Variety (July 1923)

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PICTURES '1 'Wednesday, July 4, 1923 GERMAN-MADE FILM TETER" JUMPED MO LAST WEEK'S LEAD "Passion" Revival Fell Away Down—"Human Wreckage" as Special Doesn't Appear to Have Started Anything -./■' '''■\'^''''■?': •'T'-''^^^^ _ ' ••■ 4___ _— , —_ The business In the picture thea- tres of the Times Square section of New York did not return to any- thing: like normal last week. The continued hot wave which lasted over Sunday. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the week had the ef- fect of depressing the box ofllce re- turns, but the latter part of the woek pulled business that was al- most up to the normal standard. There was but one outstanding hit last week. It was a picture thought little of until its advent at the RlToli Sunday, "Peter the Great." and the gross it pulled at the Rivoli was almost mid-season business. All of the ether thrco big houses fell oft. At the Capitol the revival of •Passion" for the week sufTered heavily during the first four days and then finished fairly strong with a ffross under $30,000. At the Strand "Penrod and Sam" Just topped $15,000 on the week, while the Rlalto, with "Divorce," an F. B. O. picture, went all to pieces and dropped to under $11,000. Wednesday night of last week ■narked the advent at the Lyric of the Mrs. Wallace Reld dope picture, "Human Wreckage." The smash and furore that the picture was ex- pected to create failed to material- lie. As far as general observation can ascertain, It does not seem the production can be counted on aH having gotten over. Those who have seen It are firm in the belief that It will prove a tremendou.sly strong picture theatre production, but that It Is not the type of picture that win stand up for a pre-release run In a legitimate house. The gross on the first seven perform- ances, counting that the first of these was practically wholly com- plimentary, ran to approximately $3,400. At the Cameo "Enemies of Women" Is continuing, with a drop In reclepts being registered last week, with the heat the first three days held to blame. Tho jrross there last week was around $3,600. "The Covered Wagon" at the Cri- terion Is plugging along In more or less of an even tenor, and on the week managed to get something slightly under $10,000. Along Broadway the current week's outstanding hit Is the Uni- versal picture, "Merry-Go-Round," at the Rlvoll, which for the first three days of the week was accorded the heaviest patronage. The pic- ture received a corking local ex- ploitation campaign on the part of the U. forces assigned to take care of the production's engagement, and the small stuff and tack card cam- paign for the picture was one of the heaviest that has been pulled several months around New in York. The result at the box ofricc evidently shows the strength of the campaign. Estimates for last week: Cameo — "Enemies of Women" (Goldwyn - Cosmopolitan). Fourth week. Seats, 639; scale, 65-85. Heat alTected business?, with gross droo- ping to $3,500. Picked up little this week. Capitol — "Passion" (First Na- V??^^^-^^^^^'*' 5-300; scale, 65-85- $1.10. Revival. Did not fare well as expected. Gross, with war tax counted, almost $30,000. Criterion—"The Covered Wagon" iro"^'2®""*)- l^th week. Seats, 608. Scale: Mats., $1 top; eves t!'i?;*,®w".?°*"^ '^^^^^ a"'^ playing Vft Jittle better than capacity every week. Even hot spell early In week did not seem to affect box omeo which on the seven days hit some- thing like $9,900. Lyric—"Human Wreckage" (Ince- ^BO). Second week. Seat.s. 1.400. Scale: Mats., $1 top; eves., $1.50. Opened on Wednesday night of week with a $5.50 top scale. That was the exploitation bunk, the en- tire house with the exception of some balcony and gallery seats hav- ing been complimentary. At that .P^« offl<^« showed something like $600 opening night. On seven per- formances the picture pulled nome- thing like $.3,400 on the. four days 1,960; scale, 30-50-85. Jane Novak starring production pre.sented by Film Booking Ofllce. l»lrturo pretty badly panned In d.iilio.s and ness on week all shot to pl«o<^fl with going Just under $11,000. Rivoli—"Peter the Great" (Hamil- ton Theatrical Corp.