Variety (July 1923)

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VARIETY Wednesday, July 4, 1923 .^ ^ All mattM* in CORRESPONDENCE r«f«r« to current vf—k unl«M othtrwis* ' indieatod. X-. VARiETY'S CHICAGO OFFICE StaU-Lak* Thaatr* Bldg. Armand and Peras, who opened the show at the Academy, a tryout house on the west side a oouple oC weeks ago, are opening the bill at the Palace this week and pre- senting a fine number with a double •om^rsault from see-saw to a sitting position on a chair supported on the shoulders of another man for its feature. They open a hill which advertises three headliners in Ben Bernie and Band, Frank Mclntyre and the Avon Comedy Four, but Bernie is the real feature. The bill lacks women, having a hand, a male quartet, a sketch with all ulayora but one of the mnle persuasion, two two-men teams and a man comedian. The only women on the bill are Margie Coate. singer, Joan Storm, with Frank Mclntyre, and Leah Moore and Mrs. Philmer. the last two adding beauty nnd at- tractiveness to the acts with which they are connected rather than an abundance of talent. The Avon Comedy Four is held over a second week and in addition to presenting the same act again (with a new fiong by the baritone) they appean. In connection with Bernie and his hand in a travesty on the fight at Shelby, which was in the public eye when the wef'k opened. The skit Is of the hokunu order, which mij?ht toe expected of Joe Smith and Charles Dale. Willie Solar appears as referee and these two do bur- lesque prize fighting and then show It in slow motion, along the idea of pictures of this kind. Preceding tills Margie Coate sings a song with the band, and Smith and Dale, Henry and Moore and Willie Solar appear for a comedy dance. This interpolation is interesting, but not a notable contribution to vaudeville. Armand and Perez open the bill and won all that an act in that posi- tion could rca.«!onably expect In the violin made the audience determined to have him do something worth- while with the instrument and thii-- led to encore after encore until he almost sto[\j|^ed the show. Frank Mclntyre, assisted by Joan Storm and others, offer "Wednesday at the Ritz," which is highly entertaining and offers opportunity fol: a fat man to All a niche in the amusement CORRESPONDENCE The cities under Correspondence as follows, and on pages: in this Issue ef Variety are BALTIMORE 31 BOSTON 30 BUFFALO 31 CHICAGO 28 DETROIT 38 DULUTH 33 INDIANAPOLIS 38 KANSAS CITY... 39 LOS ANGELES.. LOUISVILLE ... NEW ORLEANS aOCHESTER ... SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO WASHINGTON .. • • • • a • I 39 36 36 31 36 way of appreciation. Harry and Dennis Dufor sing, dance and Im- personate English Johnnies in their t; lie, doing everything in a capital way, but taking at least one unnec- essary bow. Art Henry and Leah Mooro in "Escorts Supplied" use the skit merely to be Introduced and, after that. Art Henry's comedy holds attention. His fooling with the ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? Steamahlp arrommodaflona arratiRed on all LInra. at SI«Id Office Prlcea. Donta are solnn very falli nrranffe early Porelnra Money boofftat and aold. Liberty nonds boaarbt and MolJI. U PAUL TAUSIO A SON. 104 Boat 14tb St.. New Yorlc Pbonei Stnr^enant Uia«-0137. EstaMiAsd THE ERA 1897 ram supbemb rROFSSSiOBTAL organ of orrat dritain Advartlaamant rata, la. p«r Inch; £11 par paga. Clautfled Kdvertln^menta: Com- paBla% theatrea, artlata. muRiclana and mlacellan«oua, wanted and wanta, ate, thraa Itnaa. la Sd.. aach additional line td.: dlaplayad llaaa la Annual aubacnptlon. noaC prapald. U. a ▲.. tS.OO. JCdllarial. AdTerilNlDg and PablUhlna OIBeaai tS Welllnrton Street, Strand. Ian. W.Ct. Pbone Resent 464C-47. Cablei: "The Kra. London.