Variety (July 1923)

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t '.^a. _- «n:".' --.-v-^ "-:^-j f Wednesday, July 4, 1923'/ -».-f'f,. J" ■^^ . iu^ '':'■•■, y"!* S';^ ■^/♦(i ,?»"«.? •■■://:-wT»y^'" •Tjr«--ii T^^^^fJi?^ >jjii»vi.^^vf.• ;^-fi:;^.7v;? '■"■'t:?*^ VA RIETY ti ^^^M^C'^y^^M^y^^'/i^.Z^^^^ ..^;--V. .,.A-. :-f>v SERVES YOU RIGHT / BY JOE >»», A TOWLE .V. ■V Y'" '•n ■'■"'.■ I ',%y _La8t Season I Left Regular VaudeviUe To Become A Shubert Unit Actor-Producer. With De Haven And Nice I Produced "Mulligan»8 FoUies;' Uter WeU- Named "Broadway Follies." I Invested A Lifetime's Savings, Mortgaging My Home In Boston. The Unit Worked Eleven Weeks, Most Of Which I Had The Pleasure Of Working For Nothing. Finally We Reached Detroit Where I Refused To Go On The Stage UntU I Had Received Some of The Money Due Me. Five Hundred Dollars Was Produced Which I Divided WiUi De Haven 'And Nice. .', v ;■. -. ^^^ ■'::'^V^-v^^^^^ ■::wv-/.k.•-... ■' > •.■^':/::- In The Middle Of The Week Our Scenery, Music, Photos And Per- sonal Belongings Of Mine W6re Sold, f At The End Of The Week We Were Told The Principals Would Re- ceive No Money. : The Chorus Girls Received $20 Apiece And Hckets To New York In Lieu Of $140 Back Salaries Due Them. j ' ^ The Manager Of The Show Paid Them OfiF, Flanked By Two Detect- ives Who Were Present to Subdue Anyone Pugilistically Inclined. Otto Kleaves Was The Show Manager. The St. Paul Elks Advanced Us Enough To Pay Our Hotel Bills And ■We Returned To New York. :;;',:yv;;.:#.;-:"'"";,,;:N. :.v^^^ I Played A Few Weeks Of Shubert Vaudeville, Then Went Home; Only To Return After Receiving A Wire From Arthur Klein (Shubert Booking Manager), Offering Me Four Weeks' Work With His Unit, The Gertrude Hoffman Show, Which Was Scheduled For A Four-Week Run At The Majestic; Boston.;V:':'.'::'1:V;::'3::^^ , '^W^^. ^v^ , _.....,:,„..,;;,,:„,, I Am Still Owed $290 From That Engagement. 1 Have A Suit Pend- ing Against Klein. When I Asked Him For My Money He Told Me; *Try And.Collect." /'■■\y:''■''■ ^--.^^ I Started Last Season With $5,000 bi The Bank And Bright ProspecU —Now You Can Write Your Own Ticket. V This Is A Plain Statement Of Facts. The Moral Is Obvious. • ■■^ My Billing Remains As Always "The 'Cleanest' Act On The Bill." '/•^, ';.*. i».^ J"