-Par.nmoimt). Seats, 2,200; scale, 30-.^ German-made film hit Bn.adway with terrific last week xind showed stronger box offlre pulling quality than anything In the four big houses. Picture f^r^>BHv^^ something little better than IID.OOO far above normal at thl.s t)ji titular time and in face of four day.s of toi- riflrally hot weather. Thin i.irtnre was moved down to the Hialto for "SUPER-PROGRAM" LED, BUT EXPENSE TOO HEAVY Colorado, Denver, Gets Ex- perience—Drug Film Disappoints Denver, July 8. The Colorado (Bishop-Cass) fol- lowed up Its "super-program" of week before last with "Enemies of Women." A formidable list of "units" went with It at 60 cents top. Last week's show did not begin to pull like the one previous, when the regular program was supplemented with the "Follies" girls, the male glee club of the University of Cali- fornia and other things. The first show was a knockout and grossed rather heavily. It is reported, how- ever, that little net was made, since the expenses were so heavy. "The Greatest Menace," at the Isls, didn't pull the patronage ex- pected. Denver is already a bit tired of dope pictures. "The Greatest Menace," for instance, was described by local critics as a great picture up to a certain point. After it became merely dramatic hokum, with unnatural situations and over- drawn development. Picture did not pull in proportion to the amount of advertising done upon it. Last week's estimates: Princess (Paramount) (Seats 1,250. Prices, nights, 40.) Kenneth Har- lap In "The Beautiful and Damned." Reginald Denny in "The Leather Pushers." Feature picture's title, together with the peculiar fame of the author, Scott Fitzgerald, com- bined to draw well. Did good sum- mer week's business with $6,280. Rialto (Paramount) (Scats 1,050. Prices, nights, 40.) Betty Compson and Itichard Dix In "The Woman with Four Faces," a comedy and Patho News. "The Woman with Four Paces" had to battle with "The Greatest Menace" at the Isis, and the gross showed the effects. Around $5,250. America (Bishop-Cass) (Seats 1,530. Prices, nights, 40.) Leatrice Joy and Matt Moore In Marshall Nellan's comedy, "Minnie." Gang comedy, "Back Stage," Current Events, .^sop's fables and special orchestra. About $4,400. Colorado ( (Seats 2,447. Prices, nights. .60.) "Ene- mies of Women," billed as "The Obmpanion Picture to 'The Covered Wagon.' " .Also Tyler and St. Claire in singing and dancing; "Fun trom the Press"; International News, or- chestra and organ. Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in per- son. Gross short of $5,400. Isis (Fox) (Seats 1.776. Prices nights, 86.) "The Greatest Menace.' Heavily billed. Approximately $6 - WASHINGTON COOLER Drop Saved Business, Making Man- agers Smile Washington, July 3. tour theatre managers wearing' broad smiles toward the end of last week when the temperature took a drop of some 19 degrees. Loews lalace had the better break as all of the ".stills" out front depicted snow scenes. KKtimate.s for the week: Loow's Palace—Seats. 2.500; 3.-)-50. Alice Brady in "The .Snow Bride" (laramount). Over $8,000. o )Jn""*l*J'r*^ Metropolitan — .Seats, 2,490; 25-50. "Wandering Daugh- .Hol ^'^'"*, National).*" Second place, around $7,000. Mocre's Rialto—Seats. 