** world. Mclntyre, has a role which gives him excellent chance. Joan Storm is next in importance in the cast. There are three men who pla bits. Margie Coate sang a ballad an some ragtime songs and did nicely i fifth spot, without accomplishing more than this. The Avon Comedy Four got laughs with the restaurant and doctor scenes and then sang, standing out most for tho vocal effort. Willie Solar found a fertile ttcld even though he followed a similar brand of comedy. Everything that he did was well received. Ben Bernie and band held the stage 35 minutes, taking away "next to closing" posi- tion from Solar. The Philmera closed with Juggling and other tricks by the man on the wire, the feature feat being a see-saw Jump to the wire. " two last named had been planned for appearance at the opening show, starting at noon Sunday Those were replaced by Hrant and Wal- lace and Harry Kappi. Pearl Regay and Co.. Hal Skelley and Co., and Toto and Co. are given the headline position, and a "triple star" bill is advertised. All three acts were on the flrst show. AViUa and Harold Browne, who pin rags making pictures and call It "Rag Art," opened the bill In a highly en- tertaining way. Henry Margo and four girls—Helen Beth. Ardath de F'alene, Margarita Navarre and Hor- tense Morehart—offer "Tints and Tones," an elaborate revue, with two girls dancing with Margo. and two others providing music on violin and piano. The offering is effect- ively constructed and is rich in tal- ent. Harry Rappi, who followed an- other violinist in the revUe. inserted a Jest to the effect that he would offer a novelty—violin playing in vaudeville, but his reception Indi- cated that there cannot be too much of this kind of entertainment. His talk carries his act quite away from an ordinary vio!in offering. Miss Regay was assisted by Les- ter Sheehan, dancer, and a^ male pianist, and her contortion feats cleverly introduced in connection with her dancing made her individ- ual efforts stand out, though the act in Its entirety was well liked. Grant and Wallace, drawn from the Ma- jestic, registered one of the greatest flops ever seen at this theatre. Placed, as they were, following other musical and dancing acts, they were at a disadvantage, and Al Wallace, for .«;ome rea.son or other, abandoned a d;jncing bit altoi^ether when tiiera was a titter whicli was far from complimentary. Toto, the clown, opened with a picture, not shown when he was at the Palace recently, and proved tlif-j hit of the bill. His contortion stunts created much entliusiasm. and his comedy found high favor. Tixf manikin stunts puzzled the- audl« ence. Hal Skelley and Ina Williams were the pronounced hits f "The Mutual Man/' which c-osed the flrst show, with Eunice Sauvaln and Helen Gates giving valuable assist- ance. In a highly delightful musical comedy Interlude. The downstairs filled before tha show was half over, in spite of the nice weather. If*EU/* the Jeweler TO THE PROFESSION Special Discount to Performars WHEN IN CHICAGO State-Lake Theatre Blda^ Ground Floor Four of the acta at the State- Lake this week came from the Main Street tiveatre In Kansas City. As frequently happens, they arrived too late for the two scheduled for the first show to appear. Two acts were drawn from the Majestic. The four acts making this Jump were Gibson and Connelll, Tom Kelly, Five liC- lands, and Walton and Brant. The EUGENE cox SCENERY 1734 Ogden Avenu* CHICAGO Phone Seelejr SSOl Ask FERRY-FROG MAN Gene Greene divides honors with "Cheyenne Days" as headliner for the fourth week of his stay at tha Majestic. The other feature wa* not on the show seen Sunday. "Chey- enne Days" and Skipper. Kennady and Reeves, two of the regular acta Attention SCENIC ARTISTS Will Rent or Exchange for Work Modem Scenery Paint Frame See Manager Oilcknfuui'a Falare Theaiwi Blue laland Ave., at Roaaevelt itaa4 CHIC AGO FUR COATS Cleaned, Glazed and Relined We also Remodel Furs into tbi Latest Style—Work called for Free Storage to the Perfonner Blamenfield's For Shop 204 State-Lake BIda. CHICAGO Piione DeartMHv ItSS ALL WORK GUARANTEED R A I N B O Q A. R D B N S MILLION DOLLAR OUTDOOR GARDENS CLARK ST., at LAWRENCE AVENUE. CHICAGO FRED MANN Presents EDWARD BECK'S NEW SUMMER PRODUCTION "RAINBO BLOSSOMS" With an All-star Cast and the Rainbo Beauty Chorus FAMOI^h'^dinnIK,*®'^''"'^*- ""^ "'® RAINBO ORCHESTRA rAMUUH DINNKK8 \ i,\ fARTR HKUVICB FOUR YtLEROM IN A NOVEL EUROPEAN IMPORTATION { THE ONLY ACT OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD-JUST FINISHED A SUCCESSFUL SEASON FOR THE B. F. KEITH ' • VAUDEVILDE EXCHANGE : ' NOW PLAYING THE LOEW HOUSES IN NEW YORK CITY *■ i, ^