grace Daveys Two Danton Leslie Miss Day George Frsncla A Demar Fair Polly • Kiorests Fesens Frcfhand Bros Gordon Gene GeorKalos Trio Oib»on Hardy Green Bill HnRtlnga Eddie Haillns Frank Hardy A GIbsoB Holllns Kitty Harcourt Lcallt Kelly Perry Kolth Cato 8 Khaym Kremka Bros Kelly Arthur Lloyd Richard Lea B Law Walter Laco#te Harold Light Anna Leff Nathan McGinn John Morrison A Daley Marx Harpo McCawley William Mack A Maybelle Martin Florf-noe Men kin Walter Mack Al Morrow Maybelle T. Nathnns Casper Petrle William George Marshall's company at the Bolafico is doing but little with "East of Suez" and is entering on Its sec- ond week with the piece^ which, from all re'ports, ahould have been held but for the one weak. Mar- Rhall's othdr organization at the Garrick opened with "Tho Girl In the Limousine" and has created some interest, although tho siae of the gross Is probleroaflcal, dtie to the continued slump of this house. Picture houses this week: Colum- bia, "The Famous Mrs. Fair"; Pal- ace, "Grumpy": Rialto. "Hunting Bi« Game": Metropolitan, "What a Wife Learned." Gayefj', "Follies of the Day." J.T,ck Norwo'th, here hut recently with Oarr>- MfGarry's Ill-fated stock .venture at the Garrick, is heading the bill at Keith's this week. Barton "Fn the Moonlight." Poll's for week commencing 29. The Na- tional for the some week ban not as yet announced attraction. CREO STUDIO FOR STAGE DANCING (The Only One of Its Kind) :.< ' \>'i Under the Personal Supervision of Theo. Creo 170 WEST 48th .STREET Just Off Seventh Avenue, Ne v York City PHONE BRYANT £!56 ■I San Francisco, April IS. When Lola and Sen la arrive »n New York to make a reappearance at a Keith, Proctor or Moos the- atre, I, Senia Solomonoft of Lola and Senia, warn the critics of Va- riety. CHpper, Billboard and N. T. Star not to conflict my number, which la called "The Russian Simpleton Dance." with "Chauva- Souris" or any othar Russia Inter- pretations. This number comet at the conclusion of our act, danced by Miss Lola CHrlle and myself <al- though this is a nawer version). You. Variety; you, CHppor; you. Billboard: you, N. T. Star, If youMl look back in ltlf-1917, prior to my leavinir &• A private In tlM world war, you'll find tliat your ewn critics have praised my Rumrian dance characterisation wSiUo ftp* pearing with such • gr^f^t ftrtlat AS' Theodore Kosloff -ftt tha Palace theatre, New Yoiic, for four waeks. Mr. Gottlieb sug^rested to Kr. KoslofT he should chaniro the act weekly, but atipulated that tlM Bus* slan characterisation he undMUAffeA* We are dolnc the ''Russian Simpleton Dance" at Los Angelea now. This same dance, when Intro* duced for the first timo la 0aa Francisco, last week, met wltb spontaneous success. Just what the "Daily News," San Francisco, said April 9: - , --^- "Lola and Senlo. Russian daocart, ara worthy of headline promlaanco on most any Taudevilla hill. Toa danclniT P^r excellence it tb« fta* ture." c ,-:: . ..» ".San Francisco Journal," April f: "MUSICAL ACT AND DANCE PANTOMIMB LAUDED IYt CRITIC "Another pleasing act la the ar«' rangement of Russian and panto* mimic dance numbers by L«ola anl Senla. The comic pantomlmo nvm«. ber which closes their act.Is an excellent bit of tM-psichorean art,*' LOLA AND SENIA Terpmhoreafl Tid-BiU'^ FEATURING The Rassian SbnpletoD Dance Direction ARTHUR GOLDSMITH Care of M. S. Bentam Palace Theatre Bldg. New York City Our Cable Address IMAIVIYCOU, NEW YORK HOME ADDRESS 3042 Kingsbridge Terrace NEW YORK