1,900; 50 I^st and Found" (Goldwyn). Near ♦o.ftOO. Loe>^'» Columbia—Seat.s. j "oo- 35-50. Agnes Ayres in "The li«.nrt Builder" (Paramount). Doing what appearrd to ho low ,,.,.,.1 f„r house with about $C,500 groHs. — BUFFALO HOUSE PLUGS VAUDE OVER PICTURES Lafayette Sq. Leaning Toward Acts—Nothing Extra in Grosses Last Week Buffalo, July 8. Business al local box offices sim- mered alonsr all week, but failed to show much real strength despite a continuous stretch of moderately cool weather. Following the flop of the preceding week, takings showed little Inclination toward any real revival, and the heat wave, which rendered business prostrate a fort- ntght ago, is still very much in evi- dence In all quarters. The beaches hereabouts appear to be getting the real play from the amusement angle, with excellent business reported from the leaders. Last week's estimates: Loew'a—"The Woman With Pour Faces" and vaudeville. (Capacity. 3.400; 30-50.) Probably held lead last week, although there appeared to be little on either end of card to conimand much attention. Around $10,000. Lafayette Square—"The Girl Who Came Back" and vaudeville. (Ca- pacity, 3,400; 35-65.) Business re- ported somewhat oft here, running along to about same tune as week preceding. Theatre leaning decid- edly toward vaudeville end of card and featuring attractions over film features Estimated between $J,000 and $10,000. Hip.—"The Famous Mrs. Fair" first half; "The Go-Getter" second half. (Capacity, 2.400; 35-50.) Fair business on both ends of week. Ellen Becker presented an original dance creation to good returns for the en- tire week, she having recently re- turned to Buffalo from the Deni- shawn School, where she acted as instructor. Hip. Is now offering spe- cial attraction of thi.s character each week. Paul Tisen's Russian Orches- tra currently. Over $10,000. DOUBLE FEATURE AT CHICAGO TO BEST ANY HEAT "Spoiler*" Opened This Week at Rooseyelt—'Main Street" and 'The Shock" Didn't Do Much—Mary Miles Minter's Newspaper Publicity Did Not Hebi FILM TRADE ABOUT EVEN IN FRISCO LAST WEEK $14,000 Popular Figure for High Gross—"Penrod and Sam" Talked About DETROIT COOL Weather Drop Brought Fall ness Last Week Busi- Detroit, July 3. Last week will go down in history for attendance records so far as the downtown theatres are concerned. The drop in th temperature from about 100 in the shade to around 60 at night, accompanied by a stiff, cold wind, drove people Into the theatres. It was Just lilte Novem- ber to see the hundreds of people waiting In line for the nine o'clock night show at all of the first-run palaces. Er.tlmates for laet week: Adams—"The Kxciters" with Bebe Daniels. This picture seemed to have outside draw somewhere. No doubt it was caused by the per- sonal appearance of Mise Daniels the previous week at the Capitol, where she did a tremendous busi- ness. Capitol—"Penrod and Sam." Great picture for kids and grown-ups. CJoIf as played by Geno Sarazcn, single-reeler. added film attraction and well advertised. Washington — "Mary of the Movies." All-star cast advertised brought lot of people and business splendid all week. Broadway. Strand—"Women Men Mai-ry." Fair picture. Whi o house enjoyed good business it was not on account of picture. Many added at- tractions. Another good reason for gctod business week was that the Madison is closed. San Francisco, July 8. Estimates for last week in the local picture theatres: California—"Only 38" (Para- mount). (Beets 2,700; scale, 55-90.) Opened big, with Indications that California patrons would respond liberally throughout week. This Is farewell week for Warlng's Pennsyl- vanlans, the musical troupe that has been well liked. $14,500. Granada—"Bavu," described as a mystery screen drama. (Seats 2,840; scale, 55-90.) It has several nota- bles In cast. Six Brown Brothers, saxophonists, real attraction in this theatre. Big favorites. About $14,000. Imperial—"Robin Hood" (United Artists). (Seats 1,400; scale, 65-75.) Return of this big special at popular prices. Shown here last several months ago at Curran at $1.50 top. $10,000. Warfield—"Penrod and Sam" (screen version of Booth Tarklngton stories). (Seats 2,800; scale, 55-75.) Town talked about this film. One of the best bets of the week. $14,000. Tivoli—"The Woman In Chains." (Seats 