Variety (July 1923)

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■;^- VARIETY *-'^. f''7'^'"^."^''}f'jfi:^ • ' •■■>■..■(• ■ ■' Wednesday, July 4, 1923 £. F. ALBEE, President J. J. MURDOCK, General Manager :^^}i^ i-^H. Ft F. PROCTOI^ Vipe-Pr^denl B. F KEITH'S VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE (AGENCY) (Palace Theatre Building; New Yoifey * j ^; .■••-■.. Foundert '^' .^■\''' B. F. KEITH, EDWARD F. ALBEE, A. PAUL KEITH, F. F. PROCTOR Artists can book direct addressing W. DAYTON WEGEFARTH '^ ^ ^ rea Marcus Loew s Booking Agency General Executive OFFices IPEW BUILDING ANNEX 160 WEST 46^"ST- NEW YORK JHLUBIN OEITKRJLL MJMA0ER chicAoo oppice l^dZCapltQlBldg SmKEYMWraSMAK IN CHAROC •.^; —^ \ ) BOOKING DEPARTMENT, Palace Theatre Buildinir NEW YORK ^ EXECUTiVE OFFICES itate-Lake Building . CHICAGO ^1 ACKERMAN & HARRIS EXECUTIVE OFFICES: THIRD FLOOR, PHELAN BLDG. MARKET, GRANT and O'FARRELL STREETS SAN FRANCISCO ELLA HERBERT WESTON, Booking Manager 8BVBN TO TBN WBBK CONTRACTS NOW BKINO ISSUED. LETTERS Wken ••Bdias tor Mali f VAIlllCTY ««<rM« Mall Clerk PUSTCARDS, ADVBRT18ING or CIRCULAR LBTTBRS WILL NOT BB ADVBRTIBBD. LBTTKRS ADVBRTIBBD *N ONB I8SUB ONLY. A<1ams Ted Allan Floronc* Auffustln Troup* Harry Mabel iscnnwtt Hydn«r IMsMtt Ilillr Itlanchard BA Jtollea Ned Draohard Taal liraack Louis ISroaaeau FraaoM ISuraa Bob Burton RicharA raaler Dan Chandler Harold Charmltter JalM Chriatle Grace Citron Herman Cornell M Courtney Viola lyArrr arac« D«von Hattle Dodre William Dowd Larry Dreadner Leonard Drlacoll Jimmy Dunn Dernlce DuVal B Flajer A Oiltnur* Fisher Clifford Foklna ft Foklna Ford J FrsDoea Marie /5= :^ 1 Y. n make 'em avu •moke 'em CIOAB8 MADB Df ALL BIZB8 I & Y Cigar Co. 7<N^— 7th ATB. Opp. C«i«nbt« ThcAtre %nier» All the reiformer* llevt Vi- Franz Sir Hall Chaa Hall William Hallo Bnnlr* HarrlKton Patricia Hlrshfold M Hulen R Hunter Grorgle .Tarrell Jayne Jonea Fannie Kane Morey & M Kolly Mabke Kelly Mable Kelly M Kelly William Kennedy Feggy Kcno Keya ft If Kllman O LaVall I LaVall J I^e Mildred Leonard Jeane Lester Nellie Lloyd Edna Marah Chaa Martin Alfred Marvin* Bar! MacDonald Chaa McQulnneaa J McNally John Namoll Rva Noblett* Vensa O'Connor Slatera O'Deniahon Ft'rence Rappl Harry Relchy Roy Rollina R Roaa Rita Rutland May Ryder Etta Schultz Myrtle Severn Margaret Sinking Jamea Sizar Bunlce Snow ft Columbua Spier Maude S(eln Ban Stowlts Stephens Harry Stevena Millie Vance Dorothy Vincent Shea Waters Tom Warden Ann Weaver Broa Willis Gladys Wiley Dan Wlllhart Betty (^Wllaoa P THE STANDARD INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE AGENCY FALLY MARKUS • 1547 Broadway ' > NEW YORK GAIETY THEATRE B..DQ. Bryant 6060-6061 BERT LEVEY CIRCUITS VAUDEVILLE THEATRES ALCAZAR THEATRE BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO PAUL GOUDRON, CAPITOL BUILDING, CHICAGO Detroit offico. 206 Breltmeyer Bldg. Floreats Fesena Furman Haxel Fair Polly Gulifoyle J ft O Gibson Hardy Glbaon Jean Gordon A Day Hyde Martaa Harrla Jack Ifowland Loa Hollina Kitty Hutlbert Gene Iveraon Frits Mlsa Johnaon Bro ft J Kins Slaters Khaym Kingaton B Mlaa Lloyd Arthur Mra liee Bryan Laddie G'rden Rose Lans Jean Leon L Llczette Millie Maaon Smillns B Morrlaon ft Daley McGowan Ntelaon Anabel Owen Garry Pullman Kattle Ritchie Joe Remain* Julia Ryan Hazel Southern Jean Slmmona D Jamea Smith Oilver Co Santrey N ft Breen Sllverettea The White Francea Warden Horace C Welnsteln