1.800; scale^ 40-75.) Jean Acker is heavily featured as Mrs. Rodolph Valentino. Women gave the picture heavy patronage because of the "Sheiii's" ex-spouse. $6,000. Portola—"The Midnight Patrol." (Seats 1,100; scale, 50-75.) Ordinary feature and business below normal. $3,000. Strand—"The Last Hour." (Seats 1,700; scale, 60-75.) Milton Sills heavily billed. Sills big favorite in San Francisco. $11,300. OPERETTA DREW NORMAL IN BOSTON Boston, July 3. The picture in town arc doing what is considered a normal Inj.sincss for the summer months. That means there is nothing star- tling in the box olfice recelots, and no great slump has materialized. Last week the Modern and Bea- con, a couplo of popular priced. iir.«t-run picture houses downtown which are a real criterion for the bu.sine.««8 of the entire city, did about in.OOO each. This is con.«»iderod good bu.siness for a week, w.irm at the start, which cooled off toward the end. With thi.s busines.s reigning around the to./n everybody is satis- fied. **Waltx Dream" Aided Compeon Film in Baltimora This <;urrent week and is duplicating a I draw thorc. Strand—"IVnrod and Sam" (First iVifiona ). Scats, 2.900; scale. 27,- .)0-X.). Dia not pull a strong week beciuse of the flop during the four days. At Stnind Sunday busi- ness is one of the strong factors on the general re.sult on thn week Utht week this picture pulled some- thing like C15,400. H. & B. HOUSES PASS DIVIDEND The Lincoln-Union Theatres, Inc., controlling the Central, Jersey City, and Lincoln, Union Hill, N. J., known as the Marring & Blurnentha! hou.qrn pa.«?sed Its regular semi- nnnual dividend rtnp July 1. In a notice to the stofkli(,],i<.rs tho board of directors stated the reason for failing to pay the dividend was due to the fact the corporation had several large ol.liKat; -^8 to meet and that bus- incHS at the present time was below par due to it being summer. The statement said that a:; the dividends are cumulative every effort will be made to make the pay- J nient as early as possible. Baltimore, July 3. Business was fair last week, better weather aiding In many places, and at the Century theatre a prolonged condensation of Strauss' "The Waltz Dream" seemed to materially aid business. At the Rivoli Jackie Coogan in "Daddy" drew big crowds, while the other downtown houses got along fairly well. The New held "The Heart Raider," with Agnes Ayres. and did fairly, although it received adverse notices, while "Truxton King" was at the Parkway, and the verdict of the critics on this was that it waS merely another movie. The weather was cooler last week, and as a consequence business picked up a bit, although a good many regular patrons have already begun to leave the town on their summer vacations and more are going all the time. The Duffy-Mackenzie light opera organization, playing condensed comic opera at the Century for the past nine weeks, cloKcd Saturday. Their work drew much laudatory comment from the local press. The Duffy group will be succeeded by the Century Opera Co.. an aggre- gation of local opera students, many of them members of the Baltimore Opera Society. It will pre.'^ent the third act of "Aida" as the opening at the Century. Estimates for last week: or^r®A"l"/y~^^P^^^^y' 3.500. Scale, ^.t'^^'2^-^ ^^"'^ ^^'♦fy Comp.son in The Girl wiJh Four Fares" Century touched about $13,000. "The Walt?: Dream" helped draw, and at tho regular performances standing room was at ?>remium. or''r'n''°JiT^''"^''^'^y' ^.OOO. Scale. 25-.'-.0-75.) -Daddy turned in ex- ffllent w.< k. cio.