W Henry itito theatre patronage over week- ends. It is only because of the in- flux of tourists coming here to enjoy the cool weather that the summer business is saved. The Lyric has closeid for a short period. The house has been show- ing pictures. It is runAored vaude- ville or musical stock will go on In August DETROIT By JACOB SMITH Vaughan QIaser, who concluded a four week's stock engagement at Orchestra hall last Saturday, Is ne- gotiating with David Ncderlander for the Shubert-Detroit. The deal will likely be closed during the pres- ent week and the opening July 9. CHICAGO OFICB Andrus C«oU Mrs Austin Phil Anderson LucUt^ Athena Mlsa Alex Three \ nimbo Chaa Dlarkwell Rita BothweU Lydia Bennett Chaa Cunard Grae* Cathro Lomaa J Cohan ft Duaey Chadderton Lillian Carllnv Hilda Currier Carl Croaa B Cba« The Bonstelle Players will present "The Widow Shannon" at the Gar- rlck July 9. The comedy is being considered by Grace George for next season. It is "by a new author. Lea B. Freeman. riOHHHHMii CREO STUDIO ■ — ^- : 1 For Sensational Stage Dancing The only one of its kind 170 WEST 48th STREET Just Off Seventh Avenue, New York City PHONE BRYANT 5156 The Majestic has "Baby Mine." Manager M. W. McGee plans to give his players a. four weeHs' rest—from July 15 to Aug. 15. "The Green Goddess' at the Gar- rick this week. The Oarrlck, «l8ter house to the Lyric, has begun a split week of pictures and a few stage features. John E. Keith is organist at the Qarriclt. INDIANAPOLIS By VOLNEY B FOWLER MURAT—"Nice People," Walker company. ENGLISH'S—"The Night Cap," Grand Players. The RIalto has been opened as a 'SEE US WHEN IN CALIFORNIA'* MEIKLEJOHN and DUNN Amuseincnr Managera. Theatrical AKeata. Personal Representativea. Vaudeville. Road Shows. «4r''.''o'.s;.:.'L'o?r'""*'•" ^•'-*'' »•-•-•• tabloid musical comedy and feature photoplay house. The Frank Rem- busch interests have added both this theatre and the Oayety to the Hoosler string, ir aklng 16 altogether. .^Road musical shows are booked. Companies shift once a week, but bills are changed in mid-week. Bd Gallighan is at the helm of the Rialto. The theatre has been 4«rk for several months, having been la- volved in receivership proceedings of the former ownership. Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty, In the city last Thuw- day to dismiss the federal antl-troat suitA against coal miners and opera- tors, received a wire from Will H. Hays, who was In Chicago, that he wanted i conference. Hays came, conferred and went away. No one found out what wa« discussed. Jack C. Orossmann, killed Ust week in the party struck by light- ning at Long Beach, L. I., was th« brother of Arch V. Orossmann, president of the Indianapolis Rotarf Club. Mr. Orossmann was at Rich- mond, Ind., attending a Rotary af- fair, when word of his brother'* death reached him. He left imme- diately for Cokimbus, Ohio, to b« with his parents when his brother'p body arrived there. =^ ADELAIDE & HUGHES Sittdio of Dance 45 West 57th StrMt, New York - Phone Plasa 10S8 Photoplays — "Only 38," Capitol; "Ragged Edge." IJroadway-Sfrand; "The Woman With Four race.s." AfJams; "Environmonl," Washing- ton. MndlHon closed. Harry Berman. general manager of the F. B. O., was here Ia.'<t week and closed a deal for "Hun^an Wreckage," with John If. Kunsky, for an indeflnite run st the Adams, •slarling June ir*. DULUTH By JAMES WATTS ORPHKUM—Stock. The automobile Is putting a crimp • 4