^r.s thi.s week for nionfh on account of intense heat during July. ^^^*^'^':::^^'^^^^^^y' ^^^^o. scaie, 25- 50) The lienrt Raider," generally panned by the critics, did $0 000 only moderate. House will continue thifcugh the summer with pro«pects for fair business located in heart of shopfiing district. ^,^fJ'^'^^y—^C^l>^city, 1,200. Scale. ^5-44.) "Truxton King" didnt break many records; $3,000; good enough for hot weather. Chicago, July f. ' Dorothy Dalton In "The Law «t the Lawleas" wae the chief point q| Interest In picture circles In Cht« cago last week. The Chicago tht* atre depended upon a double bill ^ satisfy Its conscience In whl^ Frank Keenan In "Scars of J«il. ousy" and Buster Keaton In •D^ Dreams" were heralded. "The Law of the Lawleaa" la g good program picture and MeVldt* er'8 patrona liked it. Willlamaon'fe "Wonders of the Sea" was an extr% film feature and there were prcaen- tations. The show was satisfactory but seats were available at w |^ times during the week. The Chicago had a good cront Wednesday night, but nothing like its usual business during the weeto Piatov and Natalie took the charae« ters of Mephisto and Marguerite la "Faust Fantasies." which proved aa interesting presentation, with dance features, exceptionally good. "Main Street" had its final week at the Roosevelt. There were maay seats vacant Saturday night. It !• almost impossible to convey t|w many efforts of Carol Kennicott to remake "Main Street" to her llklaf without making a film tiresome. la avoiding this the makers have falMI. to convey Just the idea that 8in« Clair Lewis brings out in his book. "Safety Laat" continued at Or« chestra hall with special effort di- rected to interesting the children ia it. "The Covered Wagon" continued at the Woods, with continued em- phasis that it will not be seen at outlying houses this year. The Raa« dolph had Lon Chaney In 'rPka J Shock," only ordinary. The Orpheum had "Enemies of Women," whidft caused the Plearst papers to ea<- thuse. The Pantheon had Mary Miles Minter in "Tho Trail of tb« Lonesome Pine," but the newspaper stories about her did not awaken any special interest in seeing the tilm. .., Estimates for'last week: Chicago—"Scars of Jealousy" and Buster Keaton in "Day Dreams^ (First National). (Seats 4,200, 66), $10,000 better than week befor*^ aljout $42,000. McVicker's—Dorothy Dalton la "The Law of the Lawless" (Para^ mount>i (Seats 2,600, 65). In neigh- borhood of $24,000. Roosevelt—Florence Vidor and Monte Blue in "Main Street" (War* ner Bros.). (Seats 1.275. 65). Lart" week of run fell to $9,000. . Woods—"The Covered Wagon* (Paramount). (Seats 1,160, $1.$6)« About $7,500. Randolph—Lon Chaney In "TM Shock" (Universal). (Seats «9i 60). About $5,000. Orcheatra Hall — "Safety Laat* (Pathe). (Seats 1,400, 66). Ov«< $12,000. The most Important event of th« current week is the opening of tlM regenade "Spoilers" at the Rooee* velt. The Chicago has Douglaf MacLean in "A Man of Action" and Ben Turpin in "Horae-Made Mot-* les." McVicker's has "Children U Jazz" wit hpresentation fei^nres. ln« eluding the Andrieff Trio, which re« cently opened tho bill at the Pal* ace. The Randolph has Ben TurpW i in "Where's My Wandering Boy This Evening?" and "Black Shadows," a double bill, which opened Sunday and got a day'a start of other theatres. Harold i Lloyd continues at Orchestra Hall< and "The Covered Wagon" atP WoodP. Nell Shipman in "Tho Grub ' State" is at the State-Lake, whlto i the Rialto has "Are You Guilty?" W connection with vaudeville. -ri* OVER $3,000 IN N. 0. Business Up When Strand Got |3,800 Lett Week New Orleans, July 3. Buslnes.*? perked up some In th« picture places last week. The gros.^e« advanced some, which waf balm to the managers. A happltf selection of film media may hav« been the reason, although cooler weather was on hand to aid and abet. The receipts; Strand (Seating capacity, 2,200; prices. 28. 55, 83). "CJlimpsea of the Moon." Started splendidly, but fell away toward the latter part. D*d $3,.«i33. Liberty (Capacity 1.800; prlce«» 28, 5.';). "Whitl a Wife Learned." Ran In opposite fashion to "Olimpsei of the Moon." Opened light, but picked up right along, doing $2,960 On week. Tudor (Capacity. 800; price, 2$). Mixed policy brought only fair re- sults. Week showed grosa of IM^O.